Circularly polarized light detection by a chiral organic ... - Nature

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Jul 21, 2013 - organic semiconductor transistor. Ying Yang1,2, Rosenildo Correa da Costa2, Matthew J. Fuchter2* and Alasdair J. Campbell1,3*. Circularly ...

Circularly polarized light detection by a chiral organic semiconductor transistor Ying Yang1,2, Rosenildo Correa da Costa2, Matthew J. Fuchter2 * and Alasdair J. Campbell1,3 * Circularly polarized light is central to many photonic technologies, including circularly polarized ellipsometry-based tomography1,2, optical communication of spin information3 and quantum-based optical computing and information processing4,5. To develop these technologies to their full potential requires the realization of miniature, integrated devices that are capable of detecting the chirality or ‘handedness’ of circularly polarized light. Organic field-effect transistors, in which the active semiconducting layer is an organic material, allow the simple fabrication of ultrathin, compact devices6–8. Here we demonstrate a circularly polarized light-detecting organic field-effect transistor based on an asymmetrically pure, helically shaped chiral semiconducting molecule known as a helicene9. Importantly, we find a highly specific photoresponse to circularly polarized light, which is directly related to the handedness of the helicene molecule. We believe that this opens up the possibility for the detection of the chirality of circularly polarized light in a highly integrated photonic platform. Organic semiconductors can be used in a range of different optoelectronic devices, including organic light-emitting transistors10, photodiodes11 and phototransistors12–14. One key advantage of such materials is the ability to tune factors such as the optical energy gap and the energy of the electron and hole transport levels using chemical synthesis6–8,15. Also, the physical shape of the conjugated semiconducting electronic system can be varied, generating such forms as rectangular and disc-like small molecules, extended one-dimensional polymers and spherical fullerenes. The impact of physical shape can be seen in the emission properties of aligned semiconducting polymers, where the alignment of the optical dipole moment with the physical backbone allows the creation of linearly polarized organic light-emitting diodes16. With the growing interest in chiral photonics in applications such as quantum optics and optical spintronics, we reasoned that it should be possible to create a device, from an organic semiconductor with a helically shaped conjugated electronic system, which could couple directly to helically shaped light. If so, such a device would have an intrinsically chiral response, with a right-handed helical molecule responding to right-handed circularly polarized photons, and a left-handed molecule to left-handed circularly polarized photons. The helicenes are conjugated molecular semiconductors constructed from ortho-fused aromatic rings, where the inability for conjoined rings to occupy the same plane results in an intrinsically helical shape9,17. Consequently, helicenes are found in both righthanded and left-handed chiral (so-called enantiomeric) forms (Fig. 1a). This helically chiral architecture, coupled with their fully conjugated structure, endows these molecules with strong chiroptical properties, including high optical rotatory power and strong circular dichroism. Furthermore, it has been reported that certain

helicenes can self-assemble into homochiral supramolecular columns, which subsequently pack together to form large crystalline structures in both concentrated solutions and thin films18–20. This supramolecular aggregation gives directionality and alignment to the helical electronic system, and can result in a dramatic increase in its chiroptical response20 and strong enhancement of its nonlinear optical properties21. Furthermore, such a propensity to crystallize makes the helicences attractive as materials for phototransistors, where such molecular ordering should maximize both charge separation and charge transport. Helicenes, however, remain remarkably unexplored in solid-state optoelectronic devices. There is one report of their use in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs)22, but this did not exploit the chirality of the helicenes; instead, they were used in a 50:50 mixture of both left- and right-handed enantiomeric forms (this 50:50 mixture is called a racemic mixture). Not only should the use of single-handed, enantiomerically pure helicenes lead to efficient homochiral self-assembly and crystallization21,23, but it should also render the resultant devices ideal as candidates for circularly polarized light-sensitive applications24. We elected to use the enantiomerically pure 1-aza[6]helicene (Fig. 1a) in circularly polarized detecting OFETs, because it can be readily synthetically assembled and separated into its rightand left-handed enantiomeric forms25. We also note that it is chemically distinct from the tetrathia-[7]-helicene used in the single previous racemic helicene OFET study22. Unlike many small molecules used in OFETs, 1-aza[6]helicene has good solubility in most organic solvents and is therefore compatible with simple fabrication techniques such as spin-coating, drop-casting and largescale printing. Annealing at low temperature results in crystalline domains up to a few hundreds of nanometres in width, several hundred nanometres high, and uniformly distributed across a surface (Fig. 2a). Molecular coverage at the surface ensures efficient in-plane charge transport between domains. This is distinct from the racemic tetrathia-[7]-helicene, which formed a nanofibular morphology22, providing poor charge transport properties and non-aligned helical directionality. To examine the chiroptical response of our enantiomerically pure thin films, we carried out circular dichroism measurements (Fig. 2b). The annealed (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene films show a strong, equal and opposite response. This demonstrates the strong dependence of the optical absorption of each enantiomer on the handedness of chiral light. The film circular dichroism spectra are also redshifted compared to those in solution (Supplementary Fig. S1) due to packing effects in the solid state. Right-handed (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene and left-handed (2)-1aza[6]helicene were then used as the semiconducting layer in bottom-gate, bottom-contact OFETs (Fig. 1b). The output curves of a (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene OFET are shown in Fig. 3a. This


Department of Physics, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK, 2 Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK, 3 Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK. * e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 634


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DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.176


Side view

0 (μm)





259.5 (nm) 220.0 200.0


180.0 160.0 140.0


Top view

120.0 100.0 80.0




Mirror plane



20.0 0.0

1-Aza[6]helicene σ−


Right-handed (P or +)


150 (+)-1-aza[6]helicene (−)-1-aza[6]helicene




Helicene layer

Circular dichroism (mdeg)

Left-handed (M or −)


50 0 −50 −100

Dielectric Gate

−150 200

Figure 1 | Molecular structure and device architecture of the circularly polarized light-detecting helicene OFETs. a, Molecular structure of the two helically chiral forms of the organic semiconductor 1-aza[6]helicene, where (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene is the right-handed (P or þ) enantiomeric form and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene is the left-handed (M or 2) enantiomeric form. b, Bottom-gate, bottom-contact circularly polarized light-detecting OFET in which the active organic semiconductor material is either (þ)-1aza[6]helicene or (2)-1-aza[6]helicene. OFETs with a (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene semiconductor layer show a response to right-handed (sþ) but not lefthanded (s2) circularly polarized light, and OFETs with a (2)-1aza[6]helicene semiconductor layer show a response to left-handed (s2) but not right-handed (sþ) circularly polarized light.

particular helicene is a hole-transporting material and produces well-behaved OFET characteristics, comprising a linear region and a saturation region. The transfer characteristics shown in Fig. 3b indicate a turn-on voltage of 210 V, a low off current in the region of 1 × 10210 A, a high on/off ratio of 1 × 103 and a mobility of 1 × 1024 cm2 V21 s21. We note that the mobility is three orders of magnitude higher than the value reported for the racemic tetrathia-[7]-helicene OFET22. Also shown in Fig. 3b are the transfer characteristics of an as-spin-coated fresh device before annealing, clearly showing how the charge carrier mobility improves upon formation of the crystal domains in Fig. 2a. As expected, the fabricated OFET devices exhibit similar output and transfer characteristics regardless of which enantiomer of the 1-aza[6]helicene is used (Supplementary Fig. S2). To explore the circularly polarized light responsivity of the enantiomerically pure transistors, the responses of annealed (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene OFETs to circularly polarized illumination were studied. To ensure sufficient absorption by the 1-aza[6]helicene films, emission from an ultraviolet lamp at


400 500 Wavelength (nm)



Figure 2 | Physical morphology and circular dichroism spectra of helicene thin films. a, Atomic force microscopy image of an annealed (þ)-1aza[6]helicene thin film on a silica substrate. b, Circular dichroism spectra of annealed (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene thin films on silica substrates.

365 nm was chosen (to correspond to the circular dichroism maximum, see Fig. 2b), which led to the generation of 10 mW cm22 circularly polarized illumination using a linear polarizer and a quarter-wave plate. It can be estimated from the absolute absorption spectrum (Supplementary Fig. S3) that 90% of incident photons are absorbed. The transfer characteristics before and during exposure to left- and right-handed circularly polarized illumination are shown in Fig. 4a,b for typical OFETs. Device reproducibility was very good, with error bars indicating the results for four different devices with each enantiomer. The off current of our (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene OFET was increased by an order of magnitude from 1 × 10210 A to 1 × 1029 A when it was exposed to 10 mW cm22 right-handed circularly polarized illumination (Fig. 4a). Illumination with circularly polarized light of the opposite handedness caused no obvious change in the off current. An equal but opposite effect was observed for the (2)-1-aza[6]helicene OFET, with left-handed circularly polarized illumination giving an order of magnitude increase in off current, but right-handed circularly polarized light having no discernable effect (Fig. 4b). The slightly better response of the OFET in Fig. 4b at higher gate voltages compared to that in Fig. 4a is due to the lower dark current in the former; this is most probably due to the device-to-device variations in transistor performance that occur in polycrystalline OFETs. For both (þ)- and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene OFETs, other


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LETTERS 1.0 × 10−6

ID (A)

8.0 × 10−7 6.0 ×


4.0 × 10−7

DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.176


0 −10 −20 −30 −40 −50 −60 −70 −80

1.2 × 10−6

(+)-1-aza[6]helicene Left Right No exposure

1 × 10−6

1 × 10−7 ID (A)



σ+ 1 × 10−8

2.0 × 10−7 1 × 10−9 0.0 0





−40 −50 VD (V)



−80 1 × 10−10

1 × 10−6 1 × 10−7








VG (V)


(−)-1-aza[6]helicene Left Right No exposure

1 × 10−6

1 × 10−8 0.0005

1 × 10−9

½ ID (A½)

ID (A)


Fresh Annealed

1 × 10−7

10−4 cm2 V−1s−1

ID (A)

1 × 10−10 10−11

3 × 10−5 cm2 V−1s−1 0






1 × 10−8

1 × 10−9

VG (V) 1 × 10−10

Figure 3 | Device characteristics (in the dark) of a helicene OFET. a, Output characteristics (variation of drain current ID with drain voltage VD at constant gate voltage VG). b, Transfer characteristics (variation of drain current ID with gate voltage VG at constant drain voltage VD) of a (þ)-1aza[6]helicene OFET. Transfer characteristics (recorded at VD ¼ 260 V) are shown for an as-prepared fresh (red squares) and annealed (black squares) (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene semiconductor layer. Numerical values indicate the transistor mobility m. The output characteristics are shown for an annealed layer at VG values between 0 and 280 V. The output and transfer characteristics of a (2)-1-aza[6]helicene OFET are essentially identical (Supplementary Fig. S2).

device parameters, such as the on current, threshold voltage and mobility, remained constant regardless of the chirality of the light used. The corresponding output curves of these two OFETs, under the handedness of circularly polarized illumination to which they were responsive, preserved good transistor behaviour under illumination conditions (Supplementary Fig. S4). Importantly, the off current in both (þ)-1-aza[6]helicene and (2)-1-aza[6]helicene devices was restored to 1 × 10210 A when circularly polarized illumination was removed. The fact that the handedness of the helicene controls the handedness of circularly polarized light to which the OFET responds confirms that the chirality of the helicene is central to the effect. To further certify this fact, a preliminary comparison study was performed on a 1-aza[6]helicene OFET fabricated from racemic material. The racemic helicene OFET showed an increase in the off current to both left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized illumination and hence no selective circularly polarized response (Supplementary Fig. S5). The change in the off current with circularly polarized illumination of the correct handedness can be attributed to excitons formed on helicene molecules close to the transistor channel26 by the absorption of circularly polarized photons. Those excitons that dissociate into holes and electrons give rise to a photogenerated leakage current between the biased source and drain electrodes. The fact that transistors constructed from the enantiomerically pure helicene are 636



−40 VG (V)

Figure 4 | Response of helicene OFETs to circularly polarized light. a,b, Variation in the transfer characteristics of (þ)-1-aza-[6]helicene (a) and (2)-1-aza-[6]helicene (b) OFETs upon exposure to left-handed (black squares) and right-handed (blue circles) circularly polarized illumination. The intensity of the circularly polarized illumination was 10 mW cm22 at 365 nm. Helicene semiconductor layers were annealed, and the OFET transfer characteristics (variation of OFET drain current ID with gate voltage VG at constant drain voltage VD) were recorded at VD ¼ 260 V. The characteristics in the absence of circularly polarized illumination (red triangles) are also shown as a reference. Error bars indicate +1 s.d. of the average response of four different enantiomeric OFETs. Insets: molecular structure of the enantiomer forming the active layer ((þ)-1-aza-[6]helicene or (2)-1-aza-[6]helicene) and the sign of circularly polarized light (righthanded (sþ) or left-handed (s2)) to which the OFETs respond.

circular polarization-selective can be related to their chiroptical response, as indicated by the circular dichroism spectra of the bulk film on glass (Fig. 2b). The strong circularly polarized selectivity of the transistor photocurrent (Fig. 4a,b) indicates that the helicene molecules in the channel region have an enhanced chiroptical-selective photogeneration efficiency. The illumination intensity and time-dependent circularly polarized photoresponse of the OFETs were also investigated. The steadystate photocurrent was found to saturate at intensity levels of 5 mW cm22 (Supplementary Fig. S6). This type of saturation is typical of other phototransistors12. The time-dependent photoresponse (Fig. 5) was very good, with a fast rise time of 2.6 ms. The rise time is close to the theoretical fastest response time of these OFETs of 1 ms (calculated from the carrier transit time across the channel L 2/mVD , where L, m and VD are channel length, mobility and drain voltage, respectively). It is slightly longer because of additional factors such as the contact-gate capacitance charging NATURE PHOTONICS | VOL 7 | AUGUST 2013 |

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Ultraviolet intensity (mW cm−2)

a 10 8 6 4 2 0 0


DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.176




t (ms)

applications of single enantiomer helicenes in circularly polarized light-detecting organic semiconductor devices. Patterning techniques available for solution-processable organic semiconductors, such as high-resolution ink-jet printing, should allow the creation of arrays of micrometre-scale circularly polarized light-sensitive devices, as well as integration with CMOS electronics28. The downscaling of device dimensions via nanolevel imprinting and other methods should also allow the creation of nanometre-sized transistors, and ultimately single-molecule devices29. The advantage of the transistor architecture also allows the circularly polarized photoFET to be used as part of a circuit, for example, as the p-type component of a complementary inverter or ring oscillator, increasing sensitivity by modulating a much larger d.c. or a.c. signal. Such devices should have a significant impact across chiral photonics.


b 4.0 × 10−9

ID (A)

3.0 × 1 0−9

2.0 × 10−9

1.0 × 10−9

0 0




t (ms)

Figure 5 | Photoresponse of a helicene OFET to time-varying circularly polarized illumination. a, Variation of illumination intensity with time t of right-handed circularly polarized light (sþ) at a wavelength of 365 nm. b, Change in drain current ID of an annealed (þ)-1-aza-[6]helicene OFET in response to this circularly polarized illumination. ID was measured at a constant drain and gate bias of VD ¼ 260 V and VG ¼ 210 V, respectively.

time. The longer photoresponse decay time of 6.2 ms is indicative of the emptying of charge traps; such traps, common at the grain boundaries in polycrystalline OFETs, can be seen in the shape of the transfer characteristics (Fig. 3b), and would also explain the observed steady-state photocurrent saturation. The quantum efficiency of these very first, proof-of-concept, circularly polarized detecting OFETs was 0.1%, similar to that reported previously for (non-circularly polarized responsive) organic phototransistors13 with a similar mobility. The efficiency could be increased in the future by increasing the charge carrier mobility, and hence the charge extraction efficiency, via chemical synthesis6–8,15. Additionally, variation of the helicene chemical structure should allow the absorption band to be tuned to longer wavelengths, as demonstrated for benzothiophene-helicenes (absorption edge of 600 nm)27 and squarilium small molecules (absorption edge of 1.2 mm)13, for circularly polarized detection across the visible into the infrared. Helicenes that form larger crystalline domains (better coverage, less trapping) and are ambient-stable are additional future targets. In summary, using enantiomerically pure 1-aza[6]helicene, the first circularly polarized responsive photo-FETs based on a chiral organic semiconductor have been demonstrated successfully. The off current was found to undergo a rapid, fully reversible change by an order of magnitude when the enantiomeric helicene photoFETs were exposed to chiral light of the correct handedness. The intrinsic self-crystallization of helicene thin films allows for device optimization via crystalline domain formation. This proof-ofconcept chiral phototransistor opens up a wide range of potential

1-Aza[6]helicene25 was prepared as previously reported, and separated using preparative chiral high-performance liquid chromatography. Helicene racemic and enantiomeric OFETs were fabricated by spin-coating a 150 nm layer onto prepatterned SiO2/Si wafer substrates (insulating layer thickness, 230 nm) from a 15 mg ml21 solution in toluene to form a bottom-gate, bottom-contact device. The surface of the wafer was treated with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS, Sigma Aldrich) through vapour deposition, and the gold source and drain electrodes were treated with a pentafluorobenzene thiol SAM (PFBT, Sigma Aldrich) to reduce the contact resistance. Annealing conditions were 110 8C for 30 min under nitrogen. OFET channel lengths L and widths W were 10 mm and 1 cm, respectively. The output and transfer characteristics were recorded by an Agilent 4156C semiconductor parameter analyser. Mobility m and threshold voltage VT were extracted from the saturation regime transfer characteristics at VD ¼ 260 V using ID ¼ m(CiW/2L)(VG2VT)2, where VD , VG , ID and Ci are the drain voltage, gate voltage, drain current and insulator capacitance per unit area, respectively (Supplementary Fig. S7)7,12. Atomic force microscopy was performed on silica substrates in tapping mode (Veeco Multimode). Circularly polarized illumination (10 mW cm22) was generated from an ultraviolet lamp (Honle UV Technology; UV head 250) through a ultraviolet linear polarizer and quarter-wave plate (Comar Optics). Transfer characteristics under illumination were recorded using the experimental sequence of dark, matched circularly polarized light, mismatched circularly polarized light, and then dark. Time-dependent modulation was carried out with a Stanford Research Systems SR540 optical chopper. The OFETs were unstable under ambient operation, and measurements were conducted in a nitrogen-filled glovebox.

Received 7 December 2013; accepted 4 June 2013; published online 21 July 2013

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Acknowledgements The authors thank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for a Bright Ideas Award (grant EP/I014535/1 to M.J.F.) and the Leverhulme Trust (grant F/07058/BG) for funding this work.

Author contributions Y.Y. carried out thin film and device fabrication, transistor and phototransistor characterization, and morphological and spectroscopic studies. R.C.d.C. carried out the helicene synthetic preparation. A.J.C. and M.J.F. devised and supervised the study. M.J.F. obtained funding. Y.Y., A.J.C. and M.J.F. wrote the paper.

Additional information Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. Reprints and permissions information is available online at Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.J.F. and A.J.C.

Competing financial interests The authors declare no competing financial interests.


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