Citizen Science and Participatory Approach towards Disaster Ri

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Two approaches of EWS: “the last mile”-which is hazard centered and top-down, “the first mile” which is people centered and bottom up. • First mile approach- ...
NH43B-1032: Community Based Flood Early Warning System in Nepal: Citizen Science and Participatory Approach towards Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building Dinanath

1 Bhandari ,



1. Introduction

• • • • •


1 Gurung ,

Jonathan David

Risk Knowledge

First mile approach- Community Early Warning System, Community centric, Community based or participatory EWS Flood forecasting and Mass SMS

Various forms of citizen science engagement exist across Participatory EWS elements- Participation model could be contributive, collaborative, and co-creative

Concerning community based disaster risk management, particularly the participatory EWS, there are participation as well as barriers to citizen engagement and coproduction of knowledge However, local level capacity is always crucial to ensure involvement and ownership in EWS Monitoring

Risk Knowledge

Citizen Science


Automation of gauge station

Link to upstream gauge station Construction of watch towers Indigenous techniques was in place.

Response Capacity

Improvements in tower systems, sirens, signalling.

Increased lead time, staff gauge, shaft encoder, bubbler sensors, wireless phones

Lead time upto 5 hours, shaft encoder and bubbler system, computer modelling, Radar, tele/satellite communication




Weather Forecast ( Radar)

Radar technology, Forecast based warning, use of GLOFAS and localized forecasting models, telecommunication

• • Two third country populati on

12 river systems (400000 Hhs )

• Figure 5: Participatory way of Digital Mapping

• 2014

Figure 4: EWS related Technology Development/Use in Nepal Figure 1: Elements of Participatory EWS & Citizen Science Model

2. Flooding Context in Nepal

5. Conclusions

• Flood

• • •

Figure 3: Annual Loss of Lives due to Flood After 2000 in Nepal

500.00 450.00 400.00


350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00

Community Participatory Mapping (PRA, VCA and others) - Digital and Open Open street mapping using both satellite images and community maps Local stakeholders fill major data gaps (locally relevant risk data) Focus group discussions with local communities to discuss and further improve the baseline maps Can periodically update the maps and knowledge sharing across communities and local stakeholders

Risk Monitoring

7 river systems ( 68000Hhs)

3 river systems ( 29000 Hhs)

Participatory EWS

Floods and landslides- the most recurrent natureinduced disaster phenomenon Ganga flood plains in the south- the recipient of all the water that flows through these mountain corridors More people live in flood vulnerable area Flood eroding development gains (3-5 % GDP


1 Shakya

4. Citizen Science Initiatives for Participatory Flood EWS

Two approaches of EWS: “the last mile”-which is hazard centered and top-down, “the first mile” which is people centered and bottom up

Community based Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal is employing various citizen science models and approaches for participatory flood risk reduction

2 Paul ,

Action, Nepal, 2Imperial College London, UK

3. . Evolutional History of Flood EWS in Nepal

People covered by EWS messaging

1 Ghimire ,

Risk monitoring

Community systems of manual rivergauge monitoring have been integrated with national real time monitoring systems


Weather advisories Forecast based preparedness

Weather forecasting

Heavy rainfall alert

River and Rainfall monitoring - done by DHM staff (gauge readers) Formal risk information is complemented by low-tech monitoring of river levels within communities,



1 Uprety ,

Rainfall Monitoring

Flood, landslide alert Streamflow/Flood monitoring

Flood warning

Early Warning System Task Forces using color-coded gauges painted on buttresses of bridges or on bamboo poles

Threshold level of rainfall for landslide, flashflood advisories

Information on Flood levels

1. Below warning level 2. Warning level & above 3. Danger level & above

Figure 6 : Risk Monitoring through stages

Risk Communication

risk reduction actions should recognize the importance and usefulness of citizen participation in all elements of EWS

• Citizen engagement in formal EWS is necessary to get the system function properly

• Need

• However advancement in the EWS technology is posing challenges to get

for transdisciplinary dialogs among experts, practitioners, communities, policymakers, as well as interdisciplinary methods of data collection, analysis and dissemination of locally relevant information the citizen engagement and ownership towards the system

Communication Flow Channel for Flood Early warnings (twoway flow of information) Early Warning task forces in the communities Use of sirens, hand mikes and colored flags to alert people for different risk level

References Figure 7 : EWS Communication Channel Figure 2: River Basins of Nepal & Hydro-met Stations

Three distinct types of rivers Big perennial snow-fed rivers (2008 Koshi Flood, 2013 Mahakali Flood, 2014 Karnali Flood) Rivers originating from middle mountains (2017 Flood) Torrents or streams originating from the Chure Hills and Siwaliks (2017 Flood)

• • •

1. 2. 3. 4.

IFRC (2012), Community Early Warning Systems: guiding principles Marchezini (2018). Front. Earth Sciences Paul (2018), Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Practical Action (2016), Flood Early Warning System in Practice

• Contact: Madhab Uprety, Practical Action


[email protected]

Response Capacity Community level institutions like disaster management committees, task forces etc. and preparing evacuation plans etc. Several Training sessions, educational activities and public displays of information Capacity Building – awareness programs, seminars, workshops, interactive programs, mockFigure 8 : Community Mock drill Exercise drill exercises etc. Multipurpose Safe Shelters