Chestermere Fire Services cannot commit to attending and/or participating at presentations ... group and the right to re
Chestermere Fire Services Tour/ Appearance/ Presentation Rules & Regulations
Booking a Tour/Appearance • •
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Please fill out the form below and return to the Fire Department a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of selected tour/appearance date. Tours/Appearances may be scheduled 7 days a week between o 09:00 – 12:00 o 14:00 – 16:00 o 19:00 Tours are approximately 40 minutes in duration. Chestermere Fire Services cannot commit to attending and/or participating at presentations longer than 1.5 hours.
Rules of Tours: • • •
In order to respect the operational needs of the firefighters on duty, please do not arrive earlier than 5 minutes before your scheduled tour time. All groups with children must ensure adequate adult supervision (1 adult per 5 children) is available at all times. Transportation must remain available on-site for the duration of the tour as tours may be interrupted or cancelled on short notice due to call volume.
Cancelation of Tour/Appearance/Presentation •
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Please note that Chestermere Fire Services has the right to refuse entry to any group and the right to refuse appearances or presentations for any group due to scheduling and/or conflicts which may reflect poorly on the reputation of the Chestermere Fire Services. Please keep in mind that tours and presentations are conducted by on duty staff. Tours or presentations may be delayed, postponed, or canceled at any time as a result of emergency responses. At the start of all tours your group will be instructed on procedures to take in the event of an alarm, please ensure that everyone is aware of these procedures. Should an alarm or emergency interrupt or cancel your visit, your time with us will be rescheduled. If you need to cancel a scheduled tour or presentation, please give Chestermere Fire Services at least 24 hours notice.
To book a tour or appearance, please fill in the form below.
Chestermere Fire Services Tour/ Appearance/ Presentation
Request Form ~Please complete all fields~ I would like to book a: □ TOUR □ APPEARANCE □ PRESENTATION (Check one) (ie. School, Party)
Type of Event: Address of Event: _ Requested Date: Requested Time: Organization: Age Group: # of Participants:_
Contact Individual: Contact Phone Number: Contact Email: ___________________________________________________ I hereby understand the rules and regulations of a tour, presentation or appearance of the Chestermere Fire Services and agree to provide at least 24 hours notice in the event that I need to cancel or reschedule the tour, presentation or appearance. Signature: Current Date: Return Completed Form to Fire Hall 162 East Chestermere Drive P: (403) 207-7058 F: (403) 207-2805 Mail To:105 Marina Rd Chestermere, AB T1X 1V7 Or email to
[email protected] This personal information is being collected for activities related to booking a tour, presentation, or appearance for the Town of Chestermere Fire Services, and as such is deemed to be an activity of the Town of Chestermere. The personal information is collected under the authority of Section 33(1)c of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used only for the purpose identified. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection or use of information you may contact the FOIP Coordinator at Town Hall, 105 Marina Road, Chestermere, AB T1X 1V7 or call (403) 207-7050.