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arkansas county church directory

This week’s church:

holy rosary

church lisTings

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cHuRcH oF God



holy beNtoN temple ChurCh of goD iN Christ 622 E. Washington 673-1367 lawrence o’Neal, Min.


Jesus Name ChurCh 1800 & park 673-8301 Guy looper, Min. gospel temple DiviNe apostoliC First & park avenue J.E. Wilson, Min. apostoliC taberNaCle of prayer 1203 East 2nd street servant - Florida porter assEMbly oF God first assembly of goD 912 N. college 673-3293 bro. Jason McKelvey, Min. triNity assembly of goD 2115 s. columbus 673-8744 baptist alleN temple baptist 708 N. buerkle 673-9957 Gilbert byrd, Min. beautiful ZioN missioNary baptist 1025 E. Harrison 673-6261 bro. bobby brown, pastor

mt. ZioN ChurCh of goD iN Christ 517 N. buerkle 673-4554 supt. l.t. Walker Jr. New life outreaCh ChristiaN CeNter 1808 s. park irenna Ward, pastor Episcopal st. albaN’s episCopal 12th & Main 673-2848 Rev. dee stayton JEHovaH’s WitNEss Jehovah’s witNess 1795 Hwy 79b 673-7588 lutHERaN emaNuel evaNgeliCal lutheraN 209 s. Grand 673-2344 Rev. Glenn larsen st. JohN’s lutheraN ChurCh & sChool 5th & college 673-2858 Rev. don White MEtHodist

first baptist proviDeNCe missioNary baptist Rt1 box 11 Robert dabney, Min.

humphrey baptist 408 North division 873-4207 bro. Joe Meador, pastor pilgrim  baptist lonnie burton, pastor cHuRcH oF cHRist

cHRistiaN the allport ChristiaNCeNter Joe N. bryant, Min. almyra baptist almyra baptist ChurCh 201 s. leslie (870) 992-3522 doug Hibbard, pastor pREsbytERiaN almyra uNiteD methoDist 407 W. Main dr. ted. a. Edmondson, pastor CassCoe cHuRcH oF God mt. Calvary ChurCh of goD iN Christ revival CeNter Hwy 146, 11 mi. E 673-3881 pastor Elder Frederick l. Jeffery

ChurCh of Christ Rt. 1, 3 mi. s. Humphrey mt. olive ChurCh of goD iN Christ Robert Mcdonald 873-4277 MEtHodist humphrey uNiteD methoDist ChurCh bro. George crumbly 110 N. division gillett MEtHodist gillett uNiteD methoDist ChurCh 301 W. leslie avenue Gillett, aR 72055 870-548-2706 Jan Edwards, pastor Gillett pENtEcostal

Calvary missioNary baptist Eighth & Wood 673-2408 sam Morgan, Min.

first uNiteD methoDist Fourth & Grand 673-1131/673-3219 dr. david bush, Min.

ChristiaN fellowship missioNary baptist 321 E. Huron Rev. tyler l. Green

graND aveNue uNiteD methoDist 802 s Grand 673-6317 david a Moore, pastor


loDge’s CorNer

New salem baptist Jeff ashley, Min. 241-3760


first baptist 22nd & prairie 673-6952 dr. sam Roberts, Minister

graND prairie ChurCh 21st & park 673-1422 673-2087 thomas E. bormann, Min.

CroCkett’s bluff

first missioNary baptist ChurCh 606 N. porter 673-3190 c.E. Hawkins, sr., pastor harmoNy missioNary baptist 910 E. 19th st. 673-1396 david inzer, Min. North maple baptist Maple & Huron 673-1818 scott Griffey, Min. park aveNue missioNary baptist 1901 s. park av. 673-6817 bro. Heath loftis, pastor southsiDe baptist 19th & leslie 673-2103 Gregg Greenway, pastor stuttgart harvest ChurCh 805 W. 22nd (stuttgart twin cinema) pastor Harley petty the lighthouse 2009 s. oak 659-8521 pastor: steve bushey traveler’s rest missioNary baptist 914 E. First st. 673-1108 catHolic holy rosary CatholiC 18th & prairie 673-8351 Rev. phillip Reaves cHRistiaN CeNtral ChristiaN 2009 N. buerkle 673-2293 first ChristiaN DisCiples of Christ 921 s. Main 673-8402 Rev, Hart Moore full gospel ChristiaN ChurCh 108 s. columbus 673-1092 pastor: sammy Funderburg cHuRcH oF cHRist ChurCh of Christ 1806 N. buerkle 673-7082 Joe spangler, Min. south maiN ChurCh of Christ Keith bryant sr., Min. 603 N. Main 501-351-4278 Worship: sun, 10 am bible study: Wed, 6 pm Keith bryant sr., Min.

huNter’s Chapel uNiteD dr. ted. a. Edmondson, pastor


peNteCostal ChurCh of goD bobby Matthews, pastor 501-851-3777

loDge’s CorNer uNiteD methoDist Rev. Mary Welch 6003 Hwy 165 s. stuttgart ar 72160 870-830-5727

New bethel a.m.e. 201 E. 16th 673-4173 pastor thomas Gipson

CroCkett’s bluff missioNary baptist charles Jackson, Min.






first peNteCostal ChurCh of goD 1005 N. porter 870-834-1932 James cain, sr., pastor

suNNy siDe missioNary baptist ChurCh harvey broCk, pastor

aberDeeN first baptist Jimmy Hobbs, pastor

lively stoNe peNteCostal ChurCh 1204 N. Maple pastor alane allen ChurCh of Jesus Christ 223 N. Main James Walker, Min.

hagler baptist hagler baptist haZeN pENtEcostal

stuttgart holiNess assembly 1002 s. prairie 673-1844 andrew parker, pastor

first peNteCostal ChurCh of prairie of prairie CouNty 3201 Hwy 70 E. Joel Holmes, pastor



first presbyteriaN seventh & Maple 673-8454 Rev. tim Reeves



rowe’s Chapel baptist Rev. John Fulmer, pastor MEtHodist

the CeNter of hope miNistries 807 W. Washington st. stuttgart, aR 72160 Elder booker t. Wilson, pastor

uNiteD methoDist 9:30am each sunday paul Woolley, Min.

viCtory ChristiaN CeNter charismatic Fellowship 102 W. 2nd James l. staton, Min.

humNoke peNteCostal ChurCh of goD Hwy 165 & Jackson st. (501)275-3777 Rev. tim Waterman, pastor

bible believers’ house of faith Non-denominational 401 tannenbaum 870-659-0310 Elder steven Reed turNiNg poiNt Non-denominational 405 E Michigan ave 672-9086 Ernestine thomas, pastor viCtors’ empowermeNt Non-denominational 210 E. Michigan Rev. victor Johnson temple of goD miNistries Non-denominational 1708 s. porter Rev. James Henderson

liberty missioNary baptist Hwy. 33, 6 miles s of Roe Rev. Henry conner


humphrey assEMbly oF God bayou meto assembly of goD 1695 alcorn-Gill Rd. 873-4220 pastors: tyler & Jimmi owens baptist aNtioCh missioNary baptist Kevin Nobles, pastor

mt. Carmel m.b.C. 206 Mt. carmel lN Roe, ark. 241-1114 Rev. Earnest allen, pastor st. paul missioNary baptist Rev. Henry dabner, sr. roe MEtHodist uNiteD methoDist 241-3431 Joe Glover, pastor shiloah Methodist donna W. bennett, pastor slovak catHolic st. Cyril & methoDius 241-3359 ulm lutHERaN ZioN lutheraN ChurCh iN ulm Johnny Grahan, pastor [email protected] 870-241-3778 Hwy 79 wabbaseka MEtHodist wabbaseka uNiteD methoDist Highway 79 870-543-9858 thomas smithwick, pastor

CoriNth missioNary baptist 1097 Hwy 152 pastor John young

bayou meto

first missioNary baptist Rev. arthur Hughes, Jr.

bayou meto uNiteD methoDist Rev. Mary Welch


Fo r mor e i nForm ati on on how t o bec om e a sp onsor o F this i nForm ati ve c hu rc h d ire cto ry ple as e conta ct tim p owe l l at: tim @burc he ttm e di a. co m or c al l 910- 520- 8244

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love, and of a sound mind.