CIMA Timetable for November 2013 exam sittings - Aplus Training

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7 Aug 2013 ... CIMA Timetable for November 2013 exam sittings. Day/Date. Subject ... P1 Performance Operations Revision Day 1 of 4. Exe - LR3. 09:30.
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CIMA Timetable for November 2013 exam sittings Day/Date






E1 Enterprise Operations Revision Day 1 of 3 E1 Enterprise Operations Revision Day 2 of 3 E1 Enterprise Operations Revision Day 3 of 3

Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

P1 Performance Operations Revision Day 1 of 4 P1 Performance Operations Revision Day 2 of 4 P1 Performance Operations Revision Day 3 of 4 P1 Performance Operations Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

F1 Financial Operations Revision Day 1 of 4 F1 Financial Operations Revision Day 2 of 4 F1 Financial Operations Revision Day 3 of 4 F1 Financial Operations Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

E2 Enterprise Management Teaching Day 1 E2 Enterprise Management Teaching Day 2 E2 Enterprise Management Teaching Day 3 E2 Enterprise Management Revision Day 1 of 3 E2 Enterprise Management Revision Day 2 of 3 E2 Enterprise Management Revision Day 3 of 3

Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR1 Exe - LR1 Exe - LR1

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

P2 Performance Management Teaching Day 1 P2 Performance Management Teaching Day 2 P2 Performance Management Teaching Day 3 P2 Performance Management Teaching Day 4 P2 Performance Management Revision Day 1 of 4 P2 Performance Management Revision Day 2 of 4 P2 Performance Management Revision Day 3 of 4 P2 Performance Management Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

F2 Financial Management Teaching Day 1 F2 Financial Management Teaching Day 2 F2 Financial Management Teaching Day 3 F2 Financial Management Teaching Day 4 F2 Financial Management Revision Day 1 of 4 F2 Financial Management Revision Day 2 of 4 F2 Financial Management Revision Day 3 of 4 F2 Financial Management Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green

E3 Enterprise Strategy Teaching Day 1 E3 Enterprise Strategy Teaching Day 2 E3 Enterprise Strategy Teaching Day 3 E3 Enterprise Strategy Revision Day 1 of 3 E3 Enterprise Strategy Revision Day 2 of 3 E3 Enterprise Strategy Revision Day 3 of 3

Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

P3 Performance Stragegy Teaching Day 1 P3 Performance Stragegy Teaching Day 2 P3 Performance Stragegy Teaching Day 3 P3 Performance Stragegy Teaching Day 4 P3 Performance Stragegy Revision Day 1 of 4 P3 Performance Stragegy Revision Day 2 of 4 P3 Performance Stragegy Revision Day 3 of 4 P3 Performance Stragegy Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2 Exe - LR2

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens David Stephens

F3 Financial Strategy Teaching Day 1 F3 Financial Strategy Teaching Day 2 F3 Financial Strategy Teaching Day 3 F3 Financial Strategy Teaching Day 4 F3 Financial Strategy Revision Day 1 of 4 F3 Financial Strategy Revision Day 2 of 4 F3 Financial Strategy Revision Day 3 of 4 F3 Financial Strategy Revision Day 4 of 4

Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3 Exe - LR3

09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30

16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30

Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green Martin Green

Telephone : 01752 256610 Telephone : 01392 217730

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

E1 - Enterprise Operations Wed 23/10/2013 Thu 24/10/2013 Fri 25/10/2013

P1 - Performance Operations Tue 01/10/2013 Wed 02/10/2013 Thu 03/10/2013 Fri 04/10/2013

F1 - Financial Operations Tue 08/10/2013 Wed 09/10/2013 Thu 10/10/2013 Fri 11/10/2013

E2 - Enterprise Management Tue 13/08/2013 Wed 14/08/2013 Thu 15/08/2013 Mon 04/11/2013 Tue 05/11/2013 Wed 06/11/2013

P2 - Performance Management Tue 27/08/2013 Wed 28/08/2013 Thu 29/08/0013 Fri 30/08/2013 Tue 15/10/2013 Wed 16/10/2013 Thur 17/10/2013 Fri 18/10/2013

F2 - Financial Management Mon 02/09/2013 Tue 03/09/2013 Mon 09/09/0013 Tue 10/09/2013 Thu 10/10/2013 Fri 11/10/2013 Thu 07/11/2013 Fri 08/11/2013

E3 - Enterprise Strategy Wed 07/08/2013 Thu 08/08/2013 Fri 09/08/2013 Tue 29/10/2013 Wed 30/10/2013 Thu 31/10/2013

P3 - Performance Strategy Tue 03/09/2013 Wed 04/09/2013 Thu 05/09/2013 Fri 06/09/2013 Thu 07/11/2013 Fri 08/11/2013 Mon 11/11/2013 Tue 12/11/2013

F3 - Financial Strategy Thu 29/08/2013 Fri 30/08/2013 Thu 05/09/2013 Fri 06/09/2013 Mon 14/10/2013 Tue 15/10/2013 Wed 16/10/2013 Thu 17/10/2013

Tutors David Stephens Martin Green Updated: 09/04/2013