CHM 191 General Chemistry I

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Course Text: Zumdahl and Zumdahl, Chemistry, 9th Edition, Houghton Mifflin. Company, New York, 2012. Tutorials and Assignments: Four assignments will be  ...
Bishop’s University CHM191a. General Chemistry I. Fall 2014 Instructor: Dr. Dale Wood/Dr. Gregor Kos Office: J-219 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, open door or email me for an appointment Course Text: Zumdahl and Zumdahl, Chemistry, 9th Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 2012. Tutorials and Assignments: Four assignments will be given during the term. They will count for 10% of the final course grade. Tutorials will be scheduled throughout the course as deemed necessary by either the instructor or by the students. When a tutorial is called for, a time will be arranged outside of class time such that the tutorial can be attended by the maximum number of students possible (e.g., free afternoons and evenings). Course Attendance: The onus is on the student to meet the demands of the course and I suggest strongly that regular attendance be the norm. To be excused from the midterm or final examination, a student must present a doctor’s note or other official excuse. Course Grading: There will be four assignments worth 10% of the final grade. There will be two midterm exams, each worth 15% of the final grade. The final exam will be worth either 60% or 90% of the final course grade. It will be held during the final examination period in December as scheduled by the Registrar. If a student scores higher on the final exam than on the midterms, the final exam will count as 90% of the final course grade. A supplemental examination will be the sole criterion used to assess a student who fails the course but gains the right to sit a supplemental exam by achieving a course grade of 35% or higher. Passing the supplemental exam will result in a course grade of 50%.

Course Outline: Chemistry 191 is a general introduction to the theories and concepts of chemistry. Most subject matter parallels the course textbook, but the order in which the material is covered differs significantly. All exams are based entirely on the course notes. Section 1 – History, Matter and Energy (Chapters 1 and 2) Section 2 – Atomic Structure (Chapter 7) Section 3 – Chemical Bonds (Chapter 8) Section 4 – Chemical Reactions (Chapters 3 and 4) Section 5 – Thermochemistry (Chapters 6 and 17) Section 6 – Chemical Kinetics (Chapter 12) Assignments (take-home) ◦

Assignment 1: Online 23 Sep; due 30 Sep

Assignment 2: Online 7 Oct; due 14 Oct

Assignment 3: Online 28 Oct; due 04 Nov

Assignment 4: Online 11 Nov; due 18 Nov

To be handed in before the beginning of class. Deduction of 20% of the assignment mark for late submission; for an extension without deduction, please contact me before the submission deadline. Midterm exams (in-class) ◦

Midterm 1: 21 Oct

Midterm 2: 25 Nov

Final exam (cumulative) Scheduled by the registrar during the exam period