Charles Bukowski, Son of Satan

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009.htm or 4. Author/work. Charles Bukowski Son of Satan is an extract from Bukowki's book Ham on Rye. Read the short introduction to ...
Webside Texting

Charles Bukowski, Son of Satan 1.Vocab a) Translate into English,. 1. hyl 2. veranda 3. lægeregning 4. vandhane 5. tom fornemmelse 6. indkørsel 7. ondskabsfuld 8. enspænder 9. sug af cigaret 10. puste luft ud 11. svag 12. plet b) Kongruens: udfyld i nutid og derefter i datid. 1. The noose _______ round (to be) 2. He _______ on the edge of the bed (to sit) 3. The boys _______ a kangaroo court (to hold) 4. The police _______ not called by his father (to be) 5. He _______ the rope over a beam (to fling) 6. The others _______ watching (to be) 7. My father _______ in the screen door (to stand) 8. Everybody _______ afraid of peer pressure (to be ) 9. Nobody _______ to experience what Simpson does (want) 10. Simpson _______ a loner(to be) 11. The boy _______ the rope to a faucet (to tie) 12. The leader _______ not want to show weakness (to do). 13. Morgan and Hass _______ Simpson in the stomach (to punch). 2. Parallels to Son of Satan: a) Read the story from Daily Telegraph and find parallels to the short story, as for instance age, (lack of) motive and general circumstances. Discuss your reaction to the newspaper article. Consider your own (potential) role in a similar situation (victim and offender). b) Niall Griffiths The Best Death ever (Flux, British Literature, Systime 2002). Read the story and find parallels to Son of Satan. 3. Pictures a) Compare the picture in “Texting”, p. 38, with the picture “Family Values” on p. 135. ……………….. © 2005 Clara Ehrenreich m.fl. og Systime A/S. Dette materiale er lavet i tilknytning til bogen Texting (Systime, 2005) og må frit anvendes til undervisning og privat brug. I øvrigt er det underlagt den gældende lovgivning vedrørende ophavsret.

Webside Texting

b) Supplementary pictures: Check out Bruce Zeines on www.googles-com ( images) and select pictures for analysis. You may try e.g. 009.htm or 4. Author/work Charles Bukowski Son of Satan is an extract from Bukowki’s book Ham on Rye. Read the short introduction to the edition: and for biographical material, etc.

……………….. © 2005 Clara Ehrenreich m.fl. og Systime A/S. Dette materiale er lavet i tilknytning til bogen Texting (Systime, 2005) og må frit anvendes til undervisning og privat brug. I øvrigt er det underlagt den gældende lovgivning vedrørende ophavsret.