processing program (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Systems,. Mountain View, CA) on a Power Macintosh ... roplasts in the wild-type cells. These images clearly illus-.
Plant Physiol. (1 996) 1 12: 149-1 59
Characterization of Chloroplast Division Using the Arabidopsis Mutant arc5’ Elizabeth J. Robertson, Stephen M. Rutherford, and Rache1 M. Leech*
Department of Biology, The University of York, P.O. Box No 373, York, YO1 5YW, United Kingdom The chloroplast division process is under tight control and in wheat has been shown to always follow the same sequence of physical changes (Leech et al., 1981; Possingham and Lawrence, 1983). A11 of the chloroplasts in a young wheat leaf cell undergo division synchronously. ctDNA replication always takes place prior to chloroplast division and ctDNA molecules segregate into the two daughter chloroplasts at division (Scott and Possingham, 1980; Boffey and Leech, 1982; Possingham and Lawrence, 1983). Chloroplast accumulation in developing leaves enormously affects photosynthetic efficiency, yet the control of the chloroplast division process itself is one of the leastunderstood areas of chloroplast biology. Previously, the lack of appropriate mutants has been a severe limitation in studies of chloroplast replication, but our recent isolation of a collection of mutants with extreme, specific lesions in the chloroplast division process has remedied this deficiency (Pyke and Leech, 1992,1994; Pyke et al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1995). These arc (accumulation and replication of chloroplasts) mutants are the first to be identified with large, stable changes in chloroplast number, representing recessive lesions of at least 10 independent nuclear alleles. We have mutants in which chloroplast number per cell is either greatly increased (+50%) or greatly reduced (-95%) compared with wild type. These mutant plants grow normally and are fertile in controlled-growth conditions. We now propose to use our unique Arabidopsis mutants to determine the molecular mechanisms involved in the chloroplast division process. In one of these mutants, the chloroplasts of arc5 have a particularly interesting phenotype: they are permanently constricted dumbbells and never complete division into two daughter plastids. There are only 13 mature chloroplasts per cell in arc5 (121 in wild type) and they are 6-fold larger than wild-type chloroplasts (Pyke and Leech, 1994). The chloroplast division process has been initiated but not completed in the mutant arcfi, but the ARC5 gene clearly has a critica1 role in normal chloroplast replication. To identify the precise lesion in arc5 chloroplast division and specify the role of ARC5, we have followed in detail the changes in a r d chloroplasts during their perturbed division. For comparison, the normal chloroplast division process in wild-type Arabidopsis is also described.
arc5 is a chloroplast division mutant of Arabidopsis fhaliana. To identify the role of ARC5 in the chloroplast replication process we have followed the changes in arc5 chloroplasts during their perturbed division. A R G does not affect proplastid division but functions at a later stage in chloroplast development. Chloroplasts in developing mesophyll cells of arc5 leaves do not increase in number and all of the chloroplasts in mature leaf cells show a central constriction. Young a r d chloroplasts are capable of initiating the division process but fail to complete daughter-plastid separation. Wild-type plastids increase in number to a mean of 121 after completing the division process, but in the mutant arc5 the approximately 13 plastids per cell are still centrally constricted but much enlarged. As the a r d chloroplasts expand and elongate without dividing, the interna1 thylakoid membrane structure becomes flexed into an undulating ribbon. We conclude that the ARCS gene is necessary for the completion of the last stage of chloroplast division when the narrow isthmus breaks, causing the separation of the daughter plastids.
Chloroplast replication is a fundamental component of normal chloroplast development. In higher plants the division of young chloroplasts in leaf mesophyll cells has been identified in severa1 species (wheat, maize, bean, spinach, turnip, tobacco, and Arabidopsis thaliana) by increases in chloroplast number and recognition of division profiles (see Boffey, 1992, for a review). Chloroplasts divide by binary fission. The initiation of the replication process is first recognized as a centripetal invagination, followed by extreme narrowing of the central constriction (isthmus), then the separation of the two daughter chloroplasts (Leech et al., 1981).A consistent feature of dividing chloroplasts is an electron-opaque torus around the narrowing isthmus, which is recognized in higher plants (Leech et al., 1981; Hashimoto, 1986; Oross and Possingham, 1989; Modrusan and Wrischer, 1990), algae (Mita et al., 1986; Mita and Kuriowa, 1988; Hashimoto, 1992), and lower plants (Tewinkel and Volkmann, 1987; Duckett and Ligrone, 1993). The function of the torus remains to be determined, but in algae (Mita and Kuroiwa, 1988; Hashimoto, 1992) and lower plants (Tewinkel and Volkmann, 1987) there is evidence that suggests that it may contain actin.
Supported by an Agricultura1 and Food Research Council (now BBSRC, UK) plant molecular biology grant (LR87/528) to R.M.L. The authors wish to dedicate this paper to the memory of Keith Partridge. * Corresponding author; fax 44-1904-432860.
Plant Crowth
Wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana plants of the ecotype Landsberg erecfa and plants of the arc5 mutant were grown 149
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in controlled conditions as described previously (Pyke and Leech, 1991). The arc5 mutant was isolated from an ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutagenized Arabidopsis population in the background Ler (Lehle Seeds, Tucson, AZ) (Pyke and Leech, 1994). Scoring of Division Profiles
Slices of leaf tissue (1mm in thickness) were fixed for 1h in 3.5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde and then the fixative was replaced with 0.1 M Na,EDTA (pH 9). Incubation at 60°C in fresh 0.1 M Na,EDTA (pH 9) for another 3 h ensured adequate cell separation when tissue samples were teased apart on glass slides (Pyke and Leech, 1991). Chloroplasts in division within the individual fixed mesophyll cells were counted by eye using Nomarski differential interferente contrast optics. Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
First leaves from 19-d-old plants were harvested, cut into 2- to 3-mm-thick slices, fixed for 1h in 3.5% glutaraldehyde (v/v), washed briefly in 0.1 M Na,EDTA (pH 9), and then incubated in EDTA for 1h at 60°C. Intact isolated cells were obtained by gentle maceration of the leaf tissue on a microscope slide. Nineteen-day-old plants were chosen by light microscope examination, since mesophyll chloroplast size was optimal for examination at this developmental stage. Due to chlorophyll autofluorescence, chloroplasts were visualized without the need for staining. Individual cells were optically sectioned using a confocal laser scanning microscope (Axiovert 100, Zeiss) coupled to an inverted microscope (LSM 410, Zeiss) using a 488-nm blue argon-ion laser. Cells were viewed at 4-pm intervals, sectioning a total depth of 28 pm in each cell scanned. Confocal images were captured and transferred to an image processing program (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Systems, Mountain View, CA) on a Power Macintosh 8100 series computer. Images were printed on a thermal transfer printer (ColourMaster Plus model 6600PS, Calcomp LTD, Vector House, Berkshire, UK). lsolation of Plastids
One gram of fully expanded first leaf tissue of both wild type and the a r d mutant were incubated in 10 mL of digest medium (0.5 M sorbitol, 5 mM Mes, 1 mM CaCl,, pH 5.5) containing pectolyase Y23 (O.l%, w / v ) and cellulase (2%, w / v ) at 30°C for 3 h. After 3 h the enzyme medium was carefully removed by suction through muslin attached across the aperture of an inverted pipette. A11 subsequent steps were carried out using ice-cold solutions. The segments were washed with 5 mL of washing medium (0.5 M sorbitol, 5 mM Mes, 1 mM CaCl,, pH 6.0) three times, releasing the digested leaf material by gentle shaking. After each wash, the contents were filtered through a nylon tea strainer. The filtrates were pooled and spun at lOOg for 5 min at 4°C. The pellet was resuspended in 5 mL of the bottom layer of solution (0.5 M SUC,5 mM Mes, 1mM CaCl,, pH 6.0), overlaid with 3 mL of a second layer (0.4 M SUC,0.1 M sorbitol, 5 mM Mes, 1 mM CaCl,, pH 6.0) and then 2 mL
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of washing medium, and was then spun at 1508 for 10 min at 4°C. The purified protoplasts were collected between the interface of the washing medium and the second layer solution using a Pasteur pipette. The protoplasts were then spun at 1508 for 5 min and placed in resuspension medium (0.5 M sorbitol, 10 mM Na,EDTA, 25 mM Tricine [Hopkins and Williams, Chadwell, UK], pH 8.4). The protoplasts were gently broken on a glass microscope slide and the isolated chloroplasts from wild-type and a r d cells were viewed with Nomarski differential interference contrast optics. Ultrastructural Analysis
For ultrastructural analysis, whole seedlings from wild type (Landsberg erecta) and a r d were harvested after 5, 7, 8, and 9 d of growth. First leaves from wild type (Landsberg erecta) and arc5 were harvested 10 and 27 d after sowing. The shoot apex from the 5-d-old seedling, the first leaf primordium of the young Arabidopsis seedlings, and leaf tissue from the 10- and 27-d-old leaves were examined after fixation and embedding in Spurr’s resin as previously described for Arabidopsis (Pyke et al., 1994).
arc5 Chloroplasts a r d mesophyll cells contain an average of 13 chloroplasts, compared with 121 in the leaf cells of wild-type plants. a r d chloroplasts are also 6-fold larger than wildtype chloroplasts (Pyke and Leech, 1994). Scoring of dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts within isolated mesophyll cells in wild type and arc5 using differential interference contrast optics (Nomarski) showed that in wild-type cells (Fig. l a ) the majority of chloroplasts have completed division early in cellular development, but in arc5 mesophyll cells the chloroplasts remain in suspended division until cell maturity (Fig. lb). To establish the exact proportion of the arc5 chloroplast population in which division is arrested and to enable chloroplasts along the cell edge to be visualized accurately, the arc5 mesophyll cells were examined at 19 d using confocal scanning laser microscopy. Optical sectioning of cells from arc5 and wild-type mature mesophyll cells allowed the visualization of sequential slices through isolated cells. In the arc5 cells the enlarged plastids could easily be resolved and the entire chloroplast population examined in detail. A11 of the arc5 plastids had a definite central constriction (1-10 pm in diameter), in contrast to the much more numerous, small, rounded chloroplasts in the wild-type cells. These images clearly illustrate the extreme size and constricted morphology of arc5 plastids (Fig. 2, top) compared with wild type (Fig. 2, bottom), and confirm that a11 of the plastids in each cell are indeed arrested in a late stage of chloroplast division. To determine if the constriction of the enlarged arc5 plastids was a stable configuration, plastids in the process of division were isolated from protoplasts of both arc5 (Fig. 3b) and wild-type (Fig. 3a) mesophyll cells. The isolated plastids a11 stably retained their central constrictions. In the
Arrested Plastid Division in the Arabidopsis Mutant arc5
ul -”
causes severe changes in both proplastid division and chloroplast division (Pyke et al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1995). l h e Ultrastructure of arc5 Chloroplasts and Wild-Type Chloroplasts during Development
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Mesophyll Cell Plan Area (pmz) Figure 1. The relationship between the proportion of the total number of chloroplasts in division per mesophyll cell and mesophyll cell plan area (Fm2) from fully expanded leaves of w i l d type (Landsberg erecta) (a, O)and arc5 (b, O). Each data point represents the mean of a11 cell measurements per 500 pm2 range of cell plan area. SE bars are shown for each point; in some cases the error bar is smaller than the data point symbol. In wild-type cells (a), the proportion of the chloroplasts in division increases dramatically in the early stages of cell expansion to a peak of approximately 25% and then declines to approximately 5 to 10%. In the arc5 mesophyll cells (b), the proportion of dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts increases in the early stages of cell expansion until the majority of chloroplasts in each cell have a central constriction.
mutant the greatly enlarged a r d chloroplasts never progressed beyond this stage of division, whereas a11 of the wild-type chloroplasts completed this division process.
a r d Proplastids
Young meristematic tissue from 5-d-old seedlings of arc5 was examined to determine if the mutation affects proplastid development in young cells as well as chloroplast division in older cells. In Figure 4a (arc5) and in Figure 4c (Landsberg erecta) meristematic cells are shown. The proplastids in cells from both plants are small, rounded organelles with very rudimentary, nonappressed thylakoid membranes irregularly distributed throughout the stroma. No significant difference in proplastid morphology can be seen between the wild-type and the a r d chloroplasts. The arc5 mutation, therefore, does not affect proplastid development. This is in contrast to the arc6 mutation, which
As proplastids mature into chloroplasts during normal development they enlarge in size and the amount of thylakoid membrane increases and becomes more aligned. Leaf primordial cells from arc5 are shown in Figure 4b and cells from Landsberg erecta seedlings are shown in Figure 4d. The number of chloroplast profiles per cell is similar in wild-type and arc5 cells. There is also little difference in plastid morphology, internal thylakoid membrane structure, or thylakoid alignment when arc5 and wild-type plastids are compared. These observations suggest that the wild-type and arc5 chloroplasts of leaf primordial cells develop at a similar rate; the arc5 mutation is not yet evident in leaf primordia, nor does the arc5 mutation lead to any microscopically detectable changes in proplastid or young chloroplast development. Chloroplast division profiles have been repeatedly observed in developing cells of both arc5 and wild-type plants. To our knowledge, this is the first time the chloroplast division mechanism has been described in wild-type Arabidopsis. Chloroplast division in Arabidopsis occurs by binary fission following a sequence of changes very similar to those previously observed in wheat chloroplasts (Leech et al., 1981). Using the observations on the sequence of phases in chloroplast division in developing wheat cells as a model, specific stages in the chloroplast division process can also be identified in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. In Figure 5, three sequential stages in the division process are shown for both a r d and wild-type chloroplasts. Dumbbell-shaped plastids are very common in young leaves of both auc5 (Fig. 5a) and wild-type (Fig. 5e) leaf cells, and are indicative of one of the first stages of plastid division in which a central constriction forms a wide isthmus. An intermediate stage in division is illustrated in Figure 5, b and f, where the plastids of a r d and wild-type cells, respectively, are shown to be elongated and twisted to give a much narrowed isthmus and an L-shaped appearance in cross-section. Very late stages in chloroplast division are illustrated in Figure 5, c and d, for arc5 and in Figure 5 g in wild-type cells. The isthmus is extremely narrow in a11 the chloroplasts at this time and separates the plastid into two distinct and equal halves. Frequently, twisting of the internal thylakoid membrane fretwork is observed at this late stage of division. Normally, the thylakoid membranes are oriented parallel to the long axis of the plastid, but during the later stages of chloroplast division the alignment of the thylakoid membrane typically changes and the longitudinal orientation of the membrane is lost in one of the two halves of the plastid (Fig. 5c). This occurs because the two halves of the dividing plastid ultimately twist in opposite directions around the central isthmus (Leech et al., 1981), resulting in the thylakoid membrane in the two halves of the plastid being oriented at right angles to one another (Fig. 5g). Another classic feature of chloroplasts in the process of division is the torus, or opaque ring, around the narrow
152 Figure 2. arc5 (top) and Landsberg erecta (bottom). 1, An isolated mesophyll cell from a fully expanded leaf viewed with differential interference contrast optics (Nomarski). 2 to 9, Sequential confocal scanning laser micrographs through a comparable isolated mesophyll cell from a 19d-old first leaf. Optical sections were taken 4 fim apart through a total depth of 28 /j,m of the cell. Note that all of the plastids in the cell show a central constriction. Arrows follow a plastid through images 2 to 5 on the upper surface of the cell. Arrowheads follow a plastid through images 7 to 9 on the lower surface of the cell.
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Landsberg erecta
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Arrested Plastid Division in the Arabidopsis Mutant arc5
Landsberg erecta
old. In wild-type plants, the majority of the chloroplasts have completed division and appear as small, ovoid organelles around the periphery of the now-vacuolated cells (Fig. 6, c and d) in 10-d-old plants. In contrast, the chloroplasts in arc5 plants of similar age are much larger and the central constriction is clearly observed (Fig. 6, a and b). The diameter of the isthmus in the arc5 chloroplasts has increased from approximately 100 nm in 9-dold chloroplasts to approximately 200 nm in 10-d-old chloroplasts. In both arc5 (Fig. 6b) and wild-type (Fig. 6d) plastids, the amount of thylakoid membrane has greatly increased and the arrangement of the membranes is more complex, with appressed and nonappressed membranes occurring throughout the stroma. The thylakoid fretwork of membranes is oriented parallel to the long axis of the chloroplasts in both arc5 and wild-type plastids at this stage in development. The Infrastructure of the Mature arc5 Chloroplast
Figure 3. Photomicrographs of isolated mesophyll cell chloroplasts in the process of division. The chloroplasts were from broken protoplasts of fully expanded first leaves of wild-type (a) and arc5 mutant (b) A. thaliana, ecotype Landsberg erecta, viewed with differential contrast optics (Nomarski). Bar = 10 /j.m. Note the greatly enlarged arc5 chloroplasts that never progress beyond this stage of development. All of the wild-type chloroplasts complete the division process in the cell.
isthmus of the dividing plastid (Leech et al., 1981; Hashimoto, 1986; Modrusan and Wrischer, 1990). In the present study, a torus was visible in both arc5 (Fig. 5d) and in Landsberg erecta (Fig. 5g) plastids. The torus was approximately 10 nm in cross-sectional width and 100 nm in cross-sectional length and located at the isthmus (also approximately 100 nm) of the dumbbell-shaped plastids. This torus is thought to circumvent the isthmus of dividing plastids in a transitory manner when the isthmus is close to partitioning. Consequently, the torus is very rarely observed, since it is necessary to capture the plastids at exactly the right transitory moment in division and also to section plastids exactly above the narrow, ring-like torus for it to be resolved. Since arc5 dividing plastids showed morphological changes during the early stages of the chloroplast division process that are very similar to those seen in wild-type plastids, young arc5 plastids clearly must have the capability to initiate and complete the early stages in plastid division, as do wild-type plants. Since the majority of the plastids in arc5 have extremely narrow isthmi, the division of chloroplasts in the arc5 mutant is arrested at an extremely late stage in the chloroplast division process. Identification of the First Phenotypic Manifestation of the Mutation
The first visible signs of the arc5 mutant phenotype are evident in the mesophyll cells when the plants are 10 d
After another 17 d of growth, the fully mature arc5 chloroplasts have undergone dramatic changes in their morphology and internal membrane structure. In these 27-d-old plants ultrastructural examination of mature arc5 leaves reveals that all of the mutant plants have a contorted morphology and membrane structure compared with wildtype plastids (Fig. 7). All of the arc5 plastids are also now grossly enlarged (6-fold) compared with wild type. The compacted, rotund, uniform appearance of the wild-type plastids, which has changed very little since d 10, is very different from that of the arc5 chloroplasts, which are extremely elongated in form and have an undulating surface. The plastids are flattened between the vacuole and the cell wall. The arrangement of the thylakoid membranes in the arc5 plastids is also very different from that of the normal wild-type membrane arrangement. Appressed and nonappressed membranes are both evident, but granal stacking is more condensed in arc5 than in wild-type chloroplasts. The orientation of the membrane within the arc5 plastids is also extremely contorted. Instead of running parallel to the chloroplast envelope membranes as in wild-type plastids (Fig. 7d), the thylakoid membrane in arc5 is frequently bent into loops and twisted into U-shaped segments at right angles to each other within the plastid (Fig. 7b). The extreme irregularities in the thylakoid membrane alignment of the arc5 chloroplasts resembles a similar but more complex membrane alignment, as seen in the two halves of a normal dividing chloroplast. The Chloroplasts in arc5 and Wild-Type Epidermal and Vascular Cells
In contrast to the appearance in mesophyll cells, in the epidermal and vascular cells of arc5 leaves the plastids are similar in appearance to wild-type plastids (Fig. 8). In the epidermal cells, including the guard cells, arc5 plastids (Fig. 8, a and b) remain small and ovoid and no central constrictions are observed. In every way they appear similar to wild-type epidermal plastids (Fig. 8, d
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Figure 4. Electron micrographs of longitudinal sections through the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem in arcS (a) and Landsberg erecfa (wild type) (c) and through leaf primordia from 9-d-old Arabidopsis seedlings in arcS (b) and Landsberg erecta (wild type) (d). All proplastids (a and c) and young chloroplasts (b and d) are identified by arrowheads. The arc5 mutant phenotype is not recognizable in the apical meristematic tissue nor in the leaf primordia after 9 d of growth. Bar = 2 /xm.
Arrested Plastid Division in the Arabidopsis Mutant arcS
Figure 5. Electron micrographs of chloroplast division profiles from leaf primordia of Arabidopsis seedlings after less than 10 d of growth in arcS (a-d) and in Landsberg erects (wild type) (e-f). All stages of plastid division are seen in both the arcS mutant and wild-type cells. Arrowheads indicate position of isthmi. a and e, Early stage, dumbbell-shaped plastids with a wide isthmus, b and f, Intermediate stage, elongated, L-shaped plastids with a narrowing of the isthmus, c, d, and g, Late stage, two distinct halves with an extremely narrow isthmus. An opaque division ring can be seen at the isthmus of the plastids in d and g. Bar = 500 nm.
and e). Chloroplasts in arc5 vascular cells (Fig. 8c) are also comparable to wild-type vascular chloroplasts (Fig. 8f) and no central constrictions are evident. Therefore, the manifestation of the arc5 mutation appears to be mesophyll-cell-specific; only in these cells do the plastids maintain a central constriction through to maturity, giving the appearance of chloroplasts arrested in the final stages of division.
It is clear from the evidence presented in this paper that all mature arc5 chloroplasts have a central constriction. This phenotype is unparalleled in any other plant tissue and represents an extremely important lesion in the normal chloroplast division process. Using the discrimination of the confocal scanning laser microscope
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Landsberg erecta ,
Figure 6. Electron micrographs of leaf mesophyll chloroplasts from 11-d-old first leaves of Arabidopsis. a and b, arcS; c and d, Landsberg erecta (wild type). In the enlarged arcS chloroplast (b), arrowheads indicate the position of the central constriction (isthmus). The smaller wild-type chloroplasts have completed division. Ap, Appressed thylakoid membrane; CW, cell wall; N, nucleus; NAp, nonappressed thylakoid membrane; S, starch; V, vacuole. Bar = 500 nm.
(Fig. 2, top) to extend the light microscope observations of whole-leaf cells (Figs. 1 and 2, top and bottom) and isolated chloroplasts, it can be clearly seen that chloroplast division is initiated but not completed in arc5. We conclude that the ARCS gene functions during the final stage of daughter-plastid separation. arc5 plastids con-
sistently have external narrow isthmi about which the two halves of the plastid are twisted, suggesting that ARCS influences the very final stages of chloroplast division. Absence of the influence of ARCS results in a few very enlarged plastids that retain the central constriction even in mature leaf cells.
Arrested Plastid Division in the Arabidopsis Mutant arc5
Landsberg erecta Chloroplasts
Figure 7. Electron micrographs of leaf mesophyll chloroplasts from 27-d-old first leaves of Arabidopsis. a and b, arc5; c and d, Landsberg erecta (wild type). Outlined areas in a and c are enlarged in b and d, respectively. The enlarged arc5 chloroplast has an extremely contorted profile and internal structure (a) compared with wild-type chloroplasts (c). Note the unusual organization of the thylakoid membrane in the arc5 chloroplast, with adjacent thylakoid membranes oriented at right angles to one another (b). Ap, Appressed thylakoid membrane; NAp, nonappressed thylakoid membrane; CW, cell wall; P, peroxisome; V, vacuole. Bar = 1 turn.
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Figure 8. Electron micrographs of leaf cells of Arabidopsis in arcS (a-c) and in Landsberg erecta (wild type) (e and f). Arrowheads point to all of the chloroplasts shown in a, c, d, and f. An epidermal chloroplast is shown in b and e. Chloroplasts in the epidermal cells of arcS (a and b) and wild type (d and e) are small and poorly differentiated compared with mesophyll chloroplasts. arcS chloroplasts located in the vascular tissue (c) are similar in size and ultrastructure to wild-type plastids from the vascular tissue (f). Ep, Epidermal cell; Me, mesophyll cell; Va, vascular cell. Bar = 1 ^tm.
Arrested Plastid Division in the Arabidopsis Mutant a r d In contrast, in apical meristematic tissue and leaf primordia of the a r d mutant, proplastid development and replication is normal and resembles the sequence of events observed in wild-type cells. The chloroplast number (13 in postmitotic cells) in arc5 is similar to the estimated proplastid number (14) in wild-type cells of Arabidopsis (Pyke and Leech, 1992, 1994). No significant difference in proplastid morphology can be seen in meristematic a r d cells compared with wild type (Fig. 4, a and c). The young chloroplasts in leaf primordia are also similar in size and structure in a r d and wild-type cells. arc5 plastids arrive at the final stages of plastid division on a time scale similar to that of wild-type plastids, i.e. up to 9 d after germination, but can go no further along the normal developmental pathway to form daughter plastids. This is in sharp contrast to the ARC6 gene, which radically affects proplastid division such that in arc6 plants, proplastid division is also interrupted (Robertson et al., 1995). The operation of AXC5 is clearly restricted to young dividing chloroplasts in leaf mesophyll cells; epidermal and vascular plastids in a r d appear normal (Fig. 8). Therefore, ARC5 gene expression is not only tissue-specific but cell-specific as well. The extremely contorted form and internal membrane arrangement of mature arc5 chloroplasts is very different from the structure of other arc mutants having low numbers of enlarged plastids, for example, arc3 (Pyke and Leech, 1994) and arc6 (Pyke et al., 1994). In these two mutants, the plastids form a narrow sheet between the plasma membrane a n d the vacuole, and the internal thylakoid membrane arrangement is similar to that of wild type, with appressed and nonappressed membranes distributed throughout the stroma and aligned parallel to the long axis of the chloroplast. The reorientation of the thylakoid membrane observed in mature a r d chloroplasts is also seen in the two opposite halves of normally dividing chloroplasts and further identifies the phase affected by the ARC5 gene. It is clear that after 9 d of growth, arc5 mesophyll chloroplasts differ considerably from wild-type chloroplasts in their development: they are arrested in a late stage of plastid division. a r d chloroplasts retain a central constriction and continue to expand. The internal membrane continues to accumulate and develop, but its alignment and orientation is much perturbed. It twists and folds as in a young dividing plastid, the result being an enlarged plastid with a contorted outline due to the repeated folding and twisting of the internal membrane. Preliminary immunogold labeling studies indicate a possible down-regulation of actin within arc5 chloroplasts compared with wild-type plastids. Down-regulation of this structural protein provides a possible explanation for the unusual organization of the thylakoid membranes within mature a r d chloroplasts and J or the expansion of the torus. arc5 plastids are suspended in the final stages of division and the contortion of the mature plastid reflects the operation of incorrect membrane alignment signals that are maintained into chloroplast maturity. The signals for the final stages of the chloroplast division process remain t o be determined. It is
clear that the arc5 mutant offers a unique opportunity to further unravel the mechanisms controlling the complex and transient stage of isthmus partition in chloroplast division. ACKNOWLEDCMENTS
We wish to thank Dr. Kevin Pyke for valuable advice on this work and Keith Partridge for growing the plants. Received April 1, 1996; accepted June 5, 1996. Copyright Clearance Center: 0032-0889/96/112/0149/ 11. LITERATURE ClTED
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