IGCSE Physics 0625/33. 1 hour 15 minutes am. AS History (NZ) 9671/1. 3 hours
pm. AS Classical Studies 9274/13. 1 hour 30 minutes. Wednesday 7 November.
CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMS AT AGS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2012 NB This is a draft version of the CIE October/November 2012 examination timetable. Dates and sessions ( AM and PM ) are final. Exam clashes have been identified. A schedule with details regarding exam clash arrangements will be included with the final timetable. The final timetable, including rooming schedules and exam clash arrangements, will be handed out to students & posted on the school website at the end of Term 3. DATE
Room schedules will be posted on the usual school notice-boards during the examination period. All students should bring their Statements of Entry slips and their Student ID cards to their examinations.