Dixit and Khosla, J971. Sinha, 1960 ..... stems (Khaleque el (II., 1970) and leaves (Dixit and. Khosla ..... V.K., Dadhieh, A.P., Mathur, P.N., Bal, N.S. and. ~L1dan.
0925-1618/95/3304-0277$6.00 [l SwclS & Zcitlinger
International journal of Pharmacognosy 1995, Vol. JJ, No.4, PI'. 277-287
Tinospora 1
Ashish K. Pathak, Dharam C. Jain" and Ram P. Sharma
Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226015. India
A IlSTRA CT .\'(,I'cral .vpct:ies of the genera Tinospora (Menispt'rllwce (lC) (/fe widely distributed over Asia (lml Africa (flld arc well-known for their medicinal properties. Conseqllelllly. they have been investigated extensively over the /cHt four decades. A brief review of the chemical constill/ents in these species (Jlld the hiological activities reported is pre sented,
INTRODUCTION The plant family Menispermaceae consists of 65 gen era encompassing 350 species which are mainly trop ical twining shurbs, herbs and trees. Menispermace ae have long been a rich source of al kaloids, terpenoids and glycosides. One genusof the Menispermaceae is Tillospom which is reputed for its I1lcdicinul proper ties and consists of common species, namely, T. cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. et. Thoms., T. sinensis (Lour.) Merr. fT. malabarica (Lam.) Hook.f. et. Thoms., T. tomelltosa (Colebr.) Hook.f. et., T. capil lipes Gagnep., T. sagittata (Oliv.) Gagnep., T. gla bra (Bunn. f.) Merr., T. coriacea Beumee ex K. Heyne, T. negrotica Die!s, T. reficlliafa Miers] and T. crispa Hook.f. et. Thoms. [T. rumphii Boer!.. T. tubercula fa (Lam.) Beumee ex K. Heyne]. Keywords: Tinospora species, Menispermace, alkaloids, terpcnoids. biological activities. lCIMAP Publication No.: 93-IR Author to wholl1 correspondence should he addressed.