Chester City Directory 1882-1883 - Delaware County PA History

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arkel', hOUse?28 Enst 3d. eta Booth Ann, widow of John ...... '}"'airlt\mb J. ::Maris. compositor, News, house 211 East 9tlI. ~. Falrlamb Jose~h. ...... fX). Glennan Julia, widow .r;dward. house 288 East 3d. .. . Glennan TbomRS.IRborerLRoachs'  ...

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~ Of} '151 MarJ&et St'r~et, OHEJSTER, PA--

(JOO(~ delivered







to flU partfl of th~ (·itJ


of charge',



1HIlMAS WILBY i CO., ..!




'au W'lID, LACI LlAma,

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(;. B. S)fEDLEY. :

A. lt BIYDU. .


OHESTER STREET nmEOTORY. .Barclay. from 'V. 6th northerly to city IlmitJI. Bethel Court, from If E. 2d nortb. Bevan Court, between 2d and ad, and :Market and Welsh. Broomall, tram Delaware avenue northerly to olt, limite. Butler, from W. 6th northerly to city Umlta. Caliwell from E. 2d northerly to Canal. ; Campbell, from Ridley creek to oity limits. CanAl, from Hinkson northerly to E. 9th. " Chestnut. from Morton avenue norther';.,' to city limite. Cochran, continuation of E. &venth, from Morton avenue to E. 8th. Concord avenue from Delaware river nortberty to olti Umlta. . Crosby (Mechanio), from Delaware river northerly toml E:·&tb, ...d from 200 E. 6tll northerly to E loth. Delaware avenue, from Lamokln Run easterly to Llord. Deshong, from East 7th, between Welsh and Crosby, to 8th. Dock, from 'V. 2d to 'V. 3d, between Penn and Cheeter creek. EdIJllOnt avenue~ from Delaware river northerly to cltrllmlta. E. Eighth from Edgmont avenue to Hinkson. E. Eighteenth, from oity limits to Ridley creek. E. Eleventh, from Chester creek to 'Valnut street. E. Fifth, frOm Market easterly to Morton avenue. E. Fifteenth, from E~mont avenue to Ridl"y avenue. E. Fourteenth, from Upland avenue to ProVidence avenue, and from Potter street easterly to Ridley oreek. E. Fourth 1. from Market easterly to Melrose avenue. E. Front, rrom Market easterly to Morton avenue. Ellsworth from 1818 W. 2d north. E. Ninth (E. Broadh from Chester Creek \i."tt.J;h·'I~~ R.lcUey oreek. E. 8econd, from MarKet easterly to GMael(\.>,t~'''f!:','! , E. Seventh, from Edg!J.!ont avenuo e&!tterll\~{) M~rto,) "venue. E. Seventeenth from Hlatt Pasterly to lti~la1 (IN)('~., ' E. Sixth, from Edgmon IWcmue easterlyi~.a~dl8~ ~t_l~. E. Sixteenth. from Edgmont avenue easood~ 41) 1.tldJd1 'J~~. E. Tenth. from Edl\inont avenue easturly ~,~ •.~~.-,;. ton K'\'enue. E. Third. trom MarKet'easterly to Hinkson 8tT"orating it February 14th) since which time it iti has increased with rapid and steady strides in l)opulatlon. manufactures and other points that make a city widely known. Chester was ~ the seat of the Court for the territory now knowlI as Delaware and .. Chester counties until 1786, when the records wem transferred' to • 'Vest Chester. In September, 1789, Chester county was divided, and Chester made the county seat of DolawlU'O, the first Court being held }'ebruary 9,1790. The natural advantages of the city al'O unequaled by any, the land lying so as to seCUl'O gooort "rarden, Amos Gnrtside. Harbor Master, Paul Klotz.





liiokley's Pharmacy, the Largest and Most 8




~ ~ 10604



The chief Rnd policeman are appointed by the lIa)'or. Chief, IAwis 1>. Wheaton. Nt~ht, North lVard-e. Duckley, Uobert Robinson. 'lliddleWard-W. H. BUzzard, 1~o\\'is D. Glover. U South 'Vard-'V. II. Curr, 'Vm. McCully. Day, North 'Varo-1Iugh l{urmy, Charles Evans. U Middle 'Yard-John O. Moore, Shar})less 'Vhite. U SOuth 'Ward-Thomas Newill, David llark. Depot Ofttcer-1~ewis E. Kershaw.

~ FIRE DEPARTMENT. This organization is a volunteer nssociation with two steam Oro ena.... .gines, manufactured by n. J. Gould,of Newark, N. J., and the Snsby Manufacturing Co., seneca Fells, N. Y. '1'he whole force JUlInbers



about 9.()() active members. There are 4 hose carriages, and about 2,600 teet of £erviceable hose. One hook and ladder tmck, with ne00 nessary appliances. The chief engineer and assistant engineers ali) nominated by the companies and elected by Council. Next election, d' September, 1882. ~ Ohief Engineer-William Dolton. ..:f Assistant Engineers-'Vllliam Ewing, lYiJlhun J. Turner. .. Secretary-George·G. Jones. o COMPANIES. o THE FRANKLIN FIRE COMPANY (steamer), COllcord avenue, below /....4 W 3d. President, Edward Kershaw; Secretary, Benjamin Ayres, Jr.; 10604 Treasurer, George L. Horning. ~ . THB HANLEY HOSE COMPANY, E 6th, comer Crosby. President, ~ -Andrew J. Dower; Secretary, 'Vm. I". Gelston; Treusurer, Perry M. 'VR8llaba~h• ....; Tn~){OYAMEN8ING HOOK AND 1"ADDER CO.3IPANY, E. Droad, .. near Upland. PI'e8idcnt, 'VlUiam Kelly; Secretary, Chas. E. ].enny; Z Treasurer, Charles Sharpless; Foreman, James Heaney.


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PUBLIO SOHOOLS• Twenty yeal'S ago tbe total number of children attending school In Chester Wl\8 641. Average salary of male teach~ was $86.26 per month; fernule teachers, $2.7.14; the tax levied for lhe support ot tho .sch 001 8 was $5,194. The public schools of Chester to-1., rectors, S. A. Dyer, J. A. Campbell, T. 'V. Slone, J. }'mnk Black, Z "'illiam Appleby, Amos Gartside, E. n. SllRrks. o CUESTElt nun.\I. CtalETERY COlll·ANy.-!ll'esident••Tohn Larkin; en Secretary ami 'fl'casurcr, M. II. Uickley; Directors, John JAukin, M. ~ H. Bickley, A. Blakeley, D. Gartside, Joseph 'I'aylor. boot TRANSPORTATION.



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TUE PmLADIU,l'IIIA, 'VIL)IINGl'ON ANDllAl,TDIOnE RAILROAD runs tbirty·scven pnsseuIWr tn\ins (~aily to 8ml from Philadelphia~ an 1 connect with "rUmil1gton tlIld ;Ualtnllore. A number of freight tmins ar(, also run. . TUE CUESTER AND DI~LA WAllE Rn'EU RAILnOAD, a bmnch Of the lleading, also runs throuRh the eily. 'I'uE DELAWAltE UIvlm 'I'ItANSl'OUTATION CmIPANY carry the main part of the freight business between Chester :md Philal1elphia• 'I'beyown three hU'ge stenm barges, the Eddystone, Mars aOl\ Novelty. and make two trips daily each way, proving of great convenience to tho merchants of our city. TUE CUESTER C.ItEHI{ R.\1r.noAI>,1\ bl'l\nch of the P., 'V. l't D., starts nt Lamokin' amI connects with tho Bnltimore Central road for })ort Deposit, and the 'Vestcbester road for 'Vest Vhe.iter, Media aiu1 .' . J>hiladell)hin.


or American Manufacture, at Biokley's Pharmacy. CIlESTIJ;R CITY DIRECTORY.





TUE ELECTRIC LINE of steamers between WiJmingtoll, PhiJmlel})hia nud New York lUuke tri-wcekly trips here each way. A STEA31 DAUGE, the Sarah, runs daily from Chester Creck to Philadelphin. .. TUE BmDoEPoRT Sl'EA3lHOAT CmlPANY, owners of tlle Jersey Blue and Samh K. 'l'nggUl't, makes dnily tri}lS between llridgcpolt, South Chestor, Chester, lJilhngs}}()rt nnd l>hilallelpbin. ' TIlE SALU:\l LINE 01" Sl'EA3JEHS, and tho seveml stemnooats plying on the river, land here reguhu'ly dlll'iuJ:( the summer months. STAGES fun regularly to UI)land, .Mcdill, South Chester amt Hockdale.


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TELEGRAPH OOMPANIES. 'VESTEHN UNION TEI,EOAPJI CO:\II'ANY, Main office, 817 )larket street, James II. Mehaffey, l\lnnagcr. DIlen 7 A •.M. to HP. M. Sundays, I} to 10 A . .M., and l) to 6 P..M. Branch offices for sending messages, I>., W. & n. del}()t, opon day nud night. Ueadlng HaUl'oad depot, &col1d nud :Market stl'cetlJ, 0lleJl ftom 7 A. ~I. to 6 I'. M.





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EXCELSIOR BUrr,DING AND I..oAN .ASSOCIATION.-l>l'eshJont, D. M. Johnson' Secretnry, Perry M. Washabaugh; Treasurer, J. U. Johnson i SoliCitor,Orlaudo Harvey. .Meots fil'St Saturday in~,ch month, at the ofllce of P. M. Washab~mgh,ovel' })Y8r's Banking







CJmSTER BUIDING ASSOCIATION.-IJre..~ldent\ Benj. F. Baker; "" Treasurer, George n. LindSll)' i Solicitor, Edllluha Jones; Secretary, ffV.& Geol·ge)f. Booth. ~[eets fourth l'uesday evening in each month, at • the office of George M. IJooth, Market Square. Clf1;STEU AND UPLAND UUILDJNG ASSOCIATION.-President, S. aq Y. Hoffman; Treasurer, Amos Gartside; Sect'etary and Solicitor D. )[. Johnson. ~[eets at the offico of D. M. Johnson on tho third S.,tur- m day evenillJt of each IilOuth. .. DELAWAUECOUNTY UUn,DINGAssOCIATIoN.--I>resident, 'VlIJiam ~ Dolton; l'roaslll'cr, D. M. Johnson; :;ecl'ctary and Solicitor, Orlando Q) Hal'voy. Meets th'st Monday onming of cuch month, at the omee of George .U. ]Iooth. (') FIDE(,ITY ]JUIl,nINO As.'30C fA TlOX ,-President, JOllathan Peunell; p" Secretary II. L. Donulowo11, I>roprletor, 041 :MarkeL ~ Americl\n 'fpl\ Co., John Laird, JUanll1fer, 305 Market. ~ Amos Jlhotolfra}>h('l'~ 614 Mnrlmt, house 230 East 5th. o Anders IIl\l1nllh, house 213 I ntterson. .!lr:S' Anderson Annie, house 412 East 6th. g Anderson A7.urlah, laborer, hom,o Concol'nltol'son. ...... Andrews "'lIllnm E •• beamer, Blakoley's, house 1105 UJllaml. ~ .Anstev Alfl'cd, jolnur, Uoachs'. houso 505 West l"l'Ollt. .Ansley Clutrlcs, JlailltOl', Uoachs', house 110 Parker. ~ Anstey Gem'ge, Inachinlst, Uonehs', honse 005 West 2uler, l~lltit 6th, neal' freight depot, lI"u80 214 I~ast 8th. . llirckhead Jnua '1'.. hOllS~ 1203 Etlgmollt avenue. .


Oolors, Dry and in OU, at :Bickley's, 4th and Market Ste. CIIBSTEIt CITY DIRRCTOJ~Y.


lJirtwell John, clerk, II. B. Birhvell's, house 427 Eust 8th. Birtwell James II'~:JRinter, Compton, bORrds 017 lfadisoll. Ulrtwell TholllRS, 1.'. & E. Blrtwell) house 017 Mndl80n. Blrtwell T. & E. homas and BirtwelJ, qneenSWRl'e, &c., 141 'Vest 8d and East 6th, near 'Velsh. tJ Bisl;op Thomas D., CRrpenter, house 803 Eust 12th. ~ BIffLE GEORGE If•• teacher of book-keepilJ~, 234 Eust 6th, h. (10. ~ Blackbunl Jeremiah, luborer, Patterson's, house 820 'Vest 6th. nlnokbunl .John, labOrer, Uouchs" boan1s 720 'Veat f"ront. Blackbunl Robert. laborer, Uonchs', boards 720 West }~l'oJ)t. Blaokburn Tbomas, machinist, Honchs" boards 618 West Front. • Blaok David P., moulder. Eureka SteAl 'Vorks, bouse SJ21JenneJl. ... Blaok Dou~lass, laborer, boards 216 Welsh. UtI DLACK HENRY D., edge tool manufacturer and conI dealer, 'Vest 2t Crnmp John. ship CtUl>ellter, Uoachs', boards 712 'Vest 2d. ~ CRAIQ J. Jr., joul'11lllist, Advocate, house 1117 Madison. I-=t Crulg NelsonS., laborei·, Denis', bQards 1100 !'oUer. Crawford Ju~es \V., conductor, n. C. R. H., house 212 llroolllaIJ. Creamel':Cbal')es, commission dealer, 131 'Vest 3d, house 2-17 EIU~t 4th. Creamer Ibrry, pattc1'l11l11\kcr, Eyre's, house 247 El'8t 4th. E-f Creegan Patrick, spinner, PItUel'son'sl house Daker, near Frnnklfll. Cregall James,laoorer, RORehs', boal'us 10th, neal' Ellgrnont avcuue. ~ Cl'egan James Jr., laoorer, Deshong's, house 15th, near Jo;dvmout ave. • Cregau Mary, wiuow, ciJ{t\fs and touacco. 1446 !'rovidence av., h. do. O C~gall1.'homas, spinning boss, Cotton's, boards H46 l)ro\'idcuce. ~ CREIGHTON EDWARD, puper hanger 1\11 Edgmont avenue. , ~ Ourran Thomas, printer, house 10131)ntterson. Cuny Samuel J., pattern ml\.ker, "retherilJs'. house 716 Deshong. CUl'tis Hol'ROO R.,jlmp. Comb. Steel & Iron Co., boards 118 l)enneJJ. Cuskaden Mattie .1';., dressmaker. 009 'Velsh, bouse do, ,.d Cuskaden Mrs. John, house 623 Mallison. . Cutler George. confectioner, hou!id 880 West 3d. , Cutler lV. Fmnk, confp ctioner,638ltla'rket and 806 'Vest 3d, house do. Outler 'V. Fnmk .Jr., machinist, 'Vetherills', hause 800 West 3d.



. ! ~





J Dain200'Villiam T., contractor and builder,121 Concord avenuo, bouse West Front• ""4

.. Dalton Garrett, restaurant, 400 Market (basement), h. 009 "' 2ril1s', boards 240 East 6th. Davis 'Villiam, cigars and tobacco, 927 Edgmont avenue, house do.


AVISON T. c., Rl{ent Cunningham l.'t Co., bottlers of beer, cider, mead, snrsnpal'lJla, Illo, mineral water, &0., l"ifth, cor. Crosby, Q D house l>biJadelllhia. (See l\(lV.)


Dawson 'ViUiam K., lnborer, Roachs', boards 1026 'Vest 7th. ..d Dawson 'ViIlhun S., m.aChinist, UIl\kel.oY'St,house 631 North. ~~ })ay I..ewis n.ttclegmPh operator, }>., "'. l.\J H., boards 314 Kerlin. Day Samuell . amp. l~ddystone, boards 539 East 9th. Deak)'lle Dean J.1milk dealer, "'est 6th ncur Ulrich, house do. ~, Deakyuo Ellner I ., house liI2 Madison. DeakVllc }"'rnnk G., clerk, .A.mcl·!call House, boards 512 Madison, ~ Deukyne Louisa, snleswolllaH, J. Y. llroomall, Jr.• h. 612 Madison. !=!_ Deakyue }fary I~., widow John n., boards 012 Mndisoll. .... Deakrno WilJh\lll S., watchman, Roachs', house "'est 6th, u. Ulrich. ~ Dean 'VUUall1 II., cmp. llinck, hOll!ie 037 U lllamlo Dee Authur, drug broker, house 115 East 4th. nEEMER JOHN supt. Chester 81'eol Castin$.ts Co., h. 610 'Vest 7th. Deering Joseph, dry goods, 27 'Vest 3d, house 223 East 6th. Dehart Harry E., photogmpher, }>hila., house 412 East 8th. Deitrich samuel, mllchinist, Edd\'stone, bonrds 639 E.\St 9th. s:: DELAHUNT En \' AU)), florist, }JOUCl', COl'. 13lh, h. 17th, cor. }>rovi- ~ 4 De Silver JoSeph 'r., oompositor, boards }lenn, cor. }~ront. De SlIvel' ~il3terst (...\nnie C., Clam and Bella G. De Silver,) n(ltlons, 21 'V~t 3d•.' ' ; Devert! (J~th~l'in~\ widow Paul, house JlIakeley, near }lorton. Devers Demiis, IIU>orer, 'Vetherills', house 614 East 8th. . ~ Devers .James, laool'~l', Roachs', house 631 'Vest Front. f-e Devers Mary J., dressDlaker, 334 El\.CJt 10th, house do. ~ DEVERS THOMAS M., grocer, 000 & 911 Upland, house 3M East 10th. ..... Devel'S William, contractor. 000 Upland, house do. . • Devers William K., Clerk, '1\ M. Devers, Wards R84~l\st JOU•. Devey Mntthew II., l'lveter, UORchs', house 016 Union. ~ Devine John, shoemaker, J. McCabe, house 310 Edgl;llont Iwe. ..... Devitt Jobn, cardet·, house Union, cor. l'al1coust. J>evlin lIugh, carder house 224 Ea.CJt 14th. llevlinJIngh II., carder, Lincoln Ml\l1ufl\cturing Co., h. cor. Dlnkelt'l', near 1tlorton avenue. . Devlin James, boiler maker, house 718 West Front. e)

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10 A.


AND 2 P.


or American Manufacture, a.t Bickley's Pharmacy. . I>awire IJatrick, ]aoorer, house Union, near FrAnklin. . Diamond George, laborer, Uoachs', house 708 West Front. , Dick Ho1'llce n., reooroor, U nellublicRn," lIOu8e 204 SI'ruce, Philo. Dickerson Thomas, salesman, house 1425 Edgmont avenue. Dickerson Edward auctioneer"bouse 1207 Edgmont avenue. l>ickinson Cluu]es E" Carllentcr, Houchs', IIOU56 622 'Vest 6th. Dickinson }~mnces, widow James, 'Vest 3d, neRr }~uJton. Dickinson JamesdtrOcer. 21 'Vest 4th house do. Dickinson James Jr., ]aoorer, Hoachs', house 21 'Vest 4th. Dlckinson Joseph. fitter, Uoachs', house 731 Mary. DICKINSON OLIl'£R D., att'y-at-h\\\', Market Square, h. 404 E. uth. Dickinson Trevor It, dl'lmghtsmau 1 Uoachs', house 108 EHst Oth. Dickinson WiUiam II., nUorne)·• house 108 East uth; Dicksoll Joseph C., laborer, house 720 Mollvaine. Dickson William II.! treasurer Eureka Steel Co" house Phih•. Diehl Edward C.,]aw, house 18011>otler. Dierolf George, watchman, li'irst Nationallllmk, house 025 UpJaud. Diggins WUliam }~ .• laborer, IJeil>er's, house 1:!a5 ~dgmont m'en'lO. DiU Josiah S., grocer 028 U"land, house 1127 UJllaJ1d~. Dmiu John, laoorer, ltoRchs'. house 628 \Vest Front. . Db'eSS J()lm watchman}..!>. & n~ U. n" houfJO t013 Pnrkl'1" Dixon 'VilUam, clerk, Oil ,"" orks, boards 728 West :.AI. Dixson John A., re.cJtaUl'Rut, 303 Market house do, Dixson 'Villiam, amp. Morton & Black, boards 803 l{arket. l)obsoJl Augustus T. Sr., clergyman, house 726 'Vest &1. D()(h1s Andrew, laborer, noacbs'\house 710 West }~l'ont. Dodds James, laborer, house 710 ~ast Front, Dodds '~illiam J., riveter, Roachs', boards 327 Fulton. Doherty Jame.'1 0., foreman, Chester Gas Co., House 147 East 7th. Dolan Annie M., weaver, Shaw & Esr::y's, bOards 802 East 11th. • Dolan Bridget, widow James, houfJe Blakeley, near Morton avenue. Dolan John C. comwsitor "Till\f.8," house ~ Tilghman. ~ Dolan John, labOrer, Lincoln Mallufg Co., house Blakeley, n. Morton. Do]an Mary, widow Pntrick, house 8~ }~R8t 11th. .. ~ Dolphin James, boot· and shoemaker, 808 Edgmout ave., house do. Dolton WUliam, cigar manufacturer, 123 West 3d, house dO. '\,N Dolton William H., cigar maker t 'V. Dolton, bonrd8123 'Vest !:lth t:::. ,Domall John 0., laborer, "Reptmlioon,': house 328 Ulrich. Q Donahoe John, laborer, house Ml\rket 1>IHce. n DonaldsoJl Alexandet', laborer, Uoachs', boards 17 East 2d. t:r Donaldson Alfred, laborer, Roaehs', house 231IJattel'son. Donaldson Ellwood, ]ooorel't Roaclls', house 121 Kerlin. fo!W Donaldl¥.>n George, spinner, uoards 210 Ml\l'ket. . 0 Donaldson Harry C,. painler, bI. Ocheltree, house 208 East 8th.t:S DONALDSON HENRY notatv public, convesahcer, S, E. cor. :nur. 2Q ket Square, houte 208 }~llst 8lh. Donaldson .Tohn S., cmp. Uoachs', honse 'Vest 5th, near 1{~rlin. (X) nOll.aldsoh Sallie, clerk, 11. L. J)ollald80n, house 208.ERst 8th. ~. Donaldson Samuel D., barber, F. Dower, boar(\s 622 West 8(1'. ~ Donaldson Tll0J111t8, ]aborN', Uouell8', house 115 Kel'1ln. Dnhaldsoll Wf11ialu, emt)· Uonchs', house 116 Kerlin.' ONATH Al1UUST, business manager, H Times, h. 018 West 7th. (See adv.) . ~







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Donck]ey llenjamin, cat'l~t \\,(\11\'01', I


"T. Shepard, !xJs. 1218 West 2(1. a.:to .





FROM OiiES1'ER, 6.45 A. ~r. 'AND' 4 P. ~i.





Bickley's Pharmacy Dispenses Nothing but Strlcly Pure 44



Donnelly Charles, rigger, Roachs', boards 70.5 'Vest Front. Donnelly John, laborer, Uoachs', bonrds 686 North. Donnelly John, laborer, Uoachs', house 812 "rest 6th. • 1>onnolly Patrick, house 636 North. ~ Donovan John,cnrder, boards 'Vest 7th, nenr Butler. Dooley Michael painter, Uoachs', house 745 Marv. Dooly John, tinlsher, Uoachs', boards 16 'Vest 5th. ~ Domn Lawrence, laborer, Leiper's quarry, h. G\'Ceu; n. ~Iol'ton ave. DorIan George C., (DorIan Bros.,) house 1226 'Vest 2d . •" Dorsey John, hostler, 'Vashington Hotel, houso 238 "relsh. ~ Dorsey John W., hostler, Washln~ton House, boards 203 'Velsh. Dougherty Annie, 81lOO1er I~ewis, boards 60G Potter. Doughelty Annie, widow Michael, house U33 Walnut. . J~ Dougherty Oharles, labowell's row. Dougherty James,laborer, Silllp!)On's,-IJOuse Ii Simpson's block. ~ Dougherty Jamestlaborer, Wetherills', boards 31·1 East 11th. ~ Doughel·ty John, lOUse 419 'VC,ltt 3d. ,,_, Dougherty John, taborer, house Simpson's block. ..... Dougherty John, boatman, boards 702J~ast 8th. Dougherty John, boiler mnker, Elre'8 Co., bOlm]s a~7 Gnllntin. ~ Dough~rty Jolm, l$borer, l>owell 8 qUl\rry~ house !'owell's row. O Dougherty Jo 111, l~borer, Uoachs', bo:mh Kf3rlill, COl'. 2d. E:.." ~ Dougherty John, laoorer, Uoachs', boards 329 East 10th. E-t DouRherty John, waterman, honse 707 Potter. o Dougherty Jol1n. he fler, Wetherills'l hOllse 418 East 6th. ~ Dougherty John n., aborer, Uoachs ,houso 416 &\st Oth. • Dougherty John Jr.. moulder, WethOl'ills', boards 418 East 6th. o DoughEu'ty .John }>., organist and lllusJc dealer, 22 'Vest 3d, house do. Dougherty Joseph, setter up, Uoachs', boards 118 Howell. ..., Dougherty Julia, carder, Lewis & Co., boards 513 }~ast 8th. Dougherty Maggie, weaver, Broad st. mill. boards 7l~ .:Morton lL\'Cnuu. Dougherty Mary, \vl.!..'w Edward. honse 5381~l\st 11th. Dougherty MlU'y, widow Daniel, hOUBe 613 East 8th. Dougherty Mary A., tcachpl', h0l1s0 22 'Vest ad. Doughel'ty Michael, \)oiler lllllkcl', Wetlwrills't boards Gl S )[ortol1 Iwe.




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Drugs & Pharmaceutical Preparations of our own Make. ~"


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CJlFSTEn CITY nJllECTonv. .. _...

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Dougherty :Michnel, laborer, house 721 Green. Dougherty )[ichael, laborer, Uag Works, houso 702 Enst 8th. Doughel'ty !'atriek, houso 606 Potter. Dougholty Patrick, laborer, boards 702 J~nst 8th. Dougherty })ull'ick, laoorer. Simpson. house 721 Green, Dougherty Patrick, tohacconist, 815 Potter, house do. Dougherty })atrick Jr., laborer, Hoachs', boards 815 Potter. Dougherty })JliJip, blncksmilh, house 327 Gallatin. Donghelty l)hilip, cnptuin, sloop Li7.zie n., hou~e 315 }~n9t HUI. Dougherty Philip, laooror, house 721 Green. . J)onghel'ty Philip II.• laborer, honse 717 Green.. Dougherty }'JliJiP'J>cddiort house 10th, noar Walnut. Dougherty SandI, reSSml\Ker, 410 'Vest 8d, house do. Dougholty Snrah, widow Daniel. house 620 l)otter. J)ougherty Samh, widow Dennis, house 618 Morton llvcnue. Dougholty 'I.'homns, boBol' ml\ker, noaehs', house 738 West }·l'Out. J)ougherty Thomas, cnrder, Crozer's, holm s 6JU North. ])ougherty 'I.'homas, plasterer, boards 327 GllJlutin. Dougherty Thomns A., lnb., }" McCollum's. h. '\Tashington, u. Poun. J)ougherty 'I.'homns, morocco fillisher Coates'l house rear 8th. DouRherty Thoml\8, polisher, Uoachsl, house 422 West Front. J)ougherty Timothy: foreman, H. C. Eyre &. Co" house 827 GaJll\tin. Dougherty 'I.'imothy, laborer, boards 702 East 8th. . ;; DOUUHERTY WILLIAM, Henry C. };yro & Co,\house 417 'Vest 3d. ])ougherty Wmiam, laborer, house 230 West 14t I. DouRherty 'ViJlinm, laborer, Siml)SOn'S, boards 6 Simpson's row. Doughty Daniel; Jaoofer, Simpson's, house 918 Crosb)', Doughty :Marv, widow .Jl\mt'8, house 713 'Vest 2d. .. llonglass Den)mnin, blacksmith, rollin" mill, honse }'UltOIl, nOal' oth. Dougll\SS George Y., barber. 536 :Market, house"26 'Ves~4th. Dougll\SS IJizzie, house rear 724 'Vest }"'ront. Douglass Thomas, emp. Uoachs', boards 318 'Vest 3d. Dover John };., steam.litter, Uoachs'.t house 2381)atterson. Dowd 'Villinm C.• cal'der. house 018 ,Vest 9th. Dowling }~JizabCth, widow John, house 305 West 2 S:


D .




Go to Bickley's Drug, wa.rehouse for White 4i 48 -------

DIUECTOHY. - __ CJU~STEn _-_._-- CITY -.-._--..----..--- -..--.-..- --.----




Ellis 'Vmilun, harness manuf'r, 627 )[arket, house 810 Edgmont a\'8. Emcl'Y John driver, boards 626 Morton ave. . Emel'yThomas j., laborer, Steel 'Yorks, house 626 Morton nvenue. ~. EmU Thomas, clerk, lJuchauan's, boards 619 Eust 9th. Emlen Caleb, house 608 East 14th. Engine IIOl.:se IJ., l..t B. Broomall, be Lwoon lith and 6th. ..d Engle Edward H., el111'. Morton l..\i HInck, houso 228 Eust J.t:•• . Engle John emp. Simpson's. house 417 East 8th. English Cat\mrine, wi(low 'l'homas, house 700 Pott~r. Ennis George 'V., grocer, 200 Market, house do. ~ Ennis .Joseph, laborer, house rem' 212 'Velsh. , .. Ennis Hooort II., boss spinner, llroal1 street mill, house 717, Deshong. CIS EnsijUl Linus, agent Americ.all Sewing Machine, 620 'Velsh, house do. ~ ENTWISLE I. JlOWARD, clerk, J. 1.1. Entwisle, boards 114 Penn.



n. n."



~ ENTWISI~E JOHN L., llapel' hanginS{s, window shades, plctUl'e


frames, etc., 220 l..t 222 Ponn, house 114.1)onn. (See MV.)

I:Q'. Entwisle John L., Jr., sign paiuteI', 225 PJnn, house 114 Penn.

d Entwisle Joseph, paper hl\mler, J. J~. I~ntwisle, boards 1141)enl1• •:::; Erickson Charles, luborer, H. C. Eyre It Co., house 842 Ulrich. (1J Esrey Edmund milhvright house 3.(0 East 14th. J.4 Esrey George carder, SIlaw &; Esrey's, bOIU'ds 340 East 14th. ~ Esrey Ueese D., machinist, 'Vetherills'. house 326 Eust 7th. s> ESI'ey Sebastian, weaver, t:)haw l~ Earey's, boards 840'East 14th. ~ Etheriugton Chnrles, laborer, house 1019 l>otter. :' EUREKA CAST STEEL CO., (Pl'eshlEmt, '\" 13. Hennoy; Treasurer,' o H. Dickson; Sucl'ot.ary, II. n. Faunco; MIt11l\J,ter, }'rederJck o Baldt:) mauuf1rs of steel castings, DmomalJ, n. P. ,V. l~ n. U. U.· ~ Evans Cadwallader, machinist, Uoachs'd1ouse 231~ast 4th. ..... Evans Charles 1.1., policeman, house 218 ~ast 7th. ~ Evans DaVid, machinist, 'VetheriHs', boards 230 'Vashinglou, ~ EVlUlS Edward, machinist, ooar(18 280 'Vl\ShinJ,tton. Evans Jabez, moulder, Wethel'ills" house 329 GalJatin, ; ...4 Evans John n.} cnrpent~r, Chester Steel 'YorKs, house 128 Kel'1ln. Evans Joseph, a})prer, Uoachs" house 206 IlroolllaJl, Evans Joseph II., 'plasterer, honse 216 "'est 4th. o Evans Marl(arettlL E. bOIU'ds 216 'Vest 4th. r7J Evans Uicbard laborer, hOllse 1006 Wcst 9th. .. ~ Evaus Thomas, shoemaker, .T, Dolphin, boards 808 Ed«lllont avo. Evaus 'VilUam, ~ge tool maker. II. n. Illack's, h. 230 Washinut()I1. t>t Evans 'V1llial;l1 B;j hotel kOOl181', 1215 Edgmont ave" houoo 1213 Etlgr:l mont ave(llle. \ . '. 1-=1 EVl\ns 'Vmil\m C" tlll-slllith, near 12th, COl', Pi'ovidence lwe., h. do. Evans 'Villiam }'.t "'l\tchml\ll, oil works, house 128 Kerlill. O. Evaull Susanna, WIdow of Charles E., house 710 McIlvaine. E-f Everht Elmer, exprE'ssman, houso 606 ,Vest 2&i4'.~~and aU kin& of Fwcr L.iquore amI CQtdlals.









• No. 24 East Fourth Street,

Chester, Pa., 1



....... '';






, ;







Patent Corpse Preserver,

~.,':~;.:. ......

. '



1!I..urnlt~ .... hlm

ulle4, tn 1Jil


lwlltappll.a.nt'll.l know-no

COFFINS AND CASKETS OF ALL KlNDh, COXBTANTLY ON H,J,,'!'iD. My hannA' two lll,~e OIIl88 hCllIllt'e fur adlt1t&, and B 8mall ()De for -eJ:tU4ren. we aTtl e.. I bl~ to do t" nemocmt, bouse 819 ERst 9th• • Fullerton David.laoorer, Roacha' house 728 West Front. Fulton Geol'A:e R., machlnistt,..,Eddystone, boards 639 ERst 9th. ~ Fulton Hall, llpland, corner .r.;ast Oth. ~ Fulton Hotel, Thomas Gaynor t pr~prietor, }'ulton, corner Fl'oJit. J'ulton James, carpenter, bonNS 'Vest 8th, nea~ Lincoln•






Z d



~ o

• e


the building built for and entirely devoted to our business CIlE8TEn CITY DIRECTORY. 63 -_.-----_ - ---_ .._--.-----. -.._ - - - - - }"UltOIl Aleat Market, 'V. Scott llurk, proprletol'. 001 Upland. 1·"ulle1' Samh E" wltlow of Levi, milk dealer, West 5th, neal' Kerlin, house do. . . ., }'urgu9011 Tholllas, mOllltler. EUl'ekn Steel 'Yorks, 1Mts. Dal(tt House. t:j ]·'lIrloug James L., clerk, 8. J. }"'ul'1ong, house 310 EdllOlont avenue. th.. }"'ul'longSimoll J., fruit dealer nud confectioner, 632 Market, boa1'ds ~t""': 810 Edgmont avenue. Furman James. laborer, Roachs', house 110 Ellsworth. }'urman Jacob F., tobacconist, 1302 'Vest 2d, house do. ..




Gallagher Armour n., helper. S. Chester rolling mill h.l35 Church. Gallagher Barney, InbO,rer, 'Vetherills', bouse 322 GalaUn. Gallagher Clum I~.,wl(lOW Edward, house 20 West-tth. Gallagher Catharine, widow 'Villfam, house 314 East 7th. Gallagher Charles, laboret·, H. C. Eyre &; Co., house 635 Ul))and. Gal!H8her Edwarl, laborer, house Powell's now. Gallagher Edward. laborer, Uoachs' house 789 Mary. . Q GalJa~her George 'V., cigar maker b. A. 8tory, h. Upland, abo OUt. .. GaUaJ!her Hugh, labOrer, Simpson/s, hou~ MOl'ton ave1lue, n. r. Rldle.y ~ Creek bridge. . Gallagher James, laborer, S. Chester rollfult mill, house 1500 'Vest 2 Glennan John, mt)\rer, house ]209 E(lgmOllt avenue. ' ..' Glennon John, labonu'LRoachs', house 288 Eaat 3d. fX) Glennan Julia, widow .r;dward. house 288 East 3d. .. . Glennan TbomRS.IRborerLRoachs',' boards 1400 Pto"Jdence avenue. I) Glennan Robert, laborer, uoachs', lOUse 288, Ea8t'Sd.' ... Glfnnan lVllllam, riveter, noach~'. house 288 East 8d.' ""'"'0" Glennan John, laborer, l'Kttel'80Q 's. bouse 828 West 6th. .. .. GLOTHEN QEOBQE E., gl'Qgel\ 20..6 TUghman, house do. ~ Godon D. Wl1mrit, denti$t. 11 El\St otb~JlOUse Media.. . I);:J GOELTZ HOUSE. 'George Goeltz, prop-rletor, 818 Edgmont avenUe. ,. 6.'OELTZ GEORGE, propl'letor. qoeltz IIOU!!J. 818 Edgmont aveilU~. ~. Gold. William T" police officel', house 616 weat Oul. e:t;" '(}oftOhRrles A., Clerk. Steamboat Hotel~ house dQ. ~ '.:tlOFP HENRY, pl'Oprletol' Gott's no~1 128 West Stl, house do. Q~ " Gott lIenn' II., t6legl'81'h opel'lltor, 1). n, n. n" h. 828 D,l'OQlpaU. GOFF .JOHN, pl'oprletor Steamboat Ilotel house do,. I!Q,' Goff Mary Anti, widow of Join), bo~\l'd8 Slt;ambm,\t Ilotel. Goff Peter, hO\l88 117 3d. • Goff Samuel C;,t Clerk, Steamboat Hotel, bO\l~~Ldo. 00P'8 ROTE.." Hem'y Goff prop!'let:,r, \25 W98t 3d. 00mal1 Ellen, widow, house 816 West. Fl'Qnt.


GOODS: lRsu'n~1) IN:


Bickley's Wholesale and Retail Drug, Paint and Glass ~ 66



GOo norman MargerY, widoW of Michael, house 814 Eal,t 11th. ~ Gorman :Mark, foreman, D. S. Dunting, house 610 North. , " Gormun Patrick, laborer U08chs', hOllse 1210 West 2d. .; , Gormall Peter, boller maker, Wctheri1lS'i house 607 East 7th. ~ Gorman 8arah, confectiol!ery, 419 East 1 th, house do. J:I \Gormand Ellen, weaver, Ledward's, boards 814 East 11th. i Gormand ;Mary, weaver, IAldward's, boards 314 East 11th. o Gott John~ ship carpenter, Uoachs', house 411 'Vest Fl'Ollt. ~ Gottschalk Julius H.,·bouse 228 Market. Gootschalk Mrs. II., mU11nery, 82 'Vest 3d, house 2281tfarket. IS GOULD MONROE AI, (Gould & Key) boards :Madison, corner 8tll. ~ GOULD" KEf, (Monroe A. Gould. Samuel II. Key) manufacturers ~ of top rolland clearer covers, 'Valnut, corne1'101,h. (See adY.) . .~.' Govens George, laborer. bouse 822 Fulton. ~Graden Benjamin, emp. Irvin" 4.t Leiper's, house 321 'Vest Front. :,. Graden James, bakel', house 218 East 10th. J~ Graden John M., stripper. Lewis & Co., huuse 630 1tfclh·alne. o Groden Sarah, grocer, 013 Crosby, bouse do. . ~ Oraden 'VilIlaOl, bouse 638 North. to"4 Graden 'VtlUam, opemU>r, Denis', bouse 913 Crosby. "'d GradenWUUam R., mason, boards 625 Upland. ,GrageO' Daniel. laborer, hoi,rds 201 Mlwket. Graham Frederick, buwher.140 Kerlln, bouse (10• ..... .GrahaOl F. Ridgely, IJhysiciun, 628 'Velsh, house do. ~Graham James. laborer, house 5~ East 11th. fII;4 Graham John T., bouse 602 East 13th. o GrahaJD Ma1'k t but,(lhe1', F. Graham, board~ 514 'Vest 3d. OJ 'Graham Sarah. widow Joseph, 11011se 614 'Vest 8(1. .aa Graham 'Valun' Hjj butcher\613 Edgmont avenue, house do. Grant .Jonathan, erilp. Garts d.e 4.t Sons: l boards 816 'Vest 2d. Gmson David, laoorer, Ronchs', boards 110 'Vest 2s ,V., laborer, tube wnrks, hoards 818 Nonis. o Graul IIem'y A., laborer, tube works, hou80 318 NoniR. E-t Grawl Daniel, )lldnter\ Ilonchs', bol\1'(ls 242!)nttcrson. foot G1'l\wl George mil wright, house 2-12 PnUerson. Orawl James, ~Inter boards 2421)nttel'ROlt. ~ Orawl Mary, widow IIcnry, boards 3d, 8. W. COl'. lIoweU. Gray Ba'Rdford, shill ooI'l16nter, house 604 6th, COl'•. Fulton. o Omy Chnrles, blacJ(smltb house 709 'Velsh. '. • rz1 Umy Martha, widow 'VIIllatll house 2 \Vf.>.st 5th. . . c; Gmy 'Vllllam, lllaCJhinlst, Wehaerills', boards 820 'Vest 2jne. Harkins \VjlJiam, caulker, house rear 428 \Vest Front. IIarkins George 'V., brakeman, I>. &I U. H. It, boards 27 }~ilst 2d. IIarkins Isaao, spinner, Branagan ..t Lamb, boaNs 367 Parker. t""': IIarkins James, house 807 Parker. ~ Harkins James, carpenter, boards 857 }>arker. Jlarkins John, oigar manufacturer! 028 "rest 3d, boards 367 Parker. Jlarkins Robert, conductor, 1)...t 1(. U. U •. house 27 Eust 2d. Harkins Samuel, carpenter, Uoachs\ boards 367 !)arker. Harper Edward, machinist. house "\Vest 2er Maggie, (M...t G. 113rl>er,) house Hidley Park. Harper M. & G., (Maggio ..t Georgiana HllrltCr,) dl'ossmakers, Walnut, comer 10th. Harpur Alexander, china and queensware, 8 3d, h. 801 E. 8th. Harrington George, heater, Comb. I. & S. Co., house 210 Tilghman. Harris Albert F .. book.keel>er, housf:lo07 }~llst 11th.' .Q Hurrls Andrew laboror, bouse 238 Broomall. 'Ie Hurris nenJ., lab., .t. M. ShallJ1e.QG & Co.l.h. Del. nvo., Ill'. llroonmU. nUerson's, h01l86 419 Concord Ilve. g, lIennis David. emp. Hoachs', boards 42-1 \Vest 3d. (J) Hennis James D. emp. Uoaahs' boards 424 'Vest 8l\tter8011's, h. 'Vashlngton. ncar Penn. HI"KI118 'rhomas II., Cl\nvaSS61', "Advocate," house 226 'Vest 14th. Highl\ill 'Villiam, bar-tender, J. Taylor, boards J(lOfjEdgmont av('lltle. rg Hiland Ellen, weaver. Shaw &; Esrey, boards 1410 Edllmont avenue. ~ Hill Alexander, laborer, Vomb. I. & S. Co., house 116 Ellsworth. ell Hilll)aniel, carriage painter, M. Ocheltree, house 218 Hltterson. - Hill John II., engineer, house 713 DcshonJ(. ~ HUJ Josepb II., ll\borer, I>ric~, house 226 Minor. ~ lim Samuel U., painter, 209 'Vest 4th. . 'IJ JIimlel'llOfer John, managCl', Joseph Hinderhofel', house 141 'Vt'.st 3d. 1Iilldorhofer Josel)h, boot and shoe dealer, 141 'Vest 3d, h. MiUvlUe. uS Hines Jeromo D., blacksmith, Chester Htool Co., house 804 'Vest 6th. JJ Hines Sam uel, painter, Boachs', boards 2'20 Kerlin. -oS Hinkle George, engineer, house 316 Hinkson. ,:z::; Hinkson Alfred E., machinist, Uobt. 'Vethea'illly, Co., h. 228 E. 4th. uS Hinkson Ai'abella, widow of Charles, house 216 'V('st 7th. ~ HINKSON FBlmERICK J. leather and shoe findings, BOa Edgmont 'i avenue, house 160 'Vest 3e . s:lt Hinkson lIarry C,. book.keeper, Morton &; Black, house 228 East 4th. r:n. Hinkson Henrv, clm'k, Chester Grocery Co. house 210 East 4th. d· IIINKSON HE-SRY H., sash nnd planing mill, l>onl1, corner 4th, house .;;i 216 };ast 4th. ell Hinkson Id~1 saleswoman, IAppincott It Co.. house 1116 Madison. ~~~ HINKSON JuliN n., uttorney·at--law, 11 "'est Bd, house 126 East 4th. Hinkson Lewis E., clerk, Edd\'stone, houR8 232 East 4th. HinkRon I~ydia A' widow of .foseph, 120 East; 4tb. A Hinkson Ol'pba, wIdow of John, boards 72a Madison. .. Hinkson Samuel, paintor, boards ]82 East 9th. 0 Hinkson Samh S., widow of Edward, house 1236 Providence avenne. 0 Hinkson 'VUliam, tax collector, house 232 };ast 4th• .....4 Hinkson 'VUllam, Jr., supt. :?tIorton ..t DIRCk, JI01lSe 228 East 4th. """'4 Hinty Chnrles, barber, A. J. Dower, boards 28 }~ast 6th. "0 lJinsWoI'th Uichard, laborer, house 713 'Vest 2d. C2 Hiorth Christian G' rigger, UORehs', house 222 'Vashington. ~ lliorth Conrad M.} tItter-up, Uoachs', house 626 }Jast 7th.• • cJIipple PJ\j1jp, barucI', 003 Upland bouse Crum T.Jy!111e. . ,1-4 Hitchcock Edward, lab., }~ureka Steel 'Vorks, boards 207 Ellsworth. Hodge John 'V., shoemaker, bouse 17 Market. Hoey IJt\rnal'd 'V."qneensware, 105 'Vest 3d, house do. 00 Hoffecker Joseph ~., carpenter. rear 110 East 8d, house do. Hoffman Andl'Cw, barber, 368 Howell, house do. ~ Hoffnum John L' t qillchinist, Honchs', house 636 'Vest 2t Ho1l'man Snmu"I.Jl\\ blacksmith} Hoachs', house 210 Kerlin. 1I0FFMAN SAMUE~ V. t conlaua Ilmin. 3UO West Front, h. 408 'V. 2ub. co.,Jlmited, b. Thurlow. Houston Fl'ank, Cal'pelltcl', Roachs't boards 207 :Vashlngtol}. Houston Thomas J., genem} mallBgcr Chestcl' Rolling Mills, hO\1se 8th oorner Kerlin. Uowlli:'d Annie, boards 418 West 6th. Howard Benjamin R., cnrJ)9nter, house 284 'Vest 6th. HOWARD DROSt t (George W., Jr' and }'l'ed. A. Rowanl) Wholesale grocers, WelSn, comer Enst atiI. . .










If you need any Medicine you'll flndBickley's PharmacY', 00


1Iowa1"(1 Elizabeth, widow of ]~1lis, house £120 Edgmont UV('llue. Howard Ella, dre&lmakor. 92ii Ed1lUont avenue. Howard Fred. A., (Howard Bros. house 627 Welsh. Howard George 'V., (Spra~ne &, I oward) house 616 'Vest 6th. • Howard George W., Jr., (Hownrd Bros.) house li36 East 9th. :! Howanl Hiland, loom ftxer, Denis'. house 916 Upland. o Howard Ida, teacher, boards 234 'Vest 6th. Ct-4 Howard 1m, weavers Denis'. house 916 Uphmd. o Howard John D., twIster, Patterson, house 1129 }Iadison. ~ Howard'John }I., clel'k, Howard Bros., house 931 Potter• ."•Oe Howard Leah C., wIdow of George 'V.• house 627 ·Welsh. ~ Howard Mary A., teacher, house 627 'Velsh. lIoward Ralph, sizer, Lewis'l house 628 McIlyaino. Howard Sadie, teacher boaras 234 \Vest 6th. oS Howard Samuel, ruould~r, 'Vetherills', boards 110 McIlvaine. S Howard Spencer P., grocer, 628 Morton avenue, house do. •co Howard Wi11iam. D., manager, Chest Cotton mills, h. 610 Edgmont av. Jot Howard 'Villiam E., salesman, Howard Bros., house 627 'Velsh. ~ Howarth Alice wIdow Joseph, houso 623 'Vest 2el'ts, houso 310 i 'cnnelJ. ' ..... Innis Georg~, cloth boss, Uhns. Uoberls. boards82(1)ennelJ. ....,~ IREDALE MILLIAM H., butcher, 117 'Vest 3d, hoilse 612 West 3d. Ireland Alfre Kelley Daniel, spinner, lJarton's, Crosby, nenr East 9th. o Kelley George, laborer, Roachs', houae 8:&'J }'lulton. • Kelley James, engineer, tug James Kelley, house 323 Enst 10th. Kelley John, watchman, 1). W. & n. R. n., boal'ds 6011)enn, "tS Kelley Lizzie, widow James, hoUse 610 East 10th. c .Kelley Lydia, Widow Asbury, nouse Union, near,Franklin. Cd Kelley lIaria, hous8 Pancoast, cor. Uaker. • Kelley MarY),boards Union, JJem' Franklin. t-4 Kelley MichRel, stone ml\8on, hOIl80 rear 800 Fulton. Z Kelley Patrick, l1\oorer, boards 034 Kerlin. e Koney Pl'lce, laborer, Roaells'.. boards Union, near }'l'8nkltn. UJ. Kelley WIlllam, lahorer, U,oI\ClJS', boards 034 RerUn. . ~ Kelly Charles, watchman) railroad, house 820 Ellst 14th. ELLI EDWARD, hOlel, Market, corner 4th, house do. (See adv.) Pof





~ Si e

Kelly James, foreman 110aehs', house 217 }i'lIlton. Kelly J~mes, laborer, i~yre &, C



aJl Sizes and Out to Order, Bickley's, 4th & Market Sta. ClIES1'EU Cl'ry nIllECTOUY.


Ke.nna.dy Cathel'inc, varieties 'Ve.~t l"l'ont, ))\;al' ]{orlin, house do. KennRdy Dennis, pattei'll lnaker, Uoachs', h. West }'rout, nr. KerUn. Kennard 'VUllam, fireman, Patterson's.1!lOuse St. Charles, iiI'. 'Velsh. Kennedy Andrew, plasterer, house OW .Morton avenue. Kennedy Philena, widow of John, bouse real' 001 East 3d. Kennelly John, botler maker, !lollchs'. house 218 KerUn. Keough Mallnchi. laOOrel\ Uoacha'. house 822 Ulrich. Kepnt}r Hall, Kerlin, comer 1'hlrd. Kepnef John C., druggist, 3d, C01'l1l'r }'rnllkUn, house do. Kerr John, hlborer, house 114 }'ulton. Kerr Moore, clerk, house 817 Edl{mont avenue. Kerr Wmialn S., emp. I)rint works, house 119 East 4th. Kerrl~k Margaret, ooalus 213 'Vost 3d. Kershaw Edmund, spinner, LiIleys', boards 618 Barclay. Kel'8haw James, moulder, 'VetheriJJs'. house 824 Gallatin. Kel'8haw IJ6wis E., special oftlcel' P. 'V. ~~ n. U. U. depot, house rear 081 Market. DBSHAW MRS. SARAJI, prop. Indian Queen Hotel, 421 llarket. Kershaw Robert T. (Morrell & Kershnw) house l'asclmll. Kershaw'VUliam 11., bakery, 8Q6 ' 3d, house do. Kestner Joseph, ice dealer, 921 West 9th, house do. . K~Howard T. emp. Gould & Key} ooards 'Valnul, ne..1r 10th. KEY SAMUEL j I., (Gould ~tKey,) ooards 920 'Valnut. Keys Emily, widow Hobert, dl'essmaker, house 214 East 7th. Keys Samuel J., lnb.orer, ROl\ehs', house 214 East 7th. Keyser George 'V., shoemaker, bouse 2091'UghnllUl. KMd Henderson, engineer, 'Vm. Gl'een, house 224. Broomall, 'Kldd James, machinist, 'Vro. Green house 228 Broomr.1J. Kldd Joseph, tittel', noaehS'} house Pennell, near 'VesL 2nrkcr, ~~ J~l\wler Miohae}, bread bakol', bolU'Cls 1108 }~dgmont avcnue. J~aws 8pt)ncer, laborer, house 1008 'Vest nth, Lawton .Tohn, watehmnn, Lewis', house 612 MOl·ton avenue, ~ JAlwton John E., 100m boss, I~owis & Co., house 636l\Iol'ton 1"'0. i:+ JAlwton LeWis, warller, I.lewls "t Vo" house 6J2l\Iol'ton avenue. ~ Layer Jobn, laoorer, Honella', houso 714 West 2shong. MaglnuesaJ'ulm, chlpJler" VI.ester Stt>el Co., bURnts lOS Norris. Magowan Joaepu, clerk, Iloaohfl', house ~'" Washington. MaJ@ireAnn willow Michael houtte 716 Eust 4th. MnhUu A~bert, 001'8 maker, ,fm. Gn>ell, hou86 80 West 4th. Mahlln EUsworth, carriage 80 W \1St 4th. Mablln Joseph, \,lumber. b'Jutle 80 'vest 4th. MabJin Joseph u.\emr- H. I'. Morrow, house Edgmont av., COf. nil. Mahon George. (I eadauy & Mabon) 1I0n88 338 Kerlin. M"h".~ Joseph A., laborer, 'VetberU~'J }'otter near lotll.. Mt~or Glley, wluow, house rear 118 upland. N' or Harry, tloket agent Larnokln, boards 326 lIon)). '1 com John, watclJman, jj"UenKIlI '8, bouso 218 West Fronf,. Mallaney Dominie, IItborer, EUl~ka steel works, boards 1101 'Vest 211. MaUey If_rtlll, laborer, lloachs'.hoU86 8 Delaware avenue. ~01 Anble, weawer, Sbaw & Esrey's, 1101180 810 East Uth. Maloy Daniel, laborer, bouse rear 6201l'ntter., Malloy Jamea Joiner Roachfl' house 826 East I1tb. Maloney Caroitne, widow 'VUllam, house 414 East 4th. Malone1 John R:, carpenter booros U26 A{atlt80n. Maloney,WIIUam.laoorer. Roachs', bouse 741 Mary. Maloy John, laborer, '108 caldwell. llann Georgo, p;liuter, house 709 'Vest 2d. Mann Gool'Me W., Franklin, cor. ~S, house 709 'Vest 2«1. Nann George W., Jr., physiclall, 700 West 2d, house do. Abnafteld MRry widow Richant house 70.5 Wel.sJI. MaoIJlay James machinist, \VctherlJls', house 61a East hlb. Maroy Albin P., emp. Roachs', ooal'dsl:!O East Sd. Marls JolJDJ.Jab.~COm.S. & I. Co., h. Groulldsell's Court" n. Union. MARLEY 'uRN n., druggist, 3d, t;. W. cot. Ilowell, house do. Marlor EU"lJetb, wltlow Uobb. bouso 631 Madison. Marlor John, ,racer, 80li East 7th. house 322 E88t 8th. Marlor ltolM»t, vlllmber, 12'J Wt'st 3d. It. bridge, h. Madison, COl.. tth. Marlor WilIlj&ID, grocer, 6J6 Madison, houS(\ 614 Madison. . Marr WUII8111, SU~l'jlltendent, GJucsb)', h. l'tlW aoove l1plBlid. MRrBh Geo."q E" marble cutter. RuwlIsla)', bnal'ds 423 Ro~ • .Murtlh James, Wllrpel', Stoteslmry, house 4~ Hose.






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Bloklets Drutr Store, corner. 4th and .Me.rk.t·IJ~t8, a 84 CUESTBR CITY nmB(,'rouy• llarshaJl AIlI;,-~U~~2i8-'\~~~t4tl~- --- - -- . ---- -- ---.. Ma1'8hall Ann, widow James, hOURe 1M Fnmklln. Marshall D~\\'hl, polisher, II. U. Black &, Co., boatnls 811 Eaal8UI. MllNhall James, "reman, 011 works, boonls 200 )c;RSt 6th. )(81'8h,,11 Jalltl, boards 218 ""est. 4th. Marshall lfalJlRret widow ThomlU, )lolUle 618 E~,st 16th. 1[a1'8h811 WUllam, laborer, Uoachs\ house 218 Weat 4tb. Marshall William, wtlaver, Jobn Gartside's, b. 6tll\ cor. COllcord aYe.. l1al'8hall 'Villiam J., cleric, G. U. llaclftc Tea Co., nouse 807 Market. Marshall SalJie, boards 2181~enll. • Ma1'8ball Samh, dressmaker, 811 ERSt 8th. house do. Ma1'8hall UUley, house 410 Rv(>nu~. . ~.. Marshman Chandler, laborer, Gartside & ~IIIJ, house 008 Weat. }'ront. Massey James,l.\gent Phronix Iron 'Vorks l house aJU l'olter. ~ MK88eY Jamea W., carpenterI house nos 10Uer. Martin Adeline, widow Thaadeus,llouse 317 Market. Martin Ann, widow 8amuel, houSf.' 4011Ilnksoll. Martin .Arthur, benmel', Lewis' mill, house 127 \Veat 13ih. Mautln Catbal'lue t widow lIellty, house 321 Hinkson. Martin Dennls,laoorer, house Pancoast nMI' lJaker• Martin EliwbeU" widow JOhll, bouse ~ AfcIh'Hlue. Martin Joseph A .. painter, house 1106 Upland. Martin lIuncbal M., dreman, 8Im~n's\J,. 11. 12th & Providence ave. lfartln Sa'lIlue., car Inspector, n~lllg I,. U., lJoilnis :t..JQ West 4t.b. Martin WUJlalU 11., house 62 lie ho"ll1o. . Martin \VUU&m n., weaver, Blake e)"s, house nose, near }lotter• .. MarUne WUJlam A., hanlC88 makpc, J. Brooks. houle 816 East 9th. J:J Mask William M., teltlgral)b operator, bouse 322 Noms. c;,) Muon Benjamtn, carder, YanJall'8 mill, house 1203 West. 2d. Muon Caltb, laborer, boards 926 Walnut. .

.g .a


I a

I.a ~ td,

!"SI MASON HARRY 0., wines nnd Jiquors, BOO MOlion avenue. hOUli

.;J do. (See ad~.) • Mason Ilenry, laborer Uoachs\ boards 9~ Walnut. ~. Muon John}'., loom ~ss, Chas. Rooortfl, house 1814 '\Test 2d. ~ Muon Joseph, stmm filter, WID. Green's, Ws. Patterson, 111'. Penn. o Mason })aul, engineer, Irving & LellJer's, house 6~ \Vust l'ront. UJ 11&80n Sarah E., widow Trusten Do, house 926 'fillnut• .~ MR80n 'l'homas, wntermAn, house aJ6 EdRUlollt il\08tJUt. e;o M880n TrusteD Jr., laborer, 8im~n'8, bo!!ros 9:..'6 Walnut. Mason WllIhun, iahorer~ {Jth, cor. Concord a\'elltle• . MR80n William. labOrer, ~lwll8On'8, boanls 1126 Walnut. )[attheson Andrew. labol'er, Uoachs', boards West Fl'Ont\.llr. Sornl• . Mat.tbeson Jane, Widow· Uobert bouse 'Vest Froht~ near ~orll8. . lfat-:..:tewson Bella J., laborer, ltOaCh8'"house 601 .East 3d. . E-4 . )fatthews James, laborer, boards 10'.u \Vest 9th. F-t .Matthews John, machinist, Roachs', house 107 Oreen. '0 .Ma~tbews )farf, Wl"Il\oer, I..odwal'ds', house 103 Green. N'\ Matter Minnip. Eo, composItor, ., J>t,mQCrat~' house 1129 Uplaind. ,.... ll"ttls Abram, urpenter, house 1022 West 7th. . .' Maxfteld Geonte A., dentist 201 "'e8t 3d, house do. YaXion Clalll, mllUntlr, Oottschalk, house 529 East nth. YaxSbn Chal"lea "'., enlp.•John Maxsoll, hOU86 819 East loth. Ma)(lI()n John J •• cotton manufacturelo, house 5:19 EMI, mho MaX8C1IJ LlJlftl, Dluslc teacht'f, hOU88 6:lU ERSt 9th.

5 o




111-~~ built for and entirely devoted to our bwdD888 $



Maxwell eharlps, bonrds 618 'Vest 3d. lit'lli JOhll, laborer, JOII. l)ellnell house 2i Belhel COllrt. lfeama Alldl~":! (-nglurer, Stolesbm'y, hOllse 123& Providence' .n-8. ) ~1I28beul, wJdow Andrew, house 619 Edgmont 1&\"8nlle. lI~rn. Mnn', Mieswolllan, P. P. l}elTJCkSOD lxlB.6J9 Edgwollt Rve. lfeclumica' fl~illil UOOIU. 1IoHy Tree lIali LIIUdJng. )[8f'nau Amite, spooler, Patterson's, boards 838 West. 6th. lIee.nan Frank A . •\ rlvet.e~\ !loaebs', hOllse 838 West 6th. JJ~Mn Patrick, nvrler, Jtoachs', boards R88 West 6th. . Ileclllipn Samuel, house Uroad, cor. Mortoll Rvenu~. . Megonlgal AdeUne, operator, lV.Hunter's, house 419 lVfst alh. llf'goniRRI James, clerk, W. M. Ford, boards 682 Penn. . )(eRonigal La,,'Js C., cal'.t6nter, house 632 Pelln. )l8jfOnip Pierce, engineer, I40gwood mills, house 42 Weal 2d. lI~ull!..n Mary widow Fnmk, house 1026 West 3d• • IRir,.IY lAm H., man:\ger \Y. U. T. Co., houftO 817 East 9th•. MejiIS. Emlen, president 14incoJn Mant. Co., house Philadelpbla. MeUitin Jl'rank. emp. Roachs', boards 808 Edgmol1t avenue. Kellon Jamea, clgal'8 aud tobacco, 716 We8t 2lI, hou88 do. MelJon Louis, bhwksmith. house 112 'Vest 3d. Mellon Robert, laborer, Roachs', house IUlr 110 Concord avenu~. ~ Melod John, bhwksmflh, Roaohs' boRrds 81H West 3d. . . lIelvUfe Charles K., Journalist, II NeW8," huulJ6 608 East 9th. Mflndenhall Aaron. (Mendenhall & Johnson,) houl8 HamorWu. CD JlDDINBALL & .I0HN80N, (Anroll Meudenhall and Hamson JOhn. 8(11 ) dIllln and 8dwer pllJe man'f'ot's. and coal, flour and fe64



dea el'fl 1~1 West 3d.

Mercer OQlbarlne widmv John,boards 716 U~IRnd. .. Mercer John, life lnsunmce 1Igt!11tJ,.lM\nlS:DJ Wust 4th. . .. " . Mercer Pennock. manager O. U• .1'RcilJo Tel, Co., boards ~ West Bd•. Mercer Itobert P., physlcial!\.223 'Vest 3d. house do. Mercer 'VUllam, bOlWe 716 \) phmd. ... Mortdetb WJlIiRm II •• JRborer, Uoachs', house 783 Mary. errol\. Thomas, Mary, nenr Penh. '• eny Jo u, '" tcbUlltker, l". Boylen, Wai'ds West 3d. . dnUlllhblmanl IV.tbcrills'. boonls 817 EaatDtI" .lek Josep.h. funafture, 6:41 Edgmont avenue, hOU86 do. elropolitan Life InlJurtluoo Co., oftloo :ld 11001', 110 WNt 3d. . ; iddlebrook John, machinist, llouchs', hOU88 nU7 West 2d. flelJAbnun 8.t C4Prpenle.', house 22lI East 6th. »t"'".11 mould~r, .tureka Steel Work8. hl'use ~ 'Vest 3d. . '::lIal"\'~Y \V.• teltlRl'H))h Qpemtor,l). W.& n. a.R"b.aU Howell. Klles J. 'Vealey, groc~l', ~ East 6th, houlSO 230 Eut 6th. . Miller Albf.rt, exprt'88mRn, house Mar" nMr P u n n . . ... MiDer AURustuS.llrocJuce west end }'aU'mprs' ){,nket h. 817 East 8th. Miller CWirJt!8 A., gardener, Cenls, house 817 ERSt 8tiI. )flUfr Charles }'., CHllJentor, houllU 82-1 UIl'leh. Mllltr FranQe8, Widow Ed\\'ard... ~ouse 704 Mcilvaine. Killer Franklin laborer, house .Mary, Ilear Ulrich. • AIUJer George, shoemaker Wi We:mt 3< , house 2UJ 'Veat 4th. . Miller GeorgeK., comlDIslou dealer. 18t Wcst. 3d. house 817 Baat 8tb; . Miller !larry, br,ckJRyer. boards 'i.)! Mcilvaine. M ner HenrY A. IRoorer, i1. C. RolllnK Mill, house 120 Church. -IL.L•• HEIIlY •• ~ elICit wriUng, decomtol', 39 West 8tl, houae Etlst·

S""f\'6 ~ohn W"




i: I:




'ltb Mud'son. )fm~r JMCOb, I"borel', .1. }'. Black, house Dethel l'omt. • 5

• 1.




( ~ _ • _ ....



.Sand-paper, Emery Oloth and Paper, SmaltJs Gold Leaf, , •



r, .'



Miller James pluterer, board. 332 Eut loth• .. HUler John;]oumAUst u Dally ~l'jmes," boards Brown's Hotel. .o Miller John~ moulder, Eureka steel works, house 182 Norr)s. KUler JohnW., shoemaker, G. MIlIt>r,.honS8 218 'Vest 4th. MUler Joseph, moulder, Eureka steel woi'ks, boards 851 Broomall. Miller Klrl[ bJlwkamltll, boards 888 Et\St 14th. Miller Manball,Jolner, Uoachs', boards 20 East 4th. .] Miller Mary A.•, widow James, house West 14Uldlear Powhattan. b;. . Miller Otto, moulder, Eureka steel works, Ws. Front, n. N orri" po Killer Rlohard hou88 612 East 9th. ;.. XilJer Robert, laborer, house 218 \Velsh• Miller Rowland, house painter, boards ';04 McIlvaine. '.:0 Killer Samuel, mouldt'r, Roachs', boards Kerlin, corner 2d.' ~ Miller William, blacksmith, Edgm'tav., cor. 8Lh, 11. E. 7th, n. MadiSOQ. Miller William, en'p. Roachs', tiOUBe 782 \Vest 2d. )(U~el' WWiRm, labOrer, S. O. rolUnft mill, boaNs 129 Churcb. • ){UU~n Hugh dyer, Broad st m I, hou86 21 Market. KlUoon Wilmer 'tV., laborer, B. C. R. house M2 Howell. MUla Daniel, Junk dealer. boards 111~ Upl8nd. . :I Kllls Edward\ baker, Oadesby, boardsl0211J ottel'. £! Milia George, Ducketer,"house 1021 Potter• •~ MUis Harry, tobacco and cigars, 701 Welsh, hOU88 do. Mills I.iab, cooper, 8Impeou's, house lU2 Upland. Kills Joanna, t6a0her, OIieeter Academy, bouse do. KlIJa Joeepb,_{oromWl, Roachs', bouse 1srt 'V8ltt 2.1• . KUJaJOI8ph 1Jo-, oontraotor, Roachs', boards 847 l'luker. · Milla 8Imeon,:.watchman, railroad, house 1119 Upland. :' Mills WUUam. harness makeriA. Carter.. hou881017 West 3d. 3:> Milner Robert H.,'physlolan, 27 East4tn, house do. Q Mine( Charl~~ laWrer, bouae Walter's ooUlt, near Bethel court. -: IIlnlll1- WiUI"m 8;, (Rorer & Mtn~ln,) house 406 Market. ~ Kuaner George. oorpeuter, Roacbs , house 1016 'Vest 8Jl a I ~rll'I) (,I HI'.' l'11nl'lp4L who lJJI,. I"'.' d l~ I(',;t',/,,,, 0", Hl.·,.... I" /l!Yl'!1 It, liil th,(' (1C r ll'I,'\,nwntll,i\ t"'tWlltH' Ul t.VtwylO 01' 12 ",~Il""1' a YNH. I "jtlz,J)lllj!: In jo':."ptN'Qoor, nt'oemlwr, and l.U.N,h. H()+)k" r~' , '~h;(r:-,,"\C'" Tlin(\,'tak, Fill' (Hrtl-' .- 11lfnt'tlillU0l1 i'U1I-' p:tlUphlet i'll'''tll,.!'. ~'nl fl'l~~ allY 11atfng hO'I8e 201 Market, houseltJ Bethel Court. Cl.r, Price Daniel 0., ftro..m.,n, P. '~·B.·n~ ~'., bi ~prJngWell,I1;7t~. era' Price Davld,emp. CoQ~t 8. & I. Co" hOtlB6 1~ PenneU, , Price I>avfd 'l'.~·M;l)ter".lllld ~pek. h"uJ(et. 209 East 9t.b,' house do. -. Price Edward\ ~, {erk. 11O,Stomoo , hOU86 OOS Kerlin• ~I Price Edward' ,', erk, .A~ T~ 00., house mD'Eaat 9th. George D. machinist, house'8M ~prJngw~ll.·' .' ; ;, Price Price John O~, (J. C. & W. G~ Price ) J~ou~ &01' KerlJu., . O. Frlee J. O. & W. G., brick mauufaolurers, West o~b. cor.Pluker." ' f;f' Prioe John I., car jns~~r, Lamoktn, house 6th', cor. Broom~H; E1~~ Price MauA·, wJdo'Y·8amual 0., bouse 1146lJR,d18on.. . .... 0:: Price 8te.phen, blMks"\ltllt Market. ()Or"Fron~,liouseUP~D~~ ~'" Price, Willism G., (J. o. & W~ ffi .1'rlce.) hOU80 608 Kedlh. -.. Prleasler H~rman, d68lgn~r, 'Ledw-,rd's, boards lI2'1Madf&on. 0'" Prllchard John lV., clerk, Lewt8'~ hoUse 614 :Mollvalu'e. ' fZ1~" Pritchard Josepb, merchant tailor. 8q9Market;'h,()~ 414 E¥t 4tl~. C'" Provost BenJamin, CRI'ptmlOr, boartls lU9 Ma4llfOu;' , }»rovost IwlJt,rt, 8"I~hD1an, teJt4pho,ne ofllce', hOw,e 1119 M~i80~,

' j.

fltter\noach~, hn~'e

ntl~" Kor)f~.

f ;




" 1




tioles, Per1\unery, Soaps, etc., at Biokley't Pha.rm.aoy. 07


·l'rovost 'VUUam, cooper, oU works, 1Iouse 1119 Ml\diaon. Provost WUUam, Jr., CI\l'penwr, boards 1119 Madison. l'ubllo Sehool, P"ttersou\. nenr l'e1ln. }'ubUo School, 11th cor. l\IndlflOn. l'ublio 80hool, 'Veal 2es, house Btl Hcar ]'Iowcl', 801lth Chestor. Esther, widow JOhn] hOIlRO 108 Ellsworth. ~ Heese .John, roofer, house 08 ElIs\Yoith. ... Hooso Wlllhlm, laboror, hOt18tl J08 ElJswOl'th. z UC088 'VUllam, marble w'k'r, 1). P. Oglesh)'. hds. E. 14tb COl'. Edglll'L llchl Uobert, printer, Slml)801l'S house 7J1 MoIlvnfne. Hclfsnlder GOO1'I(O, fOl'omulIJ I'. \V. \t n. U. n., bOl\rds 221 TJlR1J1nnn. ~ Uolfsulder Joseph, ]nooror. I'. \t n. U. n., hOU80 2211.'ilghmnn. ~ nClJlfcltJohn, wntchmnll, Honchs', boards 618 West ~'ront. Uenshaw~t1'8. Rfohal'd, oom'ds East 9th, cor. !)otter. ' UotUg Frederick. driver! Melldanhull &, Johnson, h. Mury, n. Pna'k~I'. Uettug })llIUp, laboror, Itol\ohs'dlot186 MIU'Y, ERSt of l)ark('1'. ' ]ley John, cldrk, E. D. Sparks \t Co., boards 415 Fmuklln. ' Ueynolds GeoJ.'"C .r!"bnkea'l Walnut. nonr 16th, hOllso'do. ~ Reynolds Jtanty, ] reI', 8 ml)son's. bom'C]s 416 RRst 10th. ~ Reynolds J8m~'h la rei', houso 416 Ell8t 10t.h. . O Rcynolds John .~'., painter 416 East lOth. ~·neynohlsl)atrlck, contmctor, house Urosby~ cor. 14lh. · Uhooos .John\ lahOl'er, Uonohs', hOU80 418 East 8th. O · nhoads JosepJI.Il\OOrer, Cl'Osby cor. East 9th. ~. ' HholUIs Joseph, 11\001'01', hOUHO 719 I1hak89n. e,:, HhoRberJ27 Pehn, house 1221)01111, :;:; )woorts William, nouse ]~ Penn. lwbblson Alice, widow John house 20jIj 'Volsh • .:f lwblnson AndrewiP8lnter, l\Oachs', bonrds 026 'Vost l~l'ont. f=I Uobinson Charles r.,palnwrtRoachs', boards 221 West 4th. . 'i lwblnsen Daniel brick manu 'r South Ohester house 6111~U8t Olh. Po4 lwblnsoll David H., macblnlst, 110noh8', house oth, Ilear ])I'ooUII&II. Uoblnson Deborah, boards 227 'Vest 4th. _cf Uobln80n Elizabeth E., widow George, h. 4.10 'Vost lith, cor.l~ullol1. o Uoblllson Ellert, widow George, house 022 West 7th. Uobli1soJl Frank 'V. house 149 East 7th. ttl Robinson Hannah ii., widow IUchnrdJ .hou80 927 'Vnlnut. Uoblnson lsaac,plastol-er, hOU80 1141.M.adison. , lwblnson John ~'J luborer, Roaobs', house 411 'Vost 3d. eel lwblnson John laborer, house 201 Tilghman•. • Uoblnson Joseph, rlveter, !loachs', houae 720 MoIlvl\lnc. .... 1wblnr .on J08Op'h:M. fisherman ooul'ds 227 'Vest 4th. ..; UobJnflOJl Josiah brloklayer, 'lOuse 210 East 'tho ~ Uoblnson JuUa, hou8e 122 Ellsworth. o Robinson Owen, barber, US \Vest Rd, house 416 Etlgmont "venue. c7J lwbhooh-nobert, policeman, boards 004 East 8th. ~ Roblnsoh Stephen D., carpenter house 106 Ohurch. " .""". UobJn80n Thomas, blacksmith. Roaohs'-, boards 7GO 'Vest ll~l'ont. ,...., Uoblnson Thomas, oRrpent~r, J141acJls' oonrds 022 'Vost "~tho UobJhson Warren, bRrber, US West 3d, house 4l1J EdglllOllt nvo. ; Uoblnson 'farren, driver, D. 8. Dhntln«, house Lamoklu. Uoblnson WII1~m"I~rlver, D. 1). Palste, lOUse Roblnson'VIIl m, bC)1'er, !louchs', house 007 "'est 2d. Robinson Willi m, '98ver, boal'ds 927 Walnut.. Uoblnson Willlnm A., photogn&l)1Jer, l~. A. .Kl'Oueool'g(!r, hOUKO Ellat • 6th, comer Crosby. ~ Uoblson G~orire, wnr~r, Lewis & 00.• house 786 West 2d. • Uuokenbock John Jl·., baker, J. kookenbock, Ws. W. 8d. nr. 1Iu\\'01l. Uook"nbeok JohllSr" cake and broad bnkery, W. 8d n. I1owell, h. dtP, Uodebaok George, carpenter, Lewis & 00., 1101180 208 .E1&8t 8th. RODGBRS CHARLES E., clealer In dour, feed, com, oRts, hn)', etc., 'Vest 8d oor. Parker, house 010 West 6th. Rodgers GeorJ(8 II., oJerk Roaehs', boards 216 Concord. ltodgers I8RRO, clerIC, }'Irst NKtioDal1Jauk, house 4]4 EI&8t JOth. ltodgmnn Oharles H., lab., J. :M. Slml'pless &:I 00., Lonnls R:l81)ennelJ.


.! >



'v , e.,







.Market Streets, by tar the Largest of its kind in Ohester..~ CJlE8TEU CITY nInECTOUV.




Uoo"man Gco~olPurveyori'VRtor Del!81tment, house 307 'Vest 2d. Iloe ]Ierman n. l~., driver leadley & Mahon, house 10 ERSt 2tI, noll Juhn P., clerki 'l'ehlht depot. boards Madisoll, COl'. 8th. Ilotrels ThomAS. dr V(lr, boards 210 EdKwont avenue. Hogors Elizabeth, widow John, mllllnerY,Olii Edamont av., hou8C (10. ~ ltollluB Edwm'd, "rlnder. It. D. mack~ ooa1'



"t:J s::I ~





noyds lJeuJumln. BI)hlOer, house t)l~ 'Vest 2t'uter, house 724 l)otter. StrlllRer Thomas E., carpenter, house 724 Potter. 8trf.lll'er I)eter\ laborer, Shaw,t Esrey's, Ms. W. 14th, COL" l)ow)mthm. Sb';agfe))ow Cuarles L•• (StrlngfeUow & })lumley,) h, 137 };R8t Uth, ~ta'iugfelJow ElmoI' F. L., carpenter, 'V. D. ~mith, house 87 GmhRlU. S'lIRINQFELLOW a'PLUJlLEY~ (Charles I". Stringfellow, Morris 'V. l'lumley,) contractors and builders. 808 Edamont avenuo. STROUD JOHN H., (John U. Strond &; Co.,) hO\lse 852 Kerlin. Stroud Joseph, lawrer, Donis', house 012 Upland. ' TROUD JOHN H. & CO" (John II. Strou.,johlel· noachs', house 801 Kel'Un, A . "1'aylor William 1., t'V. & }~. O. Taylor,) house 601 West 2d. g Taylor William R., shoemaker, 1430 }~d~mollt avenue, house do. 5 .'1'l\ylor lVilllRm T~, carder, .Shaw ..~ Esrey's: bds. 12thJJ1. EdKmoJlt nv. o 'J.'Rylo,r & E. 0., (WUlinm II. I1., ..rt Euward C. Tuylor,) CRl'ringo manufacturers, Edgmont avenue, cor, 12th. . ' Tayntor OaroUno, widow John 'V" house Walhut, cor. 16th•.. ] Tazowell Hannah, widow William, house roor 421 W~t Frolit.. aJ Teat Alfl'ed, IRborer, HORchs', l)Curds Lincoln near 9th. Toot John 'V., IRborer, UOltolllJ', boards 1linc9111. nOO1' 9th. ~ Taylor 'Vi lIam

= a




~ .~:~&l: ~~::,:~,I~f~~el~.~~~~t~~\i~~:,c::~~~sa:~ Welsh. :::J . Temple

Julia, boarding, lOuse 620 'Velsh..


,:q Temple'VilliRm weaver, Avondnle: boards West 14th, COl'. Esroy.

S' Thomas Alexander M., commission (produce) Eust 6th nenr lVelHh,


bouse East. lOth, neRr U(llnlld. Thomas OarUOIl, (0. Thomus ..t Co.,) house 207 Wost 4th. ,S.! Thomas Cbal'les,amp. HORObs', boards 207 West 4th. Thomas Clmrles A., boller mRker, Ronchs', house 716 'Vest 6th. Thomas U...t Co., (Carlton Thomas, J. B, 'I'homns, Norman U. 11)'land and J. D. WhllltOI1,) vm'ietles 112 West 3d. =- Thomas Emanuel 0., 001'001', S. 8. 1~ytie, house I~ytle'8 lIotel. Thomas Emil C., clerk. A. Buc}mllan, house litO East 9th. 'J.'homRS }'rank lV.., (EddvswneMRlluf'g Co.,) houso Ilcm' r. M. 1\ • ....; ThomuslIewes n., emp. )~oach3'. hO\l~ 517 West 6th. ~ 'Thomas .TamefJ E., ('J.'homas & \Valker,))JOuse 410 East 9th. ~ Thom"s Joseph, amp. nonchs', boards ~7 WeAt 4th. ~ Thomus M"ry, clerk, O. 'fbomRS & Co., house lt9 Eust 4th. Thoml\8 &'eCe L. couveyancer, Market Squal'o, house 431 Enst 8th. t-4 Thomas nov. Arthur G., pp,stor }'irst Ualltist ehUl'ch, h. 20! West 2d• .. ThomR81U~hard, mnohhdst, ltoachs', houtiC 880 SprfngweJl. Z ThoUll\9 8atNh, widow JOhll.V.', house 800 Upland. @ Thomas WUllam, driver, BOld's, I~ouse 1'oor 234 Welsh. ,THOMAS & WALKER., (J. E. 'J.'homas & J. M. 'Valko!',) fruit amI ~ ploduce dealers, Rnd COlllllllgaJon hlerchnnts, Uailrol1d undWclsh. t>t 'Thomson Albertlsto~6 cuUer,' II. \y. CuIlls, h. Edgm't ave., m'. 2d. Thomson AlfredJsoon\l !ilI\SOn, Oullis, boards 11 Edgmollt ovc. Thotnson Allen, bouse 11 Eljgmontavenuo. ThomSOIl Ellzabeth, widow DetbuellJ;, house 710 }~nst 8th. 'Thomson Emma, cle*' PQstoflleo, house 100 East 9th. E-fThompson Georg\!, cIOi:k, UUl'ke's ltptel, boards ':F6R~. ' . HISTOGRAPHY

Lead, Paints, Srushes 84 Painters' Materials of all kinds. ('I1ESTEll CITY DmECTO)~Y,



Thompson Samuel, boatman, boards 201 Market, Thompson Shepherd, cloth boss, l)atterson's, house 230 'Vest 5th, Thompson 'fhQma8, ship carpenter, RORehs', house 109 ellUl'ch, ....i Thompsoll.'VflUltm, clerk, ,V, DRlld, bOards 724 West 2ee ndv.) 'Vunderlloh Alool't, clerk, I'enm•. n. U., house 300 Minkel. 'VumlerUch Frank, butcher, hOU80 800 Market. 'Vunrlerllch Frederlok, artist. house 805 Markot. 'V lUulerlich GeOl'Re, butcher, Farmol'8' Mnrket, house 305 MRI'ket. lV. U. TELEQRAPII CO., mnln omce317MS1'kct,J.II. Molmf1'oy, In'g'... 'Vylle .JOhu watchman, S. A. & Ron, house 614 Edgmont In·c. 'Vylle~. 01 lvcr, Jl'., cJel'k, D. P. !)ILlste, I(OU86 PhUatloJl)hhL.



~ Ynmall Auna, wIdow Samuel, house 911 Ul)}nnd. ~ Yarnall Joseph, laborel', HORC IB', ooan1s 911 U(,hln.'M Market. ]loss T. J., 829 East 10th. UusseU Mary"629 Welsh. SRundel's nr1allet~ 116 'Vest 3d. Solomon Jose~h E., 410 Market. Holomoll'V. n., rem' 2()Ij E. 8th.· ~tol'y'C. A., 407 Market. Tlerman R., 210 ERst 9th. '1'u111er Thos., 80'1 j.~dgmollt nv('. '!'urner'V. J., 086 Market. Wheeler Joseph, 124 East 6th. lVooo John, 1189 Edgrnont ave. Zirnel'S Willam, 1818 West 2d.

Claws, CrabB, &(!. McOOY JAMES' 0., west oml ... }'armers'Market. (See "dv.)


Clothing. ~ Ualler D. 806 Market. Brandeis 'n., 800 Market. fn 8. 400 ){arket. .cq BrandeIs DrownfDR & Co'J 28 'Vest 3d.


Conrettlons. Bagshaw 'VflJlam! 818 Edg. ave. lJorden Samuel, ]07 'Vest Btl. )Juck M. B., 124 East oth. . Brlm8 E. })., 828 IIowell. Cutler'Vro. F., 638 MH1'kot oml ~nVe8t B d . . . DOWNS JAMES, 601 'Ves~ 3d. (See adv.) Gorman Sal'l\h, 4JO E"gt 11th. lIardy Mrs. }", 1009 EdRm't ave. ltolcroft J. D., 282 BroomuJl. Holt 8. A.,418 Market.: Uhoads 'V. })., 148 'Vest Bd. '. Van 110m A., BOO 'Vest 3d•. 'Vrlght AJIOe&, 706 MortoJl av~. 'Vrl"bt MI\~ 816 Ulrich. Yarnall 'V. 608 'Vest &1.



COOHRAN I. ENG1~E,EdRm't avenue, cor. lith. (&0 I\d~ D~~~I~~IJ~~· IJ., 8. :J.;. 001'. nr· J"~OU8 samuel, Market SquRre. T 1'- L M....ketSquare

lomas ""ooe .,

.;628 Market. ~ lIoftman S. V., FrolltJn. Con.nv. S· J~therbury D. A., 814 }~dg. ave. (')

J.I8wis, KUltz "t Co., Ker. cor. 211. Lukens JJ. J", ,,'t; Co. t 626 Ed,. av.


McC"U& l'at'nalJ,6tu "t Madison. & Johnson, 2'~;_~;.'h_::~


~, ~,{





" , '. ',711£ ~ErJl"SEUol\kyne D. J., 'V. 6th, 11. Uh'luh.· 1>}~LA 'VtE CO. DEMOCUAT, .... }"'luller S. E., 'V'fflt 6th, n. Kerllll. ,Edgmtt av., COl'. 'Voish. (8oo"$J' Mheh1mke J. D., liM East 9th. i .\dv.) Springer G. ],\,619 East 9th. P};LA'VAUE CO~ GAZE1.'TE, . Mill Findings. ' OSO Ml\l'ket. (800 iulv;) , i!. llarrowclouUh E., 328 'Vost 3d. DElIA,VAUE DO. IUH·UllIJI. t:f D. I'.. }{"rkot. cor. 41.11. i CAN, Market, cor. Gmlmm. j=+' S:; . }'.•.. l........ .,w .... 1 (Moo at'Jaket }~lIIs. 287 Mlll'ket. HAAS "., 1~7 Wost 8reston &muel, 001 M"rket. Shotta Ml's. P. E., 120 West &.1. 'VUson J. M., a>7 'V eat 3d. Sail and Awning )labn.





8 m

Durke T. 0.,200 l)enn.


Robb John, Mary, east of }>arker. Simon 211 Market. . Shoemaker )Vl1Uam, 910Cl'08by.. fJyfrit J. F., 188 KerU\" , .. • TALI, THOMAS A., toot Edg. Taylor 'Wm n,. ~439 Edgm tave. at mont avenue. See adv. 'Vorrell-John Y.,416Concord avo 'VIIson Andrew J., 126 'Vest 3d. Sign and H~lIse Palaten.

sarsaparilla. D4VISON J. e., 6th, COl' Orosby :soc lulv. Hash, Door and Dllnds. Cox MllleJ:, 'Vest 7tlli n. Pel111. JIir,l(80n I1em'Y M., l'enn ab,. 4th. .I:)TROUD. J.:.lI. & co., Concord ave., CO). Front. (800 adv.)

Soleet Schools. CHESTER ACADEMY, Droad, cor. }>otter. (See adv.\ Crosley II. G., 826 EdRffi t ave, SCroll sawing. STUOUD J. H. & CO'l Concord

c~r:.rr~~y. ,v.,,~IOny Troo

Creighton E., 800 Edgniont Rve. ~ Davis H. n.. 2m Concord avenue. ~ ENTWI8LE J; L.,Jr., 226 Penn. t4' lIolmRn vr., 1114 'V88.t 2d. MlUer JIenr}' M., 89 'Yost 3d. Mltcllell J. D., 800 West 3d. . l'l'Ice D. T., 009 East 9th. Taylor Evnn, 828 Norris, " . Slater. -




Allen G. 8.,826 Parker:

Spar "ker. sanville J. B., foot Parker. Q) avouuo, cor. Front. \800 adv.) Soda-Water.· ~ seeds. CUf.LlN ED\VAUD C., 00f E. r:s Eyre 'VBUaID I>., 814 Edgm't RV. 9th. Boo l'dv.. . ~ sewing Jlaohlnes. . stables-Llfe"'"S.le and FtiN. ~ EllslRn Linus, 626 'Velah. . Grundy John, E. 6th n. )f,ukot. Hall Goo. 'V' l ~In" Co., 126 W. 3d. lIeadley,\; M'1\hon, 617 Mlnket. I1outMJhold IH 'Vest 3d. JAMES LEVI G., li06 EdRm't. Singel' M'flgCo~1 3d, 11. l>onu. Uobel'ts IIowurd,.116 East 6th. tonls G. }'.• E. 10th, n. Potter. Fell J. G.• (!ahlwell, cor. Green. Gartsldo n. & Sons, toot Fulton. GRrtslde .J. & SOn, 6th cor. Penn. ·Hall n. & Son. FmnklJn, cor. 3d. Ledwanl & Son, Morton avenue, cor. Ledward. I.ewIs .T. WJlJhlm & Co., GarlJeld t cor. 3d. Lincoln MaJltI(nct'g Co.. Morton avenue, cor. Blakeley.

PattersoD MlIts, ~m') Jacllson, manager, 6tb, cor. Penn. Stephons James, 126 East Btli. ' t:' 8totesbu17 James M., Edgmunt. ~ avenue, cor. ~~ 1m,ng & Lelpe~:Manufact'g Co., : loot Franklin. _ LUley Manufacturfn. Co•• Front, ;en . near Franklin. • Thompson John & 8M, foot Ful- . . ton. ..






.J '~

g' .




] '~ Save Time I

Save Money I



~ Get Your Book· Binding Done

1 •


at the "Advocate" Bindery. .

~ Nos~

517-19 Edgmont Avenue.


; ~




. . .: lsttIPny TIlE 'OLD LINE.


j------icHiiAN's-EXtHANGE~·~-~-----1 •

i I

1"-.1....~ I " I


.' I J




t . . . 801.



Cor. Fifth and EdgmoD4

' .

Chester. Pa.


" . -tf j








Patronize Home EnterpIise.








I {ic', net,'

anu CCJ/nrc

frwo 'Itll.; L '('."

,~ ,";rl

f"I\'"'' ~:'·I·\·t

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BO.ATS DAILY' ~1'.;~\ .'1 F~II

(lid ., ....




Pi.,!, ! J: \Irl:j \\;, lnt' .. PLdllkipijja, at ~) P. ,\1.

.;1)1' 'T~'I'.)~ f: dt







HI' 1

"Irt' :d'ola\\'l\l'e river n01"th to borough line. ~ Catharine between 3d and 4th from Edward to FJoW«.>f. . "fo'I Chester avenue (8th) fl1Jnl .borough lino cast to IIighll\nd, (9th) from ..~ lIiRhlalld avenue to east borough line. . Clayton from Holllwl\re river north to borough Iino. Dolllwl\fC·l\venuo from west borouRh line to OIUtt linl'. ~ EdWI\M from Delaware river north to Concord avenue. 6" Eleventh from }'low(il' east to borough lino. ~ .' EIUlle f1'olO Delaware river north to borough line. c+ Fifth from IIiRhland avenue west to borough lino. ~ Flower from DelaWAre river north to Concord avonue. I:' Fourth from eastel'll to western borough line. ~ }'ront tronl oostol1l to western borough line. ~ Harwick from Delaware river north W borough lIno. 1I:\les from Delaware river north to borough line. lIJRhland trom Delawal'e river nOl1.h to borough Hue, JOffl'6Y €rom I>ell\waro 1'IV01' north to borough line, Q l~l\mokln from Delawl\ro dvel' nOl1.h to Concord avenuo, 0I.awis betwoon IIlghlaDll and 'lIaY05 from Front to &'COIUI. s::; Alorton (l'Qm Delaware dver north to borough line. :j NorriQ from 7th north to 10th. !Waney from DelAware river north to borough line. ... Hecolld from eastern to western borough Una. So\'onth ft'Om eastern to weatem borough line. 80 Sixth from OilSoorn to weatflrn boro!Jgh lino. Southard between 2d and 3d fro'w Townsend to'V('sl. "C Tenth from Flowor east to borough line. . "rt '.fhlrd from enst(ll'l to western borough line. Thhuenth from Flower east to borough 111\0. Thurlow from Delaware river nOl'th to borough IIno. Tilghman from 5th nOl'th to Concord avenue. TOWIl80Ud from Delaware l'ivel' borouICh line. Trainor from Dell\ware river north to borough line. . Twelfth fl'Om Flower east to borough 11no. 'Vard from }'ront north to Chester avonuo. 'West from Delaware l'ivor north to borough liRe. 'Vilson from Front north to Ches~r avenue.





AU Standard Proprietary Medicines, of 'oreign 138







Twenty yeal'S ngo there was no &uth Chester-not even a villllge, thon thollow tbrifty and prosperous hol'ough was farm laud, and the wheat and com waved over its broad fields. The river fmnt of what Is now South CJlestel' w,.,s too valuable, and the place too near Chester to l'emaln unimproved. All great pll\OOS had small beginnln~. So with &uth Chester. A factory located there. It Ih'ew around it a uumOOr of industrIous peoplo. Other' industrial estab1l8h.IDPn bil. wom attmcted there by the superior J~tlon, and' when the lloJJlriK Mill was built on the river front C, regufar boom wns given to th\l ph\Co• From that tlmo onward' ittJ advancement was rapId .:.-greater 11\ tile decado closing. with t8~l than any borough in the Sfa!43. 'Vith tho Industries the populatl.Qngl'Ow" until now It, i8 over 4000 souls; En.. tel'prlslng men formed'l\ l)()rtloll of its population, and they are push. Ing \t ahOOd, and now it is becoming a' formidablo rival of' the older city a4jolnlng on thl\ east-. 'Vltl1ln the limits are six or seven woollen Rnd cotton mUla, aToll. Ing mill, a blast fUl1lRCe, R pilX' and tube mm, a. stool works, a bmss foundry, oll-oloth factory, 'keroslne renne~ and p~\l'amne' works, sev.. end extensive brlok-ya1'(l~, and· numeroUBoLhel' Il1dt18tri~1 establishments. 'whioh make it a busy hive. The borough has the l\dvantage f)f n gQod river front, RP(l two 11dlroads run through it, CODllootlilg It with 1~1j the dDmesUo and· f~relgI11)Qrta. Nearly aU, tll\l oU renne~l- \8

~ tor

.a ttIJ





"d tll Cd t-e






for exportation,



In 1871 Bouth Chester wns incof[JOl'aWd into a bomugh by Act. of ~ AaseUlbJy. The "OVenl~eut i~vea~ hi.a Connoll to make .the laWlJ, .... and a UUfgess to 6Xf'onte them. 'rh~ Burges., Is olected by the poopl" • ~ overy three Years. at\d prcsldiis over tbe deliberatlons'of, and yotes ::iI with Coulloll. The t;Ot, h. Idloy, "l\ }"lower, n. 201'61\ housu -lU., neal' lillY-OS. Uarrett George, drlvor, JOJ)l\thl\ll 1)8nIl01l. h. ]' Drown Eben. htborer, house Edwl\rds,·.riea1'6th.; .. . Dr,own }i~rederlck, la~rer, C.:,s-olll0g mtll, houfie RarwIQk,'n. 'r~mt. , ]J~~n JIenderso~,JRboror, tube works, hOU80 1'hompson, near 6th. . Urown lsauo F."J\ink dealer, house Tmlnof, near 4th. , "d Bl'Own James, llloorar, a. l'Omn" mUt, bol\!WJ :E~hvard8,.neal' 3d. ~ Drown Jt\m08l1. J" brlok maketlhou88 :Cl\tharlno, nenr Townsend. Drown .Joseph, h\borerhou80 Jenrey.near 3d. . lh'\lWn Sabhi8, Widow Eoorh hOU88 Edwl\ros, near 5t.h, Dro\vn S. Q.; tl'009\irer Chester on rit.... ::II. Oa.-r lSarfley, umlJut', BnulIlallUl& L~mb'6, house Jefrtt'Y, tl~ar.~. 0' Cau'r Patrlok, trooklUi\\I, P. W. & D. R. 1\" b, W. '1t~lJ.U(j.r. ~nJthtnkn. Carroll ~~mnK,lub .• Cheater oU wOl'ks, h. "lIuy, r. Jum..,y, W~, Front & DelllWllre avuillt~.;: CI\~~(oll,'Vmh~m. 9Rrl~ti~f. 011 works, ho\\~ W. 9t.h, cor, '1.'Uibman, (:"~,t~.Y Charles, Urlok~Y8r botdlS .'rl~hldt, poor Front,. • CMtDr'Ftank, Itl~~r, G. bOal'dJi.11l\)'~, l~otu,Del~wal'Q lwe, • Carter MRrRBret, widoW Albert" ~O\lS& H"Y.e8,ne..~ mlawaire ,a\'~mU(!. Curte.. \VUlh,m, ,8001'0\',.0. rc:UJmg'uUtl, b.lJay~, n'J~law ...1'e h~e. ~ Casey Je,eml"h t Jtlb~" O. rolllll" »lUi, h. WUiJon, n. l. W. & 11. U. O. Ca\$8y Pa\trlck. hib., u. k'QUlIIR mill, h.:\VUson, 11. ~J. "'.~ It,



~ g






n. n. n. law~rl RQOOhs', tlotJIie Thurlow"pear 8th.. .

CI\81iher, Jaho'l'Cr,'Che~~t 011 wotkJ, )•• 2d, het\r.lI'JM\'er•. C88lIitly Patrlok, la~." 1~~ ~y. ~ l~, ~. h.La~o~(n, ~,tir .. VptlC~.


'STEA:MERS '.c:j;i)D~6T0N'i ,~) ~*l>·u~A~$."




Go to Bfokleyts Drug, l'aint&Glass warehouse for White . ,

14i •





•• _ _ ._ ••••.








__ ~

._ ••



Cooper WlIlhun II., 1"001'01', house 5th, tleal' r.umokln. noplin Amos, boots nnd Sh088, 2d. COl'. I.ewls. house d o . , C Jppook Is111el 8., boots &, shoos, 8d. cor••Jeffrey, lxls. 418 3d, Cheator. ()0p.PQQk Uobert, mnk and oream. We.'ft 10th neur }al' 20"1118 Charloa k, opumtor, Cheslel'OlJ Ct),;hOU80 CI"ylon, IIM1' 2d. nOl'mOtly .101'1'1. E., mlWhlnlst\ C. romilg .. h. llightalul av., n.4th. ,.... ])01'l'y .Tohh,ll\bol~l·, hOlloo EaWall'd llour 2nntel it (OI"OI"n11, Ohastel' oll·,works, house 2c.I Ill', lInl'wlck. H.I~Il\nagnl1 DRnlol, ll\b.·' ,OhoHter oil works,ool\rdlt 11lgl.lI"1(1 av., nr. :!cl, ::l!1. letcher IUchard1lnbolln', noachs?, hOUHO \Vest Utll, 11on1' 'l'lhrhmnn. O. :'llowel'S Charles, ul'lekllLyer Ohe.s, 011 works bOI\1'(ls 3d, cor. Wal'd. e-. :'ll'Rnklin 'VUlIam H., 11\\)'iche.'1tel'roll'g mill, h. 1.·nghtnl\n~ n. Sth. f-f 1'88l\ FrederIck, Il\00re1', toachs', house r~lllnokin, ncar 11 til. Fl'l\7.e1' MAnlove h,bol'OI" house Cook neAl' Lamokln. . ~ }'l'aZler James It., laboro1', Oh08, ron/g mill, h, Launokln, n. mlh'oHd, • }'roenlRn Chal'1es, lRoorer-kChes. roll'g mJll, h.\1llokhl, 1181\1' lOth, 'frenoh Alfrod, moulllel', ~Ul'ekl\ stool works, n, r~nmokln,n. ndh"&1. ~" "l'OShley .Jl\Coti.Jolnel') UOl\chs'. house Edwl\i'ds. noor 2;:::.'t~~:rA)~?I~i:~~~T~a8J~: ~~~61,~ttatown. 2' '

l'oul8OOn WilHam laborer. blast furnace boardd Edwards, nenl' 6th. IJowers Fhllt}), pUddler, Chester rolPg mth, bOU80 Harwick, nour 2d. l)owers Richard, Joiner, Uoaohs' house lInyes near 2d. J'rlce Geo~ W., black8mlt1J~ \YO-1ft 8th, Ilear Lamokiu, hou80.681'O, ~upt., DUUlufactUl'Or8 of lubrl- 0eating oils and wax, }'1ront, between Tminor and llooth. J:: Sl'm'S Jacob, woolen carder, house 3d, near }~ngle. Soars James G., stationer, 3d, near EnKle, house do, ~ Sears John M., staUonel', bol\rds 3d, near }}ngle. .... &~don Joseph, engineer. Simeon Cotton, house J.ewis, nom' 1"l'Ont. ~ &ery James, laborer, 'boards '.rUghmRn near 6th. ':;J &ldell }'rank II., physiclau, 3d, cor. Edwards, boards do. . 0 ShakcsIJCal'O Alexander,t,cnrpentel' aud builder, house 4th, Ill" .MOl'tnll. to Shakosj)ellt'O BenJanlln 'J.'., sup't Senboard on Co., houso 346 Kerlin. ~Imtt\tck George L.,611ginoor, Chest l'oll'g mill, bds. Thurlow, n. 4th. I:UmwOOl'ry Honry. laborer, Chester oil works, hOlUI6 Engle, nr~ }t'rotll-. ~hllY Michnel,labol'el\ P. W. ~~ Jl., house Wilson, nenr mll1"d. Shay TimothYtlab., P. W. & B. U. U., house 'VUson. neal' lI\ill'08d. Shoo Michaol,' !abol'el', Chester roll'g mill, h. IlIRhlRnd av:, n('a1' 2 • 'Vat80n Alexander, brlckl.aYer, Chester oil works, bels. 8ll, COl', 'Vard. O' 'Vat80n Edward laborer, 8am. Uose, boards Edwards, near 6~h . ....: ' 'Vatson Elizabetb wIdoW of Emory, house Edwards, ncar 6th, ~ Watson ,vnlla~, laborer tube \vol'ks, hou86 Lewis, near Front, "'C 'Vatson 'VllUam, maehlnlst~ flaaehs', hOU80 Jef'fl'eY, comoI' Frout, CI \Vatts Ellis, grocer, Townsenfl corner 2



If you have any Magazines ~ or illustrated Papers, which 8 you wish to pre~erve, send ~ them to the "AdvoC8Jte" Bind~ ery. .We do all kinds of bind~ ing at modest prices. en. ., ~





ij ~

"• I


~. o ~


Market Streets, by far the Largest of its kind in Ohester. ~ ,



~ :a o


f-t o ,:q



D. Dalton Alonzo, beamt>r Crozers' No.2 rollJ, house 1011IllJ. Dalton Andrew Jr., tw ister, Or01.61'8' No.8 mill, h0l180 188 6th. Dalton Andrew ~r'l hOU80 112 4th. Dalton Drldget, winow Uedman, h0l188 91 Uplllnd avenue. Dalton 1881\0, coachman, 8. A. Crm·.er, house Main, COl'. 8th• Dalton James '.r'llaOOre!1. Cro~.ers' No, 2 mm, boards \)1 Upland R\'e. Dalton John F., IOnrds lUaln, COl'. 8th. Dalton Joseph, macblnifltJ Crozers' No, 1 milJ\ hOl1se 121 6th. Dalton Michael laborer, 110R011s', boards 1124th, Dalton Patrick F., beamer, Crozors' No.2 mill, boRrds112 4th, Dalton William, beamer, Cro7.8rs' No.2 mlJJ, hOl1se 166 Oth. Dalton WilUam, twister, Crozers' No.2 mill .bol'll'dslM Oth. Dawson Cbarl~J weaVOl', Crozers' No. 8 mlJ~1 house 267 UI)land nvc. Dawson John overseer),.Crozers' No.1 m II, house 218 88 George 'V' l WOO\'er boss, Crozers' No.8 mill. house 200 4th, Plummer 1Il\tl'Y, lauorer, Orozers' No.2 mlll, boards 16 Uaco. I J08t-oOlae 88 Main. . PRETTY BENJAMIN F., County Commissioner, house Kerlin, nem' Uplartd avenito. Pretty David G., boards 1M Mnin. Pretty John, gardener Mrs. J. 1). CI'ozer, house 104 Main. Pretty Samuel T., conteottonery .'. t ice cream, 9th t cor. Ohurch, h. do. IJretty Samuel T' clerk, Lukens &; Compton, h. 9th,cor. Church. Pretty's Uall, Upland avenue, oorner Kerlin. . l'rloo James, WMver, Crozer's No.2 mill, boards 205 4th. 1'l'1oe Step-hen, blacksmith, llouse 206 4tlJ. Priestley Johu, beamer, Crozers' No.8 ptlll, house 8Lh, 11. :Mulool'r~·.

:' Q. 8 .Quinn Quinn MnUlt1s, widow TholllRS, house 109 4th. td WllIlatn, house 210 8cl.

1 • t-004


.. Ramsdfln Uobert 'v,) st"Re Pl'OP1'letot"bouse 8th, ncar Mulbcrl')·. l~ John. grOcer ann postmaster 88 lUnln hOU80 do. o ReedCalebU., weaver, Cr07.ers' No.8 mlll, house 89 Front. (7J Ueed John L., mule sphmer, Crc.lzers· No.2 mill, h. 7th, n. Ulll'c.l a\'o. ~ ReeRvld lV., fencemaker, S. A. Cl'ozer,-t1ouse 17611111. Simpson }~dward, cnrpcnter, boal'ds 8th, near vphmd avenue. 81gg!eton MalY, widow of 'VlUlllm, house 198 Uplaud avenuo. 81,......LE GEORGE WI' bak01'y 4th, cor. Upland Rve., house 1226th, Smith Benjamin F., weaver, Crozel'8' No.2 roUJ, b. 8th ,cor. Mulberry.' Smith Charles M., gllrdenel', W. J. I4Qwls, h. Summit, n. Uplamt av. ~ /imlth Jane, widow Thomas, house 7th noor Uphmd avenuo. UI! ~mlth John laboror, UORchs', hou80 ,Vm. l)onn House. ItRce. ts Smith JOBlnll, weavor, Cr01.ors' No.2 mlll 7th, nonr Uplolll(l "vcnu~. ~ Smith Lewis J., woovor, Crozer's No.2 mi 11, house 166 6th. Spence Ephraim, house 112 4th. Spence James '1'., laborer, oonrds112 4th. ~pellCO John, laborer, Crozel's' No.3 mllJ1.oollrdB 112 4th. ' Starr SHmuel, physician, 80 Main, house ~hkter. Steen John G., mnnage1', J.I). Cro1.6rs' SoilS', house Main, Ileal' 10th. I']j ~t.eptoe 'Vllllnm I1~l w8lwcr, Cl'ozel'lt' No, 3 mill, boards 148 Church. 0 stmwaftner JR1l1e9lJ., laborol', 01'07.61'8' No.1 mill houso 68 Front. . 8tlllwe Annie!. widow Alfred, millinery, 8th.. n. Uphmd avo., h. do. /itradley Mary J. widow 'Vllllam, olgRrs &, tOUHCCO, 118 4th house do. Strauser lIar1'Y 'V., photogl'Rp'her, Amos, boards 7th, 110m' CIllll'oh. ~ Streaker Jamos n.·, 18OO1'Ol' Cl'ozel'&' No.1 mill, house 111 4th. /iulllvRn Mlohael, labOl'6r, j toaohs', hOllllO 160 Oth. ts /iwallow UlobRrd, laborer, Uonchs', house 76 2d. g,. /iwoony Martln, laborc1', ChostOl' Crook n. u" hOU8O 9 Unca. d




J S· K

T. Talbot Elias, stone cutt.ertoom'ds 267 4lh. TRlbot Mary, house 267 4tn. 'falbot Samuel, laborer, Cl'Ozors' No.1 mill, l>alU'ds 84 Mnlu. 1',llQl\n Mal'garet II., widow James, hOIl80 47 Front. 1U1'1'Y }}beney.or, 8hoem~,kol', h"use 8th. COl'. ,Mnlbol'l'y. '1'l\1"ry Jaoo1., shoemaker, 1i'l'ont, COL" Uplnml nvonue, honso do. 'l'nylor 11011\00 cal'l)Qntol' house 69 li'l'Out. . Taylor Jnmos, lXiss dyer, Vl'01.ers' No.1 mill, houso 00 Sd.





Ready Mixed Paints, Varnish, Turpentine, Alcohol, Tar, 178


Taylol' John II., weaver, Crm'.ers' -Mo. 2 mm, house 181 IIIII,

rd Taylor John 8. boards 2188--....... --