CISA Exam Review Course June 2011 - ISACA - CHENNAI CHAPTER

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June 2011. Chennai Chapter. The Chennai Chapter of ISACA, USA, organises CISA Exam Review Courses, twice every year. The Review Course helps the ...
CISA Exam Review Course June 2011 Chennai Chapter The Chennai Chapter of ISACA, USA, organises CISA Exam Review Courses, twice every year. The Review Course helps the participants in supplementing their study program followed by the CISA Candidates through organizing review classes, special lectures, case studies and mock examinations. Faculty are all Certified CISAs with years of hands on experience in Information Systems Security, Audit, Control and IT Governance. Schedule: Regular Course: Held every Sunday 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM for about 16 weeks. Besides Practise Tests during the course, separate full fledged mock examination would be held at the end of the course. New batch Commences on January 23, 2011 (Sunday) Delivery Method: Review classes, special lectures and case studies. Practise Tests and Mock examination spread over the course duration would help candidates in self evaluation and adjusting their study program. Review sessions and lectures are facilitated by certified CISA volunteers, with relevant industry experience. Background material and handouts, if any, given by facilitators would be provided to the candidates. Registration: Course Fee: Rs.7000 for Non members and Rs.6,000 for members. Registration for the review courses for June 2011 exam is in progress. Interested candidates may register by paying the course fee at the address given below. Payments by Cheque/DD only, favouring ISACA,Chennai. Admission to the course is on first-come first-served basis. Seats limited to first 50 members. Contact: Sri. Kulasekaran, (Between 14 hrs and 19 hrs on all days except Tuesday) ISACA 15, Ground Floor LUZ GOLDEN ENCLAVE COMPLEX, TNHB COMPLEX (Next to Kamadhenu Theatre) 180/4, Luz Church Road Mylapore, Chennai Ph: 24984331 .

Registration Form – CISA June 2011 Fill in the information below in block letters: Name:______________________________________________________ Designation:__________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________________________ Company Phone:______________ E-Mail Address:___________________ Address for Communication:______________________________________

City:_________________ State:_______________ PIN:___________

Registration Fee: Please Tick Membership No.

ISACA Member: Rs.6000 Non Member: Rs.7000 Mode of Payment: Cheque/DD No.______________ Bank:________________ Branch:_________________ All cheques and DDs to be drawn favouring “ISACA Chennai”, payable at par at Chennai. PS: All communication from ISACA would be by electronic mail only. For internal use: Ref.No.________________Date______________ ISACA Official__________