Chemistry 203 General Organic Chemistry

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Textbook: "Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry”, 8th Ed., ... 203, General Organic Chemistry, is an course designed to introduce basic concepts.
Chemistry 203 – General Organic Chemistry Summer 2006 Lecture – Monday, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. SCI 285 Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. SCI 285 Laboratory – Tuesday and Thursday 10:3 0 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. SCI 265 Instructor: Dr. Andreas Gebauer (office: SCI 269, telephone, 665-6840; e-mail, [email protected], Office Hours: Monday - Friday 1:30 p.m. -3:00 p.m., SCI 269, or by appointment. Textbook: "Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry”, 8th Ed., by Bettelheim, F.A., Brown, W.H., March, J., Harcourt College Publishers, 2006. Lab Text: Bettelheim & Landsberg, “Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic, and Biochemistry, Custom Edition for CSUB, CHEM 150 & 203, ISBN 0-495-24237-3 Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and will be monitored. Grading: Grades are based on the point values below, using a 90-80-70-60 grading scheme. All assignments must be turned in on time. Late assignments are penalized 20% per day late. Exam 1: 60 points Exam 2: 60 points Final: 100 points Labs: 180 points Homework Quizzes: 200 points Total: 600 points Homework Problems: Homework problems are assigned on Web-CT. There are 10 quizzes worth 20 points each associated with it. You have an unlimited amount of attempts and your highest score will count. If you have not used WebCT before, your username is your firstclass account name (for example, [email protected] has the user name jdoe1, while your password is either your student I.D. number or your social security number). WebCT is found at Laboratory: You will perform six lab experiments, each of which is worth 40 points. These points are distributed approximately as follows: 20% Pre-lab, 50% Experiment, 30% Post-lab. Pre-labs are due on lab day in the first 10 minutes of lab, while post-labs are due on the lab day following the experiment. Misconduct: Cheating on examinations will not be tolerated. Anyone found cheating (copying another exam, asking others for answers, or using textbook or notes during exams) will be asked to leave and will receive an “F” for the course. To avoid any doubts during exams, please do not talk to others and do not look at other exams. Please see the “Campus Policy on Academic Dishonesty” at the end of this syllabus for further information. Advice: Chemistry 203, General Organic Chemistry, is an course designed to introduce basic concepts important in organic chemistry and biochemistry. To do well involves time and effort. It will be to your advantage to come to all of the lectures, to read (and re-read, if necessary) the textbook, to work the Web-CT and textbook problems, and not to fall behind.

Chemistry 203 – Syllabus (subject to change) Week Day 1 Monday 1


Date July 24 July 25



July 26



July 27



July 31



August 1



August 2



August 3



August 7



August 8



August 9



August 10

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Monday Tuesday

August 14 August 15

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Wednesday Thursday

August 16 August 17

Topic Lecture – Introduction, Organic Chemistry – Alkanes Lecture – Alkenes and Alkynes Lab – Drawer Check-in Structure in Organic Compounds, use of molecular models I. Lecture – Benzene and Its Derivatives, – Alcohols, Ethers and Thiols Lecture – Alcohols, Ethers and Thiols Lab – Identification of Hydrocarbons Exam 1 Lecture – Amines Lecture – Aldehydes and Ketones Lab – Alcohols, Phenols Lecture – Carboxylic Acids – Carboxylic Anhydrides, Esters and Amides – Chirality Lecture – Carbohydrates Lab – Identification of Aldehydes and Ketones Exam 2 Lecture – Carbohydrates Lecture – Lipids Lab – Identification of Carboxylic Acids and Esters Lecture– Proteins – Enzymes Lecture – Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids Lab – Polymerization Reactions Lecture – Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis Lecture – Neurotransmitters and Hormones Lab – Drawer Check-out Lecture – Review Final Exam

Reading Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Exp. #16 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 14 Exp. #15 Ch. 10 – 13 Ch. 16 Ch. 17 Exp. #17 Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 15 Ch. 20 Exp. #18 Ch. 14 – 18 Ch. 20 Ch. 21 Exp. #19 Ch. 22 Ch. 23 Ch. 25 Exp. 21 Ch. 26 Ch. 24


Course Objectives At the end of this course, the student will be able to identify organic functional groups, predict the interaction of different functional groups with each other, the properties of organic compounds based on their structures, apply IUPAC rules to name organic compounds, distinguish between structural and stereo isomers, understand the effect of chirality on biochemistry and biology, know the most important compounds in biochemistry. Misconduct: Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone found cheating (copying another quiz, asking others for answers, or using textbook or notes during quizzes) will be asked to leave and will receive an “F” for the course. To avoid any doubts during quizzes, please do not talk to others and do not look at other quizzes. Please see the “Campus Policy on Academic Dishonesty” below for further information. Campus Policy on Academic Dishonesty The principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that students will honor these principles and in so doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and grades. Students are expected to do all work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance and not to give unauthorized assistance. There are certain forms of conduct that violate this community's principles. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is a broad category of actions that use fraud and deception to improve a grade or obtain course credit. Academic dishonesty is not limited to examination situations alone, but arises whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage. Plagiarism is a specific form of academic dishonesty which consists of the misuse of published or unpublished works of another by claiming them as ones own. It may consist of handing in someone else's work, copying or purchasing a composition, using ideas, paragraphs, sentences, or phrases written by another, or using data and/or statistics compiled by another without giving citation. Another example of academic dishonesty is the submission of the same, or essentially the same, paper or other assignment for credit in two different courses without receiving prior approval. When a faculty member discovers a violation of the community's principles, the faculty member is required to give a failing grade to the student for the course. In addition to assigning the final grade, the faculty member also notifies in writing the Dean of Students and the relevant school dean that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred and a grade of F has been assigned. The student receives a copy of this letter. The letter becomes part of the student's permanent file. If a second act of dishonesty occurs, the student is administratively dismissed from CSUB. Under the Student Academic Grievance Procedures, a student may appeal any sanction employed by faculty or the University based on an allegation of academic dishonesty. The initiation of the grievance must occur within fifteen school days after notification of the grade is mailed or personally given to the student. Copies of these procedures are available in the offices of the school deans.