Christie, Agatha - eng - Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie's Detectives: Five Complete Novels: The Murder at the Vicarage; Dead Man's Folly; Sad Cypress; Towards Zero; N or M? New ...
Agatha Christie (1890 – 1976) Biography Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, neé Miller, was born as on September 15, 1890, in Torquay, Devon (England). Educated at home by her mother, Christie began writing detective fiction while working as a nurse during World War I. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920), introduced Hercule Poirot, her eccentric and egotistic Belgian detective: Poirot reappeared in about 25 novels and many short stories before returning to Styles, where, in Curtain (1975), he died. The elderly spinster Miss Jane Marple, her other principal detective figure, first appeared in Murder at the Vicarage (1930). Christie’s first major recognition came with The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926), which was followed by some 75 novels that usually made best-seller lists and were serialized in popular magazines in England and the United States. Agatha Christie’s plays include The Mousetrap (1952), which set a world record for the longest continuous run at one theatre (8,862 performances—more than 21 years—at the Ambassadors Theatre, London) and then moved to another theatre, and Witness for the Prosecution (1953), which, like many of her works, was adapted into a successful film (1957). Other notable film adaptations include Murder on the Orient Express (1933; film, 1974) and Death on the Nile (1937; film, 1978). Her works were also adapted for television. In 1926 Christie’s mother died, and her husband, Colonel Archibald Christie, requested a divorce. In a move she never fully explained, Christie disappeared and, after several highly-publicized days, was discovered registered in a hotel under the name of the woman her husband wished to marry. In 1930 Christie married the archaeologist Sir Max Mallowan; thereafter she spent several months each year on expeditions in Iraq and Syria with him. Christie also wrote romantic non-detective novels, such as Absent in the Spring (1944), under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. Her Autobiography (1977) appeared posthumously. Agatha Christie was created a Dame of the British Empire in 1971. Her books have sold more than 100 million copies and have been translated into some 100 languages. Christie died in 12 January 1976 in Wallinford, Oxfordshire. 1 “Dame Agatha Christie”, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, 120104

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Selected Materials Available at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Works by the Author Detective Novels (Print): Christie, Agatha. À l'hôtel Bertram. Translated by Élise Champon. Le livre de poche 7385. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 244579 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The ABC Murders. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 13. London: HarperCollins, 2007. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555abc 2007 (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. L'affaire Protheroe. Translated by Raymonde Coudert. Le club des masques 36. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1998. BA Call Number: BnF 311906 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. After the Funeral. London: Collins, 1984. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr A (E) Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie. Edited by Jacques Baudou. Intégrales. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Elysées, 1997. BA Call Number: BnF 312965 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie, Five Classic Murder Mysteries: The Secret Adversary; The Murder of Roger Ackroyd; The Boomerang Clue; The Moving Finger; Death comes as the End. New Jersey: Wings, 1985. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr A (E) Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie, Murderers Abroad: The Mystery of the Blue Train; Murder in Mesopotamia; They Came to Baghdad; So Many Steps to Death; Passenger to Frankfurt. New York: Avenel, 1989. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr A (E) Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie's Detectives: Five Complete Novels: The Murder at the Vicarage; Dead Man's Folly; Sad Cypress; Towards Zero; N or M? New York: Avenel, 1982. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr A (E)


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Christie, Agatha. Appointment with Death. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 19. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555app (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. The Big Four. Penguin Books 1196. [London]: Penguin, 1959. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555b (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. The Body in the Library. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 3. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555bo (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. By the Pricking of my Thumbs. Fontana 6570. [London]: Fontana, 1985. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555by (B4 -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Un cadavre dans la bibliothèque: A l'hôtel Bertram. Translated by Jean-Michel Alamagny and Claire Durivaux. Paris : France loisirs, 1997. BA Call Number: BnF 389743 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Cards on the Table. Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 15. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555car 2001 (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. A Caribbean Mystery. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 10. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555cari (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Cartes sur table. Translated by Alexis Champon. Le masque 275. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 312982 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Cat among the Pigeons. London: HarperCollins, 1994. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ca (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le cheval à bascule. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le livre de poche 6607. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2000. BA Call Number: BnF 295435 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le cheval pâle. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le masque 774. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 371584 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. Cinq petits cochons. Translated by Michel Le Houbie. Club des masques 66. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1977. BA Call Number: BnF 366038 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Clocks. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 34. London: Harper, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555cl (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le couteau sur la nuque. Translated by Louis Postif. Club des masques 135. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1976. BA Call Number: BnF 296175 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le crime d'Halloween. Translated by Janine Lé Masque, 1998. BA Call Number: BnF 294111 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)

d. du

Christie, Agatha. Le crime de l'Orient-express. Translated by Louis Postif. Le livre de poche 1607. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2005. BA Call Number: BnF 245525 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le crime du golf. Translated by Marc Logé. Le Masque 118. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1986. BA Call Number: BnF 308730 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Crimes en Orient. Intégrales. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 2002. BA Call Number: BnF 268929 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Crooked House. London: Pan; Collins, 1985. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr C (E) Christie, Agatha. Curtain: Poirot's Last Case. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 39. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555cu (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Death Comes as the End. A Crime Club Novel. London: Collins, 1947. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555de (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Death in the Clouds. The Agatha Christie Collection. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555dea (F1 -- Young People’s Library)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. Death on the Nile. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 12. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555deat (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. La dernière énigme. Translated by Jocel du Masque, [2006]. BA Call Number: BnF 299732 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Christie, Agatha. Destination inconnue. Translated by Michel Le Houbie. Le masque 526. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 309014 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Dix petits nègres; L'homme au complet marron. Translated by Gérard de Chergé and Sylvie Durastanti. Paris: France loisirs, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 257721 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Dumb Witness. A Crime Club Novel. London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1937. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555du (B2 -- Closed Stacks -- Rare Books) Christie, Agatha. Elephants Can Remember. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 37. London: HarpeCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555el (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Endless Night. London: Fontana, 1970. BA Call Number: 823.914 Chr E (E) Christie, Agatha. Une étrange disparition. Bibliothèque verte 542. Paris: Hachette Jeunesse, 1997. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555e (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Evil under the Sun. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 23. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ev (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Five Little Pigs. Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 24. London: HarperCollins, 2007. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555fi 2007 (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le flux et le reflux; La maison biscornue. Translated b Champon and Janine Lévy. Paris: France loisirs, 2005. BA Call Number: BnF 251872 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) 120104

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Christie, Agatha. 4.50 from Paddington. [London]: Fontana, 1979. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr 4 (E) Christie, Agatha. Hallowe'en Party. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 36. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555hal (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Hercule Poirot quitte la scène; Mr Brown. Translated by Janine Lévy and Albine Vigroux. Paris: France loisirs, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 288518 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Hercule Poirot's Christmas. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 20. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555he (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. L'Heure zéro. Translated by Michel Le Houbie. Club des masques 439. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1981. BA Call Number: BnF 266464 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. A Holiday for Murder. Bantam Books Mystery. New York: Bantam, 1969. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr H (E) Christie, Agatha. The Hollow. London: The Crime Club, 1946. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr H (E) Christie, Agatha. Les indiscrétions d'Hercule Poirot. Translated by Jean-Marc Mendel. Le masque 475. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 308798 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Je ne suis pas coupable. Translated by Élise Champon. Bibliothèque verte 546. Paris: Hachette Jeunesse, 1998. BA Call Number: BnF 303081 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Jeux de glaces. Translated by Clarisse Frémiet. Club des masques 78. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1976. BA Call Number: BnF 379092 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. La maison biscornue. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le masque 394. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Elysées, 1996. BA Call Number: BnF 266349 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. La maison du péril. Translated by Robert Nobret. Le livre de poche 5512. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 367776 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le major parlait trop. Translated by Jean-Michel Alamagny. Le masque 889. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 371039 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Man in the Brown Suit. New York: Berkley, 1984. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555man (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Meurtre au champagne. Translated by Michel Le Houbie. Le Livre de poche 5008. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1977. BA Call Number: BnF 391423 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Meurtre en Mésopotamie; Une mémoire d’éléphant. Translated by Robert Nobret and Catherine Richard. Paris: France loisirs, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 232397 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Un meurtre est-il facile? Translated by Michel Le Houbie. Club des masques 13. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Elysees, 1976. BA Call Number: BnF 370354 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. La mort dans les nuages. Translated by Louis Postif. Le Livre de poche 5443. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1988. BA Call Number: BnF 372457 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. La mort n'est pas une fin. Translated by Marie-France Franck. Labyrinthes 93. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 378216 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Mort sur le Nil. Translated by Louis Postif. Verte. Aventure. Aventure policière 800. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Elysées, 1948. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mo (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. The Moving Finger: A Miss Marple Mystery. London: Collins, 1951. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mov (E) Christie, Agatha. Mr.: +Mister+Brown. Translated by Juliette Pary. Le Livre de poche 5245. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1979. BA Call Number: BnF 395866 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. Mrs. McGinty est morte. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le masque 458. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Elysees, 1997. BA Call Number: BnF 389201 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Mrs. McGinty's Dead. London: HarperCollins, 1993. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mr (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Murder at Hazelmoor. A Dell Mystery 937. New York: Dell, 1957. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555murdera (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. A Murder is Announced. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 5. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mann (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Murder is Easy. St. Martin' s Minotaur Mysteries. New York: St. Martin' s Paperbacks, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555me 2001 (E) Christie, Agatha. Murder in Mesopotamia. London: Collins, 1981. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mme (E) Christie, Agatha. Murder of Roger Ackroyd. London: HarperCollins, 1993. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mur (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. The Murder on the Links. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 2. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ml (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Murder on the Orient Express. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 10. London: Harper, 2007. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mor (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. La mystérieuse affaire de Styles. Translated by Thierry Arson. Club des masques 100. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1990. BA Call Number: BnF 386683 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Mysterious Affair at Styles. Great Pan G112. London: Pan, 1954. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mys 1954 (B4 -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. The Mystery of the Blue Train. London: HarperCollins, 1994. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555my (F1 -- Young People’s Library)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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Christie, Agatha. N or M? The Agatha Christie Collection. Tommy and Tuppence 3. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555nm (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. N. ou M.?; suivi de L'heure zéro. Translated by Jean-Marc Mendel. Paris: France loisirs, 2004. BA Call Number: BnF 275136 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Nemesis. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 12. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ne (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Némésis. Translated by Jean-André Rey. Le livre de poche 6925. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2002. BA Call Number: BnF 396235 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le Noël d'Hercule Poirot. Translated by Françoise Bouillot. Le masque 334. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 312760 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Ordeal by Innocence. The Agatha Christie Collection. London: HarperCollins, 2003. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555o (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Passager pour Francfort. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le masque 1321. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 312564 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Passenger to Frankfurt; An Extravaganza. New York: Pocket Books, 1972. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr P (E) Christie, Agatha. Les pendules. Translated by Jean-Marc Mendel. Club des masques 50. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 2000. BA Call Number: BnF 372093 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Pension Vanilos. Translated by Jean-Marc Mendel. Le livre de poche 6659. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2005. BA Call Number: BnF 250667 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Peril at End House. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 8. London: HarperCollins, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555p 2001 (F1 -- Young People’s Library) 120104

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Christie, Agatha. A Pocket Full of Rye. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 7. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555poc (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Une poignée de seigle. Translated by Marie Franck. Le masque 500. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1998. BA Call Number: BnF 311091 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Poirot joue le jeu. Translated by Pierre Girard. Le masque 579. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 309307 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Poirot quitte la scène. Translated by Janine Lévy. Le club des masques 504. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 2000. BA Call Number: BnF 374293 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Poirot sul Nilo. Translated by Enrico Piceni. I classici del giallo 310. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1978. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555poi (B4 -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Postern of Fate. Bantam Books T8444. New York: Bantam, 1974. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555pos (E) Christie, Agatha. Pourquoi pas Evans. Translated by Jean Pêcheux. Le masque 241. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1993. BA Call Number: BnF 308727 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Rendez-vous à Bagdad. Translated by Bernard Blanc. Le livre de poche 5785. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 244695 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Rendez-vous avec la mort. Translated by Jean-Marc Mendel. Le masque 420. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 308789 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Sad Cypress. New York: Berkley, 1984. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555sad (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. The Secret Adversary. London: Pan, 1955. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555secr (B4 -- Closed Stacks)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Christie, Agatha. The Secret of Chimneys. New York: St. Martin' s Paperbacks, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555sec (E) Christie, Agatha. Les sept cadrans. Translated by Alexis Champon. Paris: France loisirs, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 285358 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Seven Dials Mystery. St. Martin' s Minotaur Mystery. New York: St. Martin' s Paperbacks, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555se (E) Christie, Agatha. The Sittaford Mystery. St. Martin' s Minotaur Mystery. New York: St. Martin' s Paperbacks, 2001. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555si (E) Christie, Agatha. Sleeping Murder. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 13. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555sl (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Sparkling Cyanide. A Crime Club Novel. London: Collins, 1947. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555sp (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Taken at the Flood. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 27. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555tak (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. They Came to Baghdad. London: HarperCollins, 1993. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555t (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Third Girl. London: Collins, 1996. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555thi (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Three Act Tragedy. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 11. London: Harper, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555thr (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le train de 16 h 50; La plume empoisonnée. Paris: France loisirs, 1997. BA Call Number: BnF 330853 , BnF 313072 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. La troisième fille. Translated by Michel Averlant. Le livre de poche 13984. Paris: Librairie générale française; Librairie des Champs-Elysées, 2003. BA Call Number: BnF 289943 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) 120104

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Christie, Agatha. Les vacances d'Hercule Poirot; Le train bleu. tienne Lethel. Paris: France loisirs, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 265127 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le vallon. Translated by Alexis Champon. Le livre de poche 1464. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 388543 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw: A Miss Marple Murder Mystery. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr W (E) Christie, Agatha. Why Didn't They Ask Evans? Crime Club Novel. London: Collins, 1950. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555why (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) ! )**+ ( '& $ $% " BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ib 2004 (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Also available as e-book: # +



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BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555is 2004 (E) Also available as e-book: 282858 1)**$0 2 ' 3 2 BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555i (F1 -- Young People’s Library) 1677-0 2 ' 3 2 4 5 BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ag (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Also available as e-book: 193600 120104

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BA Call Number: 823.912 (E) Also available as e-book: 124275 167




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Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah





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BA Call Number: 823.912 (E) Also available as e-book: 18890

Detective Novels (Online) Christie, Agatha. The Mysterious Affair at Styles. N.p., 1997. Online e-book. Project Gutenberg, 2008. [accessed 11 Jan 2012] Christie, Agatha. The Secret Adversary. N.p., 1998. Online e-book. Project Gutenberg, 2008. [accessed 11 Jan 2012]


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Romantic Novels: Christie, Agatha2. Absent in the Spring. London: Collins, 1944. BA Call Number: 823.91 Wes M (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha3. A Daughter's a Daughter. London: HarperCollins, 1997. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555da (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Portrait Inachevé. Translated by Marie-Louise Navarro. Le livre de poche 5845. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2004. BA Call Number: BnF 274268 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)

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Novel written under the pen name Mary Westmacott Novel written under the pen name Mary Westmacott


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Short Stories: Christie, Agatha. The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding and a Selection of Entrées. Fontana Books. Great Britain: Collins, 1986. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr A (E) Christie, Agatha. Allô, Hercule Poirot: [Nouvelles]. Le Livre de poche 6573. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1988. BA Call Number: BnF 269271 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Associés contre le crime. Translated by Janine Alexandre. Le club des masques 244. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 267967 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le bal de la victoire. Translated by Pascal Aubin. Le livre de poche 7338. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2005. BA Call Number: BnF 242894 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie. Longman Fiction. Edited by Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter. Harlow: Longman, 1996. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555be (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le club du mardi continue. Translated by Sylvie Durastanti. Miss Marple au club du mardi 2. Le masque 938. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1992. BA Call Number: BnF 308975 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le crime est notre. Club des masques 228. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Elysées, 1972. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555c (E) Christie, Agatha. Dix brèves rencontres; Allô Hercule Poirot. Paris: France loisirs, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 297187 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Les écuries d'Augias. Translated by Monique Thies. Les travaux d' Hercule 2. Mot de passe: Policier 42. [Paris]: Deux coqs d' or, 1997. BA Call Number: BnF 398893 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Les enquêtes d'Hercule Poirot. Translated by Laure Terilli, Michel Averlant and Marie-Josée Lacube. Le masque 1014. [Paris]: Librairie des ChampsElysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 266482 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Christie, Agatha. Les enquêtes de miss Marple. Translated by Sylvie Durastanti. [Paris]: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1998. BA Call Number: BnF 276888 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Le flambeau. Translated by Jean-Paul Martin. Le livre de poche 18207. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 298649 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Hound of Death. The Agatha Christie Collection. London: HarperCollins, 2003. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555ho (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. The Labours of Hercules. London: Collins, [1950]. BA Call Number: 823.91 C5555 (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Marple, Poirot, Pyne et les autres. Translated by Michel Averlant. Le club des masques 583. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 312754 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Miss Marple e i tredici problemi. Translated by Lidia Lax. Oscar gialli 197. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1989. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mis (E) Christie, Agatha. Miss Marple's Final Cases. London: HarperCollins, 1994. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mi (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Murder in the Mews. The Agatha Christie Collection. Poirot 16. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555mm (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le mystère de Listerdale. Translated by Thierry Arson and Jean-Marc Mendel. Le club des masques 60. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 380777 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Mysterious Mr Quin. The Agatha Christie Collection. London: HarperCollins, 2003. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555myst (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Le mystérieux Mr Quinn; Un meurtre est-il facile? Translated by Laurence Kiefé et al. Paris: France loisirs, 2004. BA Call Number: BnF 245163 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah


Christie, Agatha. Parker Pyne Investigates. Fontana Books 3227. London: Fontana Books, 1975. BA Call Number: 823.91 Chr P (E) Christie, Agatha. Partners in Crime. London: HarperCollins, 1995. BA Call Number: 823.912 Chr P (E) Christie, Agatha. Poirot's Early Cases. The Agatha Christie Collection. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555poir (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Poirot Investigates. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1941. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555po (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Christie, Agatha. Problem at Pollensa Bay and Other Stories. London: HarperCollins, 1993. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555p (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Tant que brillera le jour: [Nouvelles]. Translated by Michel Averlant, Pascal Aubin and Jean-Claude Dieuleveux. Paris: Le Grand Livre du Mois, 1999. BA Call Number: BnF 247746 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. Témoin à charge: Huit nouvelles inédites. Le livre de poche 6018. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 2001. BA Call Number: BnF 302250 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. The Thirteen Problems. The Agatha Christie Collection. Marple 2. London: HarperCollins, 2002. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555thir (F1 -- Young People’s Library) Christie, Agatha. Three Blind Mice and other Stories. St. Martin' s Minotaur Mysteries. New York, NY: St. Martin' s Paperbacks, 2001. BA Call Number: 808.83872 Chr T (E) Christie, Agatha. Les travaux d'Hercule. Club des masques 70-72. Paris: Librairie des Champs-Élysées, 1966-1995. BA Call Number: BnF 389333 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Christie, Agatha. While the Light Lasts: and Other Stories. London: HarperCollins, 1998. BA Call Number: 823.912 C5555wh (F1 -- Young People’s Library)


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Compiled by Mervat Abdel-Fattah



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