... as part of it in the rendered HTML. The email form remains untouched. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_sh
Checkout - ID Changes 1 Page Checkout Welcome Section ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_imbStep1Next ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgStep1Next
Shipping Section ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_ImageButton1 ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgCustomerInformationEdit
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_imbStep2Next ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgStep2Next
Delivery Section ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_imbStep3Next ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgStep3Next
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_ImageButton2 ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgShippingEdit
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_txtEnterCouponCode ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_couponCodes_txtEnterCouponCode
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_txtEnterGiftCertificateCode ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_giftCertificates_txtEnterGiftCertificateCode
Payment Section ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_imbPlaceOrder ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_imgPlaceOrder
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_authnet_fields_ccfirstname_value ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_payments_authnet_fields_ccfirstname_value
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_grdProducts ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_orderInvoiceReview_grdProducts
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_LinkButton1 ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_lnkEditAddress
Order Confirmation Section ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_passwordForm_txtPassword ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_createAccount_passwordForm_txtPassword
Multipage Checkout Step 1: Customer Information Shipping and Billing addresses were combined into one control: customerInformationForm.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _customerInformation as part of it in the rendered HTML. The email form remains untouched. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_shippingAddress_txtFirstName ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_customerInformation_shippingAddress_txtFirstName
Step 2: Shipping, Coupons &Gift Certificates The shipping logic and rendering was placed into the new control: ShippingMethods.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _shippingMethods as part of it in the rendered HTML.
ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_USPS_rate0 ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_shippingMethods_USPS_rate0
The coupons logic and rendering was placed into the new control: CouponCodes.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _couponCodes as part of it in the rendered HTML. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_txtEnterCouponCode ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_couponCodes_txtEnterCouponCode
The gift certificates logic and rendering was placed into the new control: GiftCertificates.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _giftCertificates as part of it in the rendered HTML. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_txtEnterGiftCertificateCode ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_giftCertificates_txtEnterGiftCertificateCode
Step 3: Review & Payment All the review order rendering was included in the control: OrderInvoiceReview.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _orderInvoiceReview as part of it in the rendered HTML. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_grdProducts ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_orderInvoiceReview_grdProducts
All the payment selection logic and rendering was included in the control: Payments.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _payments as part of it in the rendered HTML. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_paymentMethodSelector ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_payments_paymentMethodSelector
Step 4: Confirm Order All the create account logic and rendering was included in the control: CreateAccount.ascx. The Ids of those controls now have _createAccount as part of it in the rendered HTML. ID Before: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_pnlPassword ID Now: ctl00_pageContent_checkoutWizard_createAccount_pnlPassword