Citadel Press Backlist - Kensington Books

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May 2, 2006 ... expert Dr. Haha Lung presents step-by-step instructions and ... HAHA LUNG is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts including.
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John Meyer An intimate portrait chronicling the last months of Judy Garland’s life by one of the men who knew her best

Includes BONUS CD!

old in moving diary entries written by Judy Garland’s then-lover John Meyer, Heartbreaker documents two months in the last year of the troubled singer’s life. Struggling with alcohol and drug addiction, a flailing career and personal demons that just wouldn’t die, when Garland met Meyer she was a long way from the wistful girl looking over the rainbow. This compassionate diary paints a candid portrait of a legendary entertainer whose talent flickered in the shadow of Ritalin, vodka, and a self-destructive impulse; and of the man who loved her in spite of her flaws.


Heartbreaker explores Garland’s marriage to MGM director Vincente Minnelli and her relationship with her children, her manipulative agent David Begelman, and arrogant co-star Mickey Rooney, each with a part to play in Garland’s downward spiral. John Meyer’s touching, yet brutally honest story is both a love letter and a eulogy to what once was and what could have been. Building on the success of bestsellers about Judy Garland, such as Gerald Clarke’s Get Happy and Lorna Luft’s Me and My Shadows, this new edition of Heartbreaker is sure to become a must-read. The new edition of Heartbreaker includes: • Bonus CD—A never released and rarely heard rehearsal recording of Garland singing and sharing intimate conversation with Meyer at the piano • Sixteen pages of rarely-seen black and white photos which were not included in the original edition JOHN MEYER is a New York musical theater writer, novelist and talented pianist. Eartha Kitt, Margaret Whiting, and Shirley Bassey have performed his music. His most famous song, “I’d Like to Hate Myself in the Morning,” was introduced by Judy Garland. He lives in Manhattan. Visit his website at


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

Marketing: • National print media • Radio station on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on, and on Judy Garland fan sites

Category: Biography 0-8065-2754-4 EAN: 978080652754352495 $24.95 (CAN $34.95) Pages: 336, 16 pages B&W photos Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 28 Rights: World Author Residence: New York Publishing History: Heartbreaker, 1983 (Doubleday)

SMOTHERED SOUTHERN FOODS Wilbert Jones The world’s first cookbook on a southern cuisine classic!

“Wilbert has taught us to appreciate and connect to those foods that bring us comfort and are just darn good!”—Art Smith


ith more than one hundred sumptuous recipes for smothered Southern foods— a staple in Southern cuisine—Smothered Southern Foods is destined to become a modern classic. In addition to recipes spanning from fish and shellfish to poultry and meats, from vegetables and side dishes to sauces and desserts, Wilbert Jones, author of the wildly popular New Soul Food Cookbook, includes classic Southern entertaining tips, anecdotes about his own childhood in the South, and photos of family and culinary friends such as Julia Child and Jamie Oliver—giving this cookbook the spirit of a family heirloom, one that will be treasured for generations.

Marketing: • National print and broadcast media • Radio station on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on and outreach to Southern cooking websites


Category: Cooking 0-8065-2745-5 EAN: 978080652745151495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 160 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 56 Rights: World Author Residence: Chicago, Illinois

• Foreword by Art Smith • Guide to wine pairings • Restaurant guide • Conversion charts • Shopping guides and more “I am from the south and came from a family of great cooks and I must say, Mr. Jones has done an awesome job with this book. You can be sure that whatever recipe you prepare from this book, you will love. The recipes are traditional classic southern fare. Yum!” —Charlotte Lyons, Food Editor, Ebony Magazine


The New Soul Food Cookbook 0-8065-2694-7, 7/05

“Wilbert Jones is the pied piper for keeping soul food in the forefront of the culinary industry and on the kitchen table. This book will introduce food lovers to good Southern-inspired foods. Jones continues to be the master at creating dishes to excite your taste buds. Delicious!”—Donna Hodge, Food Editor, N'DIGO Magapaper “Smothered southern cooking is true comfort food, a balm against a cold world. Thank God Wilbert is keeping this tradition alive with finger-licking meals for a new generation of soul food lovers.”—Retha Hill, vice president of content,

WILBERT JONES attended the École de Gastronomique Française Ritz-Escoffier in Paris and was a food scientist for Kraft General Foods. He is the president of Healthy Concepts, Inc., a food and beverage product and recipe development company founded in 1993. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

A Lyle Stuart Book

THE MOST POWERFUL BLACKJACK MANUAL Jay Moore “The perfect ‘how-to’ manual for aspiring blackjack players.” —Midwest Book Review

aking a conservative and clear approach that is ideal for beginners, The Most Powerful Blackjack Manual lays out the basic game strategy for players, offering real insight into the mental game—particularly the winning combination of analytical thinking, self-discipline, and cool decision-making that often eludes beginners. Author Jay Moore’s proven “Delayed and Up” method (a timed betting technique that ensures a profit, even with a losing hand), as well as detailed analysis of more than 20,000 actual casino hands, will give players an immediate edge at the table, without counting cards!


Helps beginners significantly increase their chances of winning by teaching them to: • Recognize how and when they have the advantage over the dealer • Determine the best ways to manage rules variations • Control their expectations, themselves and the game JAY MOORE is an accomplished math teacher and architect who has played winning blackjack for more than twenty-five years. He lives in Toronto.


MAY 2006 Lyle Stuart Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Internet marketing on and on blackjack and gambling sites

Category: Gambling/Instruction 0-8184-0658-5 EAN: 978081840658451295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 288, charts and tables throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 60 Rights: World Author Residence: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Publishing History: The Most Powerful Blackjack Manual (PlainSmart), 1412031168, 6/04


Ronald Rosen, DVM and Francine Hornberger A fun and interactive guide packed with the most up-to-date feline facts for cat lovers and owners


o You Think You Know About Cats? is a hands-on, comprehensive guide to the care and maintenance of cats, presented in fun interactive quizzes and informative answer keys. With a resource section listing everything from adoption centers to mail-order supply sources and grief counseling services for those who have lost their beloved pets, So You Think You Know About Cats? is a must-have for any cat lover’s library.

Marketing: • National print media • Internet marketing on and cat and pet owner and adoption sites

Includes valuable information on:

Category: Non-Fiction/Pets 0-8065-2749-8 EAN: 978080652749951495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 240, 8-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 48 Rights: World Author Residences: Queens, New York

• Cat-proofing the home • Choosing the perfect vet • Caring for a sick cat • Correcting bad habits • Cat obesity; and much, much more! RONALD ROSEN, DVM, is co-owner of the North Shore Animal Hospital and the South Bellmore Veterinary Group. He lives on Long Island, New York with his wife, children, and five cats. FRANCINE HORNBERGER is the author of nearly twenty books. She and her husband live in Bayside, Queens, with their giant Maine coon, Fluffy, and onyx-black shorthair, Josie.


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


George Hayduke A quirky tongue-in-cheek guide to revenge techniques from petty peeves to full-on vengeance

or anyone who has ever been wronged, Don’t Get Mad, Get Even offers a myriad of funny and sometimes freaky ways to right the wrongs, slights, injustices, injuries and insults found in everyday life. Creative as they are effective, these payback plans cover mail, banks, corporations, restaurants, neighbors, employers, sweethearts, and much more. Perfect as a gift for dads or grads or anyone with a grudge to bear—who doesn’t just want to grin and bear it!


• Neighbors driving you nuts? Place an ad offering their house or apartment for sale at a bargain price! • Did someone cut you off in a parking lot? Break off toothpicks in the door locks! • Tired of the office loudmouth? Print his name and address on mailing labels, then just stick them on smutty magazines and leave them in a conspicuous place! GEORGE HAYDUKE is a modern-day Robin Hood who decided long ago that he wasn’t going to take it anymore. He is the author of Revenge Is Sweet.

Marketing: • National print media • Internet marketing on

Category: Humor 0-8065-2755-2 EAN: 978080652755051495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 336 Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 36 Rights: World


The Big Book Of Revenge 0-8065-2141-4, 2/01


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

THE WORLD AS I SEE IT Albert Einstein Exclusive to Citadel, here is the world through the eyes of one of history’s most profound thinkers

he World As I See It, long considered a classic, presents dozens of letters, articles, essays and other correspondence written between 1922 and 1934 by Albert Einstein, one of the world’s great humanitarians, as well as one of science’s great minds. These revealing pieces—not available anywhere else—focus on the human side of Einstein’s accomplishments, covering topics such as the meaning of life, good and evil, religion and science, wealth, pacifism, the world economic crisis, Palestine, and anti-Semitism.


Einstein’s writings on life and the world around him are masterworks of understanding and compassion, imbued with the sharp accuracy of the scientist, yet highly accessible to the every-day reader, and just as timely and important as ever.

ALBERT EINSTEIN was born in Germany, on March 14, 1879. In 1901, he accepted a position in the Swiss Patent Office, where in his spare time he produced much of his remarkable work that would lead to his acceptance of the Nobel Prize in 1921. In 1933, he renounced his German citizenship and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945. He died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey.

Marketing: • Outreach to Einstein societies • Internet marketing on

Category: Philosophy/Science 0-8065-2790-0 EAN: 978080652791851495 $11.95 (CAN $16.95) Pages: 144 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 96 Rights: World Publishing History: The World As I See It, 0-8065-0711-X, 11/87


The Theory Of Relativity 0-8065-1765-4, 1/96


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

CREATE A NEW IDENTITY Sheldon Charrett A complete program, featuring step-by-step instructions and illustrations on how every-day citizens could theoretically go about acquiring an alternative identity in today’s data-drenched society

heldon Charrett, a long-time fighter for identity freedom, takes the battle for privacy and individual rights into the heart of today’s technology driven world, where personal information is only a mouse click away. Create a New Identity includes information on how to produce and manufacture the documents necessary to support a new identity (such as obtaining a legitimate Social Security number, driver’s license, and work ID) and how to obtain residence, credit, employment, and banking privileges.


For seekers of liberty and privacy, or just those interested in an individual’s right to privacy, Create a New Identity also contains detailed hints and advice about: • The pros and cons of segmented ID change vs. total ID change • Creating alternate identity documents from scratch • Establishing residence without ever signing a document, and much more! SHELDON CHARRETT is a private investigator and a recognized authority on the topic of new and alternate identity issues. His other books on this topic are Identity, Privacy, and Personal Freedom and Secrets of a Back-Alley ID Man.


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: Reference 0-8065-2687-4 EAN: 978080652687451295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 224, 20 B&W photos throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 64 Rights: World English


Mark Ventimiglia The contemporary Wiccan classic available for the first time in paperback


rom seasoned witches to neophytes, from solitary practitioners to coven members, The Wiccan Prayer Book is the complete guide to Wiccan prayers and devotions; offering prayers and meditations for every occasion, every day of the Wiccan year, and every Esbat and Sabbat celebration. Combined with background information on the Wiccan religion and The Wiccan Rede and advice on intention, visualization, and meditation, The Wiccan Prayer Book also includes:

Marketing: • Trade advertising • Internet marketing on and Wicca interest sites

• Traditional Wiccan prayers • Daily devotions • Blessings and prayers for seasons, celebrations, and festivals • Personal chants and prayers for inspiration, strength, love, and friendship • Prayers for Pagans, and much more!

Category: New Age/Wicca 0-8065-2719-6 EAN: 978080652719250695 $6.95 (CAN $10.95) Pages: 160 Trim: 4 x 6 Pack: 68 Rights: World Author Residence: Central Illinois Publishing History: The Wiccan Prayer Book, 0-8065-2131-7, 10/00

MARK VENTIMIGLIA is a writer and teacher devoted to seeking spiritual wisdom. He was ordained by the Universal Life Church in 1995, earned his Ph.D. in religious philosophy in 1996, and since 1997 has given lectures and workshops on the Wiccan religion and alternative spirituality. He is the author of The Residence and The Wiccan Rede. He lives in central Illinois.


The Wiccan Rede 0-8065-2740-4, 1/06


MAY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

THE ALPHABET OF MANLINESS Maddox An entirely new collection from the creator of The Best Page in the Universe

ade famous by features such as “I Am Better Than Your Kids,” which circled the globe as an email humor favorite, the creator of the ultra-popular website presents a completely original collection of his unique brand of humor. From A (A is for Ass-Kicking) to V (V is for Violence) to Z (Z is for Zombies), Maddox has created a hilarious one-of-a-kind guide for guys to tap into their masculine roots and discover the manly man within.


Maddox Facts: • Maddox’s site gets 26,000 hits per hour, 107 million views per year • 150,000 Maddox fans have already signed up for his book-only mailing list • FHM magazine ranked Maddox’s site #3 out of the top 100 sites on the web • Maddox’s work has been lauded on dozens of nationally syndicated radio shows, television and in dozens of newspapers and magazines • This is completely original material, never seen before by any of Maddox’s fans MADDOX is a twenty-seven-year-old native of Utah, and the visionary author of The Best Page in the Universe website. Once a lowly programmer for a telemarketing company, he now stands as a specimen of sheer masculinity and chiseled good looks. When he’s not writing his own biographies in the third person, he can be found writing articles for his website at


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

Marketing: • National print and broadcast media campaign • Radio interviews nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Cross promotion on author website • Internet marketing on

Category: Humor 0-8065-2720-X EAN: 978080652720851595 $15.95 (CAN $21.95) Pages: 192 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 48 Territory: World Author Residence: Utah

ROAR OF THE HEAVENS Stefan Bechtel “A riveting account of what it was like to live through the most intense hurrican ever to strike the U.S. mainland.”—John Grisham

The human face on one of the nation’s worst natural disasters

n August 17 in 1969, packing winds over 200 miles per hour, Hurricane Camille caught a country by surprise and until recently, was the worst storm to ever hit the United States.


Roar of the Heavens is the destructive hour-by-hour story, told by the survivors and key players, of a meteorological event that tested the theoretical limits of what weather can do. A Perfect Storm meets Into Thin Air, Roar of the Heavens focuses heavily on the human element—the unfortunate victims of the devastating storm—and how some of them survived while many around them did not. Roar of the Heavens is also a cautionary tale—that the United States is just as vulnerable to hurricanes today, as ever before. “I've never read a more gripping account of what must be expected when a hurricane strikes. Its compelling public appeal ranks well with other credible weather disaster descriptions such as Larsen’s Isaac’s Storm.” —Dr. Robert Simpson, Former Director, National Hurricane Center

STEFAN BECHTEL is the author or co-author of six books, which have sold more than two million copies. He is a founding editor of Men’s Health magazine and his work has appeared in Esquire, The Washington Post, Reader’s Digest, and many other national publications. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

Marketing: • National print media campaign • Radio interviews nationally • Radio on-air giveaways • Internet marketing on

Category: History/Nature 0-8065-2706-4 EAN: 978080652706252295 $22.95 (CAN $31.95) Pages: 400, 16-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 30 Rights: US & CAN, OM Author Residence: Charlottesville, Virginia

THE UNAUTHORIZED DAN BROWN COMPANION Edited by John Helfers The true behind-the-pages stories and controversies surrounding international bestselling author Dan Brown’s works

ne of Dan Brown’s greatest accomplishments as a writer is his uncanny ability to blur the line between fact and fiction. Now, with The Unauthorized Dan Brown Companion, readers will at last have all the information needed to distinguish for themselves between the inventions of a master storyteller and the historical revelations of a first-rate investigator. Unlike the avalanche of books specifically about The Da Vinci Code, The Unauthorized Dan Brown Companion covers all of Dan Brown’s books and has no religious agenda or political axe to grind—these are the facts, exploring:


• Could there actually be an unbreakable code that would cripple US intelligence, as in Digital Fortress? • Are the Illuminati from Angels and Demons really alive and well? • How much truth lies in The Da Vinci Code’s history-altering propositions that have so angered the Vatican? The answers are here, covering every picture, place, proper name, and historical event in all of Brown’s books, explaining what’s absolutely true, possible, improbable, or completely fictitious. The Unauthorized Dan Brown Companion is perfect for the millions of Dan Brown fans who just can’t wait for his next instant bestseller! This book is not approved, authorized, or licensed by Dan Brown, his publishers, or his licensees. JOHN HELFERS is a full-time writer and editor currently living in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He is the co-editor of The Valdemar Companion, a guide to the work and life of fantasy writer Mercedes Lackey. He has also written nonfiction, with his history of the United States Navy, The Alpha Bravo Delta Guide to the U.S. Navy, published in 2003.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • National print media • National print advertising • Radio interviews nationally • Outreach to The Da Vinci Code discussion sites • Internet marketing on including fact or fiction quiz

Category: Literature/Criticism 0-8065-2781-1 EAN: 978080652781951495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 240 Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 48 Rights: US, CAN, OM Author Residence: Green Bay, Wisconsin

LOST FIGHTING ARTS OF VIETNAM Dr. Haha Lung Step-by-step, illustrated instructions to the deadly techniques and tactics of Cao Dai kung-fu

he mysterious Cao Dai religion of Vietnam dates back thousands of years. In a land often ravaged by warfare, the followers of this shrouded religion have constantly fought for their survival, and in the process became kung-fu masters. Here martial arts expert Dr. Haha Lung presents step-by-step instructions and illustrations to the deadly techniques and tactics specially designed for beginners, as well as explains the crucial psychological element of Cao Dai kung-fu.


Includes clear, concise information on: • Bihn Co: Strategy and Tactics • Where to Strike • The Five Kinds of Weapons • Am Hiem: Subterfuge and Stealth • And much more DR. HAHA LUNG is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts including Assassin!, Knights of Darkness, Ninja Shadowhand, Mind Manipulation and the forthcoming Mind Control.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on and martial arts sites

Category: Martial Arts/Sports 0-8065-2760-9 EAN: 978080652760451295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 256, B&W line drawings throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 60 Rights: World English


Mind Control 0-8065-2800-1, 8/06

Assassin! 0-8065-2620-3, 9/04

Knights of Darkness 0-8065-2618-1, 6/04

Ninja Shadowhand 0-8065-2607-6, 1/04

Mind Manipulation 0-8065-2383-2, 7/02


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Michael L. Fiegel A humorous parody of corporate America from the creator of the popular Ninja Burger website

he hilarious companion to the hit website, Ninja Burger is a behind-the-scenes look at the stealthiest burger joint in the world. Packed with the clever humor that has made the site so hugely popular, this most honorable handbook includes Ninja Burger basic training, tips and guidelines, such as:


• If customers have complaints, DO NOT kill them. This is very important. A dead customer is not a paying customer. • All Ninja who are preparing food must wash their hands after using the restroom or slaying enemies. • Anyone caught with a single weapon on the premises will be fired; your handbook clearly states that you must carry THREE weapons at all times. A clean workplace is a happy workplace. • Clean up after yourself if you spill food, beverages, or large quantities of the blood of your enemies. • Managers, owners, and board members are to be treated with respect. Always bow, use proper honorifics, and give them a few extra pickles. With these and other points of basic training, in addition to highly classified documents such as the Ninja Burger application, menu and employee newsletter, Ninja Burger will readily prepare all fans of this efficient but deadly fast food favorite.

MICHAEL L. FIEGEL is the creator of He lives in San Francisco.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, online and satellite media • Radio interviews by phone nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on and, including contests and giveaways

Category: Humor 0-8065-2796-X EAN: 978080652796350995 $9.95 (CAN $13.95) Pages: 96 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 120 Rights: World Author Residence: San Francisco, California

A Lyle Stuart Book

POWERFUL PROFITS FROM TOURNAMENT POKER Victor H. Royer Tournament poker strategy made simple

ictor H. Royer, world-renowned gambling columnist, author, and the man casinos turn to for advice, uses real-world tournament examples to take average poker players from standard play to tournament play. Royer shows how the smart players learn to adapt their strategies to beat players still using static, older methods. Using the same conversational and easy-to-learn manner that has made his eleven other books in the Powerful Profits series such huge successes, Royer teaches players how to win by:


• Bringing their game up to tournament levels • Avoiding common pitfalls of poker tournaments • Competing at poker tournament speeds • Finding the best online tournaments • Playing all forms of tournament poker, and much more! VICTOR H. ROYER is the author of several acclaimed books on casino gambling and is a syndicated columnist for national gaming magazines. His columns have appeared in Casino Magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel, Casino Executive, Card Player and many others. Additionally, he has served as a marketing and gaming consultant to several of the world's largest casinos, as well as to gaming machine manufacturers. He lives in Las Vegas.

Marketing: • Publicity targeting gambling media • Internet marketing on and on poker and gambling sites Category: Gambling/Instruction 0-8184-0665-8 EAN: 978081840665251495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 352 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 40 Rights: World Author Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada ALSO AVAILABLE:

Powerful Profits From Internet Poker 0-8184-0654-2, 1/06

Powerful Profits from Poker 0-8184-0700-X, 10/05

Powerful Profits from Video Slots 0-8184-0644-5, 5/05

Powerful Profits from Internet Gambling 0-8184-0675-5, 2/05

Powerful Profits from Casino Table Games 0-8184-0643-7, 9/04

Powerful Profits From Keno 0-8184-0637-2, 7/04

Powerful Profits: Winning Strategies for Casino Games, 0-8184-0688-7, 4/04

Powerful Profits From Video Poker 0-8184-0663-1, 10/03

Powerful Profits From Craps 0-8184-0652-6, 8/03

Casino Gamble Talk 0-8184-0634-8, 6/03

Powerful Profits From Slots 0-8184-0640-2, 3/03

Powerful Profits From Blackjack 0-8184-0629-1, 1/03


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D. The new, updated version of a modern classic including brand-new erotic games and exercises for couples at all stages of their relationships


nternationally renowned psychoanalyst Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf presents 77 inventive and exciting games, tailored to couples of all ages and physical types, that will guide them to more fulfilling and more thrilling sexual and emotional connections with their partners, and restore love and tenderness to their relationship.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Designed for a wealth of specific needs—from spicing up a so-so sex life to resolving anger issues, from increasing attraction to restoring tenderness, The Couples’ Guide to Erotic Games uses humor, frank language, and provocative situations to show couples how they can free themselves from inhibitions and truly take pleasure in their sexuality as part of a fulfilling relationship.

Category: Self-Help 0-8065-2772-2 EAN: 978080652772751495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 192 Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 60 Rights: World Author Residence: New York, New York Publishing History: The Couples’ Guide to Erotic Games, 0-8065-2019-1, 1/98

• Revised and updated edition includes brand-new erotic games and exercises! GERALD SCHOENEWOLF, PH.D., is director of the Living Center, a therapeutic cooperative in New York City. He is the author of fourteen books, including Sexual Animosity Between Men and Women.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

THE WAY OF MAN TEN RUNGS Martin Buber Two bestselling classics, repackaged, redesigned and together in one volume for the first time

ocial activist, teacher, and religious writer, Martin Buber was one of the twentieth century’s most important and passionate representatives of the human spirit. Two of his most influential works, Ten Rungs and The Way of Man, resonate to this day. As enlightening and redemptive as they were more than fifty years ago, they are published here in a single volume for the first time.


The tales and aphorisms retold by Buber in Ten Rungs are drawn from Hasidic lore, where the various ways in which individuals learn to perfect themselves are the “rungs” on the ladder leading a higher realm. The Way of Man is a masterwork of economy in which Buber relates and interprets six traditional Hasidic stories that offer guidance and wisdom in any age. Owing much to the Hasidic emphasis on joyful worship, Buber’s thoughts on spirituality continue to inspire students, philosophers, and thinkers around the world.

MARTIN BUBER, who studied at universities in Vienna, Leipzig, Zurich, and Berlin, was descended from a line of scholars. In 1933, he became director of the Central Office for Jewish Adult Education. In 1938, he emigrated to Palestine, where he taught social philosophy and served as leader of Ihud, a movement which advocated Arab-Jewish cooperation in a binational state. Buber died in his home in Jerusalem in 1965.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: Religion 0-8065-2789-7 EAN: 9780806527895 $11.95 (CAN $16.95) Pages: 144 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 96 Rights: World Publishing History: Martin Buber’s The Way of Man, 0-8065-0024-7, 1/96 Martin Buber’s Ten Rungs, 0-8065-1593-7, 1/95

THE EINSTEIN READER Albert Einstein Exclusively from Citadel, a rare collection of essays, articles, letters and more from one of the greatest scientists in history

omprised of more than sixty-five essays, letters, and articles unavailable in any other collection, The Einstein Reader is a celebration of Albert Einstein’s life and innermost thoughts, focusing on the crucial later years of his career, 1934 to 1950. These enlightening pieces explore a wide range of subjects, including freedom, international security, Zionism, morals, and the atomic threat to world peace, to which he was in no small part a contributor. This remarkable volume also contains Einstein’s writings on such personalities as Mahatma Gandhi, Isaac Newton, and Madame Curie, plus explanations of his major scientific works and theories, including E=Mc2 and his Theory of Relativity.


ALBERT EINSTEIN was born in Germany, on March 14, 1879. In 1901, he accepted a position in the Swiss Patent Office, where in his spare time he produced much of his remarkable work that would lead to his acceptance of the Nobel Prize in 1921. In 1933, he renounced his German citizenship and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey.

Marketing: • Outreach to Einstein societies • Internet marketing on

Category: Philosophy/Science 0-8065-2791-9 EAN TK $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 288 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 52 Rights: World


The World As I See It 0-8065-2790-0, 5/06

The Theory Of Relativity 0-8065-1765-4, 1/96


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers A straightforward and accessible exploration of the basic wisdom of the Kabbalah

he great teachings of the Kabbalah have been handed down for thousands of years, profoundly influencing history and shaping the minds of great thinkers such as Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, Plato, Newton, and Shakespeare—and more recently the lives of celebrities such as Madonna, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Demi Moore.


Exploring many diverse topics, including the nature of man’s relationship with God, reason, and knowledge, The Essential Kabbalah now presents all the wisdom of the Kabbalah distilled to 192 easily-accessible pages, allowing readers to come to their own conclusions and interpretations. Kabbalah is a growing trend: • 3.5 million people have studied Kabbalah in the past ten years through the Kabbalah Centre alone • About half of Kabbalah students are non-Jewish • Kabbalah is practical and adaptable to everyday life The translator, S. L. MACGREGOR MATHERS (1854-1918), was a prominent occult scholar, author and leader of the British occult revival in the late 1880s, of which Kabbalah was a seminal interest. He studied magic, mysticism, and Celtic symbolism and held high office as a Rosicrucian. He was also one of the co-founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.


JUNE 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Outreach to religious and Jewish organizations • Internet marketing on

Category: New Age/Religion 0-8065-2778-1 EAN: 978080652778951295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 192 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 72 Rights: World


Kurt Muse and John Gilstrap The gripping true story of a real-life hero at the center of an international crisis and the Delta Force team who helped him to freedom “This true story reads better than any fiction . . . harrowing, entertaining, and inspiring.” —Col. Lee A. Van Arsdale, Former Squadron Commander, U.S. Army Delta Force

orn in the United States and raised in Panama, Kurt Muse grew up with a deep love for his adopted country, but when a rising dictatorship threatened Panama, he and a handful of friends took action. Founding and operating an underground radio station encouraging civil resistance to Manual Noriega, Muse put himself in direct opposition to a ruthless killer—one with the money and resources to put him and his family in grave peril.


Six Minutes to Freedom is Kurt Muse’s remarkable story, from his arrest by Noriega’s henchmen and his months of imprisonment to the squalid conditions he faced in Panama’s infamous Modelo Prison, from his eyewitness accounts of his fellow inmates’ torture to the plight of his own family as they fled for their lives. And it reveals, for the first time, the astonishing details of the day he became the only American civilian ever rescued by the elite Delta Force. A highly personal narrative that reads like a story ripped from the pages of a wellcrafted thriller, Six Minutes to Freedom is the story of a true American hero on foreign soil, who risked his life for his beliefs.

KURT MUSE is a popular motivational speaker who has appeared before many groups across the country. His headline-making story has been aired in three documentaries about the fall of the Noriega regime: “Brotherhood of Arms” (A&E); “On the Inside: The CIA, America’s Frontline” (Discovery Channel); and “Sworn to Secrecy: The Invasion of Panama” (History Channel). He has also been featured in newspaper and magazine accounts, including Newsweek, and in books by Colin Powell, Bob Woodward, and Tom Clancy. Please visit his website, JOHN GILSTRAP is the author of four thrillers, Scott Free, Even Steven, At All Costs, and Nathan’s Run. His website is


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

Marketing: • National print and broadcast media • Major review campaign • Radio interviews nationally • Internet marketing on and on and

Category: History 0-8065-2723-4 EAN: 978080652723952395 $23.95 (CAN $32.95) Pages: 320, 16-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 30 Rights: World Author Residencies: Washington, D.C.


Matthew Smith Startling new revelations and insights into the tragedies and scandals surrounding the Kennedy clan

rom renowned investigative author and Kennedy expert Matthew Smith comes the first book to offer a plausible conspiracy theory surrounding the family misfortunes. Based on direct witness testimony and packed with startling disclosures, this riveting exposé:


• Traces a far-reaching plot to prevent the Kennedys from attaining future presidential power • Sheds new light on whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—and whether Sirhan Sirhan did the same when he killed Robert Kennedy • Links the JFK/RFK assassinations with Mary Jo Kopechne’s drowning— the tragedy that destroyed Ted Kennedy’s presidential aspirations • Offers first-time evidence that Kopechne’s death was a deliberate ploy to keep Ted Kennedy out of the White House Conspiracy casts blistering light upon the theory that something greater than chance or dark destiny informed the Kennedy tragedies, offering stunning answers to questions that have stirred dispute, ignited controversy, and haunted the national conscience for nearly half a century.

MATTHEW SMITH is one of the world’s leading experts on the JFK and RFK assassinations. He is the author of JFK: The Second Plot and JFK: Say Goodbye to America (both published in the United Kingdom by Mainstream Publishing), Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe, and The Men Who Murdered Marilyn. He lives in Sheffield, England.


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Outreach to Kennedy conspiracy theorist websites • Internet marketing on

Category: History 0-8065-2764-1 EAN: 978080652764251495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 304, 16-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 36 Rights: North America Author Residence: Sheffield, England Publishing History: Conspiracy, 0-8065-2701-3, 7/05

THE MAFIA’S GREATEST HITS David H. Jacobs A raw and riveting exploration of more than twenty-five of the most famous and infamous Mob assassinations of the twentieth century

or almost a century, the streets of America’s cities have been littered with the corpses of mobsters who were too ambitious, too greedy, or just too downright crazy. But of the hundreds—maybe even thousands—of Mob hits over the years, there are a select few that, whether for their ingenuity, gruesomeness or all–out audacity, stand out above the rest.


Using the Murder Meter, a unique point system that analyzes each job and handicaps it sports-page style, David H. Jacobs ranks all the big jobs—from the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, to Joe “Joe the Boss” Massiera getting whacked in a Coney Island restaurant in 1933, to Crazy Joey Gallo getting it at Umberto’s Clam House in Little Italy in 1975, to Big Paul Castellano’s spectacular 1985 assassination by the John Gotti Mob. With a Hitters Hall of Fame complete with thumbnail profiles and career stats, The Mafia’s Greatest Hits is the ultimate handbook on the cold-blooded men who have mercilessly sent so many “to sleep with the fishes.”

DAVID H. JACOBS is the author of more than twenty books. He lives in Bloomfield, New Jersey, which, he notes with pride, was being controlled by Uncle Junior in the third season of The Sopranos.

Marketing: • National print media campaign • Radio phone interviews nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on

Category: True Crime 0-8065-2757-9 EAN: 978080652757451495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 224 Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 54 Rights: World Author Residence: Bloomfield, New Jersey


Crime Stories: The Best Of Court TV: Cold Killers 0-7860-1150-5, 10/00

Blood And Lust 0-7860-1129-7, 7/00


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

A Lyle Stuart Book


John Bukofsky A complete guide to the most popular casino table game including instructions on card counting

eteran blackjack player and expert card counter John Bukofsky offers players a complete guide to all aspects of blackjack, including card counting at the professional level. Blackjack spells out the simple techniques the pros use to increase their chances at the one game that already offers better odds for winning than any other casino game.


Bukofsky explains in easy-to-understand lessons the basics of game play and strategy, and how to actually gain an advantage over the house. His step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations also provide helpful information for both beginners and professionals on other important aspects of the game, including: • Betting and bankroll techniques • Casino countermeasures against card counting • Camouflage techniques for counting cards Includes instructional drawings, charts and tables throughout. “Blackjack is definitely a game that you can make money playing, and this book shows you how to do it!”—Phil Hellmuth, Jr., winner of nine World Series of Poker titles and author of Play Poker Like the Pros

JOHN BUKOFSKY is an electrical engineer and expert blackjack player who has played throughout the United States and Europe. Because of his card counting skill, he has been barred from playing in Las Vegas. John is married with two children and lives in southern New Jersey.


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Publicity targeting gambling media • Internet marketing on and blackjack player websites

Category: Gambling/Instruction 0-8184-0656-9 EAN: 978081840656051495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 288, illustrated throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 48 Rights: World Author Residence: New Jersey


Jennifer Hunter The first book to connect ancient Judaism and NeoPaganism

n this first-of-its-kind text, Jennifer Hunter draws on pre-monotheistic Hebrew history, mainstream and alternative Judaism, ceremonial magic, and eclectic NeoPaganism to create spells, meditations, rituals, and holiday traditions. Magickal Judaism infuses NeoPagan rituals with the living, breathing rites of the Jewish people, revealing a liberating new spirituality. Appealing to those Jewish by birth, Pagan by practice, or drawn to both Jewish and Pagan paths, Magickal Judaism will provide all the tools needed to craft a holistic and integrated religious path, including how to:


• Celebrate Jewish holidays in authentic tribal ways • Connect with the powerful teachings of the Kabbalah • Discover the magic of keeping kosher and observing the Sabbath • Connect with Canaanite Goddesses and the Shechinah • Craft effective spells using ancient Jewish symbols and folk magic JENNIFER HUNTER is the author of Rites of Pleasure, 21st Century Wicca, and Wicca for Lovers. She lives with her daughter in Somerville, Massachusetts.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: New Age/Judaica 0-8065-2576-2 EAN: 978080652576151295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 288 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 48 Rights: World English Author Residence: Somerville, Massachusetts


Rites of Pleasure 0-8065-2584-3, 10/04

21st Century Wicca 0-8065-1887-1, 1/97


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Fred Kogos The classic guide to one of the most colorful languages in the world

iddish is an incredibly colorful language spoken by more than ten million people worldwide. And, like so many other languages, Yiddish has woven itself into everyday American culture.


A passport to the wonderful maxims, proverbs, colloquialisms, curses, and ribald expressions that have been faithfully passed down in Yiddish through the ages, From Shmear to Eternity contains an extensive Yiddish-English and English-Yiddish dictionary, essential Jewish words and key phrases, and even 1001 Yiddish proverbs offering a treasure trove of wisdom. Bursting with humor, insight, and above all the warmth of the Jewish people, From Shmear to Eternity is a repackaged update of Fred Kogos’s perennial bestseller The Dictionary of Popular Yiddish Words, Phrases, and Proverbs—redesigned and reset to give it a newer, fresher, and more modern look. • Includes a handy pronunciation guide The late FRED KOGOS was one of the leading experts on the colorful Yiddish language.

Marketing: • National print media campaign • Radio phone interviews nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on

Category: Judaica 0-8065-2777-3 EAN: 978080652777251595 $15.95 (CAN $21.95) Pages: 352 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 40 Rights: World


Instant Yiddish 0-8065-1154-0, 1/89


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


A. Frederick Collins A step-by-step guide to the tips, tricks and time-tested methods to mastering mental math


ack by popular demand—the classic book that shows anyone how to do fast calculations without a calculator. Rapid Math Without a Calculator is an easy, accessible step-by-step guide to mathematical shortcuts—covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Armed with a little basic knowledge about mathematical shortcuts—and in much less time than it takes to even find the calculator on a phone or PDA—anyone can instantly and accurately perform complex calculations involving large numbers. These easy to learn techniques are designed specifically for those who are appalled by the idea of adding fractions or dividing percentages. Perfect for business people, homemakers, students, store clerks, sales people, waiters, and countless others, Rapid Math Without a Calculator makes everyone a math wiz.

Category: Self-Help/Math 0-8065-2779-X EAN: 978080652779651195 $11.95 (CAN $16.95) Pages: 128, illustrated throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 108 Rights: World Publishing History: Rapid Math Without a Calculator, 0-8065-1058-8, 1987

• Includes instructional charts, graphs, tables, and equations! The late A. FREDERICK COLLINS was a life-long student and teacher of mathematics.


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Sirona Knight A user-friendly guide to nighttime spells and charms for every occasion throughout the year


eaders of Wiccan Spell a Day were entranced with the delightfully easy-to-use spells, charms, and potions “for the good of all, and the harm of none.” Now author Sirona Knight presents 365 new ways to create a little bit of magic, this time for every night of the year.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

All of the spells, charms, and potions in this captivating book come with simple, user-friendly instructions to ensure they can be easily performed on any night. From the Valentine Midnight Spell for lovers, to the Steaming Tropical Nights Spell, Wiccan Spell a Night makes it easy to sprinkle a little night magic into life.

Category: Wicca/New Age 0-8065-2726-9 EAN: 978080652726051295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 352 Trim: 6 x 6 1/8 Pack: 52 Rights: World Author Residence: Oroville, California (near Sacramento)

SIRONA KNIGHT is the author of many books on Wicca and Celtic spirituality, including Wiccan Spell a Day, The Wiccan Spell Kit andThe Witch and Wizard Training Guide. A high priestess of the Celtic Gwyddonic Druid tradition, she holds a master’s degree in psychology and is also a certified hypnotist. She lives in California.


The Witch and Wizard Spellbook 0-8065-2684-X, 6/05

Wiccan Spell A Day 0-8065-2690-4, 5/05

The Wiccan Spell Kit 0-8065-2244-5, 10/01


JULY 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


John Reisinger “As compelling as the best mystery fiction, as absorbing as the finest historical writing.”—Jeffery Deaver

llis Parker, a detective known the world over in the early 1900s as the “American Sherlock Holmes,” solved over ninety-eight percent of the murders in his New Jersey county, sometimes never even leaving his desk. Drawing on the emerging discipline of psychology and his uncanny deductive reasoning skills, he was a “profiler” before the term existed. He was the man members of other law enforcement agencies turned to when they were baffled. Even Scotland Yard thought he was brilliant. So how did he land behind bars, dying tragically in prison?


Here, told for the first time, is the full story of the enigmatic man and his incessant pursuit of the truth. When Parker involved himself in what promised to be the biggest case of his career—the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in 1932—he inadvertently set in motion his own undoing. Ellis Parker’s place in history has been mired in controversy and Master Detective, through access to crucial unpublished information, sets the record straight by finally providing a complete picture of the man—and the circumstances surrounding his tragic fall. • Includes 16 pages of photographs “Fascinating reading for true-crime buffs and mystery fans alike.” —Max Allan Collins, author of The Road to Perdition “Master Detective is a riveting read about one of America’s most fascinating crimes. In Reisinger, America's real-life Sherlock Holmes has found his Watson.” —John Lutz, author of Fear The Night

JOHN REISINGER is the author of Evasive Action and Nassau. He is an engineer and former Coast Guard officer, and lives in Maryland.


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Hardcover

Marketing: • National print and broadcast media campaign • Radio interviews by phone nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Local media targeting New Jersey and Baltimore, Maryland • Internet marketing on

Category: History 0-8065-2750-1 EAN TK $21.95 (CAN $29.95) Pages: 320, 16-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 30 Rights: World Author Residence: Sparks and St. Michaels, Maryland

A Lyle Stuart Book


David Apostolico An unbeatable guide for serious poker players who are ready to take their game to the next level of competitive play

Forward by Antonio Esfandiari, World Poker Tour Champion and World Series of Poker Bracelet Winner he invitation-only Professional Poker Tour™ is strictly limited to the top 200 players in the world. David Apostolico is one of the elite, and he found that going up against other poker masters every day was like attending an incomparable seminar. Now he shares his hard-won knowledge with aspiring poker players everywhere, by using specific hands that he either played or observed, to give detailed analyses and teach players to:


• Think like a pro • Learn the tactics and approaches of legendary winners • Rapidly assess and adapt to fast-moving games with experienced players “It’s amazing what David learned playing against the top he passes this wisdom to you!”—Phil Hellmuth, Jr., winner of Nine World Series of Poker titles and author of Play Poker Like the Pros

DAVID APOSTOLICO is the author of Tournament Poker and the Art of War, Machiavellian Poker Strategy, and the upcoming Lessons from the Felt (Lyle Stuart, 11/06, ISBN: 0-8184-0701-8). He is an avid poker player who plays in dozens of tournaments each year and has won tournaments both online and in Atlantic City. He lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania.


AUGUST 2006 Lyle Stuart Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Publicity targeting gambling media • Radio interviews nationally • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Outreach to poker sites • Internet marketing on and Category: Gambling/Instruction 0-8184-0702-6 EAN: 978081840702451495 $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 224 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 64 Rights: World English Author Residence: West Chester, Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia) ALSO AVAILABLE:

Machiavellian Poker Strategy 0-8184-0651-8, 9/05

Tournament Poker and The Art of War 0-8184-0647-X, 3/05


Patrick K. O'Donnell For the first time ever, the incredible true stories of the top-secret members of The Office of Strategic Services “True heroism.”—Clive Cusssler

ong before there was a James Bond or a CIA, the brave men and women of The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) worked secretly behind the scenes during World War II, playing a key role in the Allied victory. The agency’s legendary director, Major General “Wild Bill” Donovan, recruited only the best, and his expertly trained spies were at war long before D-Day. Until now, their gripping real-life missions have remained as classified as their identities. But Patrick K. O’Donnell tracked down and interviewed over 300 of these elite and mysterious former OSS members and, for the first time, relates their incredible stories—stories that may read like the best spy novels, but are shockingly true.


“A rare combination of suspense thriller and true heroism by a great American writer.” —Clive Cussler “A white-knuckle narrative.”—Men’s Journal “The book is far more than a simple historical survey and reads like a satisfying cloak and dagger yarn.”—Publishers Weekly “First-rate reading.”—Kirkus Reviews

PATRICK K. O'DONNELL is the author of Beyond Valor, which won the Colby Circle Award for outstanding military history, and Into the Rising Sun: In Their Own Words, World War II's Pacific Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat. He has provided historical consulting for Dreamworks' award-winning miniseries Band of Brothers and for documentaries produced by the BBC, The History Channel, and Fox News. His books and website have been widely acclaimed by newspapers across the country. He lives in Fairfax Station, Virginia.


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: History 0-8065-2798-6 EAN TK $14.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 384, 16-page B&W photo insert Trim: 6 x 9 Pack: 30 Rights: World English Author Residence: Fairfax Station, Virginia Publishing History: Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs 0-7432-3572, Free Press, 3/04

WRESTLING’S MADE MEN Scott Keith A wrestling expert reveals the real story behind the guts and glory of the WWE empire

n this revealing look at the decline of the world’s most popular sports entertainment franchise, Scott Keith uncovers a growing trend of favoritism and stagnation within the WWE that gives an elite group of stars a free ride—for as long as they want—with no worries of being retired, essentially shutting out talented young wrestlers eager to prove themselves in the ring, but who never get the chance. Because getting to the top in the WWE takes more than good moves, in order to have it made—they have to be made.


“Insightful, humorous and downright honest . . . Scott gets it dead-on.” —Seth Mates, WWE creative team veteran “Asking Scott Keith about professional wrestling is like asking Wayne Gretzky about hockey.”—Murtz Jaffer, Toronto Sun/Inside Pulse “Any fan of pro wrestling who is interested in the back stories and real-life twists that make the sport so unique will find grappling guru Scott Keith’s latest offering to be a colorful and fast-paced review of modern WWE events.” —Blake Norton, “The Celtic Tiger”

Marketing: • Outreach to wrestling fan sites • Internet marketing on

Category: Sports/Wrestling 0-8065-2771-4 EAN: 978080652771051895 $18.95 (CAN $26.95) Pages: 176, B&W photos throughout, 16-page color photo insert Trim: 8 1/2 x 10 7/8 Pack: 30 Rights: World Author Residence: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


SCOTT KEITH is the author of Tonight . . . In This Very Ring, Wrestling’s One Ring Circus, and The Buzz on Professional Wrestling. For those who ask, Scott’s all-time favorite wrestlers are Ric Flair and Chris Benoit. He lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Wrestling's One Ring Circus 0-8065-2619-X, 10/04

Tonight…In This Very Ring 0-8065-2437-5, 1/03


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Dr. Haha Lung Effective mind control techniques for beginners through experts from the author of the classic Mind Manipulation

r. Haha Lung, martial arts expert and author of Mind Manipulation, returns with an even more comprehensive guide to the art and skill of psychological warfare. Dr. Lung demonstrates step-by-step how to break through an enemy’s defenses to use their fears, insecurities, superstitions, hopes and beliefs against them. Mind Control takes the techniques outlined in Mind Manipulation further by utilizing the techniques created by Sun Tzu, Yoritomo and Musashi of Japan, and other influential masterminds covering a wide range of Asian mind control techniques such as:


• The Art of Intimidation • The Craft of the Hircarrah, Vietnamese Voodoo • Chinese Face: The Art of K’ung Ming and Chinese Face-reading • Samurai Sly: Yoritomo’s Art of Influence • Biblical Black Science, and much more DR. HAHA LUNG is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts including Lost Fighting Arts of Vietnam, Assassin!, Knights of Darkness, Ninja Shadowhand, and Mind Manipulation.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: Sports/Martial Arts 0-8065-2800-1 EAN: 978080652800751295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 224 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 64 Rights: World


Lost Fighting Arts of Vietnam 0-8065-2760-9, 6/06

Assassin! 0-8065-2620-3, 9/04

Knights of Darkness 0-8065-2618-1, 6/04

Ninja Shadowhand 0-8065-2607-6, 1/04

Mind Manipulation 0-8065-2383-2, 7/02


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

A Lyle Stuart Book


Ross Watson and Jen Teti The only illustrated guide to perfecting tricks with poker chips


ive years ago, approximately 50 million people played poker. Today, that number is 100 million. And the fastest growing demographic of poker fans—players under thirty years old—want more than just strategy books, they want to look cool at the table. With over 200 step-by-step photo illustrations of more than thirty chip tricks, and great tips on how to perfect them, Chip Tricks is the only book available to make amateurs look like professionals—even if they can’t play like them yet! The only book containing complete information on how to perform chip tricks reveals the secrets to:

Marketing: • Publicity targeting gambling media • Radio on-air giveaway promotions • Internet marketing on

• The most popular trick out there—the Shuffle • The Twirl, the Knuckle Roll, and the Butterfly—advanced chip tricks • Putting together killer trick combinations • Using chip tricks to your advantage • Using chip tricks to keep one’s mind sharp and alert during a game

Category: Gambling/Instruction 0-8184-0716-6 EAN: 978081840716151295 $12.95(CAN $17.95) Pages: 152, more than 200 B&W photos throughout Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 80 Rights: World Author Residences: Exton, Pennsylvania (Watson) and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Teti)

ROSS WATSON and JEN TETI are masters of chip tricks. When not at their day jobs, they can be found playing online tournaments, flipping chips in Atlantic City, or impressing their friends during home games. Ross Watson lives in Exton, Pennsylvania, and Jen Teti lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


AUGUST 2006 Lyle Stuart Trade Paperback

BONEWITS’S ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO DRUIDISM Isaac Bonewits A complete guide to druidism—its history, its practice and its appeal— from the religion’s leading expert


he most renowned Druid priest in North America, Isaac Bonewits has spent the last four decades devoted to Druidic study. Now he imparts his wisdom through this elegant and thoughtful tour of ancient and modern Druidism. With impeccable scholarship, Bonewits explores the Druids’ archeology and mythology, and helps to demystify their rituals and prayers.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on and

Bonewits provides a complete overview of Druidic history, from its origins, to its extermination by the Romans, to its triumphant renaissance as an earth religion in the twentieth century. With rare insight, Bonewits also delves into the future of Druidism and speculates on its role as a public Pagan religion.

Category: Wicca/New Age 0-8065-2710-2 EAN: 978080652710951295 $12.95 (CAN $17.95) Pages: 272 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 52 Rights: World Author Residence: Valley Cottage, New York

Complete with spells for love, prosperity, and health, a wide-ranging bibliography, and an indispensable list of Internet resources, Bonewits’s Essential Guide to Druidism is a unique and engrossing introduction to a people and a spirituality that retain both relevance and fascination today.

ISAAC BONEWITS is a leading expert on ancient and modern Druidism, Witchcraft, and earth religions, and is the author of The Pagan Man, Real Magic, and Rites of Worship. Visit his website at He lives in Valley Cottage, New York.


Bonewits's Essential Guide To Witchcraft and Wicca 0-8065-2711-0, 2/06

The Pagan Man 0-8065-2697-1, 12/05


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback


Kahlil Gibran The inspirational classic—and popular gift—now in a beautifully packaged trade paperback edition

he Kahlil Gibran Reader brings together sayings, poems, and short pieces from one of the twentieth century’s most revered writers. Born in Lebanon in 1883, Kahlil Gibran’s groundbreaking philosophy and simple yet eloquent poetry made him a figure of international renown. His writings have been translated into more than twenty languages, and his reflections on the nature of humanity continue to bring joy and inspiration to millions.


This beautiful and accessible book is infused with Gibran’s timeless and provocative truths, touching on subjects as diverse as love, friendship, beauty, wealth, sorrow, ambition, and destiny. A thoughtful gift for all milestone occasions—graduations, birthdays, anniversaries—and for every age group, this remarkable collection will provide a lifetime’s worth of wisdom.

Poet, philosopher, and artist KAHLIL GIBRAN was born in Lebanon in 1883 and died in 1931. He made his home in the United States for the last twenty years of his life. His acclaimed books, which include The Prophet, A Tear and a Smile, and The Beloved, are widely translated to this day.

Marketing: • Internet marketing on

Category: Self-Help/Inspirational 0-8065-2776-5 EAN: 978080652776550895 $8.95 (CAN $12.95) Pages: 240 Trim: 4 5/8 x 8 Pack: 60 Rights: World Publishing History: The Kahlil Gibran Reader, 0-8065-2689-0, 5/05 The Kahlil Gibran Reader, 1-55972-293-2, 1/95


The Essential Kahlil Gibran 0-8065-2715-3, 9/05


AUGUST 2006 Citadel Press Trade Paperback

M AY – A U G U S T 2 0 0 6



Peter A. Spevak, Ph.D. & Maryann Karinch Motivational experts reveal the step-by-step action plan which has helped thousands of underachievers succeed

or frustrated parents of children not living up to their academic potential to educators, counselors, psychologists and therapists seeking to understand and aid children with low self-esteem and motivation levels, Peter A. Spevak, PhD, a former underachiever himself, offers a step-by-step program that has already led thousands of students from failure to success.


Today, with 35 percent of kids ages 15 - 17 performing below grade level or dropping out of school-this revised and updated resource will aid parents and educators to motivate and empower children to reach personal excellence and give them effective strategies to guide underachievers to personal excellence. Empowering Underachievers is a practical, problem solving book that is grounded in sound theory and Dr. Spevak's own pioneering work with troubled children. A must have that empowers both underachieving kids and their parents to make the changes which will ultimately lead to academic success. Dr. Spevak's revised and updated edition explores: • Media influences • Maintenance strategies to reinforce new behavior patterns • ADHD—drugs putting them, their benefits and their risks into perspective Peter A. Spevak, Ph.D., Founder & Director of the Center for Applied Motivation in Washington D.C., has appeared on Good Morning America and his insights have been featured on Dateline, the New York Times, Boston Globe, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsweek and the LA Times. He received his master’s degree and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Maryann Karinch, has spent more than 25 years writing about medicine, self-improvement and technology. The author of How to Spot a Liar, Ranges Lead the Way and Telemedicine. She lives in Estes Park, Colorado.


MAY 2006 New Horizon Trade Paperback

Marketing: • Co-op advertising available • Contracted 20-city radio tour • Targeted mailing to educators and school psychologists • Targeted mailing to lifestyle and family editors of more than 300 newspapers

Category: Parenting/Education 0-88282-282-9 $15.95 (CAN $20.95) Pages: 274 Trim: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 Pack: 32 Rights: World Author Residencies: Washington D.C. (Spevak) Estes Park, Colorado (Karinch) Publishing History: Empowering Underachievers, 0-08828-195-4, 9/00

M AY – A U G U S T 2 0 0 6


CITADEL PRESS TOP 50 BACKLIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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