Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB - MerchantConnect

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JCB. 501. Non-JCB Card. This chargeback occurs when a valid authorization was not obtained from the Issuing bank, and the card information embossed on orĀ ...
Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB

Card Type Reason Code







Reason Code Description

Merchant Action

Non-JCB Card

This chargeback occurs when a valid authorization was not obtained from the Issuing bank, and the card information embossed on or encoded in the magnetic stripe of the card does not conform to JCB's card specification. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that a valid authorization was obtained at the time of the sale along with a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft that conforms to JCB specifications, or evidence that a credit was issued.

Card-Member Dispute

This chargeback occurs when a cardholder disputes goods received or services rendered. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a written rebuttal which provides proof that the goods/services described on the sales receipt or invoice were suitable, there was proper disclosure at the time of purchase, or evidence that a credit was issued.


Expired JCB Card


Incorrect Transaction Amount






Duplicate Processing



Credit Not Received

This chargeback occurs when the card used in a transaction expired before the transaction date, and the sale is processed without a valid authorization. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that a valid authorization was obtained at the time of the sale, along with a signed swiped, or imprinted sales draft that provides a valid expiration date for the card at the time of the sale, or evidence that a credit was issued. This chargeback occurs when the incorrect transaction amount is entered for a sale. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that the transaction amount is correct, and/or a legible copy of the signed swiped or imprinted sales draft, or evidence that a credit was issued. This chargeback occurs when a credit transaction incorrectly posts as a debit or a debit posts as a credit to the cardholder's account; or, a retail/service transaction incorrectly posted as a manual cash advance/ATM cash advance, or a manual cash advance posted as a retail/service transaction. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that the transaction posted correctly as a debit or credit to the cardholder's account along with a signed, swiped or imprinted draft, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder states that they were charged twice for the same transaction. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying two separate signed sales drafts, for each transaction, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a customer indicates they have not received a credit to their account. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that the credit has been issued to this account, or a signed sales receipt stating your refund policy at the time of purchase, or evidence that a credit has been issued.


Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB

Card Type Reason Code




Reason Code Description

Merchant Action


This chargeback occurs when a customer claims they did not receive merchandise which was to be delivered or goods were paid for by other means. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof of delivery signed by the cardholder, a signed swiped draft Non-Receipt of Requested proving the cardholder picked up the merchandise, or evidence that a credit has been Item issued.


This chargeback occurs when the Issuer of an account requests a copy of a transaction receipt on behalf of the cardholder, and a legible copy of the draft requested was not received. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a legible copy of the signed, Requested Copy Illegible swiped or imprinted draft that was requested, or evidence that a credit has been issued.


This chargeback occurs when a transaction exceeds the relevant floor limit that applies without a valid authorization at the time of the sale, or the transaction amount that exceeds the relevant floor limit is greater than the authorized amount. This chargeback may be Transaction Exceeds Floor reversed by supplying proof of a valid authorization for the transaction, or any amount that is Limit greater than your assigned floor limit, or evidence that a credit has been issued.



Authorization Declined



Incorrect Card Number



Addition Error



Altered Amount

This chargeback occurs when a transaction for an account was processed after receiving a decline response. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that a valid authorization was given for the transaction, or evidence that a credit was issued. This chargeback occurs when an account number is provided to the Issuer for a transaction and it does not match any account number in the bank's master file. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying an imprinted or swiped sales draft which has the same account number as the one that is being disputed. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder's copy of the sales draft or other transaction record shows an error in addition which causes the total amount to be incorrect. This chargeback may be reversed by providing proof that the transaction amount is correct, and/or a legible copy of the signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a customer claims that the incorrect amount was billed to their account. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that the transaction was processed correctly, or evidence that a credit has been issued.


Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB

Card Type Reason Code

Reason Code Description

Merchant Action



No Signature



No Imprint



Unauthorized Multiple Transactions



Late Submission

This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims they did not participate in, or authorize a transaction to take place. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft, proof of delivery signed by the cardholder, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims they did not participate in or authorize a transaction to take place. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when two or more transactions take place at one location, and the cardholder claims they only authorized or participated in one. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft for all transactions with the cardholder, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when more than 45 days have elapsed between the transaction date and the settlement of the sale. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft and the corresponding batch header ticket, or evidence that a credit has been issued.

No Show Dispute

This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims they made a hotel or car rental reservation, but one of the following occurred; a) the reservations were cancelled prior to the time limit provided at the time of the reservation, b) accommodations or vehicles were used, but paid for by other means, c) alternate accommodations were provided, d) the amount charged as No-Show differed from the related quote, and/or e) the cardholder was not properly informed of the No-Show or cancellation policy at the time of the reservation. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying documentation refuting the cardholder's claims, or evidence that a credit has been issued.

Advance Deposit

This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims that they participated in a transaction for an advance deposit to secure a hotel reservation, but one of the following occurred; a) the reservation was cancelled, b) alternate accommodations were provided, c) the amount of the advance deposit transaction differed from the rate quoted, and/or d) the cardholder was not properly informed of the cancellation policy at the time of the reservation. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying documentation refuting the cardholder's claims, or evidence that a credit has been issued.






Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB

Card Type Reason Code















Reason Code Description

Merchant Action

This chargeback occurs when the Issuer of an account requests a copy of a transaction receipt on behalf of the cardholder, and a legible copy of the draft requested was not received. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a legible copy of the signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft that was requested, or evidence that a credit has been Illegible Item issued. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims that the authority to process recurring transactions was cancelled prior to the transaction date. This chargeback may be reversed Cancelled Recurring by supplying proof that the cardholder authorized the transaction, or evidence that a credit Transaction has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder claims that they did not participate in or authorize a transaction to take place. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft, proof of delivery signed by the cardholder, or Unauthorized Purchase evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when the JCB card presented for payment was listed on a Stop List that was effective at the time of sale. This chargeback may be reversed by providing proof that the card was not listed on the Stop List at the time of sale, or evidence that a credit has JCB Card on Stop List been issued. This chargeback occurs when a) the cardholder does not receive merchandise at the agreed location or b) the cardholder participated in an ATM transaction but the requested amount of cash was not dispensed to the cardholder. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof of delivery showing the cardholder received the merchandise, or received Non-Receipt of the requested amount in the case of an ATM transaction, or evidence that a credit has been Merchandise/Cash at ATM issued. This chargeback occurs when an Issuer did not receive the requested copy of the sales draft within the allowed time frame. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof Non-Receipt of T&E that the requested copy was provided within the allowed time frame, or evidence that a Documentation credit has been issued.

Split Sale

This chargeback occurs when a transaction requiring an authorization decision was split into two or more card sales to avoid authorization, and had the whole sale been submitted for authorization, it would have been declined. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying proof that the transaction is not a split sale, or that a valid authorization was obtained for the whole amount, or evidence that a credit has been issued.


Chargeback Retreival Code List - JCB

Card Type Reason Code

Reason Code Description

Merchant Action This chargeback occurs when the domestic transaction processed was settled through the International Interchange. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying documentation or information that you feel will assist in reversing the chargeback, or evidence that a credit has been issued. This chargeback occurs when a cardholder paid for a transaction by an alternate method. This chargeback may be reversed by supplying a signed, swiped or imprinted sales draft, or evidence that a credit has been issued.



Domestic Transaction



Paid By Other Means