672 Plant Chemistry (4). Composition of plants, properties, nature, and
classification of plant constituents, changes occurring during growth, and storage
of plantĀ ...
Biol. 631 H u m a n Genetics ( 3 ) Inherited characters in man from the particular point of view of medicine with some reference to the relation of genetics to marriage and to social conditions. Prerequisite: Biol. 336. Biol. 632 Principles of Speciation ( 3 ) Principles of species formation and an analysis of intraspecific variation. Fee $3-00. Prerequisite: an undergraduate major in biology. Biol. 6 5 0 T h e M e a n i n g o f Evolution t o Modern Man ( 3 ) The historical and philosophical development of evolutionary thought, the modern synthesis, and its effects on thought in biology and other scientific disciplines. Biol. 661 A d v a n c e d Plant A n a t o m y ( 3 - 4 ) Advanced course in the general botany of seed plants, especially, development of vegetative and reproductive organs. Fee 53.00. Prerequisite: an undergraduate major in Biology. Biol. 671 Molecular B i o l o g y ( 3 ) Cellular differentiation, ultrastructure, and the relation of fine structure to function. Prerequisite: an undergraduate major in Biology. Biol. 6 7 2 Plant Chemistry ( 4 ) Composition of plants, properties, nature, and classification of plant constituents, changes occurring during growth, and storage of plant products. Three hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $4.00. Prerequisite: Chem. 271 and 272 and either Chem. 304 or consent of the instructor.
Biol. 692 Biogeography (3) Principles of the distribution of the biota of the world. Prerequisite: undergraduate major in biology. Biol. 6 9 7 I n d e p e n d e n t Study i n Biology ( 2 ) An advanced research problem in biology proposed by the student and approved and directed by the instructor. Hours arranged. Prerequisite: undergraduate major in biology.
Biol. 698 Seminar (1) Oral reports on current literature topics or individual research by staff and graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
Biol. 699 Thesis (2-9) A research paper based upon original investigation. Biol. 7 9 5 - 7 9 6 Internship in College Teaching ( 1 - 1 ) Prerequisite:
CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR Brathovde, Chairman ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Bean, Heaton, McAlister, Morrison; A S S I S T A N T PROFESSORS Blood, Caple, DeKorte, Gilbert, Savage.
OBJECTIVES 1. To enhance those scientific insights which are desirable for all educated persons. 2. To provide t h e chemical training needed for those planning to follow professional careers in science, engineering, medicine, or the teaching of physical science in high school. ARTS A N D SCIENCE
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Major: 35 hours. Chem. 111-112 (or 101, 102, and 113) 230, 271-272, 273, 391-392, 393 plus three additional hours selected with approval of adviser. Math. 2 1 - , 255-256 and Physics 271-272 are also required. Extended Major: 63 hours. (For students planning to do graduate work in chemistry or related fields.) Chem. 111-112 (or 101-102 and 113) 230, 271-272, 273, 391-392, 393, 533-534, 550, Math. 212, 255, 256, Physics 271-272 plus six additional hours from among the following: Chem. 410, 570 and 590 and suitable advanced Mathematics and Physics courses such as Math. 360 and Physics 354. A minimum of one year of German is required. Extended Major: 63 hours. (For students planning to enter medical or dental school or to do graduate work in biochemistry or the bio-medical sciences.) Chem. 111-112 (or 101-10and 113) 230, 271-272, 273, 391-392, 393, Math. 212, 255, 256, Physics 271-272 (94 251-252, Biol. 1 l l , 211, 331.) Minor: 18 hours (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science) Chem. 111-112 (or 101-102 and 113), 271-272, 263 (or 273).
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Major: 35 hours. Chem. 111-112 (or 101-102 and 113) 230, 271-272, 273, 391-392, 393, Math. 212, 255, 256, and Physics 271-272 or 251-252. Minor: 18 hours. Chem. 111-112 (or 101-102 and 113) and 271-272, 263 (or 273).
MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING CHEMISTRY See Graduate Bulletin for details.
DESCRIPTION OF COURSES Chem. 100 Elementary Chemistry (3) An introduction to chemical calculations and elementary atomic theory for those students not qualified for Chem. 101 or 111. May not be used for credit in any major or minor program. Three hrs. lect. per week.
Chem. 101-102 Introductory Chemistry (4-4) A survey of chemistry which includes many general principles of inorganic, organic, and biochemistry. A course designed primarily for nursing and forestry students, but suitable for any student wishing a one year terminal course in chemistry. May not be used as prerequisite for sdvanced chemistry courses unless followed by Chem. 113. Three hr. lect, and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $6.00 per semester. Prerequisite:
of instructor,
Chem. 111-112 Fundamentals of Chemistry (5-5) Fundamental principles of chemistry. Includes chemistry of metals and nonmetals and qualitative inorganic analysis. Four lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week for Chem. 111 and three lect. and two three-hr. lab. per week for Chem. 112. Fees $6.00 for Chem. 111 and $ 1 0 . 0 0 for Chem. 112. Prerequisite:
C h e m . 113 C h e m i c a l Principles ( 4 ) Fundamental principles of chemistry including qualitative inorganic analysis. A continuation of Chem. 101-102 for students wishing to qualify for advanced courses in chemistry. Three h r s . lect. and two three-hr. labs per week. Fee $10.00.
Prerequisite: Chem. 102. Chem. 230 Introductory Analytical Chemistry (4) Principles and practices of devising quantitative procedures and carrying out manipulative operations in chemical analysis; emphasis on stoichiometry and equilibria. Two lect. and two three-hr. lab. periods per week. Fee $ 10.00.
Prerequisite: Chem. 112 or Chem. 113. Chem. 260 Introductory Organic Chemistry (4) An introduction to the chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds. May not be used as a prerequisite for more advanced courses in chemistry except for Chem. 301. Three lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $7.50 per semester.
Prerequisite: Chem. 112 or Chem. 113. Chem. 271-272 Organic Chemistry (4-3) An integrated treatment of the preparation, properties, and reaction mechanisms of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Three hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab per week. Fee S7.50 per semester. Chem. 272 is a continuation of the lecture portion of Chem. 2 7 1 . Three hrs. lect. per week.
Prerequisite: Chem. 112 and, 113. Chem. 263 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1) Laboratry to accompany Chem. 2 7 2 . One three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $7.50 per semester.
Prerequisite: Chem. 212 or concurrent registration in Chem. 272. Chem. 273 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2) Laboratory to accompany Chem. 272 Chem. 273 is an expanded version of Chem. 263 and credit will not be given for both. Fee $15.00 per semester.
Prerequisite: Chem. 272 or concurrent registration in Chem. 272. Chem. 304 Biochemistry (3 or 4) A general and introductory treatment of plant and animal metabolism. Three hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab. period per week. Offered for three credits only during the summer. Fee $ 6 . 0 0 .
Prerequisite: Chem. 260 or 271-272. Chem. 391-392 Physical Chemistry (3-3) Introduction to the fundamental principles of physical chemistry. Three hrs. lect. per week.
Prerequisite: Chem. 230, Physics 272 or 252, Math. 256 or concurrent registration in Math. 256. Chem. 393 Physical Chemistry Laboratory (2) Introduction to physical chemical laboratory techniques. Two three-hr. lab. periods Per week. Fee $ 1 0 . 0 0 .
Prerequisite: Chem. 230, Chem. 392 or concurrent registration in Chem. 392. Chem. 485H Undergraduate Research (1-6) See Honors Program on Page 7 2 .
GRADUATE COURSES Chem. 503 Modern High School Chemistry Curricula ( 3 ) Introduction to CBA and CHEMS curricula with emphasis on experimental approach. Planning and equipping the chemistry laboratory Safety practices in the laboratory. Two hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $6.00. Prerequisite: 16 hours of chemistry. Chem. 533-534 Instrumental Analysis ( 2 - 2 ) Theory of instrumental methods for chemical analysis. Two hrs. lect. and two three-hr. labs, per week. Fee $10.00.
Prerequisite: Chem. 392 or concurrent registration in Chem. 392. Chem. 550 Inorganic Chemistry ( 4 ) Study of inorganic systems including the application of Three hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $6.00.
physical chemical principles.
Prerequisite: Chem. 392 or concurrent registration in Chem. 392. Chem. 570 Qualitative Organic Analysis ( 3 ) A laboratory course in the identification of organic compounds. Two hrs. lect. and quiz and two three-hr. labs, per week. Fee $10.00 per semester. Prerequisite: Chem. 230, 272, 273. 392. Chem. 590 Colloid and Surface Chemistry ( 3 ) Introduction to the physics and chemistry of surfaces and to the principal colloidal systems.
Prerequisite: Chem. 392. Chem. 600 Recent Trends in Chemistry ( 3 ) A survey for high school science teachers of modern developments in atomic and molecular structure and the role of energy in chemical transformations. Review of stoichiometric calculations. Three hrs. lect. per week.
Prerequisite: 8 hours of chemistry. Chem. 623 Analytical Chemistry for Teachers ( 3 ) The principles of non-classical techniques including electrochemical, absorption and emission spectroscopic, mass spectroscopic, radiochemical and separation methods. Three hrs. lect. per week. Prerequisite: Chem. 600 or consent of instructor. Chem. 624 Chemical Instrumentation for Teachers ( 3 ) The principles and application of chemical instrumentation. Experience will be obtained with instrumental techniques which are readily available to instructional laboratories. Two hrs. lect. and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $10.00 per week. Prerequisite: Chem. 623 or concurrent registration in Chem. 623 or consent of the instructor. Chem. 641-642 Inorganic Chemistry for Teachers ( 3 - 3 ) Studies of inorganic systems including the application of chemical principles. Three hrs. lect. per week. Chem. 642 is an introduction to the experimental methods of inorganic chemistry and their relationship to the properties of inorganic substances. Two hrs. of lect. per week and one three-hr. lab. per week. Fee $I0.00. Prerequisite: Chem. 600 or consent of instructor. Chem. 660 Organic Chemistry for Teachers ( 5 ) Fundamental concepts of organic chemistry including both aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Three and one-half hrs. lect. and four and one-half hrs. lab. per week. Fee $10.00. Prerequisite: Chem. 600 or consent of instructor. ARTS A N D SCIENCE