City Colleges ACCA June 2014 - City Colleges City Colleges

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In addition to providing superb ACCA tuition, our classes are streamed live online and recorded(so .... and revision kits for P6 and F6 which are popular with Tax ...
We believe in better You succeed faster

Shaun Browne for F8 and P7

City Colleges is delighted to welcome Mel Kilkenny for F6 and P6

City Colleges ACCA June 2014

Open Evenings

10/11/12th of February

Unique, smarter ACCA tuition Classes STREAMED LIVE online & RECORDED

StudyPlus South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2

Online Worldwide

Timetable inside

Welcome Dear Student,

Thank you for considering City Colleges’ School of Professional Accountancy. At City Colleges, we pride ourselves in providing exceptional tuition for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants qualifications, and have carefully assembled a vastly experienced team of committed and enthusiastic lecturers. In addition to providing superb ACCA tuition, our classes are streamed live online and recorded (so that you can watch at your convenience anytime, anywhere). We also provide BPP’s ACCA Platinum approved materials, convenient locations in Dublin’s city centre at South Great George’s Street and online worldwide, tutor support, realistic tuition fees and more personal tuition for you. The team now includes former BPP lecturers Shaun Browne (F8, P7) and myself, Owen O’Reilly (F1, P1 and P3), and we are delighted to announce that tax expert Mel Killkenny (formerly of Independent Colleges) has joined City Colleges for F6 and P6. Contact me on 1850 25 27 40 if we can be of any assistance. Best wishes,

Owen O’Reilly

Head of Professional Accountancy School F1, P1 and P3 lecturer

Unique, smarter ACCA tuition at City Colleges. We believe in better - You succeed faster

Success at

City Colleges

I would highly recommend Mel Kilkenny for F6. I found that a combination of Mel’s approachable style and his weekly homework assignments made this subject very enjoyable - so much so that I have now commenced a career in tax consultancy!” - Diana McCabe on Paper F6 with Mel Kilkenny I found Mel’s approach to lecturing P6 Advanced Taxation excellent. Mel is very approachable and was quick to respond to last minute emails just before the exam. I would recommend Mel to anyone who is considering sitting P6.” - Melanie Jolliffe on Paper P6 with Mel Kilkenny Brendan Foley is extremely professional in a most friendly way. He is very engaging and really helped me to actually enjoy this subject.” - Sinead Quigley on Paper F4 Corporate & Business Law, with Brendan Foley Shaun Browne is BRILLIANT! He made travelling from Galway well worth the trip!” Deirdre Dooley on Paper F8 Audit & Assurance, with Shaun Browne The online lectures are great. If I miss a lecture I can do it online the next day so when I’m back in class I’m not behind. It’s a great system.“ Claire Liddy on Papers F6 Taxation, P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics and P3 Business Analysis Owen O’Reilly is a brilliant lecturer.” - Jiao Zhang on Paper P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics, with Owen O’Reilly I would definitely recommend Owen O’Reilly. He manages to make the class enjoyable, and makes every possible effort to ensure you pass his subjects.” - Tim Briden on Paper P3 Business Analysis, with Owen O’Reilly My lecturer was excellent. City Colleges clearly is doing everything possible to be the best.” Des Slater on Paper P3, with Owen O’Reilly Gary O’Mahony is great. I was an online student and found his lectures extremely effective. He uses real life experiences which helps greatly.” Julie Grainger on Paper P6 Advanced Taxation, with Gary O’Mahony The course was brilliant.” A.S. on Paper P6 Advanced Taxation, with Gary O’Mahony Shaun Browne is brilliant!” Ruping Liu on Paper P7, with Shaun Browne Great lecturer, great location.” Meena McGuiness on Paper P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance, with Shaun Browne Shaun Browne is a fantastic lecturer.” D.H. on Paper P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance, with Shaun Browne Claire Phelan is really helpful and always approachable.” Brian Fields I would recommend Claire Phelan 100%.” - Sean O’Sullivan on F3 Financial Accounting, with Claire Phelan   I would definitely recommend Barry Smith, possibly one of the best lecturers I’ve had to date for ACCA.” Diana Dill on F7 Financial Reporting, with Barry Smith I would highly recommend Barry Smith.” - Rebecca O’Neill on F7 Financial Reporting, with Barry Smith I would recommend Michael Farrell. He was able to touch every detail on the syllabus with simplicity.” P2 student on Corporate Reporting, with Michael Farrell

Why City Colleges? At City Colleges, we believe that the student experience is, in large part, determined by the quality of the tuition provided. For this reason, we have assembled a team of talented and inspiring lecturers who have a wealth of experience. Classroom based lectures are also streamed live, as well as recorded and made available for review online through our unique StudyPlus. Why City Colleges? • Excellent lecturers • Live lectures streamed online and recorded for later review • ACCA Platinum Approved BPP Study Materials • Free Mock Exams with detailed tutor feedback • Exam technique classes • City centre location in South Great George’s Street, convenient for bus, LUAS, DART • Study rooms and library in our city centre • Affordable tuition fees with great offers • Limited class sizes

Fundamental papers

Professional papers

F1 Accountant in Business

P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics

F2 Management Accounting F3 Financial Accounting

P2 Corporate Reporting

F4 Corporate and Business Law

P3 Business Analysis

F5 Performance Management

P4 Advanced Financial Management

F6 Taxation F7 Financial Reporting F8 Audit and Assurance F9 Financial Management

P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance

Unique, smarter ACCA tuition

StudyPlus Classes STREAMED LIVE online & RECORDED.


“ “

I have really enjoyed doing the ACCA course at City Colleges. Many thanks to my lecturer Claire Phelan who has always helped and encouraged me to achieve the best results.” Biljana Stankovic

City Colleges is excellent, with superb lecturers. Great location, personal attention, and online lectures are an excellent option. I recommend it highly.” Sinead Quigley

About Our Lecturers Owen O’Reilly BA MBS Head of Professional Accountancy School Paper Specialist: F1, P1 & P3 Owen is a leading lecturer (formerly BPP) with extensive ACCA and CIMA professional accounting exam experience and over 35 student prize winners. His focus is on your exam technique and your exam success. Owen uses his extensive industry and consulting experience to bring his courses to life. He is well known for his brilliant exam techniques, student centred approach and entertaining classes which lead to very high pass rates. He is the winner of the UCD/NIB Smurfit Business School Masters Scholarship Award and a double CIMA prize winner.

Mel Kilkenny BComm, AITI Paper Specialist: F6 and P6 Weekend Mel has lectured Class option taxation subjects for ACCA examinations since 1992.

Mel is highly exam focused in his approach, and is admired for his personable, and practical teaching style. He is the author of the well-regarded Kilkenny Tax Publications textbooks and revision kits for P6 and F6 which are popular with Tax students throughout the country. Mel is also an experienced examiner, having spent a number of years as examiner for the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland and the Irish Tax Institute. ACCA Subjects: F6 (Weekend course), P6 (Weekday and Weekend Courses)

Shaun Browne MAAT FCCA Paper Specialist: F8 & P7

Weekend Shaun is an Class immensely popular and brilliant tutor who has a passion for teaching ACCA. He believes in making the class as interesting and as much fun as possible so that students enjoy learning. He includes lots of anecdotes about his work as a trainee and a partner to help students appreciate the practical aspects of auditing. Shaun is a great believer in ‘learn the basics’. This advice has stood the-test-of-time with many UK, Irish and world-wide prize winners in Auditing to his name. Brendan Foley, BA, BL Paper Specialist: F4 Brendan Foley is a brilliant Corporate and Business Law tutor and makes his courses come alive. He was called to the Irish Bar in 2005, and has been in practice at the Bar and lecturing on professional courses since 2006. He was awarded the Antonia O’Callaghan prize for Constitutional Law in 2004. Brendan has lectured in Constitutional law, Equity & Trusts, Company law and European law for FE1 candidates since 2008. He has also lectured on the King’s Inns Entrance Examination course in Constitutional law since 2008.

Claire Phelan O’ Rourke BBS, ACA. Paper Specialist: F2 & F3 Claire is a very popular and experienced ACCA tutor with excellent student results. She specialises in Management Accounting & Financial Accounting. Her lectures combine clear explanation of topics with strong interaction on the student’s part. Claire also brings her experience gained through working in practice in audit of multinationals for over many years.

Michael Farrell ACA Paper Specialist: P2 & P5 Michael has extensive Chartered Accountants Ireland, ACCA and CIMA lecturing experience . He is also an education and technical consultant for accounting firms and companies and is well known for his insights into effective exam techniques. For ACCA he recognises the importance of developing exam technique as well as technical knowledge and applies this dual learning to every lecture. He focuses on using his exam techniques and technical insights to get you through your exams. He is a very popular lecturer with students and they have achieved outstanding results with him. Dr Michael Dowling Paper Specialist: F9 & P4 Dr Michael Dowling is lecturer in finance in Dublin City University Business School, Ireland, where he specialises in delivering courses in financial management, particularly at the executive education level. He completed his PhD in finance in Trinity College Dublin in 2007. He has delivered a number of excellently received ACCA courses. He is a passionate advocate of modern learning techniques and the power of blended learning approaches combining technology and practical exercises to enhance your learning experience and get you your pass.

Gary O’Mahony BCL, FCA, AITI Paper Specialist: F6 Gary has considerable experience of lecturing in tax matters in different forums, both domestically and abroad. He has lectured students on tax for a variety of professional courses such as AITI, ACCA and CIMA. Highly respected as a tax expert, Gary is regularly invited to speak on tax matters at various national seminars, where his pragmatic approach is welcomed. Gary has also written articles over the past 15 years for a variety of professional publications/ newspapers.

Barry Smith, PhD, FCA Paper Specialist: F7 Barry is a very popular and experienced ACCA tutor having taught F3, F7, and P2 modules. His popularity as a lecturer results from being exam focused and from his ability to explain complex accounting topics. In 2010, his ‘Introductory Financial Accounting and Reporting’ textbook was published by McGraw-Hill and has been extremely well received by teachers and students. Barry is a Chartered Accountant and holds postgraduate degrees from UCD (MEconSc) and University of Birmingham (PhD). He also holds an ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (DipIFR). Ivan Toner Paper Specialist: F5 Ivan Toner is a Chartered Accountant and practising barrister. He has previously worked for Ernst & Young in Dublin, in the areas of Audit and Forensic Accounting. Ivan has lectured extensively at Postgraduate and Professional Levels, in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Performance Management at Masters Level as well as ACCA F5 Performance Management & ACCA P5 Advanced Performance Management.

Diploma in Accounting and Business The ACCA provides a range of intermediate qualifications. Students can qualify for additional awards as they progress through the full qualification. These flexible awards provide students with certification at each level as they progress their education to full ACCA status. The Diploma in Accounting and Business, for example, is granted to those who pass papers F1 – F3. No previous academic qualifications are required to study for these qualifications which provide you with a very good grounding in accounting. Diploma in Accounting and Business

• Accountant in Business (F1) • Management Accounting (F2) • Financial Accounting (F3)

In addition you will be required to complete a professionalism and ethics module called Foundations in Professionalism. Furthermore you will be required to complete one year’s relevant practical experience in any accounting environment to show you can use

your knowledge from the exams in the workplace. Experience can be completed before, at the same time or after taking your exams. How long will it take to complete? It’s up to you as there is no time limit. You can sit most of the exams on demand as computerbased exams or choose to sit paper-based exams in June and December at one of 380 exam centres around the world. *Extracted from

ACCA Qualification

Practical Experience Requirement (PER)* Becoming an ACCA-qualified accountant does not just involve passing your exams and the professional ethics module, you also need to complete our Practical Experience Requirement (PER). It is not just accountants who must gain relevant practical experience, many other professions, such as doctors and lawyers, also have to gain experience to show that they are fit to practise. You can gain your practical experience before, during or after you complete the exams. What is PER? PER provides a structure for you to follow by setting you a range of performance objectives. The performance objectives ensure you gain the experience to demonstrate that you have the

abilities required to become a member. Completing the performance objectives will allow you to: • Apply in practice the knowledge and techniques gained through your studies towards the ACCA exams • Observe and be involved in real-life work situations that help you to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviours you will need as a qualified accountant • Develop your judgement, encouraging you to reflect on the quality of your work and how you may improve your work performance in the future. *Extracted from

Course Timetables February - June 2014

ACCA Paper




Additional Classes




Accountant in Business

Owen O’Reilly




26 & 27 April

CBE 8/5


Management Accounting

Claire Phelan



10/11 & 17 May

CBE 22/5


Financial Accounting

Claire Phelen



27/28May & 7/8Jun

CBE 12/6


Corporate and Business Law

Brendan Foley



24 & 25 May



Performance Management

Ivan Toner



8-Mar & 5-Apr

9/10/11 & 21 May




Mel Kilkenny

7 Weekend days


23/2, 2/3, 9/3, 22/3, 30/3, 12/4, 26/4

16/17/18 May



Taxation - option 1

Gary O’Mahony







Financial Reporting

Dr Barry Smith







Audit and Assurance

Shaun Browne

6 Weekend days


1/3, 23/3, 29/3, 12/4, 27/4, 4/5

23/24/25 May



Financial Management

Dr Michael Dowling Mondays


9-Mar, 30-Mar, 26-Apr

16/17/18 May



Governance, Risk and Ethics

Owen O’Reilly




23/24/25 - May



Corporate Reporting

Michael Farrell




16/17/18 May



Business Analysis

Owen O’Reilly



1 & 22 - Mar, 12 - Apr

9/10/11 May



Advanced Financial Mgt.

Dr Michael Dowling Wednesdays


8-Mar, 3-May

23/24/25 - May



Advanced Performance Mgt.

Michael Farrell







Advanced Taxation

Mel Kilkenny



1-Mar, 5-Apr

23/24/25 - May



Advanced Taxation - option 1

Mel Kilkenny

8 Weekend days


22/2, 1/3, 8/3, 23/3, 29/3, 5/4, 27/4, 4/5

23/24/25 - May



Advanced Taxation - Extra

Mel Kilkenny

Two extra free Revision Sessions for all Tax students on Wednesday 14 & 21 May, 6.30 - 9.45pm


Advanced Audit & Assurance

Shaun Browne

6 Weekend days



2/3, 22/3, 30/3, 13/4, 26/4, 3/5

16/17/18 May


* F8 and P7 with Shaun Browne are not streamed live or recorded Evening Classes: F papers: 18.30-21.30, P papers 18.30 - 21.45, All Weekend Classes 9.30-17.00 ** Please note the above timetables may be subject to changes MOCKS: Flexible options - 19/20/26/27 of May - Suit yourself.



Complete Course (includes Revision/Mock)

Revision/Mock Only

P1 Owen O’Reilly - Tuedays




P2 Michael Farrell - Wednesdays




P3 Owen O’Reilly - Mondays




Time: 11am-1pm & 2-5pm each day

OFFER: Buy two - get second half price, 50% off for resits and unemployed Enrol: Call 1850 25 27 40, email: [email protected] Online registration -

Live Lecture Broadcasting/Online Our accountancy lectures, which are delivered live from Dublin, are also streamed live online, as well as being recorded and made available for review through Moodle. The lectures remain online until the end of the examinations so students can access them as many times as necessary during their revision. Students watching live webcasts may submit questions to the lecturers through Coveritlive™, a chat system for students to interact with the class. This system is moderated by a member of the faculty.

 Classes are STREAMED LIVE online and recorded.  Pause & rewind so you can learn the tricky bits.  Never miss a class or an explanation!

Unique, smarter ACCA tuition


How to Enrol You can apply online at, or you can complete the application form available on our website and return it to the Admissions Office. You can also request a hard copy application form by contacting the School of Professional Accountancy on 1850 25 27 40 or [email protected] Postal Address: Course Admissions School of Professional Accountancy City Colleges Wicklow House 84-88 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 1850 25 27 40 Email: [email protected] Facilities • Library and study rooms available in our Dublin city centre and Templeogue locations • Printed materials provided • Lectures streamed live on Moodle with online chat facility • City centre location in South Great George’s Street, convenient for bus, LUAS, DART, etc • Southside location in Templeogue with extensive car parking facilities • Around the clock support by telephone and email. City Colleges also delivers professional programmes in the following discipline areas from our city centre campus, our campus in Templeogue, Dublin 6W, and throughout Ireland online: School of Criminology, Policing & Security Studies • Diploma in Criminology & Criminal Psychology • Diploma in Crime Scene Investigation • Diploma in Policing Studies • Diploma In Police Leadership & Management • Diploma in Penology & Prison Studies • Diploma in Corporate Fraud Investigation

S.O.S. Safety Training Courses • FETAC/QQI level 4, 5 day course for Security Guards • FETAC/QQI level 4, 5 day course for Door Supervisors • FETAC/QQI Level 4, 6 day combined course for Security & Door Supervisors School of Professional Law • Law Society of Ireland’s Entrance Exams (FE1) Preparatory Course • King’s Inns Preparation Course • Diploma in Employment law • Diploma in Mediation • Diploma in Legal Studies School of Arts, Business & Computing • Diploma in Journalism, with John Waters • Diploma in Irish History, with Myles Dungan • Diploma in Family History, with Myles Dungan • Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing, accredited by the Digital Marketing Institute • Diploma in Creative Writing • Diploma in News & Sports Journalism • Diploma in Chinese (Mandarin) • Diploma in Chinese Business Studies • Diploma in Change Management • Diploma in Leadership • Diploma in Executive Coaching • Diploma in Entrepreneurial Management • Diploma in Soft Skills • Diploma in Strategic Planning • Diploma in Managing People School of Childcare • Diploma in Childcare • Diploma in Montessori Education School of Psychology • Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy • Diploma in Criminology & Criminal Psychology • Diploma in Counselling Psychology • Diploma in Psychology • Diploma in Mindfulness & Well-Being • Diploma in Psychological Abnormality • Diploma in Child & Developmental Psychology

South Great George’s Street

We believe in better You succeed faster

Unique, smarter ACCA tuition Classes STREAMED LIVE online & RECORDED


City Colleges Wicklow House, 84-88 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Telephone: 1850 25 27 40 • Email: [email protected]


For more information visit South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2

Online Worldwide