CHIMERE Training Course. General CHIMERE Structure. Dmitry Khvorostyanov,
Laurent Menut, Myrto Valari. Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique IPSL.
CHIMERE Training Course General CHIMERE Structure Dmitry Khvorostyanov, Laurent Menut, Myrto Valari Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique IPSL Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex Contact:
[email protected]
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
ChemistryTransport Model (CTM)
Mass outflow Mass inflow
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
CHIMERE Core Routines
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
CHIMERE Preprocessing •
scripts/ – the chemical preprocessor chemprep/
• – to create domainspecific data in domains/ :
Domain coordinates:
Landuse data : domains/CONT5/LANDUSE_GLCF_CONT5
Parameters for MEGAN biogenic emissions (LAI, emission factors for each species):
Dust emissions input parameters (soil properties, z0, erodibility)
→ makechemistry results in chemprep/ directory → chimeredomains results in domains/CONT5/ directory
Specified in chimere.par: # CHIMERE Simulation Domain [$nested] Nested run? (yes/no) : no, yes, no [$dom] CHIMERE domain : CONT5, FRAGN15 [$nzdoms] Number of parallel zonal subdomains : 4 [$nmdoms] Number of parallel merid subdomains : 4 [$nlevels] Number of vertical layers : 8, 15 [$top_chimere_pressure] Top layer pressure : 500 [$first_layer_pressure] First layer pressure : 997
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
Chemical Preprocessor: chemprep/
Creates the directory chemprep/inputdata.211001021.10/ where '211001021.10' correspond to parameters specified in the parameter file chimere.par
Calculates aerosol size distribution (src/chemprepdistrib.f)
Defines families (src/chemprepfamilies.f)
The resulting inputdata.211001021.10/ contains data files for running CHIMERE: parameters and constants for gas & aerosol chemistry, depositions, etc.
Parameters specified in chimere.par: # Chemistry Options [$mecachim] Chemistry mechanism (0..2) :2 [$aero] Chemically-active aerosols (1/0) :1 [$nbins] Number of aerosol size sections :9 [$seasalt] Include sea salts? (1/0) :0 [$dust] Include dust? (1/0) :1 [$carb] Allow carbon speciation? :1 [$soatyp] Secondary organic aerosol scheme (0..2) : 2 [$gtrc] Include gasesous tracers? :0 [$ptrc] Include particulate tracers? :0 [$nequil] ISORROPIA coupling (1) / tabulation (0) : 0 [$npeq] - equilibrium calc freq (phys steps, < 5) :1
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
data/ File Name
Aerosol size distribution, type, molar mass, origin (bio/anthropogenic)
Aerosol emissions and transport
Names of emitted anthropogenic species
Anthropogenic emissions & transport
Names of emitted biogenic species
Biogenic emissions & transport
Dry deposition parameters depending on vegetation type
Dry deposition
Speciesdependent parameters to calculate resistances for dry deposition
Dry deposition initio/inidepo.f90
Speciesdependent wet deposition parameters (wetdk)
Wet deposition (inidepo.f90 → depwet.f90)
Coefficients for exchange between air & sea water (dKh0, dAh, dTh, ksea)
Exchanges between air and sea water (inidepo.f90 → locvalues → depvel)
Coefficients for exchange between air & soil (koc, kdoc, diffair, diffwat, rdiffwat, ksoil)
Exchanges between air & soil (inidepo.f90 → depvel.f90)
Coefficients for exchange between air & vegetation (dKoa0, dAoa, dToa, dmmm, kveget)
Exchanges between air & vegetation (inidepo.f90 → locvalues → air2veget.f90
Families and their species
Output (outprint.f90)
Seasonal cycle of momentum roughness height, depending on landuse type
Surface layer parameters diagnostics: mean z0 , SHF, urban T & U correction (diagmet_science.f90)
Used to generate PRIMARY file
See below ( dir)
Description of gas chemical reactions used in CHIMERE
Model gasphase chemistry
Reaction rate constants
Reaction rate calculation for gases (rates.f90)
Parameters for semivolatile species
Absorption of semivolatile species
Tracer sources characteristics
Tracer transport
Default hourly tracer emission profile (one tracer per line, one hour per column)
Tracer transport
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
AEROSOL # Number of sections D(2.5) D(10.0) 8 6 8 0.3906250E07 0.7812500E07 0.1562500E06 0.3125000E06 0.6250000E06 0.1250000E05 0.2500000E05 0.5000000E05 0.1000000E04 # Name of aerosol components, properties (no blank line a the end!) # NAME TYPE Molar mass Origin [0=bio,1=anth] BCAR 1 100. 1 DUST 1 100. 0 OCAR 1 100. 1 PPM 1 100. 1 SALT 1 58.5 0 AnA1D 2 168. 1 AnBmP 2 152. 1 BiA1D 2 170. 0 BiBmP 2 236. 0 H2SO4 3 96. 1 HNO3 3 62. 1 NH3 3 18. 1 WATER 4 18. 1
After the chemprep run: chemprep/inputdata.xxxx/ File Name
List of all active species with corresponding horizontal transport scheme choices
Gas and aerosol transport
Coefficients of decomposition of emitted species mass into CHIMERE size distribution
Aerosol emissions transport
Lookup table to compute aerosol solid/liquid Aerosol solid/liquid phase partitioning phase partitioning versus T, hum (based on ISORROPIA thermodynamic equilibrium model)
Aerosol parameters for the SOA scheme
SOA scheme
Boundary conditions: aggregation parameters GOCART ↔ CHIMERE species
Boundary conditions from global models
Boundary conditions: aggregation parameters LMDZ/INCA ↔ CHIMERE species
Boundary conditions from global models
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
Domains: domains/
domains/domainlist.nml domain NX NY DX DY XMIN YMIN CONT1 65 33 0.5 0.5 10.0 40.5 CONT3 67 46 0.5 0.5 10.5 35.0 CONT4 70 44 0.5 0.5 10.5 36.0 CONT5 79 47 0.5 0.5 14.0 35.0 FRA10 101 111 0.15 0.1 5.0 41.0
domains/HCOORD/ COORD_CONT5 domains/VCOORD/ VCOORD_8_995_500
in chimere.par nlayer_chimere top_chimere_pressure first_layer_pressure geom.awk
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari
Meteorological preprocessor ➢ Can be used with any meteorological model. WRF shown below as an example ➢ Interfaces provided with CHIMERE: WRF, MM5, ECMWF (the latter one not supported)
# Meteorology Driver [$meteo] Meteo driver (WRF,MM5,ecm) : WRF, ecm [$metdom] Meteo driver domain : d01, IDF15, IDF5 # CHIMERE Subgrid Processes [$ideepconv] Deep convection activation (1/0) : 1 [$urbancorr] Urban correction [1] or not [0] : 0 [$resusp] Resuspension [1] or not [0] : 0 [$ilidar] Lidar profiles [1] or not [0] : 0 .......... [$meteo_DIR] Meteo driver output dir : $bigfiles/METEO [$meteo_file] Meteo file : # ${meteo_DIR}/wrfout_d01_$di
CHIMERE Training Course, D. Khvorostyanov, L. Menut, M. Valari