CHM 152 -03 R 1, 2, 3 Spring 2011 Principles of Modern Chemistry II

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1. CHM 152 -03 R 1, 2, 3. Spring 2011. Principles of Modern Chemistry II. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Room: Dion 116. Recitations: 03R1.

CHM 152 -03 R 1, 2, 3 Principles of Modern Chemistry II Monday, Wednesday, Friday Recitations:

03R1 03R2 03R3

Spring 2011

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Room: Dion 116

Friday 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Room SENG 305 Friday 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Room SENG 305 Friday 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Room SENG 305

Instructor: Prof. Anne Liberty

Office: SENG, Rm 301C Telephone: 508-910-6476 Email address: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10:00AM – 12:00PM, Friday 10:00AM - 11:00AM and by appointment Textbook and Supplementary Material: Required: Ebbing and Gammon, General Chemistry, 9th Edition OWL – On-Line Web based Learning electronic homework package. On-line Handouts: Handouts are available on line at Course Objective: The objective of this course is to understand the general principles of chemistry for students planning a professional career in chemistry, a science oriented profession, or in engineering. Some topics that will be covered include molecular theory, acid- base chemistry, rate of reactions, thermodynamics, electrochemistry and chemical equilibrum. Course Grade: Grades are based upon: 3 hour exams homework quizzes final examination

45 % 10 % 20 % 25 %

There will be three (3) individual exams. Each exam is worth 15% of your grade. Exams are scheduled for the semester as follows: Exam #1 Exam #2 Exam #3

Friday, February 25th Friday, April 1st Friday, May 6th


The final examination will be cumulative and will concentrate on material covered in lectures and outside readings. Final Exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Students may withdraw from the course until the tenth week (April 8th) of the semester with a grade of W. After the tenth week, students may not withdraw from the course. Before you elect to drop this (or any) course please consult with your course instructor and your class advisor. Students are expected to follow the standard policies of ethical conduct and honesty as outlined in the student handbook. On line Handouts You are given a URL to download and print .pdf files of the overheads used in class. You are expected to supplement this information by taking additional notes when we cover this material. Keep your notes in a binder, together with any additional handouts provided.

If you miss an hour examination: If you cannot attend a scheduled exam, it is your responsibility to contact me and make arrangements prior to the exam. Exams can be rescheduled on an individual basis only in extenuating circumstances (health issues, a death in the family, a conflict with another class or a sports team, etc.) You MUST contact me within 24 hours of missing an exam if you intend to request a make up exam. Make up exams will not be setup for family vacations, the death of a pet, or because you are “having a bad day,” etc. A written excuse must be presented to me prior to taking any make-up examination. (Please note that all make-up examinations are given at the discretion of the instructor.) Failure to contact the instructor within this time frame will result in a grade of zero for the examination. Quizzes: Quizzes are given in recitation. Quizzes are usually scheduled as we go along in the semester. On occasion there is a pop quiz. The best 8 out of 10 quizzes will be averaged for the 20% contribution. Homework: Assignments will be due on line using OWL (on line Web based Learning) at the beginning of a specific lecture. Late homework will not be accepted. Completion of these homework assignments is critical to success in this course. Cell Phones: Please make sure your cell phone is turned off during class time. Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom during exams. Calculator: Please purchase a scientific calculator (graphing ability is not required but is OK) for use during this class. Calculators are necessary in recitations and exams. Calculators will not be provided during exams or quizzes.




COVERAGE (Approximate # of lectures)

Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory



States of Matter; Liquids and Solids






***************************** EXAM # 1 February 25th ******************** Rate of Reaction



Chemical Equilibrium



Acids and Bases



Acid -Base Equilibria




EXAM # 2 April 1st ******************

Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria



Thermodynamcs and Equilibria






***************************** EXAM # 3 May 6th ***************** ***********




Some Helpful Information: 1. Students are strongly encouraged to complete all OWL homework assignments for similar problems will appear on hour exams and quizzes. Although they are tedious they will teach you how to do problems as well as enhance your understanding of the material. 2. In addition to your class computers, University computers are located in Group I room 216 for Macintosh and room 221 for IBM compatibles and in the basement of the Library. 3. Help in this course may be obtained from the instructor during posted office hours and also (free) tutoring may be obtained from the Cooperative Learning Center - SENG 217. Students who have weak mathematical backgrounds or who exhibit test anxiety or who have a fear of chemistry, etc. should get tutoring. 4. You should keep a portfolio for this course which includes: class notes, handouts, homework, quizzes, exams, and computer assignments. If you miss a class then please consult a fellow class mate to obtain missed class notes or assignments. 6. You are expected to come to class on time and prepared to work. It is recommended that you study between two to three hours for every class lecture. This suggestion is not just for this class but for all your classes. To do this, you must (1) adopt for yourself a regular study schedule, (2) come prepared to participate in lectures (3) read over the appropriate sections in your textbook, (4) complete the appropriate homework problems in OWL. This course can be fun and informative but it does require your input, so study and do the homework problems. 7. It is recommended that you form external study groups to work together and to discuss problem solving strategies related to course material. Consultations with instructor(s) may be made at any time. Please feel free to use email to ask questions. Please note that even though email is very quick, I will probably take 12 to 24 hours to answer your question(s) by this method. 9. Attendance is mandatory. Non-attendance will result in a lowering of the course grade or failure for the course.

Good Luck and earn all A's this semester.