Child Protection Sub-Working Group -

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Feb 26, 2014 - Safety Audit was shared with the. Amman CPSWG members. • UNHCR-UNICEF Birth Registration leaflet distri
Meeting minutes 18.02.14 Child Protection Sub-Working Group UNHCR Jordan office Agenda: 1) Updates from Field WGs 2) Presentation on ILO’s child labour assessment and new initiatives on self reliance opportunities for Syrian refugees 3) Presentation of Questscope’s project in Zaatari for youth at risk 4) Discussion on Assessments (assessments planned for 2014, priority areas for assessments in 2014, procedures for coordinating assessments) 5) AOB 6) Agencies present: UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, AVSI, ICMC, IFH/NHF, Mercy Corps, NICCOD, NRC, Operation Mercy, SCJ, SCI, UPP, WCUK, TdH-Lausanne, INTERSOS, JFR, Right to Play and RI. Agenda Item Updates from Field WGs

Issues CPGBV Za’atri:  CP and GBV referral pathways being updated  Child Labour will be on the agenda for the next meeting 20 Feb as to come up with few actions points  Safety Audit was shared with the Amman CPSWG members  UNHCR-UNICEF Birth Registration leaflet distributed to members KAP/Cyber City Field WGs: to be shared in next meeting EJC Protection WG: to be shared in next meeting Azraq Camp Coordination meeting:  Discussions were held with Jordan officials on 5 Feb to agree on the way forward for Azraq

Action points

Members that would like copies of the leaflet to contact Karen or Mariann

camp .There is an agreement on opening village 3. Consultation with the government will continue regarding final date, but all partners should initiate final preparations with third week of March as target period for opening Early and Forced Marriage TF:  Next meeting will be held Tuesday 25 Feb, (after the GBVSWG) Presentation on ILO’s child labour assessment and new initiatives on self-reliance opportunities for Syrian refugees

Presentation of Questscope’s project in Zaatari for youth at risk

Discussion on Assessments

 

The ILO will share report tentatively mid-March Members to provide comments/inputs to the report

Related issues:  UNICEF mentioned their global Advisor for Child Labour will be on mission to Jordan, 10-15 March to support the country office to draft a CL strategy  The invitation for the ‘Living on Scrap Launch and Round Table Conference’ hosted by Save International on 26 and 27 Feb will be recirculated  Suggestions: -need to focus on advocacy with the government – linkages with work permits for Syrian adults  Questscope will provide regular updates on the project  Referrals to/from Questscope using the inter-agency referral form to be used as to avoid sensitive information being shared in the form 

The agenda item was postponed due to timing

EFMTF chairs to share final ToR and circulate the draft work plan ILO to share the methodology and the questionnaire with the members

Recirculate the SCI invitation

PPT to be shared Members can contact Mike Mike Niconchuk/ Questscope [email protected] or 0799840288 if interested to get more information on the project Members to share info regarding planned

(assessments planned for 2014, priority areas for assessments in 2014, procedures for coordinating assessments)


Members requested to send information on planned assessments by Sunday 23 Feb COB  Chairs suggested to discuss with the GBVSWG regarding joint assessments for 2014 as the last assessments that were conducted was in late 2012/early 2013  Suggestions: review existing responses and examine surpassed and unmet targets before deciding on future assessments  NRP: currently no child protection TF under the NRP. Social protection component of national resilience plan is being strengthened, which allows a stronger advocacy effort. RRP6 reporting:  Deadline was 17 February. Data compilation is taking place 19 February  Next reporting deadline (for the month of February) will be 5 March

assessments for 2014 by Sunday 23 February COB

Reporting organisations to submit data COB 18 February, if not the information will not be included and reflected in the January dashboard

Next CP meeting: Draft work plan to be  Draft Work Plan for 2014 to be shared before next meeting finalised  Priorities for the strategy to be agreed upon Next meeting: Tuesday 4 March at 9 am UNHCR Jordan office.