May 13, 2014 - manager, psychologist and psychiatrist will be present. Referral ... guides; the Project Manager will beg
Child Protection Sub-Working Group Meeting 13 May 2014, UNHCR Amman, Deir Ghbar Agencies present: ACF, ACTED, CVT, ICMC, IFH/NHF, IMC, INTERSOS, TdH Italy, TdH Lausanne, UNHCR, UNICEF, UPP, WCUK, SDC, AVSI Agenda: 1) Update from field working groups and task forces 2) Update on the RRP6 mid-year review process 3) Update on the inter-agency CP/SGBV messages and communications tools 4) Contingency planning update 5) AOB
Discussion Agenda item Updates
Discussion Zaatari The Zaatari Child Protection and SGBV groups continue to meet separately, with every fifth meeting held jointly. The coming meeting (Thursday 22 May) will be a joint meeting. There will also be a special presentation on a perceptions survey conducted by Oxfam. At the last CP meeting in Zaatari (Thursday 8 May), SCJ presented its ‘Peer Educators Programme’. The group also discussed its ToRs, which will be finalised and endorsed by the next meeting. Next meeting – Thursday 22 May, 11.30 Azraq All protection actors working in Azraq are currently meeting altogether. Protection meetings are in Azraq, every Wednesday at 10.30, before the camp coordination meetings. The existing national CP/SGBV SOPs are already in place in Azraq; Azraq-specific referral pathways were last updated on 7 May. The referral pathways will be revised again. Next Azraq Protection meeting – Wednesday 14 May 10.30
Action points
UASC TF The UASC will meet on Sunday 25 May to UASC TF to present finalize the SOPs for dealing with UASC. The SOPs to CPSWG. TF will discuss the SOPs with BID panels at the field level for consultation purposes. The UASC TF will make a presentation to the CPSWG on the revised SOPs. EJC IMC will start delivering MHPSS in EJC. Next week there will be a meeting to discuss preliminaries. For the starting period, a case manager, psychologist and psychiatrist will be present. Referral pathways will need to be revised Youth task force Updates requested from YTF. RRP6 review
Activity info is open for partners to reduce and amend appeal from 12 May to 21 May. Partners are requested to amend targets and reflect in the database if they have had unfunded projects by removing them. The population planning figures for 2014 remain the same at 800,000 people. Increases in appeals must be discussed and approved by the sector leads. Chairs will be in touch with partners, individually, to assess the progress of individual projects. Where a UN agency has appealed and a partner has also appealed for the same project within the RRP6, one of these should be removed.
Amani Campaign Update
Materials are available for partners to start using the messaging. UNHCR has already started distributing the contacts cards in reception and registration centres. Materials will be reprinted according to
Partners to send requests for materials to Chairs
demand/resource availability. Partners can start providing their staff with the Arabic language guides; the Project Manager will begin conducting orientations on the use of the messages – information to follow. There will be campaign launches in June, including community events etc. UNHCR and UNICEF will make it a requirement of partnership that agencies have endorsed the CP/SGBV SOPs. For ERF and BPRM, endorsement and implementation of the SOPs will also be taken into consideration.
Contingency planning
There will also be an ‘institutionalisation’ checklist – what is required to have institutionalised the SOPs. This will be available by the end of the year. (see attached presentation) Chairs to circulate scenarios and the tables.
The CP Sub-Sector is required to provide information on its capacity, key interventions, main gaps, sex, age and diversity considerations for preparedness. Sector to provide information by 1 June. Mapping of child- and adolescent- friendly Partners to provide spaces information on AFSs UNICEF have produced an initial inventory of and CFSs by 20 May. CFS and AFS. Partners should review and complete excel table, including information on planned CFS and AFS by 20 May – and send to
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Using that information, the mapping will be done with specialised software. The purpose of the mapping exercise is to reduce duplication of CFSs and AFSs. 4/5Ws will also be developed – discussion to follow at subsequent CP SWG. ERF – deadline 22 May. Partners should be in touch with sector leads, before submitting a proposal. CP/SGBV SOP training schedule to be circulated
Next meeting: 27 May 2014, 0900-1030