simple solution for fast, intuitive and easy to manage computing. ... are in the cloud, behind your firewall, or virtual
Chromebooks for Business Chromebooks include • • • •
Chromebook computers Cloud-based management console Ongoing support from Google 3 year hardware warranty
Chromebooks for Business start at $28/Chromebook per month For more information, visit:
Chromebooks for Business give employees, IT administrators, and executives a simple solution for fast, intuitive and easy to manage computing. Chromebooks provide instant access to the web and run browser-based apps, whether they are in the cloud, behind your firewall, or virtualized through technologies from Citrix® and other companies. Using Chromebooks, employees have quick, easy access to the tools that they need, and IT administrators avoid tedious, timeintensive maintenance tasks. Instead they can manage their Chromebooks from one web-based console.
“The Google Chromebooks are almost effortless to manage. Staging, imaging, updating, and repairing software problems are almost non-existent issues at this point. Updates are smooth, seamless, and problem-free. Replacement is as simple as handing out a new device with no IT involvement necessary.” —Kevin Verde, CIO, Jason’s Deli Built to work Chromebooks provide users with the tools they need to get their jobs done while avoiding many of the frustrations associated with traditional computers. They boot in 8 seconds and resume instantly – eliminating the time wasted while computers start up and connect to a network. Chromebooks last an entire day of continuous usage, and it’s easy to connect a Chromebook anytime and anywhere with built-in Wi-Fi and optional 3G. 3G models include 100 MB per month of mobile broadband from Verizon Wireless.
Pilot customers are using Chromebooks from offices and stores to airplanes and warehouses.
Easy to manage Chromebooks “just work” for both users and administrators. With just a few clicks in a web-based management console, administrators can change or update settings for their entire set of Chromebooks, including customizing the home screen with themes and apps, restricting login, and establishing proxy settings. Seamless updates keep the operating system and software fresh, so Chromebooks continue to improve and get faster over time, with no need for tedious backups, security patches, data migration or re-imaging.
36 months purchase for US enterprise customers only. Terms & conditions apply. Wireless networks have real life limitations, like speed and availability, and terms & conditions from the provider may apply. When you do not have network access, functionality that depends on it will not be available.
Chromebooks specifications • • • • • • • • •
Lightweight design Battery that lasts a full work day Built-in Wi-Fi and 3G (optional) HD Webcam USB 2.0 ports Memory card slot Projector/monitor output Fullsize Chrome keyboard Oversized, fully-clickable touchpad
Security built-in Chromebooks run the first commercial operating system designed from the ground up to protect against the ongoing threat of viruses and malware. They employ the principle of “defense in depth” to provide multiple layers of protection, including tab sandboxing, user data encryption, and verified boot. With minimal data stored on the Chromebooks, there is little need to worry about a lost or stolen computer.
For more information, visit:
“We’ve estimated our traditional employee laptop purchase and maintenance direct costs at well over $200/month, in addition to the IT headaches around re-imaging, software updates, and anti-virus licensing.” —Glenn Weinstein, CTO, Appirio
“Managing the devices so far has been an extremely easy and uneventful process. The devices are quick to start, log in to, easy to use. Our users enjoy the light weight devices and the ability to connect from available Wi-Fi hot spots.” —Rosa Akhtarkhavari, CIO, City of Orlando
Power of the browser Applications, documents, and settings are stored in the cloud, not on the Chromebook, so there’s no need to spend time imaging machines or migrating data. Chromebooks provide access to all of the rich resources and tools of the web, in addition to running applications built for the browser. These browserbased applications can range from the Google Apps productivity suite, including offline features, to custom-built tools running inside your firewall. For the few things that can’t be done through the browser, desktop virtualization technology, like Citrix® solutions, can provide access to native-only applications. Up to 70% lower cost Starting at $28/Chromebook per month, Chromebooks for Business include the hardware and operating system, updates, cloud-based management, and complete support, all supplied directly from Google. Businesses no longer need to purchase management services or anti-virus, data encryption, or data backup software. This benefit combined with avoiding many common, time-intensive IT tasks like machine image creation, application distribution, patching, and upgrades means the total cost of owning a Chromebook can be 70% lower than the ownership costs for a traditional PC. Get Chromebooks for your business For more information, or to purchase Chromebooks, please contact Google sales at:
Engineering specs can change without prior notice. Battery times are estimates, depend on different factors, and may decline over time. © 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. 110727