Texts: Organic Chemistry (Fourth Edition) by Janice Gorzynski Smith (required).
Solutions Manual and Study Guide by Smith and Beck (required) ... Do feel free
to ask me or Yufan about those whose solutions you still don't understand.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY Department of Chemistry
Important Information for Chem 1 Summer 2013 Instructor:
Steve Kahl, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF
UCSF: 415-476-4684
Home: 650-854-4944
[email protected]
Office hours: Office hours will be conducted immediately after class in Braun Auditorium. TA office hours will be announced on the second day of class. Teaching Assistant: Yufan Wu
[email protected] office: Keck Building 229 lab phone: (650) 723-0386
Texts: Organic Chemistry (Fourth Edition) by Janice Gorzynski Smith (required) Solutions Manual and Study Guide by Smith and Beck (required) Organic Chemistry as a Second Language by Klein (strongly recommended) Molecular Modeling kit (strongly recommended) Exams and Grading: As you can see from the course schedule, two one-hour exams will be given for this course. The material covered on each exam will be that discussed in lecture up to the preceding discussion section regardless of how far along in the schedule we've actually progressed. Each exam will be worth 100 points. There will be five quizzes given in the Discussion Sections, each worth 10 points for a total of 50 points. The final exam will be given on Friday, July 13, will be 21/2 hours in length and will be worth 150 points. Your final grade will thus be based on a possible total of 400 points. Based on past years' experience, I expect that the approximate grade cutoffs will be: A-/B+ ≈ 330; B-/C+ ≈ 280; C-/D ≈ 230; D/F = 200. The exams will be given only as scheduled; no make-up exams are possible with such a tight schedule. It is your responsibility to plan ahead to be certain that your schedule is adjusted accordingly. Copies of hour exams from last year’s Chem 1 exams are on reserve in the library to give you an idea of what sorts of questions have been asked in the past and the format for the exams. Course Website: This course has a website at the Stanford Coursework site: https://coursework.stanford.edu/portal/site/Su13-CHEM-1-01. There you will find a copy of the syllabus (course schedule), discussion session assignments, announcements and keys for exams and quizzes for this summer quarter. There is also a gradebook at this site where you can access your individual scores on exams and quizzes. Other Important Dates: Add/Drop: Thurs. June 27 at 5:00 pm Grading Option/ Course Withdraw: Monday, July 8 at 5:00 pm Tutoring: Peer tutoring is available from 7-10pm on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, in Building 240, Room 101. You can see where building 240 is located here: http://campus-map.stanford.edu/?id=01240&lat=37.4273971131&lng=-122.168741366&zoom=17 Problem Sets: Problem solving is an integral part of learning chemistry of any sort, but particularly organic chemistry. It serves to reinforce ideas from lectures and reading, and to introduce subtleties not covered in depth in class. Solve as many problems as you think you have time for ….. and then do some more! Try problems in texts other than Smith’s text when you hit a topic or concept that seems particularly hard for you to grasp. These texts are on reserve in Swain Library. I recommend that you do all the exercises you find in the body of the chapters as a minimum. If you have difficulties with these, you should try some more on the same topic from those at the end of the chapter. The more you do, the better you will be. Answers and explanations are given in the Solution Manual and Study Guide, so your problem sets will not be collected. Do feel free to ask me or Yufan about those whose solutions you still don't understand. One last piece of advice: do these problems and your reading religiously every day and don't get behind. Chemistry is a vertical discipline, building upon each successive step in understanding.
Chemistry 1 Schedule Summer 2013 Professor Steve Kahl Week 1 June 24
Structure and Bonding (Chapter 1) Structure and Bonding (Chapter 1) Structure and Bonding (Chapter 1)
June 25
Acids and Bases (Chapter 2) Acids and Bases (Chapter 2) Discussion Sections; Quiz #1
June 26
Alkanes (Chapter 4) Alkanes (Chapter 4) Discussion Sections
June 27
Stereoisomers (Chapter 5) Stereoisomers (Chapter 5) Discussion Sections; Quiz #2
June 28
Exam 1 Understanding Organic Reactions (Chapter 6) Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution (Chapter 7)
Week 2 July 1
Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution (Chapter 7) Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution (Chapter 7) Discussion Sections: Quiz #3
July 2
Alkyl Haildes and Elimination Reactions (Chapter 8) Alkyl Haildes and Elimination Reactions (Chapter 8) Discussion Sections
July 3
Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides (Chapter 9) Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides (Chapter 9) Discussion Sections; Quiz #4
July 4
Independence Day Holiday – no class
July 5
Exam 2 Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides (Chapter 9) Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides (Chapter 9)
Week 3 July 8
Alkenes (Chapter 10) Alkenes (Chapter 10) Discussion Sections
July 9
Alkenes (Chapter 10) Alkynes and Nitriles (Chapter 11) Discussion Sections: Quiz #5
July 10
Oxidation and Reduction (Chapter 12.1-12.11; 12.15) Oxidation and Reduction (Chapter 12.1-12.11; 12.15) Oxidation and Reduction (Chapter 12.1-12.11; 12.15)
July 11
July 12
Final Exam (9:00-11:30)