Child Protection Sub-Cluster Meeting - HumanitarianResponse

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Jan 26, 2015 - Briefing on Child Protection Google Group. 6. Partner updates. 7. ... point/agency/lead person ... accoun
Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster meeting minutes Date: January 19, 2015 at 3.00PM Venue: EOC Introduction: The Child Protection Sub-Cluster Meeting aims at providing technical and strategic direction for the child protection response and a platform where child protection agencies can share information and coordinate intervention to maximize resources for effective and efficient results. This meeting was the second meeting to held at the EOC. Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Opening Prayer Welcome Opening Remarks and Introduction Review of Action Points from previous meeting Presentation and discussion of outcomes of CP work plan Working Group Meeting Briefing on Child Protection Google Group Partner updates Discussion on CP brochure to be used in schools AOB Closing and Adjournment

Meeting Administration Chair: MOH/SW Co- Chair: MGCSP Secretariat: Save the Children Action points Issues identified Psychosocial support minimum standard Child Protection brochure for use in schools Accommodation of comments

Focal Action point point/agency/lead Timeline person Identify and review Dr. Cooper Monday, January 26, existing minimum 2015 standards for PSS Small working group IRC, Save the Monday, January 26, meet, draft and Children, Search, 2015 circulate and present MOH/SW a the draft copy to the CPSC Incorporate Sterner/UNICEF Monday, January 26, comments and inputs 2015

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster and inputs into the draft quarterly work plan Ensure specific PSS needs of children at the national Psychosocial support meeting

into the draft quarterly work plan and present the revised copy to CPSC Attend the weekly PSS Dominik, IRC meetings and articulate child focused PSS needs

Monday, Wednesday and Friday (weekly) at 1PM

Following prayer, introduction and welcome remarks, minutes of the previous meeting was reviewed with no previous action point left pending.

Presentation and discussion of outcomes of CP work plan Working Group Meeting The draft CPSC quarterly work plan (January to March, 2015) was presented. The work plan covers four main areas with aligned objectives: (1) Management of the Child Protection Sub Cluster, (2) Capacity building of members of the Child Protection Sub Cluster, (3) Mainstreaming Child Protection issues into other programs areas, and (4) Community based Child Protection systems. Work plan items discussed included: Minimum Standards -

Importance to recognize the work which has already been done while taking into account that Ebola is a very different situation

Social Mobilization -

Social Mobilization Cluster can be tapped for Child Protection messaging

Community based -

Importance to build on existing structures (CWC) was emphasized rather than establishing new structures

An updated draft work plan will be presented during the next Child Protection Sub-Cluster meeting. Briefing on Child Protection Google Group The Child Protection Google Group aims to be a forum for information sharing for Child Protection in Liberia related topics like challenges, good practices, lessons learned, field observations or programmatic questions. Topics, for which there might be not enough time during the Child Protection Sub-Cluster meeting, can be discussed on this forum.

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster A conversation/topic can be started by 1. Writing an email to the Google Group: [email protected] 2. Posting a topic on the Google Group's webpage: Registering for the Child Protection Sub-Cluster Google Group can be done by 1. Sending an email to [email protected] 2. Requesting access directly from the




Before posting, please take a moment to read the introductory information of the forum: Partner updates Save the Children  

10 Social Welfare Assistants have been hired to be deployed at district levels in Bong County Renewal of MOU to support 20 Social Welfare Assistants in Montserrado and Bong County has been initiated following the expiration of previous MOU. This is to ensure that these Social Welfare Assistants continue to provide follow support and other appropriate support to vulnerable children.

Child Fund 

Currently re-strategizing their approach. Considering the decline in the number of Ebola affected cases, the construction of ICCs is being reviewed; still the renovation work the identified ICC in Bong has been completed. A site for an ICC in Margibi has been identified

Development of CP brochure to be used in schools 

IRC chairs a subcommittee that has been set up to draft a CP brochure to be presented at the next Child Protection Sub-Cluster meeting. The members of the committee include: Save the Children, SEARCH, MOH/SW, Child Protection SubCluster.

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster AOB Key Child Protection Issues issues/concern/emphasis  

 

Participants emphasized a need for the establishment of an ICC in Grand Cape Mount, which currently experiences active transmission of the Ebola virus The importance for a representative of the Child Protection Sub Cluster to attend the National Psychosocial meeting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to articulate specific PSS needs of children and to feedback to the CP Sub-Cluster was stressed A 12 year old child who was reported to have been raped by a 48 years old man has died as a result of the act. The Director of the Children Protection Unit at the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection is following up on the case and will provide an update on the case at the next meeting. For mainstreaming Child Protection issues in the educational curriculum, the need to liaise with the Education Sub-Cluster was identified. Child Protection Sub-Cluster review the existing minimum standards (beyond Welfare Institutions) and explore options for enforcement to foster adherence.

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