children adopted intemationally resided in orphanages, and the day-to-day ... The purpose for our study was to identify t'actors associated with enrollment in Part ...
Journal of Early Inten€ntioD lblme 12 Nmber I Dffimt!€r 2009 t4-67 (- lO09 SAGF Publicarons r 0, l l 77 i10538| 5 t09-157053
Child FactorsAssociated With Enrollment in Part C Early InterventionAmong Children Adopted From China
hnpl/ hosred at hrtp:'
Mary BethBruder Jilniversitt' of' Connec'tic'ul,Farmington, Connecticut
Carl J. Dunst ()relenu Hawks Puc'kett lnstitute. Asheville. North Carolina
CristinaMogro-Wilson L'n iv ers i t.t,rlf' C o n nec t i c ul, F u rm i ngto n, C o n n et' I it'ttt
provisionof serviccsunderPart C of the IndividualsWith DisabilitiesEducationAct is This articlepresentstindings built on a premisethat childrenbeneflttiom early intervention. fiom a study of children adoptedtiom China. Given informationobtainedtiom a survey.the groupedchildrenas (a) thosewho receivedearly intervention,(b) thosewho did researchers not receiveearlyintcrventionand whoscparentshadconcemsabouttheir behavioranddevelopment,and (c) thosewho did not receiveearly intervcntionand whoscparcntshad no concernsabouttheir behaviorand developmcnt.Rcsultsshowedthat parcntaljudgmentsof theil children's behavior at the time of adoption best explaineddiflerencesbctween the parents whosechildrenreceivcdearly intervcntionand parcntswho had no conccrnsabouttheir children'sbehaviorand who did not receiveearly intcrvcntion.The behavioralmarkersthat dif'l'erentiatcdthc groups from one anotherwere as follows: child afl-ect,poor attentron.eating poor physicalhealth,and socialinteraction and I'eedingdifllculties,problemscommunicating, problems.Findingsindicatethat parents'appraisals can be an importantsourceof intbrmation fbr this populationof children. tbr cligibitity determination Keywords:
c'hild behavior: parent appraisals; presumptiveeligibilitv: Chineseadoptees
nonnous progress has been made in the past 30 years in the field of early childhood f, -Uintervention (Trohanis. 2008). Both the United Statesand other countries have shown an increasedawarenessof the importance of children's early years by initiating, expanding, and irnproving servicesto those in need (Guralnick, 2008; Odom, Hanson, Blackman, & Kaul, 2003). As a result, more and more infants and toddlers are beneflting from the
Authors'Note: The conductol'the studyrcponcdin this aniclc was funded,in part,by the FederalCentersfor Exccllencein DevelopmentalDisabilitiesEducation,Research.and Scrvicc Programs(Grant No. 90DD0576). Pleaseaddrcsscorrespondenccto Mary Bcth Bruder, PhD, Professor,Director, Univcrsity of Connecticut A. J. PappanikouCentertbr Excellencein DevelopmcntalDisabilitiesEducation,Research,and Service,263 FarmingronAvenue,MC 6222, Farmington,CT 06030; e-mail: Bruder(