Breathing techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ... REVIEW SERIES: physiotherapy techniques for respiratory disease.
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Breathing techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) R Gosselink Chron Respir Dis 2004; 1; 163 DOI: 10.1191/1479972304cd020rs The online version of this article can be found at:
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Chronic Respiratory Disease 2004; 1: 163-172
REVIEW SERIES: physiotherapy techniques for respiratory disease Breathing techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) R Gosselink Respiratory Rehabilitation and Respiratory Division, Muscle Research Unit, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Background: Breathing techniques are included in the rehabilitation program of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The efficacy of breathing techniques aiming at improving symptoms of dyspnea and eliciting physiological effects is discussed in this paper. In patients with COPD, breathing techniques aim to relieve symptoms and ameliorate adverse physiological effects by: 1) increasing strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles; 2) optimizing the pattern of thoracoabdominal motion; and 3) reducing dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage and improving gas exchange. Evidence exists to support the effectiveness of pursed lips breathing, forward leaning position, active expiration and inspiratory muscle training, but not for diaphragmatic breathing. Careful patient selection, proper and repeated instruction and control of the techniques, and assessment of the effects are necessary. Despite the evidence that breathing techniques are effective, several problems need to be resolved. The limited evidence for the transfer of the effects of breathing techniques during resting conditions to exercise conditions raises several questions. Do breathing techniques have to be practiced during activities of daily living? Chronic Respiratory Disease 2004; 1: 163172 Key words: body position; dyspnea; hyperinflation; physiotherapy; pursed lips breathing; relaxation; respiratory muscle training
Introduction Dyspnea is an important and debilitating symptom in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).1 Several pathophysiological factors known to contribute to dyspnea include: 1) increased intrinsic mechanical loading of the inspiratory muscles; 2) increased mechanical restriction of the chest wall; 3) functional inspiratory muscle weakness; 4) increased ventilatory demand related to capacity; 5) gas exchange abnormalities; 6) dynamic airway compression; or 7) cardiovascular effects.2 The relief of dyspnea is an important aim of the treatment of COPD, an only partially reversible disease. Among treatment modalities commonly applied such as bronchodilator therapy, exercise training and oxygen therapy, breathing techniques are also applied to alleviate symptoms and improve respiratory physiology. Correspondence: Professor Rik Gosselink, Division of Respiratory Rehabilitation, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium E-mail:
Breathing technique is an all embracing term for a range of techniques such as active expiration, slow and deep breathing, pursed lips breathing, relaxation therapy, body positions such as forward leaning, inspiratory and expiratory muscle training and diaphragmatic breathing. The aims of these techniques vary considerably and include the improvement of (regional) ventilation and gas exchange, reduction of dynamic hyperinflation, improvement of respiratory muscle function, reduction in dyspnea and improvement of exercise tolerance and quality of life. In patients with COPD, breathing techniques aim at relieving dyspnea by: 1) increasing strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles; 2) optimizing the pattern of thoracoabdominal motion; and 3) reducing dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage and improving gas exchange. It is believed that when respiratory muscle effort (ratio of the actual inspiratory pressure over the maximal inspiratory pressure, PI/Pimax) exceeds a critical level, breathing is perceived as unpleasant.3 By improving respiratory muscle function or reducing inspiratory load the aim is to reduce the relative load on the muscles 10.1 191/1479972304cdO20rs
,e Arnold 2004
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
muscles might enhance their strength and/or endurance capacity and thus ventilatory capacity, relieve symptoms and improve exercise performance.
Critical zone
Active expiration
.2 No fati .2
I/PImax t
Figure 1 The relationship between relative contraction force of the respiratory muscles in a healthy subject (@) and a patient with COPD (0). A breathing pattern close to the zone of fatigue puts the respiratory muscle at risk for the development of respiratory muscle fatigue. The arrows in the x-axis illustrate the pathways for improving the ventilatory pump. Interventions aiming at a reduction of the load for the inspiratory muscles (PI) or interventions aiming at an increase of the maximal capacity of the inspiratory muscles (PIma,,) will reduce the relative contraction force of the inspiratory muscles. Hence, this will prevent the development of muscle fatigue and thus respiratory insufficiency.
(PI/PImax, Figure 1) and hence dyspnea and to increase maximal sustained ventilatory capacity. This might also imply an improvement of exercise capacity in patients with ventilatory limitation during exercise. Efficacy of breathing techniques aiming at improvement of inspiratory muscle function Reduced endurance and strength of the inspiratory muscles are frequently observed in chronic lung disease and contribute to dyspnea sensation.4 Breathing techniques and body positions aim to improve the length-tension relationship or geometry of the respiratory muscles (in particular of the diaphragm) or increase strength and endurance of the inspiratory muscles. According to the length-tension relationship, the output of the muscle increases when operating at a greater length, for the same neural input. At the same time the efficacy of the contraction in moving the rib cage might improve. Also, the piston-like movement of the diaphragm increases and thus enhances lung volume changes. In contrast to what is often believed, diaphragm displacement and its contribution to tidal volume during resting breathing have not been shown to be different in COPD patients.5 6 During increased levels of ventilation the contribution of the diaphragm is reduced in more severe COPD.7 The diaphragm can be lengthened by increasing abdominal pressure during active expiration or by adopting body positions such as forward leaning. Specific training of the respiratory
The contraction of the abdominal muscles results in an increased abdominal pressure during active expiration. This lengthens the diaphragm and contributes to operating the diaphragm close to its optimal length. Indeed, diaphragm displacement and its contribution to tidal volume during resting breathing were not different in COPD patients compared to healthy subjects.5'6 In addition, active expiration will increase elastic recoil pressure of the diaphragm and the rib cage. The release of this pressure after relaxation of the expiratory muscles will assist the next inspiration. In healthy subjects, active expiration is brought into play only with increased ventilation.8 However, in patients with severe COPD contraction of abdominal muscles is often present during resting breathing.9 Erpicum et al. 10 studied the effects of active expiration with abdominal contraction on lung function parameters in patients with COPD and healthy subjects. In both groups functional residual capacity (FRC) decreased, while transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) increased. The increase in Pdi was explained by the improved starting position of the diaphragm and the increased elastic recoil pressure. The effects on dyspnea were not studied. Reybrouck et al.,' in patients with severe COPD, compared the effects of active expiration with electromyography (EMG) feedback of the abdominal muscles with the effects of active expiration without feedback. They reported a significantly larger decrease in FRC and increase in maximal inspiratory pressure (Plm,,) in the group receiving EMG feedback during active expiration in comparison with the group without feedback. The additional effects of active expiration during exercise training (treadmill walking) in patients with severe COPD were studied by Casciari and colleagues.12 A significantly larger increase in maximum oxygen uptake during a cycle ergometer test was observed in the group following training that included the use of additional breathing techniques (Figure 2). Although active expiration is common in resting breathing and during exercise in COPD patients and seems to improve inspiratory muscle function, the significance of abdominal muscle activity remains poorly understood. First, if flow limitation is present then abdominal muscle contraction will not enhance expiratory flow, and might even contribute to rib cage hyperinflation.13 In addition, relaxation of the
Chronic Respiratory Disease
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
165 3.0
100/ U,
80-/ 0. 4.0
0 L
40- /
* Supine
0 Q
E Seated (erect) 1 Seated (forward)
20 ,
i byspnea relief (versus Standing)
Figure 2 Additional effect of breathing exercises on exercise performance. Both groups participated in exercise training over the 12 week period. After four weeks (arrow) the treatment group (BRT) had additional breathing exercises (PLB, active expiration). (Adapted from Ref. 12, * P < 0.05 versus baseline, # - P < 0.05 versus control.)
abdominal muscles will not contribute to inspiratory flow or to reducing the work of breathing performed by the inspiratory muscles. Secondly, abdominal muscle recruitment may still optimize diaphragm length and geometry.13 However, the mechanism is still unclear as Ninane and colleagues9 observed that contraction of the diaphragm started just after the onset of relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Recently, Weiner et al. reported that expiratory muscle training in COPD significantly improved expiratory muscle strength and endurance as well as six minute walking distance compared to a control group. 14 Dyspnea during activities of daily living was not affected. To summarize, active expiration is a normal response to increased ventilatory requirements. In COPD patients, spontaneous activity of abdominal muscles is, depending on the severity of airway obstruction, often present at rest. There seem to be benefits on hyperinflation and inspiratory muscle function, but the effect on dyspnea remains unclear. Body position Relief of dyspnea is often experienced by patients in the forward leaning position,15-18 a body position commonly adopted by patients with lung disease (Figure 3). The effect ofthis position seems unrelated to the severity of airway obstruction,16 changes in minute ventilation15 or improved oxygenation.'6 However, the presence of hyperinflation and paradoxical abdominal movement were indeed associated with a reduction in dyspnea in the forward leaning position.16 Forward leaning is associated with a significant reduction in EMG activity of the scalenes and sternomastoid muscles, an increase in transdiaphragmatic pressure16
Figure 3 Leaning forward position and relief of dyspnea. The largest proportion of the patients (mean FEVI 28% pred, TLC 128% pred) experienced reduced dyspnea in the forward leaning position versus standing. * - P < 0.01 versus sitting erect and supine position. (Adapted from Ref. 17.)
and inspiratory mouth pressure17 and a significant improvement in thoracoabdominal movements.16-18 From these open studies it was concluded that the subjective improvement of dyspnea in patients with COPD was the result of the more favourable position of the diaphragm on its length-tension curve. In addition, forward leaning with arm support allows accessory muscles (pectoralis minor and major) to significantly contribute to rib cage elevation. To summarize, the forward leaning position has been shown to improve diaphragmatic function and, hence, improve chest wall movement, decrease accessory muscle recruitment and dyspnea. In addition, by allowing arm or head support the accessory muscles contribute to inspiration in this position.
Respiratory muscle training Recent studies in patients with COPD have shown natural adaptations of the diaphragm at cellular (increased proportion of type I fibers) and subcellular (shortening of the sarcomeres and increased concentration of mitochondria) levels contributing to greater resistance to fatigue and to better functional muscle behaviour. 19,20 Despite these adaptations, both functional inspiratory muscle strength21 and inspiratory muscle endurance22 are compromised in COPD. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) may further enhance these spontaneous adaptations. Three types of inspiratory muscle training, i.e., 'inspiratory resistive training', 'threshold loading' and 'normocapnic hyperpnea' (NCH) are practiced at the present time. During NCH the patient is asked to ventilate maximally for 15-20 minutes.23 The equipment for this type of training was complicated, but recently a simpler partial rebreathing system was developed.24 In a randomized controlled trial in COPD
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
patients, eight weeks of home based NCH enhanced respiratory muscle endurance, six minute walking distance and maximal oxygen uptake as well as healthrelated quality of life, but did not improve the baseline dyspnea index.25 During 'inspiratory resistive breathing' the patient inspires through a mouthpiece and adapter with an adjustable diameter. This resistance is flow dependent. Adequate training intensity is only achieved by feedback of the target pressure since flow and pressure are tightly coupled.26 More recently a flow independent resistance was developed, so-called 'threshold loading', with a valve that opens at a critical pressure.2728 Training intensity varies among studies of IMT from as high as maximal sustained inspiratory (Muller) manoeuvers29 and 50-80% of PImax29-32 to low intensity at 30% of PImax?.32-35 All these studies have in common the careful control of the target pressure during training or the application of threshold
loading.28 Most studies observed that breathing against an inspiratory load increased maximal inspiratory pressure26'29-36 and endurance capacity of the inspiratory muscles.26'31'32'36 Indeed, in an animal model respiratory muscle training revealed significant hypertrophy of predominantly type I and Ila fibers in the diaphragm.37'38 A recent study of IMT in COPD patients showed significant increases in the proportion of type I fibers and size of type II fibers in the external intercostals after IMT.39 Also dyspnea34'35'40 and nocturnal desaturation time31 decreased, while exercise performance tended to improve41 (Table 1). Inspiratory muscle training in addition to exercise training has been shown to improve exercise capacity more than exercise training alone.29 30'33'35 In a recent meta-analysis, the additional effect of IMT on exercise performance seemed to be related to the presence of inspiratory muscle weakness.41 Again these effects were only observed in studies with cautious control of training intensity (i.e., training load more than 30% Pimax42) and careful patient selection. Patients with impaired inspiratory muscle strength and/or a
Table I Effects of inspiratory muscle training from meta-analysis (Adapted from Lotters et al. 41) Effect size
Plma.; (cmH20)
Endurance (s) Endurance (cmH20) 6MWD (m)
Dyspnea (Borg) Dyspnea (TDI)
11 154
10 48 -1.5 +2.7
P value 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.11 0.01 0.01
ventilatory limitation to exercise performance seem to have more potential to benefit. At present there are no data to support resistive or
threshold loading as the training method of choice. Resistive breathing (breathing through a small hole) has the disadvantage that the inspiratory pressure is flow dependent.26 Threshold loading has the advantage of being independent of inspiratory flow rate,28 but requires build up of negative pressure before flow occurs and, hence, is inertive in nature. Belman et al.43 showed that similar work loads were obtained during resistive loading and threshold loading. Threshold loading enhances velocity of inspiratory muscle shortening.44 This might be an important additional effect as this shortens inspiratory time and increases time for exhalation and relaxation. Since the inspiratory muscles are at risk of developing fatigue in COPD patients, the increased relaxation time may prevent this occurring. It is concluded that well controlled IMT has been shown to improve inspiratory muscle function resulting in additional improvement of exercise capacity, decrease of dyspnea and nocturnal desaturation time in patients with inspiratory muscle weakness. Training intensity should be at least 30% of the maximal inspiratory pressure for 30 minutes per day. Neither threshold loading nor resistive breathing has been shown to be superior.
Efficacy of breathing techniques aiming at improvement of thoracoabdominal movements
Alterations of chest wall motion are common in patients with asthma and COPD. Several studies have described an increase in rib cage contribution to chest wall motion and/or asynchrony between rib cage and abdominal motion in such patients.45-4 The mechanisms underlying these alterations are not fully elucidated, but appear to be related to the degree of airflow obstruction, hyperinflation of the rib cage, changes in diaphragmatic function and increased contribution of accessory inspiratory muscles to chest wall motion. Indeed, increased firing frequency of single motor units of scalene and parasternal muscles48 as well the diaphragm49 50 (Figure 4) were observed in COPD patients compared to age matched control subjects. In contrast to what is often suggested, diaphragm displacement and shortening during tidal breathing was not different in COPD patients compared to healthy subjects.56 This indicates that the diaphragm displacement (actively and passively) contributes still to tidal breathing.
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
167 L.
loo r 80
Natural breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing 1-
4-C ._
0% co
0s 0~
rcr +. ' ._
Figure 4 Diaphragm activation in healthy subjects and COPD patients. This figure shows that the diaphragm is relatively more activated in COPD patients than in healthy subjects. Consequently, changes in breathing pattern are not caused by a reduced activation of the diaphragm. (Adapted from Ref. 50.) RMS root mean -
Activity of the accessory muscles is positively associated with the sensation of dyspnea, whereas diaphragm activity is negatively related to dyspnea sensation.51 Consequently, diaphragmatic breathing, or slow and deep breathing, are commonly applied in physiotherapy practice attempting to correct abnormal chest wall motion, decrease work of breathing, accessory muscle activity and dyspnea, increase efficiency of breathing and improve distribution of ventilation. Diaphragmatic breathing During diaphragmatic breathing the patient is told to the abdominal wall predominantly during inspiration and to reduce upper rib cage motion. This aims to improve chest wall motion and the distribution of ventilation, to decrease the energy cost of breathing, the contribution ofrib cage muscles and dyspnea and to improve exercise performance. All studies show that during diaphragmatic breathing, COPD patients are able voluntarily to change the breathing pattern to more abdominal movement and less thoracic excursion.52 54 However, diaphragmatic breathing can be accompanied by increased asynchronous and paradoxical breathing movements (Figure 5), while no permanent changes of the breathing pattern are observed.52 56 Although abdominal and rib cage movement clearly changed with diaphragmatic breathing in these studies, no changes in ventilation distribution were observed.53 In several studies an increased work of
Figure 5 The phase relationship of thoracoabdominal motion during natural breathing and diaphragmatic breathing in COPD patients. Assessments 1 and 2 were performed at baseline (before instruction of diaphragmatic breathing). Assessments 3 and 4 were taken after three weeks of diaphragmatic breathing instruction. During diaphragmatic breathing the phase relationship of rib cage (RC) and abdomen (ABD) increases compared to natural breathing. During in-phase movement the phase relationship is 0%, whereas a 90% phase relationship means complete paradoxical motion of movement of rib cage and abdomen. (Adapted from Ref. 54.)
breathing and oxygen cost of breathing together with reduced mechanical efficiency of breathing have been found.5457 Only Jones et al. observed a decrease in resting oxygen consumption, but no data were provided on breathing pattern, or ventilation.56 In addition, dyspnea has been shown to worsen during diaphragmatic breathing in patients with severe COPD,54,57 whereas pulmonary function58 and exercise capacity59 remained unaltered. To summarize, there is no evidence from controlled studies to support the use of diaphragmatic breathing in COPD patients.
Timing of breathing
Since, for a given minute ventilation, alveolar ventilation improves when breathing at a slower rate and higher tidal volume, this type of breathing is encouraged for patients with impaired alveolar ventilation. Several authors have reported a significant fall in respiratory frequency, and significant rise in tidal volume and arterial oxygen tension during imposed low frequency breathing at rest in patients with COPD (see Pursed lips breathing). Unfortunately, these effects might be counterbalanced by an increased work of breathing. Bellemare and Grassino60 demonstrated that for a given minute ventilation, fatigue of the diaphragm developed earlier during slow and deep breathing. This breathing pattern resulted in a significant increase in the relative force of contraction
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
of the diaphragm (Pdi/Pdimax) forcing it into the critical zone of muscle fatigue. From this point of view a breathing pattern reducing Ti/Ttot is beneficial. Shortening inspiratory time allows more time for expiration and thus for relaxation of the inspiratory muscles and lung emptying. However, to achieve a similar tidal volume inspiratory flow (VT/Ti) has to increase and this might impose additional load on the inspiratory muscles. To summarize, slow and deep breathing improves breathing efficiency and oxygen saturation at rest. However, this type of breathing is associated with a breathing pattern prone to induce respiratory muscle fatigue. Reducing the duty cycle (inspiratory time as a proportion of total respiratory cycle time) might be an interesting option, but has not been studied yet.
Efficacy of breathing techniques aiming at reduction of hyperinflation and improvement of gas exchange Hyperinflation is due to altered static lung mechanics (loss of elastic recoil pressure, static hyperinflation) and/or dynamic factors (air trapping and increased activity of inspiratory muscles during expiration, dynamic hyperinflation). Hyperinflation has been shown to contribute significantly to dyspnea.61-63 The idea of decreasing dyspnea by reducing dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage is based on the assumption that this intervention will result in the inspiratory muscles working over a more advantageous part of their length-tension relationship. Moreover, it is expected to decrease the elastic work of breathing, because the chest wall moves over a more favorable part of its pressure volume curve. In this way, the work load on the inspiratory muscles should diminish, along with the sensation of dyspnea.64 In addition, breathing at a lower FRC will result in an increase in alveolar gas refreshment when tidal volume remains constant. Several treatment strategies aim at reducing dynamic hyperinflation and improving gas exchange.
hyperinflation. However, hyperinflation in COPD is mainly due to altered lung mechanics (loss of elastic recoil pressure and air trapping) and is not associated with increased activity of inspiratory muscles during expiration.66 Relaxation also aims to reduce the respiratory rate and increase tidal volume and thus improve breathing efficiency. Several studies have been performed to investigate the effects of relaxation exercises in COPD patients. Renfoe67 showed in COPD patients that progressive relaxation resulted in immediate decrease of heart rate, respiratory rate, anxiety and dyspnea scores compared to a control group (Figure 6), but only respiratory rate dropped significantly over time. Gift et al.68 observed similar improvements in a randomized controlled trial with relaxation with audiotapes in comparison to a control group. A significantly greater reduction in breathing rate, anxiety and dyspnea compared to the control group were found. No significant changes in lung function parameters were observed. Kolaczkowski et al.69 investigated in a time series experiment (A-B-A design) in 21 patients with emphysema (forced expiratory volume in one second 40% of the predicted value) the effects of the combination of relaxation exercises and manual compression of the thorax in different body positions. In the experimental group, thoracic excursion and oxygen saturation increased significantly. Dyspnea was not assessed. To summarize, relaxation exercises have scantly been studied in patients with lung disease. From these studies a positive tendency towards a reduction of symptoms is apparent.
Pursed lips breathing Pursed lips breathing (PLB) aims to improve expiration both by its active and prolonged expiration and by 147.5-
Ol Treatment ( Control
Relaxation exercises The rationale for relaxation exercises arises from the observation that hyperinflation in (partial) reversible airway obstruction is, at least in part, caused by an increased activity of the inspiratory muscles during expiration.65 This increased activity may continue even after recovery from an acute episode of airway obstruction and hence contributes to the dynamic
-o5 ()yspnea Anxiety 0VAS) CSTAI)
Hecart rate
Figure 6 Effect of relaxation (Adapted from Ref. 67.)
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R-esp. I-ate
exercises in COPD
Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
preventing airway collapse. The subject performs a moderately active expiration through the half-opened lips inducing expiratory mouth pressures of about 5 cm H20.70 Gandevia7l observed, in patients with severe lung emphysema and tracheobronchial collapse, that the expired volume during a relaxed expiration increased, on average, by 20% in comparison to a forced expiration. This suggests that relaxed expiration produces less 'air trapping' which resulted in a reduction of hyperinflation. Compared to spontaneous breathing, PLB reduces respiratory rate, dyspnea and arterial carbon dioxide tension, and improves tidal volume and oxygen saturation in resting conditions.72-76 However, its application during (treadmill) exercise did not improve blood gases.77 Some COPD patients use the technique instinctively, while other patients do not. The changes in minute ventilation and gas exchange were not significantly related to the patients who reported subjective improvement of the sensation of dyspnea. The 'symptom benefit patients' had a more marked increase of tidal volume and decrease of breathing frequency.77 Ingram and Schilder75 identified prospectively eight patients who experienced some relief of dyspnea at rest during PLB and seven patients who did not. No significant difference between the two groups was found for the severity of airway obstruction. However, the group ofpatients who showed a decrease ofdyspnea during PLB had a lower elastic recoil pressure of the lungs. In addition, this group revealed a significantly larger decrease in airway resistance during PLB in comparison to the other group. It appears that responders to PLB were patients with loss of lung elastic recoil pressure. The decrease of airway compression and the slowing of expiration improved tidal volume in these patients. Indeed, Schmidt et al.78 observed that the application of positive expiratory mouth pressure, with constant expiratory flow, did not lead to significant changes in the vital capacity. Instead, reducing expiratory flow resulted in a significant increase in vital capacity in patients with emphysema. Breslin72 observed during PLB an increase in rib cage and accessory muscle recruitment during the entire breathing cycle, while transdiaphragmatic pressure remained unchanged. In addition, duty cycle fell and resulted in a significant decrease of the tension-time index (the product of the relative contraction force and relative contraction duration, 7Tdi) of the diaphragmatic contraction. These changes might have contributed to the decrease in dyspnea sensation. Recently, Garrod et al.79 observed a lower respiratory rate after a shuttle walk test in COPD
patients (not practicing PLB spontaneously) during PLB compared to patients not applying PLB. However, no differences in walking distance were observed. To summarize, PLB appears to be effective in improving gas exchange and reducing dyspnea. COPD patients who do not spontaneously adopt PLB show variable responses. Those patients with loss of elastic recoil pressure (i.e., more emphysematous lung defects) seem to benefit more from practicing this technique. The effectiveness of PLB during exertion needs further research. Rib cage mobilization techniques Mobilization of rib cage joints appears a specific aim for physiotherapy as rib cage mobility seems to be reduced in obstructive lung disease. The potential importance of mobility exercises in these patients is in line with the observed persistent hyperinflation after lung transplantation.80 Indeed, after double lung transplantation (mainly in cystic fibrosis patients), without any mobilization of the rib cage, there is a significant reduction of hyperinflation observed.80 However, FRC and residual lung volume are persistently increased (130 and 150% predicted, respectively; Figure 7) after lung transplantation in lung disease developed during childhood as well as lung diseases developed during adulthood.80 This might be due to remodeling and structural changes of the rib cage. Rib cage mobilization might, in the presence of restored lung mechanics after lung transplantation, be of benefit in these patients. In patients with COPD, however, the basis for such 350
300 -0
250 200
100 -
50 0-
18 24
30 36
Time after transplantation (months)
Figure 7 Incomplete reduction of hyperinflation after lung transplantation (LTX, indicated by arrow). Although complete reduction of hyperinflation after bilateral lung transplantation was expected, FRC and RV remained significantly elevated. This suggests structural adaptations of rib cage structures. (Adapted from Ref. 80.)
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
treatment seems weak as altered chest wall mechanics are related primarily to irreversible loss of elastic recoil and airway obstruction. Rib cage mobilization will not
be effective in patients with COPD with altered pulmonary mechanics and is therefore not recommended.
Pieces of evidence for effectiveness of breathing techniques are demonstrated for pursed lips breathing, forward leaning position, active expiration and mostly for inspiratory muscle training. Diaphragmatic breathing has not been shown to be beneficial. Pursed lips breathing improves dyspnea, oxygen saturation, recovery of breathing pattern after exertion and reduces diaphragm activation. Patients with emphysema seem to especially benefit from pursed lips breathing. Forward leaning position improves diaphragm function, reduces rib cage muscle activity and alleviates dyspnea. Finally, inspiratory muscle training improves inspiratory muscle strength and endurance as well as dyspnea and quality of life. In addition, exercise performance was enhanced in patients with inspiratory muscle weakness. Use of abdominal muscle contraction during expiration seems to be beneficial to diaphragm function, but the effects on dyspnea were not studied. The transfer effects of breathing techniques during resting conditions to exercise conditions are not well established. Careful patient selection, proper and repeated instruction and control of these techniques and assessment of their effects are necessary. Some of these adaptations occur spontaneously in some patients, while in others not. Several studies showed that the beneficial effects of practicing these breathing techniques do occur in both groups. This suggests that teaching these techniques to patients not using the adaptations spontaneously might still be worthwhile. Further research is needed to characterize responders and nonresponders.
Declaration of interest The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
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Breathing techniques in COPD R Gosselink
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Chronic Respiratory Disease
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