performances by Jay Ungar & Molly Mason and and a film screening of Boom ... 56 E 1st Street, New York, NY 10003 - 2
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Su n day, Sept em ber 3r d | 8 PM Th e Hear t lan d Passage Tou r in Br ook lyn ! Join us at the Waterfront Barge Museum in Brooklyn for a stop along the Heartland Passage Tour, featuring performances by Jay Ungar & Molly Mason and and a film screening of Boom and Bust: America?s Journey on the Erie Canal! | 290 Conover St, Brooklyn, NY | Tickets: $15
Wedn esday, Sept em ber 13t h | 6 PM Apple of M y Eye: Th e Ur ban Vision of Elain e Nor m an Opening reception for Elaine Norman's exhibit exploring the vibrant, eclectic and constantly evolving architectural and cultural kaleidoscope of New York City.
Sat u r day, Novem ber 4t h | 11 AM Dan cin g an d Dr u m m in g Ar abic Poet r y: A Fam ily Wor k sh op
This interactive family workshop explores Arab-Andalusian poetry and dance with musician and scholar Taoufik Ben Amor, accompanied by master dancer and percussionist Ramzi El-Edlibi and multi-instrumentalist Zafer Tawil.
Sat u r day, Novem ber 11t h | 7 PM Br on x Risin g! Pu er t o Rican Her it age M on t h Bamboula!: Puerto Rico & New Orleans Explore the musical connections with Bombazo Dance Co. Bronx Music Heritage Center, 1303 Louis Niñe Blvd.
Sat u r day, Novem ber 11t h | 6 PM [ G A T E S ]: A Poet r y Ch apbook Lau n ch Par t y & Readin g Poet Sahar Muradi releases her debut chapbook [ G A T E S], from Black Lawrence Press, with a reading and celebration.
Wedn esday, Novem ber 15t h | 7 PM Beyon d Sacr ed: Voices of M u slim Iden t it y Join us for this acclaimed interview-based theatre production by Ping Chong + Company exploring the diverse experiences of young Muslim New Yorkers coming of age in a post-9/11 NYC.
Sat u r day, Sept em ber 16t h | 7 PM
Br on x Risin g!: M axin e Su llivan Wom en in Jazz Ser ies Bronx Jazz Women: Bertha Hope and Mimi Jones Bronx Music Heritage Center, 1303 Louis Niñe Blvd.| FREE
O CT O B ER Tu esday Oct ober 24t h | 7 PM Poet ic Voices of t h e M u slim Wor ld: Re-open in g an d Tou r For the reopening City Lore?s Director of Poetry Programs Sahar Muradi will lead audiences on a unique tour of the exhibit, where the displayed poems come to life in dramatic performances by poets Sara Goudarzi, Suneela Mubayi, and Adeeba Talukder reading in the original Persian, Arabic, and Urdu. Co-sponsored by Kundiman.
Th u r sday, Oct ober 26 | 6 PM Kn ish Talk World's leading knish expert Laura Silver reveals lesser-known specters of the succulent potato pie in New York City and beyond. Come revel in local lore and nosh on knishes and other dishes that pay homage to ancestors of all flavors.
Fr iday, Decem ber 8t h | 7 PM Cit y Lor e St or yt ellin g Caf é: M igr at ion St or ies Migration Stories aims to change the discourse around policy affecting refugees and immigrants by centering their stories, experiences, and expertise. Five featured storytellers will share their experiences of migration, followed by a conversation moderated by Omar Jadwat, Director of the Immigrants?Rights Project at the ACLU. In partnership with the Muslim Writers Collective.
Sat u r day, Decem ber 9t h | 7 PM Br on x Risin g!: Par r an da con Par an da: A Pu er t o Rican & Gar if u n a Holiday Celebr at ion Music featuring the Garifuna guitar tradition & Puerto Rican Cuatro | Bronx Music Heritage Center, 1303 Louis Niñe Blvd. | $7/$5 students/Children under 12 Free
Su n day, Decem ber 10t h | 3 PM Baden ya Bar o: Pr e-Kw an zaa Par t y Join us for a Baro celebration with traditional West African food, dancing, and internationally renowned musicians? you wont be able to avoid dancing! JJJ jJJllllllll
Sat u r day, Oct ober 28t h | 6 PM Br on x Risin g!: Hallow een
Th u r sday, Decem ber 14t h | 6 PM Resist an ce Exh ibit Open in g an d Holiday Par t y
6:00 pose for family portraits in costume/face painting 7:30 Bobby Sanabria 7 Project X will provide live soundtrack for Nosferatu | Bronx Music Heritage Center, 1303 Louis Niñe Blvd.| $7/$5 students/Children under 12 Free
Join City Lore and Yiddish New York for the opening reception of Resistance, an art exhibit curated by Deborah Ugoretz and Tine Kindermann exploring questions around the expressions of resistance.
*All eventsat City Lore unlessotherwise indicated 56 E 1st St reet , New York, NY 10003 - 212.529.1955 - cit