CHEM B11 Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry

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Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry. Student Learning Outcomes. Measure. PLO. ILO. GE. 1. Use dimensional (factor label) analysis.
CHEM B11 Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry Student Learning Outcomes


1. Use dimensional (factor label) analysis as a problem solving tool

Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz and/or exam Lab experiments, and/or lab reports Lab reports, homework, quiz and/or exam Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz and/or exam

2. Make accurate observations of physical and chemical changes during lab experimentation. 3. Illustrate how matter and energy are related, in particular the role that energy plays changing the physical state of matter and chemical reactions. 4. Describe the model of an atom and how atoms bond together to form larger structures such as molecules or crystal lattices. Based on periodic atomic properties, students should be able to explain the relative macroscopic physical properties of matter. 5. Explain various observations on test, quizzes, and lab reports. Students should be able to explain their observations based on atomic/molecular structures and on the absorption or release of energy. 6. Identify and explain several common chemical systems and behaviors such as electrolytes, buffers, equilibria, and osmosis. These form a framework for later learning in the biological sciences. 7. Characterize and identify several chemical reactions that are frequently encountered in biochemistry and physiology, such as: A. Oxidation/reduction reactions, B. Acid/base reactions C. Condensation--dehydration reactions, D. Hydrolysis reactions, E. Addition reactions 8. Recognize from the name or structure organic functional groups and associate these groups with their chemical and physical properties 9. Name and recognize the chemical structure of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. Students should describe the functions of these classes of compounds and how these compounds are broken down in the processes of metabolism to produce energy in the body.






1, 3

I II(written)


1, 2, 3

I II(written)

B.1.1 B.1.2

1, 2, 3

I II(written)


Lab reports, quiz and/or exam

1, 2, 3

I II(written)


Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz and/or exam Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz and/or exam

1, 2, 3

I II(written)

B.1.1 B.2.1

1, 3

I II(written)


Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz, exam Problem set, lab reports, homework, quiz, exam


I II(written)


1, 3

I II(written)



PLOs: 1. Demonstrate a knowledge of and recognize the processes that explain natural phenomena 2. Apply the methodologies of science when approaching a problem 3. Apply logical quantitative and qualitative reasoning in solving problems or analyzing arguments ILOs: I. Think critically and evaluate sources and information for validity and usefulness. II. Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms. III. Demonstrate competency in a field of knowledge or with job-related skills. IV. Engage productively in all levels of society – interpersonal, community, the state and nation, and the world. GELOs: Use the GE categories from the catalog if this is a GE course. B.1 Natural Sciences 1. Demonstrate a knowledge of natural phenomena and recognize the processes that explain them. 2. Demonstrate a knowledge of scientific methodologies when solving a problem. B.2. Mathematics and Logic (Analytical Thinking) 1. Apply formal systems of reasoning in solving problems or analyzing arguments.