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scientific calculator. Suggested. Preparing for Your ACS Examination in General Chemistry: The Official. Material. Guide by L. T. Eubanks and I. D. Eubanks.



Prof. Anderson L. Marsh Office: N–G 404 Phone: 867‒6149 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: TTh 10–11 am and 1–4:30 pm or by appointment

Course Synopsis

This course is the second half of the CHM 111112 sequence that explores introductory concepts in the chemical sciences. This semester we cover the topics of kinetic theory of gases, intermolecular forces, physical equilibria, thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, aqueous ionic equilibria, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and nuclear chemistry. My main goal with this course is to teach you how to think like a chemist by using both qualitative and quantitative evidence to explain and to predict reactivity. To accomplish this goal, you must learn methodologies that chemists use, such as ways of solving problems, nomenclature and terminology, descriptions of electronic structure and chemical bonding, calculations to generate quantitative information, as well as how experimental data are interpreted. Hence, this course satisfies Area 3 of the Liberal Studies requirement for General Education.

Prerequisite CHM 111 Required Materials

Foundations of Chemistry: Applying POGIL Principles, 4th Ed. by Hanson Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 3rd Ed. by Tro WebAssign access card for Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 3rd Ed. by Tro scientific calculator

Suggested Material

Preparing for Your ACS Examination in General Chemistry: The Official Guide by L. T. Eubanks and I. D. Eubanks

Course Format

This course follows the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, or POGIL, model in which you spend the majority of class working with three to four other students as a learning team to complete activities designed to help you explore and discover concepts. The main purpose of the learning teams is to introduce you to the active, collaborative nature of learning, particularly at the collegiate level. (Up until the first exam, I allow you to form your own learning teams, and I encourage you to work with as many different classmates as possible. After the first exam, I assign groups using scores.) Outside of class you reinforce what you discovered in class by reading sections from the text and by applying the concepts covered in the activity by working problems. Each class period is structured in the following manner. At the beginning, you take a short quiz on the assigned reading. After some brief

announcements, you then work with your learning team on the activity assigned for that class. All activities consist of a model or data followed by critical thinking questions. These activities must be completed without the aid of any additional sources. Your main goal during each class is to ensure you and other team members comprehend the content of the activity, not to complete the activity as quickly as possible. For each activity you serve in one of the following roles:    

Manager to assign roles to other members, to assure the team remains on task and members are participating, and to communicate with the instructor; Recorder to keep the “official” copy of the activity to be handed in for review and to report answers to questions during oral presentations. Technician to handle models or equipment, to perform calculations, and to inspect responses, especially with regards to significant figures; Analyst to monitor team dynamics and to complete the summary sheet at the end of class. (If your learning team only consists of three students, the same person serves as both Manager and Analyst.)

At various times during class teams report answers to certain critical thinking questions. At the end of an activity we have a brief discussion as a class to summarize the main points. If time allows at the end of class, your team may work the exercises and problems given at the end of the activities. Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course it is expected that you will be able to: 1. Infer physical and chemical behavior of gaseous, liquid, or solid matter from particulate level properties. 2. Relate spontaneity of physical and chemical transformations to numerical values for the thermodynamic functions of entropy and Gibbs energy. 3. Construct equilibrium constant expressions, as well as use them to calculate equilibrium constants, to estimate equilibrium concentrations or pressures, or to predict shifts in chemical equilibria. 4. Deduce the reactivity of acids, bases, and metal salts based on equilibrium principles and chemical structure. 5. Interpret the diagram of an electrochemical cell and calculate its potential. 6. Predict changes in reaction rates with changes in reactant concentration, reaction temperature, or time. 7. Formulate rate laws with experimental data to verify mechanisms of chemical reactions. 8. Identify reactants and products in nuclear reactions differentiated by type.


Semester grades will be assigned using the following cutoff percentages: A A− B+ B B− C+ C C− D+ D D− Grade Cutoff % 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 63 60

Evaluation Criteria

Your course grade is determined based on a combination of team participation, reading quizzes, online homework, hourly exams, and the ACS Second Term General Chemistry Exam as a final. The weighting of each of these components is as follows: Team Participation Reading Quizzes and Online Homework Hourly Exams ACS Second Term General Chemistry Exam

5% 10% 60% 25%

Team At the end of the semester I award a score out of 25 points based on your level Participation of participation within your team. Although regular attendance for class is expected, just coming to class is not enough to earn these points—you have to continually participate with your team in completing the activities. You are allowed up to three absences from class over the course of the semester before points are deducted from your team participation score. I do not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences in calculating your team participation points. Reading Quizzes

For each reading assignment you take a short quiz at the beginning of the subsequent class. These reading quizzes consist of two true or false questions, each worth 1 point, that are based on concepts and not calculations. (Hint: Pay attention to words in the text printed in bold.)

Online Homework

Problems for you to complete in WebAssign are listed in the schedule at the end of this syllabus. I suggest that you work the problems soon after the class period in which the relevant activity is completed. These exercises are to help you better understand the material presented in the activity and are crucial to your doing well on the exams. Please take them seriously and realize that ultimately you are individually responsible for understanding the material. Moreover, I use your performance on the problems to gauge the amount of effort you are putting towards mastering the concepts. Problem sets are due by the start of class on the dates indicated. Extensions are granted only at my discretion and must be requested prior to the due date. You are allowed up to the number of attempts specified on each problem before the due date. Prior to submitting answers for scoring, you have the option of either practicing the problems in WebAssign for no grade or working the corresponding problems in the textbook and checking your answers using the solutions manual on reserve in the Bishop Library. Note, however, that the problems in WebAssign are modified slightly to adapt to an online format. Numerical portions in particular are not consistent between the textbook and the online version of the problem. In addition, the random numbers generated for the practice version are not the same as those for the

version being scored. After the due dates, problem sets remain available in WebAssign for practice up until the time of the final exam. Exams

Three exams are given in class on the dates listed in this syllabus. These exams cover material up through the review session prior to the exam. Each exam is worth 100 points. If everyone on your learning team scores at least a 72%, all team members receive 3 bonus points. Make-up exams are only given for absences excused by a note from a medical professional or college official. During the final exam period I administer the ACS Second Semester General Chemistry standardized exam. This exam consists of 70 multiple choice questions. I calculate final exam grades using a mathematical function that transforms the national norm into a 75%, or C, on the semester grading scale. The exam is administered during the final examination period at the time scheduled by the Registrar. All students must take the final exam at that time.

Service Project

You have the option this semester of participating in an environmental chemistry service project alongside students enrolled in the upper level CHM 490 course. Your role is to assist them in carrying out their planned activities, which will include both field and laboratory work. At the end of the project, these students are going to evaluate your level of participation. In addition, you must write a 1000 word reflection paper on your experience. These two items are going to be used to determine a grade out of 100 points, with which you may then replace your lowest exam score. More specific details are going to be made available early on in the semester.

Help Sessions

In addition to my office hours, two problem-working sessions are offered on a weekly basis. Times and locations of these help sessions are announced towards the beginning of the semester. These sessions are staffed by chemistry majors to provide step-by-step help on working the various types of problems you encounter in this course. If you need more direct one-on-one help, please stop by during my office hours or fill out a Peer Tutoring request.

Academic Honesty

Any student who submits plagiarized work will be subject to the penalties described in the Student Handbook and outlined in LVC’s “Academic Honesty Policy” ( This code asks each student to do his/her own work in his/her own words. A student shall neither hinder nor unfairly assist the efforts of other students to complete their work. All individual work that a student produces and submits as a course assignment must be the student's own. Cheating and plagiarism are acts of academic dishonesty. Cheating is an act that deceives or defrauds. It includes, but is not limited to, looking at another's exam or quiz, using unauthorized materials during an

exam or quiz, colluding on assignments without the permission or knowledge of the instructor, and furnishing false information for the purpose of receiving special consideration, such as postponement of an exam, essay, quiz or deadline of an oral presentation. Plagiarism is the act of submitting as one's own the work (the words, ideas, images, or compositions) of another person or persons without accurate attribution. Plagiarism can manifest itself in various ways: it can arise from sloppy note-taking; it can emerge as the incomplete or incompetent citation of resources; it can take the form of the wholesale submission of other people's work as one's own, whether from an online, oral or printed source. Students who take part in violations such as cheating or plagiarism are subject to a meeting with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who has the authority to take further action, up to and including expulsion from the College. Electronic Devices

The only electronic device permitted to be used during class is a scientific calculator. Mobile phones should be put in silent mode and may be used during class only in the case of an emergency. Laptops, tablets, and smart pads must be turned off during class. Any student that uses an unauthorized electronic device risks having team participation points deducted. For exams, only scientific calculators may be used; no other electronic devices, such as graphing calculators, phones, tablets, smart pads, laptops, etc., are allowed during exams. Students who violate this policy will be subject to academic honesty discipline outlined above.

Course Evaluation

During one of the last several weeks of the course, you have an opportunity to evaluate different aspects of this course. The College utilizes a standardized course evaluation instrument called IDEA. The IDEA evaluation is administered through an on-line form that you are asked to complete in a timely manner outside of class. I have chosen the following objectives for evaluation using IDEA: 1. Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends) 2. Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories 3. Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions) 4. Acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team

Disability Services

Any student who needs classroom or testing accommodations is invited to present letters from the Office of Disability Services and discuss concerns with me after class or during office hours. The Office of Disability Services is located in HUM 004. Students may schedule an appointment by calling 717‒ 867‒6028.

Date M 1/13 W 1/15 F 1/17 M 1/20 W 1/22 F 1/24 M 1/27 W 1/29 F 1/31 M 2/3 W 2/5 F 2/7 M 2/10 W 2/12 F 2/14 M 2/17 W 2/19 F 2/21 M 2/24 W 2/26 F 2/28 M 3/3–F 3/7 M 3/10 W 3/12 F 3/14 M 3/17 W 3/19 F 3/21 M 3/24 W 3/26 F 3/28 M 3/31 W 4/2 F 4/4 M 4/7 W 4/9 F 4/11 M 4/14 W 4/16 F 4/18–M 4/21 W 4/23 F 4/25 M 4/28 W 4/30 M 5/5

Topic Activity Reading review of gas laws 11-1 5.4–5.6 kinetic theory of gases 11-2 5.8–5.9 intermolecular forces 10-1 5.10, 11.1–11.4 MLK DAY phase changes 10-3 11.5–11.9 solubility of molecules 10-2 12.1–12.2 solutions 12-1 12.3–12.5 colligative properties 12-2 12.6–12.7 entropy 14-1 17.1–17.4 Gibbs energy 14-2 17.5–17.7 dynamic equilibria 15-1 14.1–14.2, 14.9 chemical equilibrium 15-2 14.3–14.7 review EXAM 1 on 5.8–5.10, Chapters 11 and 12, and 17.1–17.7 Gibbs energy and equilibrium 15-3 17.8–17.9 solving equilibrium problems 15-4 14.8 solving equilibrium problems 15-4 14.8 conjugate acid-base pairs 4-3 15.1–15.3 pH scale 16-1 15.5 acid strength 16-2 15.4, 15.9–15.12 weak acid equilibria 16-3 15.6 SPRING BREAK weak base equilibria 16-3 15.7–15.8 buffers 17-1 16.1–16.3 titrations 17-2 16.4 review EXAM 2 on Chapters 14 and 15, 17.8–17.9, and 16.1–16.4 solubility equilibria 17-3 16.5–16.8 electrochemical cells 18-1 18.1–18.3 cell potentials 18-1 18.4–18.7 electrolysis 18-2 18.8–18.9 chemical reaction rates 13-1 13.1 – 13.2 reaction rate laws 13-1 13.4 experimental rate laws 13-2 13.3 reaction mechanisms 13-2 13.6 effect of temperature on rates 13-3 13.5 catalysis 13-3 13.7 review EXAM 3 on 16.5–16.8 and Chapters 18 and 13 EASTER BREAK nuclear stability 22-1 19.4, 19.7–19.9 balancing nuclear reactions 22-2 19.1–19.5, 19.10 kinetics of radioactive decay 22-3 19.6, 19.11–19.12 review for final FINAL EXAM – ACS Second Term General Chemistry

Problems 5.96, 5.106 5.84, 5.88 11.50, 11.60 11.74, 11.86 12.30, 12.34 12.44, 12.52 12.70, 12.86 17.32, 17.80 17.40, 17.62 14.72, 14.80 14.38, 14.48

17.70, 17.86 14.56, 14.58 14.60, 14.94 15.36, 15.38 15.52, 15.134 15.44, 15.46 15.62, 15.66 15.92, 15.102 16.42, 16.48 16.62, 16.76

16.96, 16.100 18.40, 18.42 18.48, 18.70 18.96, 18.100 13.30, 13.34 13.46, 13.52 13.38, 13.44 13.74, 13.76 13.68, 13.110 13.80, 13.90

19.68, 19.70 19.32, 19.36 19.46, 19.56