Fill a board with the best, most awesome quotes and you'll be sure to get lots of repins. Best Blogs. Develop a board fe
Cheat Sheet for Educators
by Dr. Kimberly Tyson @tysonkimberly
: Tips, Tricks, & Words to the Wise* Pinterest—a social media site that allows users to create and share virtual bulletin boards, or pinboards Pin—an image added to a pinboard. A pin can be “pinned” from a website using the “Pin It” button or uploaded from images on a computer. RePin—adding a pin from someone else’s board to one of your boards. Boards—where you collect and categorize pins (images, videos, etc.)—organize by themes, topics, grade levels, months, content areas “Pin It” Button—A “Pin It” button lets you easily grab great content from the web to add to your boards. Add to your browser toolbar. Search—Search for boards by topic/key words or search for specific people. Links—A pin is automatically linked to the site from which you pinned the content. Show, Don’t Tell—The key to Pinterest is in the visuals. Adding text to an image or describing in the comment section helps others quickly identify the topic or understand what they will find if they click on the image. Show some love—You can like, repin, or comment on any pin. Naming Boards—Although fun and quirky names may seem cool and creative, name your boards with keywords and terms that people use. Copyright & Attribution*—Be careful about what you pin to your boards. Many photographers don’t allow pinning their photographs and some websites post notices forbidding pinning to Pinterest. Pinterest Addiction*—If you find yourself quickly addicted to Pinterest, search out a local support group (there may be a board for that) and get some help or just keep pinning. It’s free, fun, and your pins and boards may help other educators, students, and parents!
Boards: Ideas for Educators Using Pinterest Professionally—While Pinterest provides lots of “eye candy,” there are specific ways educators and schools/universities can use Pinterest professionally—in the classroom and out. Board Ideas—Listed below are a few’ll think of more. When you do, let me know @tysonkimberly.
Professional Books Grab great images and create a board featuring your favorite professional books & those on your “must-read” list.
Technology Tools Feature your favorite tech tools and show examples of how you & students use them.
Wish List of Books Have a book fair coming up? Create a board of books you want for the classroom—and let your kids & parents know! Then watch the book donations roll in!
Cool Classrooms Think your classroom environment is cool, creative, and supports student learning? Fill a board with pins of best shots!
Community Highlights Trying to promote your school district or university? Create a board filled with pictures of your district/ university, the city, and places to visit near your school district or university.
Best Blogs
Class Reading Lists
Develop a board featuring posts of your favorite “go to” education and technology bloggers.
Pin images of all the books on your class reading list. Students, parents, and other teachers can check them out and see what you’re reading! there.
Grade Level Boards Content Boards Mentor Texts Share your favorite mentor texts & tell others how you use them to support reading & writing.
Back to School Pin your best back-to -school ideas & images.
Student Projects Pin student projects on a class board. Provide criteria for student feedback and students can comment right on the board.
Math Strategies
Lesson Plans
Literacy Workstations
Pin links to your best lesson plans. Be sure to have a visual and label it with key words so your plans are easily found.
Classroom Organization
Read Alouds Classroom Freebies
Quotes & Inspiration
Pin images of educational leaders you follow. Try to pick a flattering photo. They’ll thank you later.
Fill a board with the best, most awesome quotes and you’ll be sure to get lots of repins.
Classroom Library Inventory
Anchor Charts
Help students browse books by creating boards of books. Categorize by topic, genre, author, & more to mimic your classroom library.
Science Ideas
Pin your must-have resources to a Common Core board.
Educators Worth Noting
Reading Workshop
Writing Workshop
Common Core
School & Student Awards Fill a board with recent accolades & and student awards.
Famous Alumni Post pictures of famous alumni and their accomplishments.
more literacy resources at