Chromatic Factorisations

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Feb 8, 2008 - The chromatic polynomial gives the number of proper λ-colourings of ... of chromatic polynomials of families of graphs in the complex plane.
Chromatic Factorisations Kerri Morgan and Graham Farr Clayton School of Information Technology Monash University Victoria, 3800 Australia [email protected] [email protected] February 8, 2008 Abstract The chromatic polynomial gives the number of proper λ-colourings of a graph G. This paper considers factorisation of the chromatic polynomial as a first step in an algebraic study of the roots of this polynomial. The chromatic polynomial of a graph is said to have a chromatic factorisation if P (G, λ) = P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ) for some graphs H1 and H2 and clique Kr . It is known that the chromatic polynomial of any clique-separable graph, that is, a graph containing a separating r-clique, has a chromatic factorisation. We show that there exist other chromatic polynomials that have chromatic factorisations but are not the chromatic polynomial of any clique-separable graph and identify all such chromatic polynomials of degree at most 10. We introduce the notion of a certificate of factorisation, which provides an explanation for such a factorisation, and find certificates for all cases of degree ≤ 9. The lengths of these 2 certificates are less than an upper bound we establish of ≤ n2 2n /2 . Furthermore, we construct an infinite family of non-clique-separable graphs that have chromatic factorisations and give certificates of factorisation for graphs belonging to this family.



The number of proper λ-colourings of a graph G is given by the chromatic polynomial P (G, λ) ∈ Z[λ]. This polynomial was introduced by Birkhoff [4, 5] in an attempt to prove the four colour theorem by algebraic means. Read and Tutte [15] comment that calculating the chromatic polynomial of a graph is at least as difficult as determining the chromatic number of the graph which is known to be NP-complete [9]. The chromatic polynomial is not only of interest in graph theory, but also has applications in statistical mechanics where the partition function generalises the chromatic polynomial. The limit points of the complex zeros of this function are of particular interest, as they correspond to possible locations of physical phase transitions. Furthermore, no phase transitions are located in any zero-free region of the complex plane [10]. 1

The study of chromatic roots, the roots of chromatic polynomials, may be divided into three areas: integer chromatic roots, real chromatic roots and complex chromatic roots. Surveys of results on this topic have been given by Woodall [23] and Jackson [8]. The integer roots have provided information on some properties of graphs including the chromatic number and connectivity [20, 23, 21]. Studies of the real roots include the identification of intervals that are zero-free in R [20, 23, 7, 19, 24, 8]. Studies of complex roots have emphasised the limits of zeros of chromatic polynomials of families of graphs in the complex plane [3, 1, 2, 15, 12, 17, 18]. Although there has been considerable work on the location of chromatic roots, there has been little work on the algebraic properties of these roots. The main exception to this is the exclusion of the Beraha numbers Bi = 2 cos 2π/i, i ≥ 5, as possible roots (except possibly B10 ), proved algebraically by Salas and Sokal [16] and in the case of B5 by Tutte [20]. Our motivation is to begin the study of the algebraic structure of chromatic polynomials and their roots. We would like to know how the structure of a graph is related to the solvability, or otherwise, of its chromatic polynomial and the expressions, in terms of radicals (where such exist), for its roots. A first step towards this goal is understanding factorisations of the chromatic polynomial, and this is the subject of this paper. We say the chromatic polynomial of a graph G has a chromatic factorisation if there exist graphs H1 and H2 with fewer vertices than G such that P (G, λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)

for some r ≥ 0, where by convention P (K0 , λ) := 1. The graph G is said to have a chromatic factorisation, if P (G, λ) has a chromatic factorisation. The graph G is said to be clique-separable if G is disconnected or is isomorphic to the graph obtained by identifying graphs H1 and H2 at some clique. It is well-known that the chromatic polynomial of any clique-separable graph has a chromatic factorisation [25, 14]. A graph G0 is chromatically equivalent to G if P (G, λ) = P (G0 , λ). We denote this G ∼ H. Any graph chromatically equivalent to a clique-separable graph has a chromatic factorisation. Clique-separability is the most obvious way to determine some information about the factorisation of P (G, λ) just from the structure of G itself. It is therefore natural to begin investigation of factorisation of P (G, λ) by looking at situations where it factorises like the case of clique-separable graph. First, a search of all chromatic polynomials of degree at most 10 was undertaken. This demonsrated that there exist chromatic polynomials that have chromatic factorisations but which are not the chromatic polynomial of any clique-separable graph. We identified 512 such factorisations. In order to provide an explanation of these factorisations, we introduce the notion of a certificate of factorisation. This certificate gives a sequence of steps that explains the chromatic factorisation of a given chromatic polynomial. In such cases a certificate of factorisation can always be found, in principle. However, naive approaches to finding certificates may not be feasible, as they may 2 produce certificates of exponential length, possibly up to ≤ n2 2n /2 . Furthermore, as calculating the chromatic polynomial is NP-hard, it is not surprising that finding a certificate appears to be difficult. 2

In the light of these remarks short certificates of factorisation might be expected to be rare, and significant when they occur. Most of the certificates we give are in fact reasonably short. We have found certificates for all chromatic factorisations of graphs of order at most 9. Next, some results on the number of triangles in graphs that are neither clique-separable nor chromatically equivalent to any clique-separable graph, but have chromatic factorisations, are shown. An infinite family of nonclique-separable graphs with chromatic factorisations is then constructed and a certificate of factorisation is given for members of this family. Our results on the number of triangles are then used to show that this family is the only family of graphs with this chromatic factorisation, when H1 is isomorphic to an odd cycle of at least five vertices. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides definitions and some properties of chromatic polynomials. Section 3 then presents the results of our search for previously unexplained chromatic factorisations in graphs of order at most 10. In Section 4 certificates of factorisation are defined. An upper bound on the length of these certificates is proved. A schema for certificates of factorisation is introduced and a number of certificates constructed from this Schema. Section 5 then establishes some properties of connected graphs having chromatic factorisations. Section 6 uses these properties to determine the number of triangles in the graphs satisfying a particular certificate. In Section 7 we show an infinite family of non-clique-separable graphs having chromatic factorisations, and give certificates of factorisation for these graphs.





Standard definitions are used. We refer the reader to [6] for more information. As the presence of multiple edges does not affect the number of colourings, we will assume graphs have no multiple edges. The chromatic number of a graph G, denoted χ(G), is the minimum number of colours required to colour the vertices of the graph so that no adjacent vertices are assigned the same colour. If disjoint graphs, H1 and H2 , each contain a clique of size at least r, let G be the graph formed by identifying an r-clique in H1 with an r-clique in H2 . We say G is an r-gluing, or clique-gluing, of H1 and H2 . If G can be obtained by a sequence of clique-gluings, we say G is an (r1 , . . . , rt )-gluing where: • An (r1 )-gluing is an r1 -gluing of graphs H1 and H2 • An (r1 , . . . , rt )-gluing of graphs H1 , . . . , Ht+1 is an rt -gluing of Ht+1 and a graph obtained by an (r1 , . . . , rt−1 )-gluing of graphs H1 , . . . , Ht . If G is a graph formed by an r-gluing of graphs H1 and H2 , and a graph G0 is the graph formed by a identifying a different pair of r-cliques in H1 and H2 (if a different pair exists), then G0 is a re-gluing of G. Although the graphs G and G0 may not be isomorphic, they are chromatically equivalent. The Stirling number of the first kind is denoted by s(n, k) where s(n, k) is the coefficient of λk in the expansion of the falling factorial λ(λ − 1) . . . (λ − n + 1). 3


Basic Properties

Some basic properties of the chromatic polynomial are listed in this section. Further details can be found in [14, 13, 15, 20, 25]. The deletion-contraction relation states that for any e ∈ E, P (G, λ) = P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ).


The addition-identification relation states that for any u, v ∈ V , uv 6∈ E, P (G, λ) = P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ),


where we write G/uv for the graph obtained from G by identifying u and v and deleting any multiple edges so formed. If G is a graph containing n vertices, m edges and t triangles, then the first three terms of the chromatic polynomial are given by µ ¶ m n n−1 P (G, λ) = λ − mλ +( − t)λn−2 + . . . (3) 2



The chromatic polynomials of all non-isomorphic connected graphs of order at most 10 were calculated in the null graph basis by the repeated application of the deletion-contraction relation.1 Each chromatic polynomial was then factorised in Z[x] using Pari.2 We then identified all non-clique-separable graphs using the algorithm in [22]. Any non-clique-separable graphs that were chromatically equivalent to clique-separable graphs were then removed from this list. All possible chromatic factorisations of the chromatic polynomials of the remaining non-clique-separable graphs were constructed and basic search techniques used to determine if there existed graphs H1 and H2 satisfying such a factorisation.


Chromatic Factorisation

If the chromatic polynomial of a graph G has a chromatic factorisation then P (G, λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)


where H1 and H2 are graphs and 0 ≤ r ≤ min{χ(H1 ), χ(H2 )}. In addition, if H1 or H2 , say H1 , is a complete graph, then r < |V (H1 )|. The chromatic factors of P (G, λ) are P (H1 , λ) and P (H2 , λ). Any clique-separable graph, or graph chromatically equivalent to a cliqueseparable graph, has a chromatic factorisation. A strongly non-clique-separable graph is a non-clique-separable graph that is not chromatically equivalent to any clique-separable graph. Our search of all chromatic polynomials of strongly 1 These graphs are available courtesy of B. McKay at Code for calculating chromatic polynomials was provided by Joel Reicher. Chromatic polynomials calculated by this code agreed with the author’s own code that produced chromatic polynomials in the complete graph basis and hand calculations. 2 Available at


non-clique-separable graphs of at most 10 vertices identified a number of chromatic polynomials that have chromatic factorisations. In all such cases, the graphs have at least 8 vertices. There are 512 such polynomials corresponding to 3118 non-isomorphic graphs and 4705 non-isomorphic pairs (G, g), where g is the unordered pair {H1 , H2 }, satisfying (4). (The pairs (G, {H1 , H2 }) and (G0 , {H10 , H20 }) are isomorphic if G ∼ = G0 and either H1 ∼ = H10 and H2 ∼ = H20 , or 0 0 ∼ H1 ∼ H and H H .) Details are given in Tables 1 and 2. = 2 2 = 1 n 8 9 10 8 ≤ n ≤ 10

A 1,650 21,121 584,432 607,203

B 663 5319 74,016 79,998

C 2 25 485 512

Table 1: Numbers of chromatic polynomials of degree at most 10. (A) Total number of chromatic polynomials, (B) number of chromatic polynomials of clique-separable graphs and (C) number of chromatic polynomials of strongly non-clique-separable graphs with chromatic factorisations.

n 8 9 10 8 ≤ n ≤ 10

# chromatic polys. 2 25 485 512

# graphs 3 97 3018 3118

# pairs (G, {H1 , H2 }) 3 114 4588 4705

Table 2: Chromatic factorisations of chromatic polynomials of degree n ≤ 10 of strongly non-clique-separable graph. These 512 chromatic polynomials have chromatic factorisations that cannot be explained by the graph being (or being chromatically equivalent to) a cliqueseparable graph. In order to provide an explanation for these factorisations, we introduce the concept of a certificate of factorisation in Section 4. Some certificates are then presented to explain the chromatic factorisations of some of these polynomials.


Certificates of Factorisation

Definition A certificate of factorisation of P (G, λ) with chromatic factors P (H1 , λ) and P (H2 , λ) is a sequence P0 , P1 , . . . , Pi where each Pj is an expression formed from chromatic polynomials P ( , λ) as follows. Each chromatic polynomial P ( , λ) is treated as a formal symbol and not an actual polynomial. Let {p0 , p1 , . . .} be the set of formal symbols representing chromatic polynomials P ( , λ). Let Q(p0 , p1 , . . .) be the field of rational functions in indeterminates p1 , p2 , . . .. The sequence P0 , P1 , . . . , Pi starts and ends with P0 = P (G, λ) and Pi = P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ) respectively. Each Pj , 1 ≤ j ≤ i, in the sequence is obtained from Pj−1 by one of the following certification steps: 5

(CS1) P (G0 , λ) becomes P (G0 \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) for some e ∈ E(G0 ) (CS2) P (G1 , λ)−P (G2 , λ) becomes P (G0 , λ) where G0 is isomorphic to G1 +uv, uv 6∈ E(G1 ), and G1 /uv is isomorphic to G2 (CS3) P (G0 , λ) becomes P (G0 + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) for some uv 6∈ E(G0 ) (CS4) P (G1 , λ) + P (G2 , λ) becomes P (G0 , λ) where G0 is isomorphic to G1 \ e, e ∈ E(G1 ), and G1 /e is isomorphic to G2 (CS5) P (G0 , λ) becomes P (G1 , λ)P (G2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ) where G0 is isomorphic to the graph obtained by an r-gluing of G1 and G2 (CS6) P (G1 , λ)P (G2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ) becomes P (G0 , λ) where G0 is isomorphic to the graph obtained by an r-gluing of G1 and G2 (CS7) By applying the field axioms, for Q(p0 , p1 , . . .), a finite number of times, so as to produce a different expression for the same field element (CS8) P (G0 , λ) becomes P (G00 , λ) where G0 is chromatically equivalent to G00 Each Pj is a formal expression. If these expressions were evaluated to actual polynomials, all these polynomials would be equal. Thus, the certificate of factorisation fully explains the chromatic factorisation of P (G, λ). Step (CS8) requires that G0 ∼ G00 . In order to show that two graphs are chromatically equivalent, we could define a certificate of equivalence. A certificate of equivalence is similar to a certificate of factorisation. It is a sequence of steps P0 , P1 , . . . , Pi where the steps are the same certification steps (excluding the step of interchanging P (G0 , λ) and P (G00 , λ) when G0 ∼ G00 ), and P0 = P (G, λ) and Pi = P (H, λ) where G ∼ H. An additional certification step of interchanging graphs that are 2-isomorphic could be added to the certification steps. As 2-isomorphic graphs are chromatically equivalent (since their cycle matroids are isomorphic), the certificate of factorisation can use (CS8) to interchange 2-isomorphic graphs. In the case of certificates of equivalence, showing G and G0 are 2-isomorphic can be achieved using a sequence of the existing steps. In the case where G0 is a re-gluing of G, the steps are P (G, λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = P (G0 , λ). P (K2 , λ)

In the case where G0 is not a re-gluing of G, as the graphs are 2-isomorphic there exists uv 6∈ E(G) and wx 6∈ E(G0 ) such that G + uv is a re-gluing of G + wx and G/uv is isomorphic to G0 /wx. Thus the steps are P (G, λ) = P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) + P (G0 /wx, λ) P (K2 , λ) = P (G0 + wx, λ) + P (G0 /wx, λ) =

= P (G0 , λ).


An extended certificate of factorisation is a certificate of factorisation which only uses certification steps (CS1–CS7). Thus, an extended certificate of factorisation can be obtained from a certificate of factorisation by replacing any 6

step of type (CS8) (if they exist) by the sequence of steps in a certificate of equivalence showing G0 ∼ G00 . The average length of the certificates of factorisation we provide for all strongly non-clique-separable graphs of order 9 was 14.8 steps (and an average length of 17.32 steps for the extended certificate of factorisation).


Simple Certificates

If G is a clique-separable graph, then (4) is a certificate of factorisation. If G is chromatically equivalent to a clique-separable graph G0 , then P (G, λ) has the following certificate:

P (G, λ) = P (G0 , λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)

Certificate 1. Graph G is chromatically equivalent to Graph G0 . However, these simple certificates of the form (4) where G is a cliqueseparable graph and Certificate 1 where G is isomorphic to a clique-separable graph cannot explain all chromatic factorisations. In Section 4.3 more complex certificates for chromatic factorisations are presented.


Construction of Certificates of Factorisation

It would appear that finding certificates of factorisation for strongly non-cliqueseparable graphs is hard. The length of the certificate for a graph of n vertices is 2 ≤ n2 2n /2 . We establish this bound below, using a naive approach to constructing a certificate of factorisation for any chromatic factorisation. Certificates of this form are exponential both in length and in time taken to compute them. In Section 4.3 we present a Schema for Certificates of Factorisation that produces much shorter certificates than this approach, in cases to which it applies. Any chromatic polynomial can be expressed as the sum of complete graphs by repeated application of the addition-identification relation [14]. Proposition 1 The chromatic polynomial of a graph G can be expressed as the sum of chromatic polynomials of complete graphs in at most 2m − 1 applications of the addition-identification relation where m is the number of edges in the complement G. Theorem 2 If G is a strongly non-clique-separable graph having chromatic factorisation P (G, λ) = P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ), then there exists an extended 2 certificate of factorisation for P (G, λ) of length ≤ n2 2n /2 . Proof Let n, n1 , n2 be the number of vertices in G, H1 and H2 respectively, and let m, m1 and m2 be the number of edges in G, H1 and H2 respectively. 7

(6) (7)

A certificate can be obtained as follows. Firstly, express both P (H1 , λ) and P (H2 , λ) as sums of chromatic polynomials of complete graphs. By Proposition 1 this gives a sequence of at most 2m1 + 2m2 − 2 steps showing Pn1 Pn2 ( i=χ(H a P (Ki , λ))( j=χ(H b P (Kj , λ)) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) 1) i 2) j = (8) P (Kr , λ) P (Kr , λ) where the ai and bj are positive integers and an1 = bn2 = 1. Using Step (CS7) to the product in (8), Pn1 Pn2 ( i=χ(H ai P (Ki , λ))( j=χ(H bj P (Kj , λ)) X ai bj P (Ki , λ)P (Kj , λ) 1) 2) = . P (Kr , λ) P (Kr , λ) i,j (9) Now let Gij be the graph formed by an r-gluing of Ki and Kj . (This is always possible as χ(H1 ) ≥ r and χ(H2 ) ≥ r.) Then by performing a sequence of (n1 − χ(H1 ) + 1)(n2 − χ(H2 ) + 1) ≤ (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2) clique-gluings, we obtain X ai bj P (Ki , λ)P (Kj , λ) P (Kr , λ)




ai bj P (Gij , λ).



Now each P (Gij , λ) in (10) can be expressed as the sum of chromatic polynomials of complete graphs. There are at most (n1 − χ(H1 ) + 1)(n2 − χ(H2 ) + 1) ≤ (n1 − 2)(n ¡ ¢2 − 2) of these graphs Gij . Each of the G¡ij ¢has¡at¢ most n vertices and at least 2r edges. So, each Gij must have at most n2 − 2r < n(n − 1)/2 edges. Thus, by Proposition 1, in < (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2)(2n(n−1)/2 − 1) steps we obtain X

ai bj P (Gij , λ) =


n X

ck P (Kk , λ)



where each ck is a positive integer and cn = 1. But the sum in (11) must also be the expression for P (G, λ) as the sum of chromatic polynomials of complete graphs, since that expression is unique. Thus reversing this sequence of steps we have the desired certificate, namely P (G, λ) n X = ck P (Kk , λ)

in ≤ 2m − 1 steps by Proposition 1




in ≤ (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2)(2n(n−1)/2 − 1) steps by (11)

ai bj P (Gij , λ)



X ai bj P (Ki , λ)P (Kj , λ) i,j

= =

in ≤ (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2) steps by (10)

P (Kr , λ)

Pn1 Pn2 ( i=χ(H a P (Ki , λ))( j=χ(H b P (Kj , λ)) 1) i 2) j P (Kr , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)

in a single application of (CS7) in ≤ 2m1 + 2m2 − 2 steps by (8). (12)


This certificate has at most 2m − 1 + (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2)(2n(n−1)/2 − 1) + (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2) + 1 + 2m1 + 2m2 − 2 steps. Now as (n1 − 2)(n2 − 2) ≤ (n − 3)2 and 2m1 + 2m2 − 2 < 2(n−2)(n−3)/2 , the total number of steps in the certificate is < (n − 3)2 2n(n−1)/2 + 2n(n−3)/2 + 2(n−2)(n−3)/2



which is ≤ n2 2n /2 . ¤ Although a certificate of factorisation can always be found by this simple approach, the length of certificate means that this method is infeasible for all but very small graphs. The upper bound in (13) shows only that this approach produces certificates for strongly non-clique-separable graphs of order 8 and 9 with < 6,711,967,744 and < 2,474,037,477,376 steps respectively. Our certificates for these graphs were < 34 steps and on average 14.8 steps. This approach also does not provide any insight into any link between the structure of a strongly non-clique-separable graph and its chromatic factorisation. In Section 4.3 a Schema for some certificates of factorisation is presented. These certificates are much more concise than those of the form of (12). The lengths of these certificates (which we call A–E) are given in Table 3 with the certificates A–E themselves given in Appendix A.1. The Schema can be used to form certificates for most of the chromatic factorisations of the strongly nonclique-separable graphs of degree at most 9. The average length of certificates of factorisation using this schema for strongly non-clique-separable graphs of order 9 was 12.94 steps (and an average length of 15.67 steps for the extended certificate of factorisation). Certificates for the chromatic factorisations of all strongly non-clique-separable graphs of degree 9 not explained by this schema (which we call F–J) are given in Appendix A.2. The lengths of these certificates were at most 34 steps. Certificate D A B C D E F G H I J

n 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

# Certificates 2 2 1 2 11 2 1 3 1 1 1

s 12 9 8 11 ≤ s ≤ 12 10 ≤ s ≤ 21 16 ≤ s ≤ 21 19 11 ≤ s ≤ 18 24 34 17

s 12 9 8 11 ≤ s ≤ 12 11 ≤ s ≤ 29 21 ≤ s ≤ 30 19 14 ≤ s ≤ 18 24 34 24

Table 3: Number of steps s (s) in certificates of (extended) factorisation for 8and 9-vertex strongly non-clique-separable graphs. Theorem 3 If G ∼ G0 , then there exists a certificate of equivalence of length 2 < 2n /2 . Proof By Proposition (1) the chromatic polynomials of G and G0 can each be expressed as a sum of complete graphs in at most 2m − 1 applications of the 9


addition-identification relation. Thus, in at most 2(2m − 1) < 2n /2 steps it can be shown that both G and G0 can be expressed as the same sum of complete graphs. ¤


New Chromatic Factorisations

Strongly non-clique-separable graphs are precisely those to which Certificate 1 does not apply. So, if such a graph has a chromatic factorisation, a more complex certificate will be needed to explain it. This section considers such certificates. We identify some useful classes of certificates and give numbers of chromatic factorisations that are explained by various types of certificate. Although the graphs of these chromatic polynomials are not clique-separable, in most cases we have examined (n ≤ 10) there either exists an edge e ∈ E(G) such that both G\e and G/e are clique-separable, or there exists uv 6∈ E(G) such that both G + uv and G/uv are clique-separable. In these cases, the chromatic polynomial of G can be expressed as the sum of two clique-separable chromatic polynomials by the use of a single deletion-contraction or addition-identification relation. The majority of certificates presented in this section use this technique as their starting point. Now, if there exists uv 6∈ E(G) such that G + uv is an s-gluing of H1 and some graph H3 , r ≥ s, and G/uv is a t-gluing of H1 and some graph H4 , r ≥ t, then P (G, λ) =P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) ¶ µ P (H3 , λ) P (H4 , λ) + =P (H1 , λ) P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (H3 , λ)P (Kr , λ) P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ) = + P (Kr , λ) P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ)


(14) (15) (16) (17)

and we say that the chromatic factor P (H1 , λ) can be isolated by a single application of the addition-identification relation. If G + uv is isomorphic to an s-gluing of H1 and some graph H3 , we say P (H1 , λ) can be partially isolated by a single application of the addition-identification relation. Similarly, if there exists e ∈ E(G) such that G \ e is an s-gluing of H1 and some graph H3 , r ≥ s, and G/e is a t-gluing of H1 and some graph H4 , r ≥ t, then P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) = − P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) ¶ µ P (H3 , λ) P (H4 , λ) − =P (H1 , λ) P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (H3 , λ)P (Kr , λ) P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ) = − P (Kr , λ) P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ)

(18) (19) (20) (21)

and we say that the chromatic factor P (H1 , λ) can be isolated by a single application of the deletion-contraction relation. If G \ e is isomorphic to an s-gluing 10

of H1 and some graph H3 , we say P (H1 , λ) can be partially isolated by a single application of the deletion-contraction relation. Table 4 lists the number of instances where one of the chromatic factors could be isolated, or partially isolated, in one of the above ways in all chromatic polynomials of strongly non-clique-separable graphs of at most 9 vertices. A chromatic factor could be isolated by a single application of either the additionidentification or the deletion-contraction relation in all of the chromatic polynomials of degree 8 and most of the chromatic polynomials of degree 9. Thus, the initial step in most of the certificates is to isolate a chromatic factor.

P (H1 , λ) can be isolated by single deletion-contraction Above figure includes cases where certificate uses partial isolation. P (H1 , λ) can be isolated by single addition-identification P (H1 , λ) cannot be isolated but can be partially isolated by single deletioncontraction P (H1 , λ) cannot be isolated or partially isolated by single addition-identification or deletion-contraction P (G, λ) has 3 chromatic factors TOTAL:

Degree of P (G, λ): 8 9 2 16







A, C






H, I, J

0 2

1 25

B, D, E


Table 4: Number of chromatic factorisations where chromatic factor H1 can be isolated by a single operation, and P (G, λ) is the chromatic polynomial of a strongly non-clique-separable graph.

Suppose the initial step in the certificate is to isolate H1 . Suppose also that there exist graphs H5 and H6 and sequences of certification steps showing: P (Kr , λ)P (H3 , λ) , P (Ks , λ) P (Kr , λ)P (H4 , λ) P (H6 , λ) = and P (Kt , λ) P (H2 , λ) = P (H5 , λ) ± P (H6 , λ).

P (H5 , λ) =

Then the following, Schema 1, is a schema for a class of certificate:


(22) (23) (24)

P (G, λ) =P (G0 , λ) ± P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) ± P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (Kr , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (Kr , λ)P (H4 , λ) = ± P (Kr , λ) P (Ks , λ) P (Kt , λ) =

Insert certification steps showing (22) and (23). =

P (H1 , λ) (P (H5 , λ) ± P (H6 , λ)) P (Kr , λ) Insert certification steps showing (24) .


P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)

where G0 ∼ = G \ uv. = G + uv if uv 6∈ E(G), otherwise G0 ∼ Schema 1 for Certificates of Factorisation Appendix A.1 lists some certificates (A–E) that satisfy Schema 1. Most chromatic factorisations of strongly non-clique-separable graphs of degree at most 9 (in fact all but 7) satisfied this Schema. Certificates for the remaining seven chromatic polynomials (F–J) are given in Appendix A.2. Two of these certificates, F and G (corresponding to four of the seven cases), contain some of the elements of Schema 1. The rest of this section will consider certificates that satisfy Schema 1. There are many different sequences of steps that can be used in the certification steps to show (22) and (23) in Schema 1. We present two possible sequences for (22) and three possible sequences for (23). Now, if (22) holds then one of the following applies: Case 1. r = s and H5 ∼ = H3 . In this case the numerator and denominator have a common factor, P (Kr , λ). Thus, the certification step is to replace P (H3 , λ)P (Kr , λ)/P (Ks , λ) by P (H3 , λ). This step is used in Certificate C step (68), in Certificate D step (75) and in Certificate E step (82). Case 2. r > s and H5 is isomorphic to an s-gluing of H3 and Kr . In this case the certification step is to replace P (H3 , λ)P (Kr , λ)/P (Ks , λ) by P (H5 , λ). This step is used in Certificate A step (58) where H5 ∼ = H2 + wx, and in Certificate B step (63) where H5 ∼ = H2 \ f . If (23) holds then one of the following applies: Case 1. r = t and H6 ∼ = H4 . In this case the numerator and denominator have a common factor, P (Kr , λ). Thus, the certification step is to replace P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ)/P (Kt , λ) by P (H4 , λ). This step is used in Certificate D step (75) and Certificate E step (82). Case 2. r > t and H6 is isomorphic to a t-gluing of H4 and Kr . In this case the certification step is to replace P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ)/P (Kt , λ) by P (H6 , λ). This step is used in Certificate B step (63) where H6 ∼ = H2 /f and in Certificate C step (69). 12

Case 3. r > t + 1 and H6 is not isomorphic to a t-gluing of H4 and Kr , but H6 is isomorphic to the graph obtained by an (r − 1, t)-gluing of graphs H4 , Kr and Kr−1 . In this case there are two certification steps. The first step replaces P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ)/P (Kt , λ) by P (H4 , λ)P (Kr , λ)P (Kr−1 , λ)/ (P (Kr−1 , λ)P (Kt , λ)). The second step replaces the latter expression by P (H6 , λ) where H6 is the graph obtained by an (r − 1, t)-gluing of graphs H4 , Kr and Kr−1 . These steps are used in Certificate A steps (57) and (58) where H2 /wx is isomorphic to a (2, 1)-gluing of graphs H4 , K3 and K2 Schema 1 also requires certification steps to show (24). We will consider the case where |V (H5 )| = |V (H6 )| + 1. In this case, it is clear that either P (H2 , λ) = P (H5 , λ) + P (H6 , λ) and |E(H2 )| = |E(H5 )| − 1,

(25) (26)

P (H2 , λ) = P (H5 , λ) − P (H6 , λ) and |E(H2 )| = |E(H5 )| + 1.

(27) (28)


When (26) holds, there exist e0 , . . . , ep ∈ E(H5 ) and f1 , . . . , fp 6∈ E(H5 ) such that H5 \ {e0 , . . . , ep } + {f1 , . . . , fp } ∼ p ≥ 0. (29) = H2 , When p = 0, so

H5 \ e 0 ∼ = H2 , H5 ∼ = H2 + e 0 .

For (25) to hold we must then have H6 ∼ H2 /e0 , which would certainly be satisfied if H6 ∼ = H2 /e0 . The certification step uses the addition-identification relation to replace P (H5 , λ)+ P (H6 , λ) with P (H2 , λ). This is used in Certificate A step (59). Similarly, when (28) holds, there exist e1 , . . . , ep ∈ E(H5 ) and f0 , . . . , fp 6∈ E(H5 ) such that H5 + {f0 , . . . , fp } \ {e1 , . . . , ep } ∼ = H2 , When p = 0, so

H5 + f0 ∼ = H2 , H5 ∼ = H2 \ f 0 .

For (27) to hold we must then have H6 ∼ H2 /f0 , 13

p ≥ 0.


which would certainly be satisfied if H6 ∼ = H2 /f0 . The certification step uses the deletion-contraction relation to replace P (H5 , λ)− P (H6 , λ) by P (H2 , λ). This is used in Certificate B step (64). In the case where either (29) or (30) holds and p > 0, a sequence of additionidentification and deletion-contraction relations can be applied to show P (H5 , λ) = P (H2 , λ) +

2p+1 X

ci P (Di , λ),

ci ∈ {1, −1}



for some graphs Di . If a sequence of certification steps can be found that show 2p+1 X

ci P (Di , λ) ± P (H6 , λ) = 0



then these steps can be combined with those used to show (31) to show P (H5 , λ) ± P (H6 , λ) =P (H2 , λ) +

2p+1 X

ci P (Di , λ) ± P (H6 , λ)


=P (H2 , λ).


Thus a sequence of addition-identification and deletion-contraction steps to show (31), combined with the sequence of certification steps to show (32), shows that P (H2 , λ) = P (H5 , λ) ± P (H6 , λ) as required in Schema 1. Tables 5 and 6 list the numbers of chromatic polynomials of degree at most 9 with certificates that use sequences of steps of the kind we have been discussing, with p ≥ 0. An example of a certificate of factorisation using this type of sequence of steps with p = 1 is provided in Figure 1. The figures depicting certificates in this article represent the chromatic polynomial of a graph by the graph itself. The certificate of factorisation in Figure 1 has the form of Certificate A and satisfies Schema 1. H2 + e ∼ = H5 , e 6∈ E(H2 ), where H5 is an s-gluing of H3 and Kr H2 + e + f − g ∼ = H5 , e, f 6∈ E(H2 ) and g ∈ E(H2 ), where H5 is an sgluing of H3 and Kr TOTAL:

Certificate A

P (G, λ) with degree 9 2




Table 5: Relationship between graphs H2 and H5 in Certificate of Factorisation Schema 1 when graph H1 is isolated by a single addition-identification .




















= Figure 1: Example of chromatic factorisation satisfying Certificate C 15

H2 −e ∼ = H5 , e ∈ E(H2 ) where H5 is an s-gluing of H3 and Kr H2 − e − f + g ∼ = H5 , e, f ∈ E(H2 ) and g 6∈ E(H2 ) where H5 is an s-gluing of H5 and Kr H2 − e − f − g + h + i ∼ = H5 , e, f, g ∈ E(H2 ) and h, i 6∈ E(H2 ) where H5 is an s-gluing of H3 and Kr TOTAL:

Certificate B

P (G, λ) with degree 8 0

P (G, λ) with degree 9 1









Table 6: Relationship between graphs H2 and H5 in Certificate of Factorisation Schema 1 when graph H1 is isolated by a single deletion-contraction .



Graphs having a Chromatic Factorisation

In this section we establish some properties of graphs that have chromatic factorisations. It is simple to prove the following lemma and corollary. Lemma 4 If G is a strongly non-clique-separable graph and P (G, λ) satisfies (4) with chromatic factors P (H1 , λ) and P (H2 , λ), then either H1 or H2 does not contain a clique of size at least r. Corollary 5 If G is a strongly non-clique-separable graph and P (G, λ) satisfies (4), then r ≥ 3. Fact 6 The Stirling number s(r, r − 3) is r−1 X

i−1 X

r−1 X


X i2 (i − 1) i(i − 1) )= ( ) 2 2 i=2 j=1 i=2 i=2 µµ ¶ µ ¶¶ 1 (r − 1)4 (r − 1)3 (r − 1)2 (r − 1)3 (r − 1)2 r−1 = + + − + + 2 4 2 4 3 2 6 4 3 2 r 5r 3r r = − + − (34) 8 12 8 12

s(r, r − 3) =

(i ×

j) =

(i × (

Theorem ¡ ¢ 7 If P (G, λ) = P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ)/P (Kr , λ), r ≥ 3, then G has t1 + t2 − 3r triangles where t1 and t2 are the number of triangles in H1 and H2 respectively. Proof Let ni and mi be the number of vertices and edges in graph Hi , i = 1, 2. Then µ ¶ m1 n1 n1 −1 P (H1 , λ) = λ − m1 λ +( − t1 )λn1 −2 + . . . (35) 2 and P (H2 , λ) = λ


− m2 λ

n2 −1

µ ¶ m2 +( − t2 )λn2 −2 + . . . . 2


So P (G, λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (Kr , λ)

¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ (λn1 − m1 λn1 −1 + ( m21 − t1 )λn1 −2 + . . .)(λn2 − m2 λn2 −1 + ( m22 − t2 )λn2 −2 + . . .) = P (Kr , λ) ¡m1 ¢ ¡m2 ¢ n1 +n2 n1 +n2 λ − (m1 + m2 )λ + ( 2 + 2 − m1 m2 − (t1 + t2 ))λn1 +n2 −2 + . . . = 4 3 3r 2 r r−3 + . . .) λr−2 + ( r8 − 5r λ(λr−1 − r(r−1) 2 12 + 8 − 12 )λ r(r − 1) n1 +n2 −r−1 = λn1 +n2 −r − (m1 + m2 − )λ + 2 õ ¶ µ ¶ m1 m2 r4 5r3 3r2 r + + m1 m2 − (t1 + t2 ) − + − + 2 2 8 12 8 12 ! r(r − 1) r2 (r − 1)2 + λn1 +n2 −r−2 + . . . (37) − (m1 + m2 ) 2 4 17

Now from (37) G has m1 + m2 − r(r − 1)/2 edges. Let tG be the number of triangles in G. Then ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ m1 + m2 − r(r−1) m1 m2 2 − tG = + + m1 m2 − (t1 + t2 ) 2 2 2 r4 5r3 3r2 r r(r − 1) r2 (r − 1)2 − + − + − (m1 + m2 ) + 8 12 8 12 2 4


So µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ m1 + m2 − r(r−1) m1 m2 2 − − − m1 m2 + (t1 + t2 ) 2 2 2 r4 5r3 3r2 r r(r − 1) r2 (r − 1)2 + − + − + (m1 + m2 ) − 12 2 4 µ 8¶ 12 µ ¶8 m1 m2 r(r − 1) r2 (r − 1)2 = + + m1 m2 − (m1 + m2 ) + 2 2 2 8 µ ¶ µ ¶ r(r − 1) m1 m2 r4 5r3 + − − − m1 m2 + (t1 + t2 ) + − 4 2 2 8 12 3r2 r r(r − 1) r2 (r − 1)2 + − + (m1 + m2 ) − 8 12 2 4 r(r − 1) r4 5r3 3r2 r r2 (r − 1)2 = + (t1 + t2 ) + − + − − 4 8 12 8 12 8 r(r − 1) r(3r3 − 10r2 + 9r − 2) − 3r2 (r − 1)2 = + (t1 + t2 ) + 4 24 6 + (r − 2)(3r − 1) − 3r(r − 1) = (t1 + t2 ) + r(r − 1) 24 r(r − 1)(r − 2) = (t1 + t2 ) − 6 µ ¶ r = t1 + t2 − ¤ (39) 3

tG =

Suppose then, without loss of generality, that H1 has no triangle. Corollary 8 If P (G, λ) satisfies (4) with r = 3 and G is not chromatically equivalent to any clique-separable graph, then exactly one of H1 or H2 has at least one triangle. Proof As G is not chromatically equivalent to any clique-separable graph, either H1 or H2 , say H1 , contains no triangles. Thus (39) becomes µ ¶ 3 t(G) = t2 − = t2 − 1 3 As t(G) ≥ 0, it follows that t2 ≥ 1. Thus H2 contains at least one triangle.

(40) ¤

Corollary 9 If P (G, λ) satisfies (4) with r = 3 and G is not chromatically equivalent to any clique-separable graph, then H2 has exactly one more triangle than G. 18


A Certificate of Factorisation for r = 3

In Section 5 some general results on the number of triangles in graphs G, H1 and H2 satisfying (4) were presented. More specific results on the number of triangles in graphs that satisfy a particular certificate of factorisation are presented in this section. In Section 7 these results are used to demonstrate that an infinite family of graphs have chromatic factorisations in the form of this certificate. We present a certificate of factorisation for the case where r = 3 in (4), G is a non-clique-separable graph with connectivity 2 and there exists uv 6∈ E(G) such that P (H1 , λ) can be isolated by a single application of the additionidentification relation. Without loss of generality, it is assumed that H1 contains no triangles and H2 contains at least one triangle by Corollary 8. This case is illustrated in Figure 2. In this case G + uv is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of H1 and


H1 u









H1 G/uv

Figure 2: P (G, λ) = P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) some graph H3 , and G/uv is isomorphic to a 1-gluing of H1 and some graph H4 . Thus, P (G, λ) = P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) =

P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + . P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ)


Now, H1 and H3 in G + uv contract to H4 and H1 respectively in G/uv (see Figure 2). Thus, it is clear that


H1 ∼ = H3 /uv


H4 ∼ = H1 /uv.


Thus (41) becomes P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H1 /uv, λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H1 /uv, λ) = + . P (K3 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ)

P (G, λ) =


Now if there exists wx 6∈ E(H2 ) such that H2 + wx is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of H3 and K3 , and H2 /wx is isomorphic to a 1-gluing of H1 /uv and K3 , then 19

(44) becomes P (H1 , λ) (P (H2 + wx, λ) + P (H2 /wx, λ)) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = . P (K3 , λ)

P (G, λ) =


Thus the certificate for such a factorisation is as follows:

P (G, λ) = P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H1 /uv, λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H1 /uv, λ) = + P (K3 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) P (H1 , λ) = (P (H2 + wx, λ) + P (H2 /wx, λ)) (46) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) . = P (K3 , λ) =

Certificate 2 In the remainder of this section, some properties of chromatic factorisations of the form of Certificate 2 will be examined. Theorem 10 Any non-clique-separable graph G with chromatic polynomial that factorises in the form of Certificate 2 contains no triangles. Proof Now H1 contains no triangles by assumption. But H1 ∼ = H3 /uv, uv ∈ E(H3 ), uv 6∈ E(G), so H3 /uv contains no triangles. Thus any triangle in H3 must contain the edge uv, and H3 \ uv contains no triangles. Recall G + uv is the graph obtained by a 2-gluing of H1 and H3 on edge uv. Now H1 and H3 \ uv contain no triangles. It follows that G contains no triangles. ¤ An immediate consequence of Theorem 10 is Theorem 11 The graph H2 in Certificate 2 contains exactly one triangle. Proof By Corollary 8, as both G and H1 are triangle-free, t2 = 1. ¤ In summary, some necessary properties for graphs, G, H1 , H2 , H3 , satisfying Certificate 2 are: • G contains no triangles, • H1 contains no triangles, • H2 contains exactly one triangle, • min{χ(H1 ), χ(H2 )} ≥ 3, • H1 ∼ = H3 /uv, • H2 + wx is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of K3 and H3 . 20


A Factorisable Family

In this section we show that there exists an infinite family of strongly non-cliqueseparable graphs that have chromatic factorisations according to Certificate 2. These have H1 = C2n+1 , n ≥ 2, which may be considered the simplest graph containing no triangles and with chromatic number at least three. We then show that this is the only chromatic factorisation of the form of Certificate 2 and having P (C2n+1 , λ), n ≥ 2, as a chromatic factor. 2n-2






2n+1 4n

2n+2 4n-1

Figure 3: Graph G isomorphic to C4n+1 + (0, 2n + 1) + (2n, 4n), n ≥ 2.








Figure 4: Graph H2 . Theorem 12 There exists an infinite family of graphs G such that every G ∈ G satisfies Certificate 2 with H1 = C2n+1 , n ≥ 2. Proof Let n ≥ 2 and let G ∈ G be the graph (a K4 -subdivision) with V = {0, 1, . . . , 4n} and E = {vi vi+1 : 0 ≤ i ≤ 4n − 1 ∪ {(0, 4n), (0, 2n + 1), (2n, 4n)} (see Figure 3). Let H1 = C2n+1 , H2 be the graph in Figure 4 and H3 = C2n+2 +(0, 2n+1)+(2n, 4n) as displayed in Figure 5. By addition-identification, P (G, λ) = P (G + (0, 2n), λ) + P (G/(0, 2n), λ).


Now G + (0, 2n) is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of H1 = C2n+1 and H3 = C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), and G/(0, 2n) is isomorphic to a 1-gluing of C2n and C2n+1 , so (47) becomes 21


2n 2n+1


Figure 5: Graph H3

P (G, λ) P (C2n+1 , λ)P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ) P (C2n , λ)P (C2n+1 , λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) (48) µ ¶ P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ) P (C2n , λ) = P (C2n+1 , λ) + (49) P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ) = P (K3 , λ) ¶ µ P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ)P (K3 , λ) P (C2n , λ)P (K3 , λ) + × P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ) = P (K3 , λ) µ ¶ P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ)P (K3 , λ) P (C2n , λ)P (K3 , λ)P (K2 , λ) × + . P (K2 , λ) P (K2 , λ)P (K1 , λ) (50) =

Now H2 + (0, 2n) is isomorphic to the 2-gluing of C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1) and K3 on the edge (2n, 4n). Furthermore H2 /(0, 2n) is isomorphic to the graph obtained by a (2, 1)-gluing of C2n , K3 and K2 . So (50) becomes P (C2n+1 , λ) (P (H2 + (0, 2n), λ) + P (H2 /(0, 2n), λ)) P (K3 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = . P (K3 , λ)

P (G, λ) =

(51) (52)

Thus, Certificate 2 is a certificate of factorisation for G ∈ G with H1 = C2n+1 , n ≥ 2, and H2 being the graph in Figure 4. ¤ Lemma 13 All graphs in the family G are strongly non-clique-separable graphs. Proof It is clear that any G ∈ G is a non-clique-separable graph (see Figure 3). In fact each G is isomorphic to K4 (1, 1, 1, 1, 2n − 1, 2n), the graph obtained by replacing two disjoint edges in K4 by paths of length 2n − 1 and 2n respectively. 22

As the graph K4 (s, s, s, s, t, u), t, u > s, is chromatically unique [11], each G ∈ G is chromatically unique. Thus all graphs in this family are strongly non-cliqueseparable. ¤ A specialisation of Certificate 2 for G ∈ G is given in Certificate 3. In this certificate H1 ∼ = C2n+1 , n ≥ 2, and H2 is the graph in Figure 4. We now show that any Certificate 2 factorisation with H1 an odd cycle must have this form. P (C2n+1 , λ)P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ) P (C2n , λ)P (C2n+1 , λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) µ ¶ P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ) P (C2n , λ) = P (C2n+1 , λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ) = P (K3 , λ) µ ¶ P (C2n+2 + (2n, 4n) + (0, 2n + 1), λ)P (K3 , λ) P (C2n , λ)P (K3 , λ) × + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ) = (P (H2 + (0, 2n), λ) + P (H2 /(0, 2n, λ))) P (K3 , λ) P (C2n+1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = P (K3 , λ)

P (G, λ) =

Certificate 3. A specialisation of Certificate 2 for G ∈ G where G is the graph in Figure 3 and H2 is the graph in Figure 4.

Theorem 14 If G is a strongly non-clique-separable graph and P (G, λ) has a chromatic factorisation according to Certificate 2 with P (H1 , λ) = P (C2n+1 , λ), then H2 is isomorphic to the graph in Figure 4 and P (G, λ) has the chromatic factorisation given in Certificate 3. Proof Let H1 = C2n+1 . Suppose there exist a non-clique-separable graph G and graph H2 such that P (G, λ) =

P (C2n+1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (K3 , λ)


and P (G, λ) has a chromatic factorisation in the form stated in Certificate 2 for some uv 6∈ E(G), wx 6∈ E(H2 ) and graph H3 . Then by Theorem 10 the graph G contains no triangles, and by Theorem 11 the graph H2 contains exactly one triangle. Now G + uv is a 2-gluing of graphs C2n+1 and H3 on the edge uv. Furthermore G and C2n+1 contain no triangles, so the only triangles in G + uv must be in H3 . From (42), H3 /uv ∼ = C2n+1 , which is triangle-free. Thus, all triangles in H3 must contain the edge uv. Hence, there are three possibilities for H3 . It is the cycle graph C2n+2 with one the following sets of additional edges where a and b are the vertices adjacent to u and v, respectively, in C2n+2 : • {av}, 23

• ∅, that is, no additional edges, • {av, bu}. These graphs are displayed in Figure 6. Note that C2n+2 + av ∼ = C2n+2 + bu. u















Figure 6: Three candidate graphs for H3 : (a) C2n+2 + av, (b) C2n+2 and (c) C2n+2 + av + bu.

{ {

C2n+2 \uv













v b



Figure 7: G where H3 is (a) C2n+2 + av, (b) C2n+2 and (c) C2n+2 + av + bu. Case 1 Suppose H3 ∼ = C2n+2 + av. Then G + uv is isomorphic to a 2gluing of C2n+1 and C2n+2 + av. But this means that G (see Figure 7(a)) is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of C2n+2 and C2n+1 , which makes G clique-separable, a contradiction. Case 2 Suppose H3 ∼ = C2n+2 . Now in order to satisfy (46) in Certificate 2, there must exist a 2-gluing of C2n+2 and K3 that is isomorphic to H2 + e for some e 6∈ E(H2 ). Let H 0 be the 2-gluing of C2n+2 and K3 on some edge cd ∈ E(C2n+2 ). Then there exists e ∈ E(H 0 ) such that H 0 \e ∼ = H2 . As both H2 and H 0 each have exactly one triangle, e must be some edge on C2n+2 excluding cd. But then H 0 /e is isomorphic to the 2-gluing of C2n+1 and K3 , which is not chromatically equivalent to any 1-gluing of K3 and C2n as required by (46), a contradiction. Case 3 Finally suppose H3 ∼ = C2n+2 + av + bu. Now in order to satisfy (46) in Certificate 2, there must exist a 2-gluing of C2n+2 + av + bu and K3 that is isomorphic to H2 + e for some e 6∈ E(H2 ). 24

Firstly, suppose H 0 is the graph obtained by a 2-gluing of H3 and K3 on the edge uv. Then H 0 contains three triangles each sharing the common edge uv. In order to satisfy (46) there exists e ∈ E(H 0 ) such that H 0 \ e ∼ = H2 . But H2 contains exactly one triangle. Now if e is an edge not in any of the triangles in H 0 then H 0 \ e contains 3 triangles, a contradiction. In addition, if e is an edge in any of the triangles in H 0 , then either e = uv and H 0 \ e contains no triangles, or e 6= uv and H 0 \ e contains 2 triangles, also a contradiction. Thus H 0 \ e 6∼ = H2 for all e ∈ E(H 0 ). Thus H 0 cannot be obtained by a 2-gluing of C2n+2 + av + bu and K3 on edge uv. Suppose H 0 is obtained by a 2-gluing of C2n+2 + av + bu and K3 on an edge e ∈ E(H3 ) \ {uv, bv, av, au, bu}. Then H 0 contains 3 triangles, two of which share a common edge uv, with the third being edge-disjoint from the others. Thus, the only edge whose removal from H 0 will reduce the number of triangles to one is uv. However, H 0 /uv is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of C2n+1 and K3 , which is not isomorphic to a 1-gluing of K3 and C2n as required by (46). Thus, H 0 cannot be obtained by a 2-gluing of C2n+2 + av + bu and K3 on any edge e ∈ E(H3 ) \ {uv, bv, av, au, bu}. Suppose H 0 is obtained by a 2-gluing of C2n+2 + av + bu and K3 on an edge e ∈ {bv, av, au, bu}, say bv without loss of generality. Then H 0 contains 3 triangles. The only edge whose removal reduces the number of triangles in H 0 to one is either uv or bv. Now H 0 /uv is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of C2n+1 and K3 which is not isomorphic to a 1-gluing of K3 and C2n as required by (46) and thus is not suitable. However, H 0 /bv is isomorphic to a (2, 1)-gluing of graphs C2n , K3 and K2 , which is chromatically equivalent to a 1-gluing of K3 and C2n as required by (46). Thus C2n+2 + av + bu is the only H3 and H 0 \ uv is the only H2 satisfying Certificate 2 (up to isomorphism). Now G + uv is isomorphic to a 2-gluing of C2n+1 and C2n+2 + av + bu on the edge uv. Thus G is isomorphic to the graph with V = {0, 1, . . . , 4n} and E = {vi vi+1 : 0 ≤ i ≤ 4n − 1} ∪ {(0, 2n + 1), (2n, 4n)} (see Figure 3). Thus the chromatic factorisation given in Certificate 3 is the only chromatic factorisation satisfying Certificate 2 where H1 = C2n+1 , n ≥ 2. ¤



In this article we showed that there exist strongly non-clique-separable graphs having chromatic factorisations. In order to explain these factorisations, the concept of a certificate of factorisation was developed. A series of certificates were presented that provide explanations of all chromatic factorisations of graphs of order at most 9. Most of these certificates were found to satisfy Schema 1. An infinite family of strongly non-clique-separable graphs was given, together with a certificate of factorisation for them. This certificate also satisfied Schema 1. Some properties of the number of triangles in graphs that have chromatic factorisations and in their chromatic factors were also presented. These properties were used to show that members of this infinite family of graphs are the only graphs that have chromatic factorisations in the form of Certificate 2 when an odd cycle (excluding K3 ) is a chromatic factor. It would be interesting to determine other properties of strongly non-cliqueseparable graphs having chromatic factorisations. A large number of the fac25

torisations of these graphs had the chromatic polynomial of a complete graph as the chromatic factor. It would be good to be able to characterise such factorisations. This may lead to the identification of other families of strongly non-clique-separable graphs having chromatic factorisations. We have shown that it is possible to find certificates of factorisation that are much shorter than those obtained by a naive approach. It would be interesting to find a better bound on the lengths of these certificates.



We thank Alan Sokal for his suggestions and comments.

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Appendices A

Some Certificates of Factorisation

In this appendix a number of certificates of factorisation are presented. These certificates explain the factorisation of all chromatic polynomials of strongly non-clique-separable graphs of order at most 9. The certificates in Appendix A.1 are Schema 1 certificates. Some further certificates are presented in Appendix A.2. 27


Schema 1 certificates

The certificates in this section provide explanations for the factorisations of all the degree 8 and 18 of the degree 9 chromatic polynomials of strongly nonclique-separable graphs. Tables 5 and 6 provide a breakdown of the numbers of these polynomials that satisfy each certificate.

P (G, λ) =P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H4 , λ) = + P (K3 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (K1 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K2 , λ)P (K3 , λ)P (H4 , λ) = + P (K3 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (K2 , λ)P (K1 , λ) P (H1 , λ) = (P (H2 + wx, λ) + P (H2 /wx, λ)) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = . P (K3 , λ) =

(54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59)

Certificate A. (Schema 1)

P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) − P (K2 , λ) P (K2 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (H4 , λ) = − P (K3 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (K2 , λ) P (H1 , λ) (P (H2 \ f , λ) − P (H2 /f , λ)) = P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = . P (K3 , λ) =

Certificate B. (Schema 1)


(60) (61) (62) (63) (64)

P (G, λ) =P (G + uv, λ) + P (G/uv, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + P (K4 , λ) P (K3 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + = P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K3 , λ) µ ¶ P (H1 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H4 , λ) = P (H3 , λ) + P (K4 , λ) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ) = (P (H2 + e + f − g, λ) + P (H6 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) =... =


P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) . P (K4 , λ)

(65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71)

Certificate C. (Schema 1)

P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H4 , λ) − P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) µ ¶ P (K5 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H4 , λ) − = P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) = (P (H3 , λ) − P (H4 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) = (P (H2 − e − f + g, λ) − P (H4 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) =... =

P (K5 , λ)P (H2 , λ) . = P (K4 , λ) Certificate D. (Schema 1)


(72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78)

P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H4 , λ) − P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) µ ¶ P (K5 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H4 , λ) − = P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) (P (H3 , λ) − P (H4 , λ)) = P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) = (P (H2 − e − f − g + h + i, λ) − P (H4 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) =... =


P (K5 , λ)P (H2 , λ) . P (K4 , λ)

(79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85)

Certificate E. (Schema 1)


Other Certificates of Factorisation

The certificates in the previous section did not explain all chromatic factorisations of chromatic polynomials of degree 9. Table 7 lists the numbers of chromatic polynomials of strongly non-clique-separable graphs of order nine with certificates not following Schema 1. This section presents the certificates used to explain these cases. Certificate F explains a chromatic factorisation with three chromatic factors. It uses similar techniques to those used in Schema 1. Certificates G and I express P (G, λ) as the sum of at least three terms with each term having P (H1 , λ) as a chromatic factor. In the case of Certificate G, the only difference from Schema 1 is that it requires both an addition-identification and a deletion-contraction operation to isolate P (H1 , λ) rather than a single operation. Certificates H and J both use the chromatic factorisation of another strongly non-clique-separable graph. Certificate

# Chromatic Polynomials 1 3 1 1 1


Table 7: Number of chromatic polynomials of degree 9 satisfying non-Schema 1 Certificates.


P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) (86) =P (G \ e + f , λ) + P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e + g, λ) − P (G/e/g, λ) (87) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H4 , λ) + P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ)P (H5 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (H6 , λ) − (88) − P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K3 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ) (P (H3 , λ) − P (H5 , λ)) + (P (H4 , λ) − P (H6 , λ)) = P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K3 , λ) (89)



P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ)P (H7 , λ) (P (H3 , λ) − P (H5 , λ)) + P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) (90)

P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ) (P (H3 , λ) − P (H5 , λ) + P (H7 , λ)) P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ) = (P (H2 + h − i, λ) − P (H5 , λ) + P (H7 , λ)) P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ) P (K4 , λ)P (K4 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = P (K3 , λ)P (K3 , λ)


(91) (92) (93)

Certificate F (3 chromatic factors).

P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e \ f , λ) + P (G/e/f , λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H3 , λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H4 , λ) P (K5 , λ)P (H5 , λ) − + P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) = (P (H3 , λ) − P (H4 , λ) + P (H5 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) P (K5 , λ) = (P (H2 − g − h + i, λ) − P (H4 , λ) + P (H5 , λ)) P (K4 , λ) =... =


P (K5 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (K4 , λ)

(94) (95) (96) (97) (98)

(99) Certificate G.


P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) (100) =P (G \ e \ f , λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (101) =P (G \ e \ f + g, λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (102) 0 0 ∼ But G \ e \ f + g = G and the factorisation of P (G , λ) is known =P (G0 , λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ)


P (H1 , λ)P (H2 \ h, λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) = P (K3 , λ) (104) =... P (H1 , λ)P (H2 \ h, λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 /h, λ) − P (K3 , λ) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) = P (K3 , λ)


(105) (106)

Certificate H.

P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) (107) =P (G \ e \ f , λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (108) =P (G \ e \ f + g, λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (109) P (H1 , λ)P (H3 , λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (110) P (K4 , λ) Further certification steps to get each term having chromatic factor P (H1 , λ)


P (H1 , λ) (P (H3 − P (H4 , λ) + P (H5 , λ) + P (H6 , λ), λ)) (111) P (K3 , λ) P (H1 , λ) = (P (H2 − h − i + j, λ) − P (H4 , λ) + P (H5 , λ) + P (H6 , λ)) P (K3 , λ) (112)


=... =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (K3 , λ)

(113) Certificate I.


P (G, λ) =P (G \ e, λ) − P (G/e, λ) (114) =P (G \ e \ f , λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (115) =P (G \ e \ f + g, λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) (116) 0 0 ∼ But G \ e \ f + g = G and the factorisation of P (G , λ) is known =P (G0 , λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ)


P (H1 , λ)P (H2 \ h \ i + j, λ) + P (G \ e \ f /g, λ) − P (G \ e/f , λ) − P (G/e, λ) = P (K4 , λ) (118) =... =

P (H1 , λ)P (H2 , λ) P (K4 , λ)

(119) Certificate J.