uploading data through SFTP server. Latest Antivirus software has to be. installed in this node. This node will be used
Updated on : 05/05/2016 1500 hrs DATA MIGRATION COMMAND CENTRE, Chennai 600 002
[email protected]
Preparatory checklist for Mock Migration (I)
Pre Requisites 1. A node with Windows 7 along with SQL2005/ SQL 2008 to be kept ready for uploading data through SFTP server. Latest Antivirus software has to be installed in this node. This node will be used as backup server. 2. Download Filezilla software from the below said link and the install the same in this node. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B25bTWT2-kXgaU1qcW56VElyM1E 3. Restore post, sign, sosb, bpro, bplog, (mde, mde_sign if manual data available) in the backup server (i.e Node mentioned in Slno.1) Check whether the sanchay post software is working with this Sql server connectivity in this node only (Caution : No change is required in the original server in respect of SQL version and the regular server will continue to serve the Sanchaypost network) 4. Download oracle from the below link and install the same using ‘RunDMPre.bat’ for transferring files from DM Utility Tool to SFTP server. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgOGYzcWNrcjRLSGc
5. "Postoffices who are paying Nrega payments should use this tool to convert other than nrega accounts(ie. accounts in which nrega payments where made) to Nrega account to avoid account getting closed during year end process" https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgfnhKalh6NUc1N1BoU3FsY1RFdkh3WFlpeGpZTl9XbHNrU21QZ19GX2ZVWUk
Pre requisites – Data cleansing
1. Scheme-wise, account-wise balance agreement has to be completed and consolidated balances certified by the postmaster & the Divisional head. 2. 100% manual records have to be digitized using Sanchaypost Ver 7.5 with the latest Service Pack / Manual Data Entry tool published in SDC portal.
POs having manual data in MDE (having any version) should upgrade to MDE 1.8 dtd. 06-10-2014 (MDE_1_8_06-10-2014) from the link below.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgQ0lFcm50TVMtM2M Follow the instructions available in the document along with MDE1.8 tool for upgradation and cleansing of DPT for manual data. For using DMUtility Tool Ver 5.0, MDE should be upgraded to Ver 2.0 (mandatory). For upgradation and installation process and cleansing of DPT, contact Circle Project Manager, Infosys. 3. Manual data entered through VBDET should be converted to MDE using the VBDET_MDE_Converter Tool available in the link below: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgaFhhbE10MDFkSG8 4. Video Tutorial relating to the procedure followed for conversion using the VBDET_MDE_Converter Tool is available in the link below: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgZkNmblpwRWZ3bUU 5. Sequence Logic Tool should run in offices containing MDE data. The tool is available in the link below: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgeFA1MUJZUFU0S2s 6. 4 Years history data of NSS-87 should be completed using the Manual Data Entry Tool said in item(2) 7.
On the date of actual migration this manual data should have the updated entries deleting the details of KVP/NSCs discharged and accounts closed.
8. Many post offices are in the habit of discharging the certificates by selecting the option “Issued at other office / Manual” even though these certificates were issued in the same office. 9. This discrepancy could be viewed using, DB Analyzer--> Reports—live account. Post offices are instructed to ensure that the live accounts list so generated should match with the office records. The certificates already discharged are to be cleared using online discharge option.
(III) 1.
General Instructions: As sify port is opened only after 4 PM to 8 AM for uploading the Sanchay Post Database, the databases should be uploaded immediately after day end. Kindly confirm the uploading of data over phone & also by email immediately. Steps to be followed for Mock migration
(Points 1 to 8 to be performed in the Live Server)
1. Download the Latest DB Analyzer including (DBA+ Tool dt. 09-04-2015) through the link below and execute the same. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgUmtISzgwdURmUUk 2.
Each and every option in Database Discrepancies, CBS Additional Discrepancies and CBS Discrepancies (II) for all schemes in DB Analyzer have to be checked and discrepancies cleared.
All agents (ie. MBKBY ,PRSS & SAS Agents) should be linked with PO Savings Account Number and PanNumber. Provision available in the latest DB Analyser – Miscellaneous option to check the Agents linked / Not linked with Saving Accounts.
4. During the Mock migration, it is requested to change the BO details. Please verify the BO details today if applicable and take necessary corrective actions before Mock . It is very difficult to accommodate due to stringent timelines. 5. Take backup of Post Database. If any problem faced in the coming process you have to restore the post database. If you fail to take backup dmcc will be not provide any solution thereafter. 6. Download the Premigrationtool_3_9 dt.17-09-2015 and execute the tool from the below said link https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgTWtPQXM5ejVESUk Check for sample data whether it has not effected correct data like Name,addresss,etc. If any there is any major change in correct data restore the database and contact DMCC, Chennai for solution. 7.
Execute DPT Tool 7_8_05-05-2016 and DB Analyzer consolidation report and ensure that zero discrepancy exists.
DataProfilingTool_7_8_05052016 Link : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgeC01NTFGVF9hSW8 8.
For solution relating to DPT, use CBSAddOn.exe and the solution document available in the following link: http://tamilnadupost.nic.in/sdc/DBA2012.htm
Download the SP-Link Aadhaar Number.exe from the below said link and execute the same to create UIDAI related tables.
10. Ensure Agt_act and UIDAI table exists in the Post database.(this will get created when we use option to link adhaar and linking agent with SB account number using DBMisc) 11. Check the Database consistency using DB Analyser for Post and Sign database and ensure that there is no error in the database. If error is reported kindly send email to
[email protected] for solution. This is a very important step as it is related to data integrity of post and sign. 12. Make Day End in the Live Server and take backup of Post and Sign Database, (backup should be taken through SQL and not by any other third party software tool) 13. Restore the Post and Sign Database in the Backup Server (Refer (I) & Sl.no.1) 14. In Backup Server Go to DBAnalyser->DB Utilities-> Update to SQL: 2005 and update post and sign. Caution: Below said steps should be followed only in the Backup Server (i.e prepared as per Sl.no.(I) 1). Don’t try this in the Live Server. 15. Clear the Log file using DB Analyzer for Post and Sign Database. 16. Check the Database consistency using DB Analyser for Post and Sign database and ensure that there is no error in the database. If error is reported kindly send email to
[email protected] for solution. After Clearing this error only you should proceed further. 17. Take backup of Post Database 18. After cleaning the data for CBS, the DPA Plus Report (SP_discrepencies.txt), DPT Report(.csv) and Postmaster certificate should be submitted to Chennai DMCC through email. The office should get concurrence from dmcc, for proceeding further process. 19. Before using SP All in Tool for upload, please clear the temp fil es from the folders of your system as detailed below: a. Remove/ clear the temp files/ folders from your System. i. Open the Run command type %temp%, clear all the files/ folders. ii. Open the Run command type temp, clear all the files/ folders. iii. Clear the Recycle Bin(using empty recycle bin)
(For more details kindly see the manual folder in the tool folder) 20. SFTP Details IP Address : Username : cbsdm Password : cbsdm123 Port: 22 (File path (stored in the local server) for all the files uploaded in the Filezilla should be shared with DMCC by e- mail.) 21. DM Utility Tool is an important step of preparing data for migration: The software tool is available in the following link with manual. After downloading check the version of SP Tool (“V5.4”) and DM Utility Tool (“V5.4”) after opening the version.txt available in the deliver folder otherwise revert back to DMCC Chennai for clarification. Also go through the manual in the tool to check the desktop settings are correct. Download the file bomap.zip(available in BO Mapping Updation Tool) and copy in the DM Utility folder. Run ‘RunALL.bat’ which will automatically run both SP Tool and DM_Utility Tool. DM_Utility_Tool_V5.4_05052016 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgY3NwOXBrU1k2X1U Data will get extracted and sent automatically to the SFTP server creating two folders (SP Tool & DM Utility Tool) in the server for that office. The System Administrator has to just watch for the progress of execution and to follow the step by step procedure as per the flow of the tool.
22. Kindly open the PDF file in the SPTool_All\Deliver\Tool\SPTool_Output and check for all the events whether it shows as Success if not contact DMCC for solution. 23. Take Backup of Post and Sign Database. 24. Download the CBSKey_PO_ 4_4_2 28-01-2016 tool and execute the same. Shot of first screen should be taken and saved in one folder https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgYUhtVV8tZF9KVTQ Please check the readme file available in the drive for detailed procedure for running this revised CBSKeys_PO. 25. Emails should be sent to DMCC Chennai
[email protected] with following details
a. DPT report along with Postmaster Certificate for DPT issue may be sent to DMCC /Chennai before up loading the Post &Sign DB and Manual DB. And Post master Sign off Certificate confirming the Balances of the Manual DATA should be sent along with Manual DB. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25bTWT2-kXgaVdGZGo3WEoybkU b. The DPT report, DBA Plus report (sp_discrepancy.txt), PDF for Summary report and detail of account wise balance generated through CBS Key_PO(version 4_4_2), c. Premigration logfile (Premgupdt.txt) and dmcc file generated by CBS Key_PO tool d. Log file (sanchaycode+ exllog.txt) should be sent to DMCC along with the screen shot of the file path of the above reports in FILEZILLA. It is mandatory to install Antivirus in nodes / Server before sending data for Mock Migration. Queries related to Antivirus Installation / Updation may be obtained from
[email protected]