Check Request Fillable (Must Download).pdf - Google Drive

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ACTIVITIES check requests received by Wednesday, 5:00PM, will be processed in Friday's check run. PAYROLL reimbursements
CHECK REQUESTS Request Date: Check Payable To: Amount: Account Number: Account Name: Purpose: Special Instructions: Treasurer’s/Advisor’s Signature: Second Signature (IF REQUIRED): ACTIVITIES check requests received by Wednesday, 5:00PM, will be processed in Friday’s check run. PAYROLL reimbursements are due the Friday before payroll. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE checks are issued the 15th & last day of the month. Requests due 3 business days prior.

PAll requests must be accompanied by original invoices or receipts that are taped flat to an 8 ½ x 11 white paper ready for scanning. Do not use highlighter markers on receipts. Indicate with ink only. Please do not staple.

PAll reimbursements to a group’s treasurer/advisor must have a second signature before payment can be made.

PAlways include your ACCOUNT NUMBER. PAll new vendors must have a W‐9 on file before payment can be made. Revised 08/18/2017