Choir Philosophy and Goals. The High Plains Choir program strives to provide
every student the opportunity to further his/her music interests and talents as well
Choir Philosophy and Goals
The High Plains Choir program strives to provide every student the opportunity to further his/her music interests and talents as well as to participate in a visible and quality-‐performing group. It is our desire and goal to progress to a higher level of knowledgeable performance. Controlled self-‐ expression is required to make music live, and students who engage in this activity learn that working together is mandatory. Through the development of our talents and in an effort to express emotional ideas to others, we learn many positive habits. Some of these habits we expect to stress are: putting forth a strong effort (doing your best), assuming leadership roles, exhibiting mutual caring, showing cooperation and respect, exhibiting self-‐discipline, using and improving your talents and fostering an open and curious mind.
What Makes a Good Choir Member?
1. Enthusiasm 2. Be prepared for every rehearsal 3. A POSITIVE attitude Remember: “Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?” 4. Have fun but always remember the end result depends on the effort you put into it. 5. Get to know fellow choir members; friends can be a great resource. 6. No question is a dumb question-‐ if you do not understand something…ASK! 7. Remember… The choir is only as strong as the weakest member.
There are three types of people in this world: 1) People who make things happen 2) People who watch things happen 3) People who wonder what just happened!
Student Expectations • Students will attend each class and performance on time and come prepared with the necessary materials and an open mind. • Students will demonstrate a willingness to learn and will not interfere with the learning of others. • Students will respect all people and property.
Any student who chooses not to meet the expectations set forth above will face the appropriate consequences. The consequences for not meeting these expectations include, but are not limited to: • A verbal warning • Loss of credit for the daily grade • Implementation of the HPC Behavioral Performance Protocol!!
Grading Policy
The “A” student in choir: • Helps the choir become “musical” • Asks musical questions • Volunteers information with or without hesitation • Is responsible • Shows vocal improvement and/or has a genuine want to be better than they are • Is always on time • Accepts direction • Tries their best • Never has gum or candy
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Is able to find where the group is rehearsing on the printed page Is attentive during rehearsals Works daily at vocal technique Is totally engaged while receiving instruction Works on own music or listens while other sections are singing
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Puts items away after rehearsals/concerts Numbers measures and marks music Attends all concerts and other required activities Always has their music Watches instructor while singing
The “B” student in choir: • Asks musical questions • Shows vocal improvement • Teacher occasionally observes student talking while others are singing • Usually watches the instructor while singing • Sits tall and stands tall reluctantly • Listens to be in tune • Is not tardy • Accepts direction • Has a positive attitude about the music, rehearsals, peers, and instructors The “C” student in choir: • “Passes” when called on • Talks until told not to • Has to be reminded to watch the instructor
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Stands tall when standing; sits tall when sitting Listens to be in tune Helps others around them improve Is a leader (and that can simply mean knowing your part, doing your job, and being quiet when asked)
• Is never disrespectful to Mr. Zeller or any other instructors or clinicians. • Attends all concerts and other required activities • Has been caught with gum • Needs to be a leader in class • Is attentive most of the time during rehearsals • Learns only in class, no homework • Has a positive attitude about the music, rehearsals, peers, and instructors (no eye rolling) • Does not “pass” when called • Participates only when told • Sometimes Tardy • Has difficulty accepting direction
The “D” student in choir: • Talks constantly and seeks attention negatively • Does not watch the instructor The “F” student in choir: • Is always disrespectful to others—including the instructors • Never attends concerts or other required events • Attends all concerts • Does not try their best • Sings without concern • Shows up without music or pencil
• Always slouches • Sings occasionally • Is tardy often
Does not know their notes regularly • Has difficulty accepting direction • Misses required events • Basically just shows up for class • Skips class • Refuses to sing • Is immature in every aspect of their musical education and environment. •
Students will receive a daily grade that accounts for their attendance, preparedness, and participation. The student grade is calculated as follows: Daily Grades: 40% Required Rehearsals/Performances: 30% Written Assignments: 20% Singing Evaluations 10%
Dress Rehearsals and Performances All performances are required! The performance dates and times will be given to you well in advance and is available through the school web page. Students who are excused from a mandatory activity will be able to earn make-‐up credit through a special arrangement with the teacher. A student will be excused for the following (a parent/guardian note or phone call is required): • Personal illness • Family conflicts (that cannot be rescheduled, such as a wedding or other important event) • Other circumstances on a case-‐by-‐case basis!! A student will be unexcused for the following: • Failure to notify the teacher of an excused absence • Failure to arrange a ride • Work • Attending other concerts • Other circumstances on a case-‐by-‐case basis Remember that required performances account for 30% of the total grade. If a student is unexcused for two required activities within one quarter, a failing grade will result.
Choir Attire All choir students will be issued a robe for use during formal concerts and contests. If a student’s robe is damaged, lost, or stolen, the student will assume responsibility and will pay for either a replacement robe or for the cost of fixing it. Unless the group is traveling, the robes will be stored at school so there should not be any problems. However, these robes are property of the school and are extremely expensive, so they must be treated with care at all times.
Handbook Compliance and Release Form
Please sign and return by Friday, AUGUST 23: Parent/Guardian
I ______________________ have read and understand the expectations and policies of this handbook and by signing this give my permission for my son/daughter to travel and be photographed in school publications. ______________________ ___________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date
YES! Please feel free to contact me for volunteer opportunities such as chaperoning a trip, ushering at a concert, or providing snacks. I am not available to help at this time. If yes, please provide a phone number and email address at which you can easily be reached: _____________________________________________________________ Student I _______________________ have read and understand the expectations and policies of this handbook and agree to abide by them.
___________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date