CHEAPSKATE - GRADING RUBRIC. Points awarded for each criteria.→. (From
the Depth of Knowledge Chart). 1. (recall). 2. (skill/ concept). 3. (strategic thinking
CHEAPSKATE - GRADING RUBRIC Points awarded for each criteria. (From the Depth of Knowledge Chart) Clear Understanding Of Mathematical Concept
1 (recall) Demonstrates little understanding of the main concepts.
Organization and Accuracy of Solution(s)
Very weak evidence of organization, a few correct answers Mathematical terms and symbol use are weak, not enough references to mathematical terms are used. Very little evidence of analysis. Some educated guesses. Accuracy is weak. Three or fewer requirements are missing or have major errors.
Clear Understanding of Vocabulary
Accuracy of Analysis
MET ALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: ⃝ Choose a grocery item you like. ⃝Find the price of that item in 5 different stores. ⃝Create a graph displaying the results of your findings. ⃝Determine the unit rate of the item (cost per ounce or cost per gram, etc) ⃝Determine which store provides the best value for that particular item. Write 1-2 sentences that explains why that store is the best value.
PRESENTATION: ⃝eye contact ⃝voice level/clarity ⃝poise ⃝organized/sequential TOTAL SCORE
Three or fewer requirements are missing or have major errors.
2 (skill/ concept) Demonstrates a partial understanding of the main concepts. Organization needs to improve, some correct answers. Some mathematical terms and symbols are used correctly.
3 (strategic thinking) Demonstrates an understanding of the main concepts.
Mathematical terms and symbols are used appropriately.
Mathematical terms and symbols are used appropriately and are often elaborated upon.
Analyzes the problem with some success, accuracy needs to improve. Two or fewer requirements are missing or have major errors.
Analysis of the problem is evident, considerable accuracy. One requirement is missing or has major errors.
Thorough analysis of the problem with accurate solutions.
Two or fewer requirements are missing or have major errors.
One requirement is missing or has major errors.
Met all project requirements and with no major errors.
Organized and most answers are correct.
4 (extended thinking) Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the main concepts. Well organized with correct answers.
Met all project requirements and with no major errors.