Tai Chi-Qi Gong, ChiBall Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais and Relaxation ... “
When Chi flows through the meridians, it ultimately enters every cell in the body.
ChiBall Moves – shake your Chi!
Presented by Lynley Gladdis What is ChiBall?
"Superior treatment consists of dealing with an illness before it appears; mediocre treatment consists of curing an illness on the point of revealing itself; inferior treatment consists of curing the illness one it has manifested itself" A comment from a fifth century Chinese physician - Sun Simiao
ChiBall™ is a global exercise programme based on the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The framework of TCM teaches us that the intention of exercise, food and harmonious living is to cultivate internal harmony so that the external can reflect radiant health and happiness. Tai Chi-Qi Gong, ChiBall Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais and Relaxation are used in the ChiBall programme to: teach the concept of balance and energy (chi) gain appreciation of our internal organs, energy systems and their characteristics experience the connection between each exercise element and our physical, mental and emotions strengths and weaknesses create harmonious health by aligning with nature’s example
The Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine “When Chi flows through the meridians, it ultimately enters every cell in the body. Without a steady flow of Chi, our bodies do not receive full nourishment. Each organ has its own meridian, and there is meridian that affects each part of the body." Dr. HONG LIU (The Healing Art of QiGong “
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the philosophy of The Tao (pronounced dow) meaning “The Harmonious Way”, and its practice, Taoism, is 5000 years old. Incorporating The Tao into our lives means living and working in harmony with the laws of nature, the rhythms of which affect our energy levels, physical health and emotions. Health and fitness from a TCM perspective, is an internal matter. Having understanding and respect for our internal organs and their corresponding energy channels can help us to sustain optimum health throughout our lives. Within TCM there are four main concepts: Yin and Yang Chi – our vital energy The Meridian System The Five Elements
ChiBall Dance
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Yin Yang “The more relaxed we are the more powerful we become ”. BRUCE LEE
Yin and yang are opposite states of energy that are in constant motion, striving to achieve balance in all things. TCM Yin/Yang characteristics Yin resting stillness darkness winter cold water descending blood right side female
Class Yin/Yang characteristics
Yang activity movement light summer hot fire ascending chi left side male
Yin down right backwards sitting soft, slow small movements lower body front of the body internal body deep relaxation
Yang up left forwards standing fast, energetic large movements upper body back of the body external full energy
Chi “Chi is the breath of the Universe.” Grand Master Gary Khor.
Chi also called Prana or Ki literally means breath or air. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), "chi" or "qi" is the invisible life force or vital energy that flows through all living things. It is thought to be inherited and also derived from food and air. According to TCM, the smooth flow of chi through the body's meridians is crucial to good health. Meridians are invisible pathways within the body, through which the life force flows to our internal organs. Blocked meridians are often the cause of lethargy, poor circulation, headaches, back pain and muscular stiffness and many other physical disharmonies or disease. Meridian blockage is also associated with emotional or psychological imbalance. ____________________________________________________________________________
The Meridian System “When Chi flows through the meridians, it ultimately enters every cell in the body. Without a steady flow of Chi, our bodies do not receive full nourishment. Each organ has its own meridian, and there is meridian that affects each part of the body." Dr. HONG LIU (The Healing Art of QiGong)
Meridians are invisible pathways within the body, through which the life force flows to our internal organs. Blocked meridians are often the cause of lethargy, poor circulation, headaches, back pain and muscular stiffness and many other physical disharmonies or disease.
All the ChiBall moves and exercises are designed to stretch and stimulate the meridians to remove blockages and release tension. The internal organs are nourished and revitalised once the Chi is liberated and flowing freely along the meridian pathway. ChiBall Dance
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The Five Seasonal Elements The heavens have four seasons, five elements, nine divisions and 366 days. Man has four limbs, five viscera, nine orifices and 366 Heaven has wind, rain, cold and heat. Man too has a ‘taking in and a ‘giving out’; joy and anger. Thus the gall corresponds to the clouds; the lungs are vapour breath; the liver is wind; the kidneys are rain; and the spleen is thunder.
Five seasons with the five elements of nature are linked to maintain harmony in mind, body and spirit. Each element is associated with a body organ, time of day, key elements of nature, which are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Our goal is to align our body's energy and our life's activities with nature’s example. The internal organs use the five seasons as an opportunity to energetically cleanse, refresh and reinvigorate. A ChiBall Class uses the energetic phases of the Five Elements to construct the class. The ChiBall class changes as the seasons change. The movements and exercises are designed to stimulate specific meridians and organs associated with each element to assist the cleansing and regeneration process.
Radiant yang Fire Element
Rising Yang Wood Element
Descending Yang Earth Element
ChiBall Class Element Correspondences
Rising Yin Metal Element
Condensed Yin Water Element
What is ChiBall Dance? “Dance is movement, is action, and like all action, it reveals us to ourselves in the doing.” Gabrielle Roth
The power of the dance is universal, both in time and place. It is not confined to one country, no period of ancient or modern history, and to no plane of human culture. Through the ages dance has been performed for purposes ranging from the ceremonial, religious, and magical to ChiBall Dance
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the theatrical, social, and simply aesthetic. It has been used for centuries for ceremony, healing and meditation. Dance one of the oldest art forms. It is a style of expression that uses rhythmic movements that can be choreographed or patterned, improvised, and is usually accompanied by music. ChiBall Dance is the discipline used to represent the Fire Element. It’s energetic expression is energetic, outward, active, dispersing, energising, uplifting. ChiBall Dance is based on Tai Chi, Qi Gong, dance and yoga, and uses movement patterns to shift blocked Chi and assist in reducing stress. Repetitive patterns help to calm the restless or busy mind. For some, ChiBall Dance is about movement to music, for others it is about letting go, some use the movement to find a place of calm and quiet. Whatever reason participants have for being in the class, it brightens the eyes and lightens the heart. ChiBall Dance is to be enjoyed. The purpose of ChiBall Dance is to invigorate and set free the mind, body and spirit by using energetic, dynamic, continuous movement patterns with slow, gentle, fluid ones. ChiBall Dance is based on the principles of Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Modern Jazz and Exercise to Music. The ChiBall Dance Principles Posture, centring and alignment Balance and control Spatial awareness Fluidity and grace Isolation and initiation Repetition and co-ordination Rhythm and musicality Breath and intention Expression and emotion
The Class “Of circles and flowing patterns, both repetitive and free, rather than mere sterile exercise. I say ... stretch boundaries .... let the music, mind and movement encourage the flow of chi and release the dancer within us all” Judy McKenzie
The Movements All movements are valid! In life we tend to move in straight lines so experiment with curves and spirals. The movements used are based on Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Dance in the moving section of the class. Yoga is used in an ‘adagio’ style sequence of movement.
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If you can teach it and the participants are moving to music and enjoying the experience you are Chi Dancing. Use Yin Yang principles – soft/hard, quick/slow, big/small, up/down, forward/back.
Some Hints Let go of expectations and self-consciousness. It takes a while for the mind to yield control. Don't be surprised if the mind becomes rebellious, argumentative, or bored. Let it play itself out. Feel. Breathe. Breath is life, movement, voice. Use verbal language and imagery to describe the movements.
ChiBall Dance Movement Sequences “There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.” Edwin Denby
Rising Yang – The Wood Element – ChiBall Tai Chi/Qi Gong Butterfly→Part the Horses Mane→Circle the Moon→Rotating the Wheel Radiant Yang – The Fire Element – ChiBall Dance/ChiBall Yoga Sequence 1 Circle the Sun→Circle the Moon→Double arm Circle→The Wind Sequence 2 Travelling Wind→The Wave Sequence 3 Turning Circle the Moon→Step leg lift forward→3 steps lift side→3 steps lift behind and pass through→2 steps forward→Swallow to the corner x2→Swallow to the front x2 Sequence 4 Circle the Moon→Circle the Sun→Open the Heart→Lifted Rainbow→Pendulum x3→Foot to knee balance Sequence 5 Breeze x2 →Lifted Breeze x2→Stir the Pot x2→Hip Circle x4
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Sequence 6 – Balance Difficult Pose→Extended Mountain Pose with rise→Standing Twist R→Extended Mountain Pose with rise→Standing Twist L→Extended Mountain Pose→Difficult Pose→Knee LIft→Warrior 3 R with bent supporting leg→Side leg lift→Passé→Extend leg forward→Lower Repeat starting Left Descending Yang – The Earth Element – ChiBall Pilates Rolling Back→Boat Pose→Mermaid→Forward Fold→Side Bend→Thread the Needle→3 Legged Downward Facing Dog→Child’s Pose Repeat other side Rising Yin – The Metal Element – ChiBall Release Shoulder Rock→Space Roll Condensed Yin – The Water Element – ChiBall Relaxation/Meditation Corpse Pose
ChiBall Dance
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