Jan 5, 2012 ... Required Text: “Organic Chemistry” 8th edition, Francis A. Cary and Robert ...
simplest definition, organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon ...
CHEM 341: Organic Chemistry I at North Dakota State University Instructor:
Web Page: Lecture:
Gregory Cook office: Ladd 104G phone: 231-7413 email:
[email protected] office hours: T, Th 10:30 am - 12:00 noon and by appointment http://cook.chem.ndsu.nodak.edu/chem341 M, W, F 1:00 - 1:50 pmn, Ladd 107
Required Text: “Organic Chemistry” 8th edition, Francis A. Cary and Robert M. Giuliano Optional: “Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry” 8th edition - highly recommended a molecular modeling set On-Line Homework: McGraw-Hill Connect (available free - more details coming soon) Introduction: This course is designed to introduce you to the fascinating field of organic chemistry. In its simplest definition, organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. In this course you will discover what makes the chemistry of carbon compounds unique from other branches of chemistry. You will learn to appreciate structure and bonding and how that relates to chemical reactivity. You will learn how molecules with various functionality are prepared and how they react. These include alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols and aromatic compounds. With a foundation of structure, reactivity and their correlations you will also discover the importance of organic chemistry in every day life including biology, medicine, materials, food and agriculture. Grading: Grading will be based on three hourly mid-term exams (100 pts each, 60%), a comprehensive final exam (150 pts, 30%) and homework (scaled to 50 pts, 10%). The total of five 21 pt quizzes given in class may replace your lowest mid-term exam score. Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A 85-100%
B 75-84%
C 60-74%
D 45-59%