Mar 3, 2014 - D. Consideration/ Action for the hosting of the Area Economic Development ... To better serve you, request
3015 Bellmead Dr. Bellmead, Texas 76705 Cynthia Ward City Secretary (254) 799-2436
~ Agenda ~ Monday, March 3, 2014
Bellmead City Hall
I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. UPDATES AND REPORTS A. Update/ Report on BEDC Financials & Audit Status-Chief Financial Officer, Victor Salas B. Update/ Report on BEDC Properties-City Manager, Bo Thomas C. Update/ Report on Atmos Contract-City Manager, Bo Thomas
V. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Downtown Improvement Subcommittee Report/ Update.- Board Members: Lester McDowell or Sandy Jordan B. Finance and Planning Subcommittee appointment and Report/ Update. C. Programs and Projects Subcommittee appointment and Report/ Update. D. Audit and Quality Assurance Subcommittee appointment and Report/ Update. E. Discussion/ Update from the committee to establish a way to maintain contact businesses.-Board Members: Doss Youngblood, Phil Bancale, or Kevin Wilson
VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion/Update on Bellmead Tower Gateway Sign placement-Kevin Wilson B. Consideration/ Update regarding possible property sales.-Harry Myers C. Consideration/ Action/ Update on $1500 Micro-grant for Skate Country.-Kevin Wilson D. Consideration/ Action for the hosting of the Area Economic Development Luncheon on March 28th, 11:45am-1:00 pm at the Civic Center.
VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration/ Action on use of the proceeds of the Atmos easement-Harry Myers B. Consideration/ Action/ Update on grant opportunities.-Harry Myers C. Consideration/ Action on private use and signage of BEDC Property.-Harry Myers D. Consideration/ Action on extending business improvement grant for Skate Country.Kevin Wilson E. Consideration / Action on advertising with Texas Wide Open for possible renewal of advertisement.-Kevin Wilson
VIII. ADJOURNMENT The Bellmead Economic Development Corp. reserves the right to conduct an executive (closed) session on any item on this agenda strictly as allowed by the Texas Open Meetings Act (Chapter 551, Texas Government Code), including, but not limited to under Sections 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberation regarding real property), and/or 551.087 (economic development negotiations).
CERTIFICATION I certify that the attached Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Message Centers located on the front east side of the City Hall Building, located at 3015 Bellmead Drive on the 27TH day of February , 2014 at 3:00 p.m. This notice will remain so posted continuously for at least 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
________________________________ Cynthia Ward, City Secretary
NOTICE In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, the City of Bellmead will provide reasonable accommodations for persons attending and /or participating in this Council Meeting. To better serve you, request must be made at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the City at (254) 799-2436 or by Fax at (254) 799-5969. The building is wheelchair accessible, with parking available, the front and east side of the building.