Council Meetings of 5/22/18 and 5/23/18. c. FINAL PLAT. ... held at the Veterans Park and the parade route, from 9am to
City Council Meeting Agenda Regular Meeting June 13, 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Washington City Council will hold a Public Meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Washington City Offices, located 111 North 100 East, Washington, Utah. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Presentation of designation of Certified Municipal Clerks to Tara Pentz, Deputy Recorder. Utah Municipal Clerks Association Susan Farnsworth, MMC Santaquin City Recorder and Colleen Mulvey, MMC Cedar Hills City Recorder b. Proclamation declaring June 18-24, 2018 as Amateur Radio Week. Mayor Kenneth Neilson 3. DECLARATION OF ABSTENTIONS & CONFLICTS 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. BOARD AUDIT REPORT. Consideration to approve the Board Audit Report for May 2018. b. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Consideration to approve the minutes from the City Council Meetings of 5/22/18 and 5/23/18. c. FINAL PLAT. Consideration to approve the Final Plat for Majestic Hills Phase 1, located at approximately Noble Drive and south of Galilee Heights. Applicant Jason Christensen 5. SPECIAL EVENTS
a. Consideration to approve a Special Event for the “Days of 47 Dixie - July 24th” held at the Veterans Park and the parade route, from 9am to 2pm. Applicant: Michael Eaton / Marcia Whitney 6. PRELIMINARY PLAT a. Consideration to approve the Preliminary Plat for The Island at Coral Canyon, Phase 1, located approximately 1300 North 3700 East. Applicant: Cole West Homes Reed Scow 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Public Hearing for consideration to approve a General Plan Amendment G-18-03 to change the land use designation from (LD) Low Density and (MD) Medium High Density to (MHD) Medium High Density, located at approximately 400 East 4200 South. Applicant: Development Solutions Group, Inc. b. Public Hearing for consideration to approve a Zone Change request Z-18-08, from (A-20) Agricultural 20-acre lots to (R-1-15) Single Family Residential 15,000 sq. ft. lots, located at approximately 3400 south 300 East. Applicant: Dale Bennett c. Public Hearing for consideration to adopt the 2018/2019 FY Budget for Washington City. Administrative Services Director Kimberly Ruesch 8. ORDINANCE & RESOLUTION a. Consideration to approve a Resolution adopting the 2018/2019 FY Budget for Washington City. Administrative Services Director Kimberly Ruesch b. Continuation of the consideration to approve an amendment to the Washington City Code, Title 8, Chapter 1, Section 6 Fire Code in its entirety. Fire Chief Matt Evans c. Consideration to approve an Ordinance adopting Zone Change request Z-18-09, a request to amend the Brio Planned Community Development (PCD), by making changes to the Conceptual Site Plan map, the Circulation Plan Map and the Phasing Plan Map. Applicant: Cole West, Reed Scow d. Consideration to approve a Resolution setting the Property Tax Levy for Washington City Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2018. Treasurer Kerry Wheelwright e. Consideration to approve a Resolution setting the Property Tax Levy for Washington City Special Service District in Coral Canyons for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2018. Treasurer Kerry Wheelwright
f. Consideration to approve an Ordinance adopting and setting a Transient Room Tax for Washington City. City Treasurer Kerry Wheelwright 9. AGREEMENT a. Consideration to approve an Agreement between Washington County and Washington City regarding the transfer of ownership of real property located in Washington, Utah. Washington County Commission / Public Works Director Mike Shaw 10. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING a. Consideration to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between TDS Broadband Services LLC and Washington City, regarding Telegraph & Main Street Fiber Installation and TDS Power Supply Point. Power Director Rick Hansen 11. REPORT OF OFFICERS FROM ASSIGNED COMMITTEE 12. CITY MANAGER REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT POSTED on this 7th day of June 2018 Danice B. Bulloch, MMC City Recorder
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Washington City will make reasonable accommodations to participate in the meeting. Request for assistance can be made by calling the Zoning Technician at 656-6325 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to be held.