Nov 26, 2012 - and transit users through innovation and excellent customer service. ... support an integrated, cross-fun
Chief Executive Officer’s Report to the Board of Directors
November 26, 2012 At Translink, we want you to know what we’re up to—the things that we’re doing behind the scenes that you might not have heard about. That’s why, several times a year I’m sharing my report to the Board with you so you can read it and know what we’re working on. This report includes information about TransLink and its subsidiary companies, British Columbia Rapid Transit Company Ltd. (SkyTrain), Coast Mountain Bus Company Ltd. (CMBC), and West Coast Express Limited (WCE). This report is divided into five sections, each reflecting our progress towards meeting our strategic goals: Customer. Enhance the customer experience by providing a valued service to both road and transit users through innovation and excellent customer service. Financial. Optimize current revenue streams, reduce costs, develop new sustainable funding source and develop policy, analysis and technical work that supports the Transport 2040 goals. Internal Effectiveness. Develop internal business processes and infrastructure to support an integrated, cross-functional approach to the efficient and effective delivery of transportation services and programs that meet our customers’ needs. People. Build an aligned, engaged, accountable and customer-focused team dedicated to continuous improvement. Stakeholder. Secure enduring stakeholder support to provide stable long-term funding to plan, build and operate a sustainable transportation network.
Enhance the customer experience by providing a valued service to both road and transit users through innovation and excellent customer service.
Implementing a Park and Ride Policy In October, we adopted a Park and Ride Policy to guide the supply, pricing and management of TransLink-managed facilities. This policy brings a consistent approach to Park and Ride management and establishes clear planning principles to guide decision-making. And we’ve already started implementing the policy. On November 16, we announced that parking at the new Carvolth Exchange (202 street and Hwy #1) and park and ride in Langley will be free until March 31, 2013. Starting April 1, it will be $2 a day to park at the lot, or $40 a month. Due to a City of Delta bylaw prohibiting paid parking, TransLink will not pursue the implementation of paid parking in Delta at this time. Over the coming months, we will create an Implementation Strategy for our policy. The strategy will help define how and when to introduce paid parking at our remaining Park and Ride facilities, how we decide what infrastructure we need, and what size facilities should be.
Responding to Unidentified Objects and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) On November 2, 2012, SkyTrain and Transit Police responded to an Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) incident. Over the next few days, we received more reports of unidentified objects on our system. The Transit Police reacted quickly to protect our customers and initiated several strategies to address concerns.
Offering new service South of the Fraser In November, we announced an exciting new bus service. The #555 ExpressBus will travel over the Port Mann Bridge from the Carvolth Exchange in Langley to Braid Station in New Westminster, starting December 1, 2012. To make this possible, CMBC gave 10 extra Orion buses new upholstery and fresh paint. They’ve been pre-wired for Compass installation. The City of Surrey has requested an additional bus stop at 156th Street for the new Highway 1 express line service. TransLink will meet with city staff to discuss the feasibility of adding an additional stop.
Enhance the customer experience by providing a valued service to both road and transit users through innovation and excellent customer service. Making customer service a priority
We always encourage our customers to give us feedback through one of our many channels, including through social media. More and more customers continue to join our online conversation, and on November 5, we reached a milestone of 25,000 Twitter followers. Communicating with our customers on the SkyTrain system is also a priority. SkyTrain has been developing SkyVoice automated announcements, monitoring and correcting audio as needed to ensure people can hear and understand us. SkyTrain also recently completed advance customer service training for attendants, as led by supervisors. We react quickly when our customers are inconvenienced. When the new $20 bills came out, we immediately put a plan in place to have our machines accept them. Our software at our ticket vending machines on the Expo, Millennium and Canada Lines has been updated and we’re now able to accept the new bills. In September and October, CMBC took a look at one route per month and noted a slight increase of complaints on the 99 and 239 lines. Specific issues causing these complaints are reviewed and addressed if possible. As a result of some of the work identified above and our demonstrated willingness to respond to customer service issues, our customer satisfaction ratings are at an all-time high of 7.8. The results are from the recently published results from the 2012 Q3 TransLink Customer Service Satisfaction survey. This survey is a continual “rolling” phone survey of 700 customers per month.
Keeping customers safe Preventable collisions at CMBC held steady compared to last year at 8.5/million km. Our target is 8.0/million km.
Optimize current revenue streams, reduce costs, develop new sustainable funding source and develop policy, analysis and technical work that supports the Transport 2040 goals.
Optimizing current revenue streams In a March 2012 decision, the Commissioner rejected TransLink’s application for a supplemental fare increase. However, he suggested we reapply if we found $40–60 million in further efficiencies in the 2013 Base Plan. We’ve done just that, identifying $98 million in efficiency measures in our Base Plan, released in October 2012. These efficiencies were again confirmed through the recent Provincial Audit, and we feel we’ve exceeded the Commissioner’s request. If this application is approved, we’ll increase rates to either the approved price or the permitted fare under our legislation, whichever is greater.
Managing Risks In conjunction with our budgeting and planning cycle, we’ve reevaluated our risk mitigation plans; TransLink’s risk profile cycle begins during the last part of the quarter. CMBC’s risk profile update is complete and will be presented to their Board in November. SkyTrain’s risk profile is targeted for completion in the first quarter of 2013. Police Services’ risk management framework is being updated to align with the Enterprise Framework.
Using data to find efficiencies Through its Run-Time Analysis Project, CMBC’s data warehouse has been refined. As a result, CMBC has obtained useful, relevant data that helps identify efficiencies for bus scheduling. CMBC has used the data to remove 36,000 hours/year, resulting in $2.6 million in cost avoidance or a payback in three months.
Optimize current revenue streams, reduce costs, develop new sustainable funding source and develop policy, analysis and technical work that supports the Transport 2040 goals. Enforcing fares
On September 4, 2012, TransLink assumed new responsibility to issue and collect fare infraction tickets and resolve disputes over tickets. This was a result of amendments to the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Amendment Act, also known as Bill 51. To prepare for Bill 51 coming into effect, TransLink’s Fare Enforcement project started in August 2012. Phase II is now in progress and focuses on implementing the Refuse to Issue (RTI) and the Collections processes. Bill 51 has already meant a significant impact. As of November 4, 2012, we’ve seen: 6,756 tickets issued 867 tickets paid $150,403 cash receipts 633 tickets disputed 82 disputes escalated to the next level of appeal process Right now, we’re finalizing the arbitration process and hearing appeals will start in December. We’ve also sent final notices to people with tickets that are 45 days overdue. These notices let people know that if they don’t pay within 90 days of the offense, the tickets will be directed to the RTI or collections process.
Monitoring fuel tax revenue TransLink’s fuel tax revenue continues to decrease, with data suggesting a continued risk. An external data source, which gives sales volume information on the retail gasoline and diesel fuel industry, shows a 1.6 per cent decrease in our region for the first eight months of the year, when compared to 2011. At TransLink, we need to better understand fuel sales trends. We’re working on improving the data tracking and modeling program. By doing so, we’ll be able to better understand emerging trends in regional transportation fuel sales. We’ll also be able to identify and quantify how
Optimize current revenue streams, reduce costs, develop new sustainable funding source and develop policy, analysis and technical work that supports the Transport 2040 goals.
different factors affect fuel sales in the region. This data will help us better forecast future fuel demands.
Improving workflow This fall, we executed an Enterprise Capital Workflow system. The system: enforces consistent capital processes (governance) identifies process bottlenecks (visibility) improves accountability and collaboration eliminates duplicate data entry centrally stores all related documents Over six weeks, the program included 25 training classes with more than 350 attendees.
Maximizing Golden Ears Bridge From July through October 2012, we gathered data on traffic over the Golden Ears Bridge and noticed 10-14 per cent more crossings than the same period in 2011. This growth is largely the result of our awareness campaign in newspapers and on the radio. It’s also possibly due to construction on the Highway 1 corridor and good weather during the summer months and into early fall. TransLink is working closely with the Transportation Investment Corporation (TI Corp) to upgrade interoperability on the Golden Ears Bridge in time for December when tolls start on the new Port Mann Bridge. Interoperability will be introduced in two phases: 1. Device interoperability active on Port Mann toll in December 2012. 2. Integrated billing for TReO customers in 2013.
Internal effectiveness
Develop internal business processes and infrastructure to support an integrated, cross-functional approach to the efficient and effective delivery of transportation services and programs that meet our customers’ needs.
Compass Card Project Update Work continued on the Compass Card and Faregate Project with faregates and Compass Vending machines being installed in rail stations. Construction at 47 of 50 rail stations is substantially complete. All 50 stations are ready for installation by the system supplier. Installation of Compass bus equipment has started at Port Coquitlam depot with 24 buses converted to date. Internal communications and change management efforts have continued with staff education sessions held across the enterprise, primarily at CMBC. The system supplier is in the process of integrating and testing the various customer facing and back office subsystems that comprise the overall automated fare collection system. It is apparent that the system complexity arising from the relatively large number of fare products and unique rules (3 zone conventional transit, West Coast Express, Handy Dart, Institutional Programs) is a significant challenge. Staff are monitoring development progress to reduce the implementation and integration risks associated with a widely distributed system of this nature. Staff are preparing public education materials and planning for Compass card distribution to support a smooth deployment. Recruitment for members of the public to participate in Pilot testing will commence in the new year.
Reviewing the Pattullo Bridge TransLink has started a collaborative Strategic Review process with New Westminster, Surrey and the Ministry of Transportation. Through the process, we’ll examine and evaluate all practical solutions for the Pattullo Bridge. We expect the process to continue through summer 2013. At the end, we hope to define a solution that all the project stakeholders support. We’re also continuing with project technical development tasks. This means we’re doing detailed traffic analysis and analyzing multi-modal regional connection options to the bridge. The results of this work support the Strategic Review process that’s under way.
Internal effectiveness
Develop internal business processes and infrastructure to support an integrated, cross-functional approach to the efficient and effective delivery of transportation services and programs that meet our customers’ needs. Reporting incidents to an Independent Investigations Office
In September 2012, a new Independent Investigations office (IIO) opened. The IIO, established by the Provincial government under the Police Act, investigates incidents where a person may have died or suffered serious harm as a result of the actions of a police officer. The Transit Police must notify the IIO of Critical Incidents involving on-duty and off-duty officers. Transit Police must also secure the scene of the incident until an IIO investigator arrives on the scene. This reporting is in addition to the existing reporting to the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner. Some examples of incidents that must be reported include: in-custody death life-threatening injury disfigurement or permanent loss/impairment of any function of mobility if there were no medical intervention discharge of firearm by an on-duty officer where there may have been injury to person or officer The IIO and BC police agencies have created a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure efficient, effective and timely investigations. As of the date of this report, the Transit Police had no incidents that triggered an IIO investigation.
Centralizing services Where it makes sense, we’ve been centralizing some of our work being done across our enterprise. In fall, we centralized our procurement processes, transferring seven positions to TransLink from CMBC. This will allow us to better support our enterprise Category Management Strategy. We also moved CMBC’s media communications roles so they are now managed through TransLink. These changes will help make us more effective and efficient.
Internal effectiveness
Develop internal business processes and infrastructure to support an integrated, cross-functional approach to the efficient and effective delivery of transportation services and programs that meet our customers’ needs. Reviewing practices
CMBC will conduct an audit of SeaBus operations, regulatory and best practices. The audit will be conducted by a consultant specializing in marine operations and experienced with ferry operations. This audit is separate from SeaBus’ Safety Management System compliance audit plans for 2013.
Prioritizing safety CMBC is pursuing Certificate of Recognition from WorkSafeBC. In December 2012, we’ll complete the external safety audit required for the certification. If we’re successful, CMBC will receive up to a 15 per cent rebate on Work Safe BC premiums in 2013. That’s a savings of about $1 million in 2013. The certification is good for three years and requires ongoing internal audits and a continual improvement program. This complements CMBC’s plans to introduce an organization-wide Safety Management System. CMBC is also a leading participant in a collaborative process across the TransLink enterprise to establish a comprehensive five-year rolling program for earthquake resiliency and general business continuity. Specific projects for 2013 will be finalized by December.
Keeping on track SkyTrain has been working on several strategic projects over the last couple of months to improve internal effectiveness, including: An IT strategy for business and operations systems applications (an implementation plan is now under development). An action plan to address the illustrated parts catalogue and parts quality control procedures. An action plan for implementing the vehicle refurbishment project scope (implementation is expected once the OMC2 Completion Project is substantially completed).
Internal effectiveness
Develop internal business processes and infrastructure to support an integrated, cross-functional approach to the efficient and effective delivery of transportation services and programs that meet our customers’ needs.
SkyTrain has been working on several other projects on its rail systems as well. Recently, SkyTrain started the power rail replacement of about 34 km of track and completed a bearing replacement project on the SkyBridge. In addition, SkyTrain is designing new livery design for all our MK I vehicles, ensuring a consistent look for all of them. Finally, we’re happy to report that the Scott Road west pod elevators will be back in service in 2013.
Build an aligned, engaged, accountable and customer-focused team dedicated to continuous improvement.
Engaging employees We recently let our exempt employees know that our bi-annual exempt engagement survey will be replaced by targeted divisional/departmental pulse checks. These pulse checks will start in the first quarter of 2013. In recognition of the importance of our Senior Leaders across the enterprise, an engagement pulse check will be conducted this year, specifically targeted at measuring the engagement level of that group. At TransLink, we care about developing our employees. To that end, about 700 employees, managers and directors across the enterprise attended employee and leadership development programs. These programs were delivered in-house by external service providers and internal subject matter experts. Wellness is also an important part of engaging employees. In 2012, we delivered a number of successful corporate wellness initiatives, including wellness fairs, fitness challenges, and lunch and learns on mental and preventative health. We continue to receive positive feedback from employees on these initiatives. It’s important to help our employees understand conflict resolution, respectful behavior, roles and responsibilities. To do that, a new Respectful Workplace Training Program is expected to be completed by all SkyTrain and WCE employees by year end. We try to offer this specific training to managers annually. The TransLink enterprise again participated in the annual Take Our Kids to Work Day on November 7. Almost 70 Grade 9 students participated, either in guided tours at CMBC and SkyTrain, or by accompanying their parent to work.
Succession Planning We know we have a great team of people working at the TransLink Enterprise. However, we also know it’s important to develop succession plans for key positions in the event of an unplanned departure, and as people inevitably move on or retire.
Build an aligned, engaged, accountable and customer-focused team dedicated to continuous improvement.
Phase 1 (CEO and TransLink Executive) and Phase 2 (President/GMs and Executives) have been completed and Phase 3 (Directors) is partially completed. In 2013, Human Resources will complete Phase 3, and work with the Executive and President/GMs to identify critical positions within each organization and develop their succession plans. The succession planning framework for management roles across the enterprise will be rolled out in 2013.
Transitioning services Human Resources continues to work with both CMBC and SkyTrain on our centralized model for delivering Human Resources Services to ensure a smooth transition.
Recognizing excellence We make sure we recognize the hard work of our employees enterprise-wide. This year, we changed our Long Service and Safe Worker Awards recognition programs to get better value out of the program while still showing our appreciation. As a result, we will save about $100,000 a year. We’re not the only ones who think our employees do great work. CMBC’s Customer Information team was recognized by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and received the AdWheel Award for best Twitter account.
Managing change At TransLink, we understand the importance of managing change for employees. Because of that, Human Resources is providing change management support to several areas of the business and three key projects: Compass Card, MyTime, and PeopleSoft to SkyTrain. We’re also offering training for our managers through a program called “Resilience to Change.”
Build an aligned, engaged, accountable and customer-focused team dedicated to continuous improvement.
Reviewing the numbers We regularly review our numbers to see how we’re measuring up on our goals related to employees. Here are some of our results at CMBC: 83 per cent of Operator Performance review completed as of the end of October. Attendance slightly improved from last year as of the end of September (8.0 per cent in 2012, 8.3 per cent in 2011; target: 7.8 per cent). Operator assaults at 24.3/million service hours compared to 30.9 in 2011 as of the end of September (target: 23.4 per cent). WorkSafeBC Lost Time Claims 5.4/200,000 hours worked compared to last year’s 6.0/200,000 hours worked as of the end of our third quarter.
Secure enduring stakeholder support to provide stable long-term funding to plan, build and operate a sustainable transportation network.
Working with Jurisdictional Police Departments The Transit Police held its semi-annual protocol committee meeting with Jurisdictional Police Departments (JPDs). The meeting focused on: Transit Police’s operational and accountability initiatives. a briefing on Bill 51 and its implications for JPDs. the future rollout of Smart cards and fare gates. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Transit Police and the JPDs will undergo review in late fall 2012. If there are any amendments needed, they will be worked through in early 2013.
Doing research We’ve recently approved a capital project to study the rail profile for our MKI and MKII vehicles. The goal? Find the optimal profile that will mitigate noise and maximize the service life of our wheels and rails. The National Research Council will perform the study.