Cheltenham Labour Party Manifesto. Borough Council Elections 2016. Page 2. It is an exciting time for the Labour Party a
Cheltenham Labour Party Manifesto
Borough Council Elections 2016
STANDING UP FOR EVERYBODY IN OUR TOWN It is an exciting time for the Labour Party across the UK. In Cheltenham we have dramatically increased numbers in the local party to over 500 members. The Your local Labour Party believes that no person or area in Cheltenham should feel abandoned or left behind. The Labour Party is determined to help and work for the many and not just the few. We hear a lot about the need for austerity measures in the form of cuts to public services from the Conservatives, often backed up by the Liberal Democrats. While we understand the need to spend wisely we do not believe that ideologically driven cuts are in the best interests of our communities. A recent report by Athey Consulting commissioned by the Borough Council in January 2015, showed that Cheltenham’s annual rate of economic growth (0.7 %) lagged behind the national (1.9%) and county (1.8%) rates of growth. The Borough Council is facing a £0.5 million cut to its block grant this year. Budget cuts translate into poorer local services and fewer jobs. The Labour Party is the anti-austerity party. This means, we believe, with careful spending the local economy can grow to the advantage of the entire community. the Borough Council, our town and local community, for you and your family.
ON 5 MAY 2016
LOCAL ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT A strong local economy is vital for Cheltenham. We seek to attract new employers who will create full time jobs, providing work and a secure income the town.
LABOUR WILL: Seek to encourage new employers to the town. We believe that all jobs created should be secure and fairly paid with a dramatic reduction in the use of zero hours contracts. New employment rights and protection should be introduced for all workers. Champion Cheltenham becoming a Living Wage town. The Living Wage Foundation states that the current UK rate should be £8.25 per hour. Encourage and support the self-employed and small businesses. Cheltenham should diversity to the town centre. Work towards Cheltenham achieving Fairtrade Town status. Support the setting up of a local Credit Union. Abolish paying for parking in Borough Council owned car parks after 3pm to allow businesses to compete with out of town stores and help the town’s earlyevening economy.
ON 5 MAY 2016
HOUSING The Labour Party believes that everyone, regardless of income, should have a safe and secure place to live.
LABOUR WILL: Ensure proper security of tenure and accommodation.
Multiple Occupation Regulations are
commercial properties into domestic
Encourage local communities to use
ON 5 MAY 2016
SUSTAINABILITY, TRANSPORT & ENVIRONMENT Growth of the town is to be encouraged but not at the expense of our environment. Labour is dedicated to lowering the town’s carbon footprint.
LABOUR WILL: Have a rigorous policy for recycling, developing kerb side collections for items not currently collected and ensuring all areas of the town have access to recycling banks. Encourage businesses in the town to recycle all food waste. Edible surplus food from restaurants, hotels and shops should be donated to appropriate organisations. Ensure that in future all council vehicles are capable of running on alternative fuels and that the council provides places for recharging electric vehicles. Make it easier for people to travel locally by strongly supporting more Park and Ride schemes, and by improving and expanding bus services across the town. Champion safe cycling in the town by supporting the national cycling charity CTC space4cycling campaign. Urge that green spaces in and around the town are protected and maintained to a high standard. Review all existing Residential Parking schemes with local residents and businesses to ensure they meet the needs of local communities and businesses. Make 20 mile per hour speed limits the default where we live, work and play but allow the case to be made for roads to be faster where necessary.
ON 5 MAY 2016
COMMUNITY We believe that everybody deserves to live in a safe, clean, crime free community where facilities are provided for support, safe play and creativity.
LABOUR WILL: Oppose any cuts to voluntary and community services as we recognise that in these times of Conservative driven cuts volutary organisations such as food banks, advice agencies and credit unions provide valuable support but are struggling to meet demand. Work with the local police using legislation provided by the previous Labour government to help communities that continue to be plagued by acts of anti-social behaviour. Campaign for improvements to play areas for children across the town with increased accessibility for children with disabilities. Continue to propose that swimming for under 16s should be free to encourage participation and to maintain the health and well-being of the town’s children. Encourage a more diverse and inclusive local arts scene.
ON 5 MAY 2016
STANDING UP FOR EVERYBODY IN OUR TOWN “We don’t have to be unequal. It does not have to be unfair, poverty isn’t inevitable. Things can, and they will change.” Jeremy Corbyn 12 September 2015 To join the Labour Party visit Follow us on Twitter @cheltlabour Like us on facebook
ON 5 MAY 2016
Promoted and published by Clive Harriss on behalf of all Labour Candidates in the 5 May Borough Elections, all at The Basement, 67 Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3LB.