Apr 7, 2005 - (1) FOR INDIAN SAHAJA YOGIS. The Seminar expenses can be deposited through any of the Following Modes: 1.
“H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SAHAJA YOGA TRUST” (Regd. At New Delhi under Trust Act 1882 wide Regd. No. 2463 dated 07.04.2005)
INTERNATIONAL BIRTHDAY PUJA & SEMINAR AT CHHINDWARA, (Madhya Pradesh) - INDIA 19 TO 21 March 2018 "We have to think of all those today, who are away from us, thousands of miles, praying to God Almighty for their spiritual ascent. ...... You have to decide that we have to ascend spiritually within ourselves. Everything that you have to receive, all the blessings that God wants to shower upon you, to make you the citizens of great kingdom, where you are no more judged, you are no more chastised, you are no more put to any test, where you have to reside in Eternal life of God and His glory." H.H.Shree Mataji 21-03-1983 Sydney. "If money had brought every kind of happiness, you'd have found the world very much better. It's only the spiritual wealth that gives you that joy, for others and for yourself. So let us now decide to have our self knowledge, because this power of kundalini is of pure desire. All desire that you have are not pure. Today you want to buy a car. Once you have the car, you don't enjoy it, you want to have a house. It your desires were pure, you would have been satisfied, but you are never satisfied, because matter cannot give you satisfaction. So this is the pure desire we have within us: whether you know it or not." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 12-07-1994 at Paris 1|Page
It is nice that you are celebrating my birthday with such enthusiasm, and so much happiness. So nice to see all this, and I want you all to be my decorations! In the whole world they should see that you are my children and that you are of such great values and such great understanding. You are my children. I have really worked for you, in the sense that every moment of my life, I have thought of you: I wanted to work it out in such a beautiful manner that you become really good people, ideal people, special people, with understanding. So, that is the day you should feel that your birthday is being celebrated. When you have completely cleared out, you have become nirmal, absolutely pure personality of love – that’s the day is your birthday, and mine too! Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi., 21 March 2001
Invitation Our holy mother is calling all the children to celebrate her incarnation with the aim of well being and spiritual growth of the children. Therefore, come and let us jointly together celebrate the Birth Day Puja of our beloved divine mother at the holy birth place, Chhindwara. In the year 1923 on 21st March at 12 noon, The Adi Shakti, incarnated in Chhindwara in Central India. Overnight the soil of Chhindwara became pious and started receiving the Param Chaitnya through the touch of Her Holy Lotus Feet. Being the first place to receive the Param Chaitnya, Chindwara has become the most important peetha from where vibrations are constantly being emitted. During her last visit to Chhindwara for blessing the Birth Day Puja 2008, she blessed the Shiv Parvat, Linga. Shiv Parvat, a small place, where the availability of water was scanty, has now plentiful of vibrated water. The vibrations can be experienced by us in the Birth Place (shrine) or Linga Ashram. This Holy land now calls you to celebrate the 95th Birthday of The Adi Shakti.
With Her Divine Grace, the Indian collectivity, invites you to join us at Chhindwara (near Nagpur) in Madhya Pradesh, for celebrating this Great event. The celebration will enhance the divine vibrations and help to guide us and lead all the seekers in Sahaja to the ultimate Truth. With our Deepest Regards, Love and Respects,
Suresh Kapoor Executive Secretary HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust C-17 Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi-110016
PROGRAMME International Birthday Puja celebration and Seminar at Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh), India. 19th to 21st March 2018 Day 1 – 19th March 2018 (Monday) Morning Meditation
06:00 AM to 7:00 AM.
Breakfast & Tea
07:00 AM
Welcome Address
10:30 AM
to 1.30 PM
10:00 AM
Flower offering, Havan &Seminar Lunch
1:30 PM
to 3:30 PM
Chaitanya yatra in Chhindwara
3:30 PM to 6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Evening Session- Cultural programme
7:00 PM onwards
8:30 PM onwards Day 2 – 20th March 2018 (Tuesday)
Morning Meditation Breakfast & Tea Seminar – various sessions Lunch Seminar - various sessions Tea Break Cultural Program Dinner Cultural programme to continue after Dinner Birthday Celebration and Cake Cutting
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM 10.00 AM to 1.30 PM 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM 3:00 PM to 5.00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM onwards 8:30 PM onwards ----Midnight
Day3 – 21st March 2018 (Wednesday) Morning Meditation
06:00 AM to 7:00 AM
07:00 AM
09:30 AM
Palaki Procession & Birthday Pooja 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM onwards
Upto 10th Rs. 1600 March 2018 Post 10th Rs. 1700 March 2018 FOREIGNERS Upto 10th 60 $ March 2018 INDIANS
Yuva Shakti (From 12 Yrs. to 25 Yrs.) Rs. 1300
Childrens (From 6 Yrs. to 13 Yrs.) Rs. 1000
Rs. 1400
Rs. 1100
*** MODE OF PAYMENT FOR SEMINAR EXPENSES *** (1) FOR INDIAN SAHAJA YOGIS The Seminar expenses can be deposited through any of the Following Modes: 1. BY CASH: Maximum Rupees Fifty Thousand(Rs50,000/-) in CASH can be deposited in a Day Payable to , CBS branch of “CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA” Branch Linga (Branch Code 2129) Linga, Dist. Chhindwara (M.P).
Account Name: “SAHAJ YOGA MAHOTSAV, (LINGA) CHHINDWARA” Bank: CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA, Linga, Dist. Chhindwara. Account No : 3330806933 IFSC Code : CBIN0282129 BRANCH CODE: 2129
2. Through RTGS AND NEFT: Any amount of Money can be transferred through NEFT OR RTGS Services at the above mentioned account. After transfer, send the Annexure-1 to the Registration Committee Member. Mr. Jayesh Jain, Dhar (07389911193) And Mr. Lokesh Soni [Dhar] Mob: (09425047281] Email:
[email protected] for issuing Badges. 3. Seminar expenses can also be sent through Bank Draft in favour of “SAHAJ YOGA MAHOTSAV, CHHINDWARA” payable at Linga (Chhindwara). Please send the DD at the following addressCHHINDWARA ADDRESS“SAHAJ YOGA MAHOTSAV, CHHINDWARA”, H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust C/o Mr. Prashant Naidu, H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Ashram, Near Kotwali, Chhindwara (M.P) - 480001 Mobile 09424991815, Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] However, Payment by draft should be considered as the last option, if CBS branch is not available nearby, since it has been observed that some drafts get lost in transit or are received quite late, leading to inconvenience to the organizers. 4. Payment through Multi City cheques: MULTI CITY CTS 2010 APPROVED CHEQUES CAN BE ACCEPTED WITH COMPLETE DETAILS OF SENDER’S / NAME / MOBILE No etc (Till 10th March 2018) this information should be attached with the cheque.
Note: 1. All are requested to send complete information of Seminar Amount, Deposited in Bank or sent through Bank DD which should be filled up in the format as Annexure 1 (Attached) and mail the details at the following Email ID. “SAHAJ YOGA MAHOTSAV, CHHINDWARA”, H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust 6|Page
C/o Mr. Prashant Naidu, H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Ashram, Near Kotwali, Chhindwara (M.P) - 480001 Mobile 09424991815, Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] 2. For Seminar Amount deposited in groups, Puja Badges will be handed over to one person at one time only and not to individuals and for collection of badges, please bring the photocopy of the Bank deposit receipt / DD copy. 3. All Sahaja Yogis/Yoginis are requested to kindly send their Seminar Amount before 10th March 2018, so that proper arrangements can be made at Seminar and Puja site. 4. Children below six years will not be charged. 5. If any Sahaja Yoga centre is unable to transfer the money by 10th March, they should nevertheless, at least intimate the numbers of Sahaja Yogis attending the Seminar to the Registration Committee Members:Mr. Jayesh Jain, [Dhar] Mob: (07389911193) Email:
[email protected] And Mr. Lokesh Soni [Dhar] Mob: (09425047281] and a copy to National Trust at the following Email Id’s:
[email protected] or
[email protected] for information by 10th March 2018. (II)
********MODE OF PAYMENTS FOR FOREIGNERS******* 1. Foreign SY’s can transfer the ‘Seminar Expenses’ from their respective Countries to the FCRA Account of the National Trust up to 10th March 2018. Details of FCRA account of National Trust is given below:2. FCRA ACCOUNT Account Name: “H.H.SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SAHAJA YOGA TRUST” FCRA ACCOUNT No: 015010100344098 BANK: AXIS BANK LTD. K-12, GREEN PARK MAIN NEW DELHI – 110016. INDIA. 7|Page
SWIFT CODE: AXISINBB015 IFSC CODE: UTIB 0000015 3. After 10th March 2018, Foreign SYs may deposit Seminar Expenses at the Seminar Site (Linga, Chhindwara) in Indian Rupees. 4. A Counter for the conversion of Foreign Exchange in Indian Rupees is being arranged at Linga, Chhindwara. 5. Foreign SYs should intimate their Seminar money transferred in the FCRA Acct. at the following Email Ids: Mr. Jayesh Jain [Dhar] Mob: (07389911193) Email:
[email protected] And Mr. Lokesh Soni [Dhar] Mob: (09425047281] and a copy to National Trust at the following Email Id’s:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
NOTE: ALL FOREIGN SYs are requested to bring the photocopy of their PASSPORTS along with them.
CONTACTS FOR QUERIES & HELP ********************************* In charge Transport Committee At Chhindwara Sh. Neeraj Lavale Mob (09424734666) Email:
[email protected] At Nagpur Sh. Surendra Chaurasia,[Nagpur] Mob: 08888477788 Sh. Nandkishor Ganorkar [Nagpur] Mob: 09822221885 Sh. Pravin Bharti [Nagpur] Mob: 09422458569 Sh. Dhananjay Kharatkar Mob: 08308060006 for Shrine[Birth Place] visit from Linga Sh. K.S.Kapoor [Chandrapur] Mob: 09422136691 In charge of Accommodation & Registration at seminar site Sh. Jayesh Jain, Dhar (07389911193) Sh. Lokesh Soni, Dhar (09425047281)
In charge of Accommodation outside seminar site (Hotels) Sh. Naresh Thatere [Chhindwara] Mob: 09406734447 Email:
[email protected] Sh. Bhushan Sirpurkar [Chhindwara] Mob: 09425146963 Email:
[email protected]
Governing Body For International Puja ********************************** National Trust Sh. Dinesh Rai, Mob: 09818433622, Email:
[email protected] Sh. Suresh Kapoor, Mob: 09811181255, Email:
[email protected] Sh. H.P.Chowdhary, Mob: 09818685218, Email:
[email protected] Sh. Anil Joshi, Mob: 09893690160, Email:
[email protected] From States Sh. Mahendra Vyas (Ratlam) M.P, Mob: (09425103122, 07000191411) Sh. Ramdas Jadhav (Nashik) Maharashtra, Mob: (09422249574) Ms. Sonali Bhattacharya (Bilaspur) Chhattisgarh, Mob: (09893333081) Sh. Prashant Naidu (Chhindwara) Madhya Pradesh, Mob: (09424991815) Local Committee Members Sh. Ajay Choubey Sh. Rajeev Gyani Sh. Rajendra Rinwa Sh. Vivek Jhawar Sh.Vijay Singh Patel Sh. Virendra Bajpai Sh. Sunil Singh- Coordinator Sh. Pradip Lokhande Smt. Swati Ingale Sh. Mahendra Srivastava Sh. C.B.Rai Sh. Premchand Gupta
- (Bhopal) - (Raipur) - (Shajapur) - (Indore) - (Chhindwara) - (Chhindwara) - (Chhindwara) - (Chandrapur) - (Nagpur) - (Jabalpur) - (Gwalior) - (Ujjain)
- (09425373059) - (09425503742) - (09826400267) - (09425006192) - (09039833800) - (09425146024) - (09516694213) - (09421725464) - (09763248556) - (09300101330) - (09229238817) - (09926720624)
General information : Chhindwara ******************************** Chhindwara District ranks 1st in area (11,815 km².) in Madhya Pradesh State and occupies 3.85% of the area of the state. Chhindwara district was formed on 1 November 1956. It is located on the South-West region of 'Satpura Range of Mountains'. It is spread from 21.28 to 22.49 Deg. North (longitude) and 78.40 to 79.24 Deg. East (latitude) and spread over an area of 11,815 km². This district is bound by the plains of Nagpur District (in Maharashtra State) on the South, Hoshangabad and Narsinghpur Districts on the North, Betul District on the West and Seoni Districts on the East. Chhindwara has a subtropical climate. Like most of north India it has a hot dry summer (April–June) followed by monsoon rains (July– September) and a cool and relatively dry winter. Average annual rainfall is 1,183 mm. Minimum temperature during winter is 4 to 6 degree Celsius while maximum temperature during summer is 38 to 42 degree Celsius. By Air: The nearest airport is at Nagpur and a number of flights are available between Nagpur and the other major airports of India. PLEASE CONFIRM THE FLIGHTS AND THEIR TIMIMGS AS THEY MAY CHANGE. Chhindwara can also be accessed via Bhopal/Jabalpur. Bhopal is well connected by air with other major cities of India. After reaching Nagpur/Bhopal/Jabalpur one can reach Chhindwara by road or by rail route.
The train from Nagpur takes around 6 hours (13:00, 16:00 & 22:30 departures, all with Sleeper Class), however it's a meter gauge line and is not very comfortable. There are bus Services at every hour from Nagpur to Chhindwara, and it takes just around 3 hours.
By Rail: From Bhopal/Jabalpur broad gauge trains are available to Chhindwara. After reaching Nagpur by broad gauge, since only meter gauge trains are available between Nagpur and Chhindwara, one will have to make the change of trains. Nearest station on broad guage track is Multai on Itarsi- Nagpur Railway track. From Multai we have to catch SH26 & take left when SH26 meets SH19 and in 10-20 minutes from here you'll reach Chhindwara. By Road: Chhindwara can be approached by road from Nagpur (distance 127 kms.), Jabalpur (distance 197 kms.) or Bhopal (distance 278 kms.). Taxis and buses are readily available from these cities to Chhindwara.
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Note : 1. Buses and other transport facilities can be arranged on advance intimation by 10th March 2018 in writing to the transport committee. Kindly give your Flight Details /Train No. etc, for pick up and drop. Send your mail to respective transport committee members.
PLEASE NOTE THAT (1) Transportation facilities (2) Detail of Hotel Accommodation at Chhindwara shall be communicated shortly.
Anil Joshi Trustee, M.P Mob: 9893690160 Email:
[email protected]
Mahendra Vyas State Coordinator, M.P Mob: 9425103122, 7000191411 Email:
[email protected]
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