Child Protection Sub-Cluster Google Group ... - HumanitarianResponse

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Allows to read group posts through email, the online interface, or both. Forum Contents ... 2. Request access directly f
Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Google Group What is Google Groups? The Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Google Group is an online and email-based group and allows to:       

Engage in discussions about Child Protection in Liberia, Sharing information and updates on Child Protection concerns and responses, Create and answer questions regarding Child Protection, Organize meetings, conferences, or events among members of the Sub-Cluster, Create awareness on Child Protection issues, Improve communication and coordination among Sub-Cluster members and Allows to read group posts through email, the online interface, or both.

Forum Contents   

This Google Group is exclusively for information sharing on Child Protection issues. Please do not post advertisements or private posts. Please consider that Child Protection information can be sensitive and never post any information, which could harm a child! Please do not extract contents from this forum and republish without the permission from the original poster.

Receiving emails/messages You can choose in the setting how frequently you want to receive emails from the group:    

No email updates: You won't get emails, but you can still see posts by logging in to Google Groups and clicking on that group. Daily summaries: On days when people post to the group, you'll only get one email that includes every message that was sent (Recommended option!) Combined updates: You'll get one email for every 25 posts to the group. An email for every new message: You'll get an email anytime someone posts to the group.

For more information please visit following page:

Responding to emails/messages 

When responding to messages, please remember to reply to the sender only otherwise your message will be sent to all members. If you are reasonably confident that your reply will be of interest and value to the group, then you can reply all.

Sign up! There are two ways to gain access to the group: 1. Send us an email to [email protected]. 2. Request access directly from the group’s page:

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Unsubscribing from the Group There are three (3) simple ways to unsubscribe from the group: 3. Send an email to to unsubscribe 4. Click the “Leave Group” button from the “My Membership” screen for the group 5. Email directly to [email protected] to request removal.

Additional support required? For additional information and support, please visit the Google Groups Help ( or contact the Child Protection Sub-Cluster IM ([email protected]).

Thank you and please start sharing!

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