represent respectively the i-th row and the j-th column of the matrix (1), and aij
represents the ... We now consider the question of arithmetic involving matrices.
Seafarer and Technologies of the Sylf', The Journal of English and Germanic ...... one-third of kennings in Old English refer to the human body or the breast, i.e.,.
lElisabeth Schiissler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her: A Feminist. Theological ... 5The
earliest rabbinic materials date from around AD 200 in their written form.
(1959): Vision screening for elementary schools: the orida study .Berekely,CA,University of. California . .... Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa FL.
Sincere gratitude is due to the families participating in this study that have .... Descriptive Analysis of Family Involvement in OBHRC Member Programs . ...... Table 10 Pattern code Process: Family Crisis with descriptive codes, definitions ...... b
coms for connecting the virtual welding gun and Helmet as shown in figure 4.4. ... changes in angular or linear displacement from some datum position, while an absolute .... be provided with free conductor ends or a connector; the Barrel type.
townships and former white suburban areas in order to overcome the ...... services, called public goods, are defined by the economic legends Samuelson.
based sampling campaign enumerated a total of fifty-six (43 on Flat, 13 on Gabriel) 2.5m radius circular ..... There are a number of legal and policy tools, which, if adequately enforced and implemented, provide ...... 4.0.2 Watering cans, drip.
Available at web site: INEGI (Instituto ... Valdes T (1995) Mujeres Latinoamericanas en Cifras; Tomo Comparativo.
During operation, solar and ambient energy absorbed by the solar ... to a high pressure by an electrically driven compressor ... assisted heat pump under typical domestic hot water loads .... water type cooling tower, heat exchanger. (condenser) ....
A choice-based conjoint (CBC) experiment was employed to analyze ..... the 18-run fractional factorial design and a 36-run full factorial design indicated that.
1. Chapter Four: Matrices Theory. References: 1. Advanced Engineering
Mathematics by C. Ray Wylie. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin
University of Technology Dep. Of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Lecture (1)
Engineering Analysis Lecture notes Third year Lec. Dr. Abbas H. Issa
Chapter Four: Matrices Theory References: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by C. Ray Wylie 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
4.1 Definition: A matrix of order (m x n), or m by n is a rectangular matrix, array of numbers having m rows and n columns. It can be written in the form
⎡ a11 ⎢a A = ⎢ 21 ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣ a m1
a 22
a1 n ⎤ a 2 n ⎥⎥ M ⎥ ⎥ a mn ⎦
A ∈ R m×n
If m = n it is called square matrix of order m or n. 4.2 Diagonal matrix: a square matrix D is said to be diagonal matrix if the element of the matrix satisfy
= 0
(i ≠
≠ 0
(i =
⎡2 D = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎢⎣ 0
0 − 1 0
0 ⎤ 0 ⎥⎥ 5 ⎥⎦
A matrix L is called a lower triangular matrix of order 3
⎡2 L = ⎢⎢ 3 ⎢⎣ 5
0 −1 4
0⎤ 0 ⎥⎥ 3 ⎥⎦
A matrix U is called an upper triangular matrix of order 3
University of Technology Dep. Of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Lecture (1)
Engineering Analysis Lecture notes Third year Lec. Dr. Abbas H. Issa
4.3 Equality of matrices: Two matrices A= (ajk) and B= (bjk) of the same order are equal iff.
ajk= bjk 4.4 Addition and subtraction of matrices: To add or subtract, two matrices must be of the same order if
[ ]
A = a ij
[ ]
, B = bij
A m B = a ij m bij
Note that A+B = B+A
(Commutative law)
(A+B) +C = A+ (B+C)
(Associative law)
4.5 Multiplication of matrix by a scalar: If A= [aij] and q is a scalar number, then qa = q [aij] 4.6 Multiplication of matrices: let
[ ]
A = a jk ∈ R m×n
[ ]
B = b jk ∈ R r × p
Then (AB) is defined only when n = r and it is (m x p) matrix
[ ]
C = c jk
c jk =
∑ (a i =1
b ik )
>>> Properties of matrix operation: ( kA) B = k ( AB ) (associativ e A ( BC ) = ( AB ) C = ABC and distributi ve) ( A + B ) C = AC + BC C ( A + B ) = CA + CB AB ≠ BA ( Not commulativ e)
A . B → B is pre-multiplied by A or A is post- multiplied by B _____________________________________________________________________ 2
University of Technology Dep. Of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Lecture (1)
Engineering Analysis Lecture notes Third year Lec. Dr. Abbas H. Issa
4.7 Transpose of a matrix: If A = a jk
AT = akj
Note that ( A + B )T = AT + B T ( A B )T = B T AT
( AT )T = A
4.8 Symmetric and skew – symmetric matrices: If AT=A → symmetric matrix (A is square matrix) If AT=-A → skew- symmetric matrix e.g. ⎡ 1 − 3⎤ B=⎢ ⎥ is symmetric ⎣− 3 2 ⎦
⎡0 − 1⎤ A=⎢ ⎥ is skew − symmetric ⎣1 0 ⎦
4.9 Principle diagonal & trace: If A= [ajk] is a square matrix, then the diagonal which contains all elements of ajk (j=k) is called the principle or main diagonal. The sum of these elements is called the trace e.g. 0 − 1⎤ ⎡1 ⎢ A = ⎢ 2 − 3 5 ⎥⎥ , The trace of A = 1 + ( −3) + 6 = 4 ⎢⎣− 4 1 6 ⎥⎦
4.10 Unity matrix: It is a square matrix that all elements of its principle diagonal are 1 while the other is 0 AI = I A = A
4.11 Determinant: If A is a square matrix the ∆A=|A| is the determinant of A. found as follows: a- Minor given any element of ajk of ∆ we associate a new determinant of order (n-1) obtained by removing all elements of the JM row and KM column. This is called the Minor of ajk
University of Technology Dep. Of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Lecture (1)
Engineering Analysis Lecture notes Third year Lec. Dr. Abbas H. Issa
Example: 2 −1 1 −3 2 5 1 0 −2 4 2 3
3 0 2 1 2 −1 3
The minor of element 5 is 1
2 =Min 23
b- Cofactor: if we multiply the minor of ajk by (-1)j+k the result is called the cofactor of ajk and it is denoted by Ajk e.g. the cofactor of element 5 in last example is ( −1)
University of Technology Dep. Of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Lecture (1)
Engineering Analysis Lecture notes Third year Lec. Dr. Abbas H. Issa
And if we take the transpose of C then CT is called the adjoint of the original matrix A (Adj A). Example: ⎡2 3 5⎤ A = ⎢⎢4 1 6⎥⎥ , then ⎣⎢1 4 0⎥⎦ ⎡ 1 ⎢+ ⎢ 4 ⎢ 3 C = ⎢− ⎢ 4 ⎢ 3 ⎢+ 1 ⎣
⎡− 24 20 13 ⎤ Adj A = C T = ⎢⎢ 6 − 5 8 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ 15 − 5 − 10⎥⎦
4.13 Matrix Inversion: If A is a non-singular matrix of order n (i.e ∆A≠0), then there exists a unique inverse A-1 such that AA-1=1 and can be expressed as Example: from previous example det A=45 ⎡ − 24 ⎢ 45 ⎢ 6 A −1 = ⎢ ⎢ 45 ⎢ 15 ⎢⎣ 45
20 45 −5 45 −5 45
13 ⎤ 45 ⎥ 8 ⎥ ⎥ 45 ⎥ − 10 ⎥ 45 ⎥⎦
Note that: 1. The inverse of 2x2 matrix ⎡ a11 a12 ⎤ A=⎢ ⎥ ⎣a 21 a 22⎦ 1 ⎡ a 22 − a12⎤ is A −1 = det A ⎢⎣− a 21 a11 ⎥⎦
2. The inverse of a non-singular diagonal matrix is
4.14 Rank: The rank of a matrix A is the largest value of r for which there exists an (r x r) sub matrix of A with non-vanishing determinant. Example: The matrix ⎡ 1 2 −1 3 ⎤ ⎢ 3 4 0 − 1⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢− 1 0 − 2 7 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎦ ⎣
, is of the rank 2, since each of the third-order sub matrices ⎡2 − 1 3 ⎤ ⎢4 0 − 1⎥, ⎥ ⎢ ⎢⎣0 − 2 7 ⎥⎦
⎡ 1 −1 3 ⎤ ⎢3 0 − 1⎥⎥, ⎢ ⎢⎣− 1 − 2 7 ⎥⎦
⎡1 2 3⎤ ⎢ 3 4 − 1⎥, ⎥ ⎢ ⎢⎣− 1 0 7 ⎥⎦
⎡ 1 2 − 1⎤ ⎢3 4 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢⎣− 1 0 − 2⎥⎦
, is singular, while not all second-order sub matrices are singular. 4.15 Elementary operation: (Gaussian elimination method) 1. Interchanging columns or rows 2. Multiplication of row (column) by a non-zero number. 3. Addition to (or subtraction from) all the elements of any row (column) k times the corresponding elements of any other row (column). We will use elementary row operation only ERO: