Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, B.C.. 2. B.C. Forest ...... Region (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island), 631 from.
THE WHITE PINE WEEVIL: BIOLOGY, DAMAGE AND MANAGEMENT Proceedings of a symposium held January 19-21,1994 in Richmond, British Columbia
. .
Edited by Rene 1. AIfaro,l Gyula Kiss2 andR. Gerry Fraser3
1. Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, B.C. 2. B.C. Forest Service, Kalamalka Forestry Centre, Vernon, B.C. 3.Pacific Forest Products Ltd., Gold River, B.C.
November 1994
FRDA Report No. 226
Funding for this publication was provided by the Canada-British Columbia Partnership Agreement on Forest Resource Development: FRDA I I - a four year (1991-95) $200 million program cost-shared equally by the federal and provincial governments.
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data (FRDAreport,
ISSN 0835-0752 ; 226)
"Canada-British Columbia Partnership Agreement on Forest Resource Development: FRDA11." Co-publishedby B.C. Ministry of Forests. ISBN 0-7726-2340-6
1. White pine weevil- Congresses. 2. Sitka spruce Diseases and pests British Columbia- Congresses. 3.White pine weevil- Controf - British ColumbiaCongresses. 1. Alfaro,Rene 1. I I . Kiss, Gyula. 111. Fraser, R. Gerry. IV. Canadian Forest Service. V. British Columbia. Ministry of Forests. VICanada British Columbia Partnership Agreement on Forest Resource Development: FRDA II. VII. Series.
SB608.P565W44 1994 0
1994 Government of Canada, Province of British Columbia
This is a joint publicationof the Canadian Forest Service and the British Columbia Ministry of Forests. For additional copies and/or further information about the Canada-British Columbia Partnership Agreementon Forest Resource Development: FRDAII, contact: Canadian Forest Service Pacific Forestry Centre 506 West Bumside Road Victoria, B.C. V8Z 1 M5
or B.C.
Ministry of Forests Research Branch 31 Bastion Square Victoria, B.C. V8W 3E7
387-671 9
The white pine weevil, Pissodes sirobi Peck, can be found in nearly all regions of Canada and the U.S. It causes severe deformity and growth losses by damaging a tree's leader, which results in reduction of merchantable wood volume (30 to 40% in serious attacks). These attacks have brought the planting of Sitka spruceto a stop in coastal BC and are threatening the millions of spruce seedlings planted in the interior of BC during the intensified reforestation efforts of recent years. In eastern Canada and theUSA the weevil has limited the planting of eastern white pine and spruce. The goals of the white pine weevil workshop, held from January 19-22 1994 in Richmond (B.C.), were to consolidate current scientific knowledge concerning this pest, andto map out a strategy for future research and funding requirements through the formation ofa national R&D network. Organized by the Pacific Forestry Centre and the BC Ministry of Forests, the workshop received financial support from the Forest Resource Development Agreement in FRDA 11, and from the Science and Sustainable Development Directorate Canadian Forest Service (CFS) Headquarters throughthe IFPM Working Group. Thirty-three papers were presented on weevil research and management including biology, damage, genetics, silviculture and control. Total attendance was approximately 85 people. Participants came fromB.C., Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, the states of Oregon and Washington, and even from Chile. Affiliations included government (federal, provincial and state), forest industry, universities (researchers and students), consultants and private companies. Six the of eight CFS establishments were represented. Participants went on a field trip, where the existenceof resistance to weevil damage, as well as the consequencesof lack of control were demonstrated.A second field trip demonstrated the potential for silvicultural control through spacing trials, as well as by interplanting rows of spruce with rows of shade trees.
The workshop delivered the following important information:
-The weevil problemis increasing in Canada.'Past ecosystem disruptions and intensification of reforestation efforts has resultedin increased availability of susceptible hosts (youngand vigorous spruce or pine) forthis pest. This situation will inevitably leadto dramatic increasesin weevil attacks in these regenerating forests. -Considerable progress has been made towards finding solutions to this problem, particularlyin the areas of genetic resistance andsilvicultural control. -Such solutions will require the use of various control methods coordinated through an integrated pest management(IPM) system that is tailored to each host tree species and region. Such a management system aims at restoring ecosystem balance. -There is an urgent need for national coordinationof research and development activities byall agencies, so as to ensure maximum efficiencyand to focus opportunities for success. In particular, the need fora coordinated approach to obtaining and delivering funding is required. It was clear fromthis very successful workshop that there is a need for additional research on the white pine weevil, and also for coordination of the
overall efforts in Canada and abroad, so that researchers may learn from each other and speed progress in light of their past experiences. It wasalso clear that participants agreed on the need for an ecosystem-based IPM strategy to deal with this pest. All participants acknowledged thata National Network would be an essentialtool to address these needs. Rene Alfaro Gyula Kiss Gerry Fraser Victoria, July 19th,1994
Acknowledgements This workshop received financial support from the Pacific Forestry Centre of the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) under the Canada , British Columbia Forest Resource Development Agreement: FRDA II, and from the Science and Sustainable Development Directorate in CFS Headquarters through the IFPM Working Group. The editors wouldlike to acknowledge the valuablehelp of Franpis Blain, Emil Wegwitz and Tony lbaraki in the organization of the meeting and Steve Glover and Jill Peterson for looking after the publication of this document.
The weeviland the foresters Please Mr. Weevil, let us plant our trees Please, all you Foresters, get down uponyour knees Go ahead and plant there, while my thoughtsstill roam, On reconsideration, 1'11 use themfor a home. J.H.Borden 20 Jan 1994
Table of Contents
I . Biology and Damage
Ministry of Forests perspectives on spruce reforestation in British Columbia. P.M. Hall........................................................................................................................
The white pine weevil in British Columbia: Biology and damage R.I. Alfaro...................................................................................................................... 7 Spruce weevil hazard mapping based on climate and ground survey data. D.L. Spittlehouse, B.G. Sieben and S.P. Taylor ........................................................ "23 Measuring and modelling spruce leader temperatures. D.L. Spittlehouse, R.S. Adams andB. Sieben ............................................................
Host selection behavior of Pissodes sfrobi and implications to pest management. T. Mehary,R.I. Gara and Judith Greenleaf .................................................................
Larval development and adult feeding preferences of the white pine weevil, Pissodes sfrobi (Peck) on water stressed white pine, Pinus strobus L., Robert Lavalltk, Paul Albert and Yves Mauffette ........................................................ 54 Distribution and hosts of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck), in Canada. L.M. Humble,N. Humphreys andG.A. Van Sickle......................................................
Spatial attack dynamics and impact of Pjsodes terminalis in three biogeoclimatic zones in southern B.C. Lorraine E.Maclauchlan and John H. Borden .............................................................
Spruce weevil population monitoring plots in the Prince George Forest Region, N. Humphreys and R. Fems .................................::..................................................... 90 II. Genetics, Weevils and Hosts
Provenance variation in weevil attack in Sitka spruce. ..................................................................................... 98 Cheng C. Ying and Tim Ebata Towards an understanding of Sitka spruce resistance against Pissodesstrobi, T.S.Sahota, J.F. Manville, E. White andA. lbaraki.................................................. 1I O
Development of a multicomponent resistance index for Sitka spruce resistant to the white pine weevil. ElizabethS. Tomlin and John H. Borden..................................................................
Delivering durable resistant Sitka spruce for plantations. John N. King..............................................................................................................
Recent advancesin white pine weevil research in British Columbia, G.K. Kiss, A.D. Yanchuk and R.I. Alfaro...................................................................
DNA markers associated with weevil resistance in interior spruce, John Carlson, Yong-Pyo Hong and Gyula ......................................................... Kiss
Somatic embryogenesis for mass propagation of weevil resistant spruce. D.R. Roberts.............................................................................................................
Diagnosticsof the Pissodes sfrobi species group in western Canada, using mitochondrial DNA. DavidW. Langor and FelixA. H. Sperling.................................................................
Using RAPD markers to investigate genetic diversity of the white pine weevil(Pissodes sfrobi)K.G. Lewis, J.E. Carlson and J.A. McLean...............................................................
Spruce terpenes: Expression and weevil resistance. J. F. Manville, J. Nault, E.von Rudloff, A. Yanchuk and G. K. Kiss ..................................................................................................................
Breeding strategies of resistance. Gene Namkoong.......................................................................................................
in the Green Timbers Plantations. The spruce weevil R.I. Alfaro andE. Wegwitz....................................................................................... 222 111. Silviculture and Control
An integrated pest management system for the white pine weevil. R.I. Alfaro, J.H. Borden, R.G. Fraser and A. Yanchuk .............................................
will protect young Sitka spruce from white Insecticides applied with Ezject pine weevil attack. R. G. Fraser andS. Szeto.........................................................................................
Silvicultural controlof the white pine weevil at UBC the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. John A. McLean........................................................................................................ 248 The effects of overstory shading on white pine weevil damage to interior white spruce. S.P.Taylor, R.Alfaro, C. Delong andL. J. Rankin....................................................
Effectiveness of leader clipping for control of the white pine weevil,
Pissodes strobi , in the Cariboo Forest Region of British Columbia.
L. J. Rankin andK. Lewis..........................................................................................
New observations on adult behavior of the white pine weevil and implications on control with Diflubenzuron. A. Retnakaran andL. Jobin....................................................................................... 270 A review of chemical insecticides for control Pissodes of strobi (Peck).
P. de Groot and B. V. Helson.....................................................................................
The potential ofAllodorus crassigaster for the biological control of Pissodes strobi, MichaelA. Hulme.......................................................................................................
Pest problems of intensive forestry: The shoot moth invasion of Radiata pine in Chile, D. M. Lanfranco..........................................................................................................
Ministry of Forests Perspectiveson Spruce Reforestation in British Columbia
P. M. Hall British Columbia Ministry of Forests Silviculture Branch 3rd Floor - 3 1 Bastion Square Victoria, B. C. V8W 3E7 Summary Spruce, Picea spp., is an extremely important and desirable cor uferous sDecies in British Columbia. Stands of spruce contribute greatly to timber production in &e province, but are also closely associated with other resource values such as aesthetics and recreation. Spruce is of the province as wellas in coastal areas. extensively used for reforestation in the interior However, large interior plantations are reaching an age and size that is susceptible to terminal to weevil, Pzssodes strobi Peck., attack. As well, spruce plantations in coastal areas are subject heavy attack by terminal weevil, often preventing plantations from reaching free growing status. to weevil related hazard. Spruce is not planted in some coastal areas due At present, few,if any, practical options are available to minimize weevil damage in susceptible to allow the continued use of spruce for reforestation stands. An integrated approach is necessary and to protect those standsalready established, but prone to continued damagefiom weevil attack. All possible options suchas tree improvement that incorporatesresistkce and tolerance to weevils, direct control, planting according to hazard, and others must be incorporated intoa comprehensive management system. Coordinated research betweenall research agencieswill be necessary to provide sucha management system in a timely fashion. Introduction to the province. Benefits from The forests ofBritish Columbia provide a wide range of benefits the forests to the province come fiom stumpage and royalties from timber production, fiom and the tourism and recreation, from cultural heritage, wildlife, watersheds, and more. Forests Part of the various valuesfrom the forests are integral to the perception of British Columbia. values derived from the forests result from the composition and species diversity across the ecosystems of the province. Tree suitability to sites, growth rates,tree form, wood quality and properties, and other attributes determine the respective value of different tree species.
Spruce, Picea spp., is an extremely important and desirable coniferous species in British Columbia. Stands of spruce contribute greatly to timber production in the province. For instance, in 1990/91, the volume of spruce harvested in the province totaled almost 15 million cubic metres, which represented approximately20 per cent of the total harvest (Ministry of Forests 1992). Of this, about 1 million cubic metres came fiom coastal areas and the rest fiom $8.16. the interior of the province. The average stumpage rate for spruce in this period was This is exceeded only bythe harvest levelfor lodgepole pine,Pims harvest volumefor a single species contorta var. Zatifolia Engelm., (Mmnistry ofForests 1992) and reflectsthe wide distribution of the species inthe province. As well, spruce is also closely associated with other resource values such as aesthetics, recreation, and wildlife. is continuing at a Obviously, with such arate of harvest, reforestation of these sites with spruce high rate (Table1). In the interiorof the province, there are now thousands of hectares of pure spruce plantations entering age and size classes that are susceptible to damage by the terminal weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck. Approximately 34,000 hectares are judgedto be currently susceptible in the Prince George Forest Region alone, an and additional 100,000 hectares will likely become susceptible within the next5 to 10 year period ( S . P. Taylor, personal communication). In many areas, weevil damage has already been detected at varying levels.Such incidences of weevil are expected to continue and increase.
Table 1. Number of spruce seedlings planted on Crown land in 1990/91. (Ministry of Forests 1992)
REGION Cariboo Kamloops Nelson Pr. Pr. Vancouver Total
56,6 15,000
Sitka* 0 11,378,000 0 19,394,000 14,606,0000 0
3 73,000 1,523,000 1,103,000 1,896,000
1.P. engelmannii PanylP. glauca (Moench) Voss 2. P. sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.
krther arethousands On the coast, where the history of spruce harvesting is much longer, there of hectares also at a susceptible stage. History has shown that the threatto spruce plantationsfrom weevil is very real. In coastal areas, historic damage levels have been very high in many locations are which prime spruce growing sites. In fact, planting of spruce has been proscribed because therisk of weevil related damage is high - older spruce plantations in these areas are repeatedly attacked by weevils and frequentlydo not reachfiee growing status (Heppner and Wood 1984). In two coastal forest districts, approximately 20,000 hectares were previously stocked with Sitka spruce; however, on as hemlock, cedar, and alder mixes. reinspection, many of these plantations are now classified @. Heppner, personal communication). Intensive weevil pressure has caused a species change
The Queen Charlotte Islands represent a special case. Spruce is extensively planted in the Charlottes and the sites represent some of the most productive spruce sites in the province. Currently, as far as isknown,terminal weevil is absent fromthe island; spruceis widely planted, with estimates of up to 50,000 hectares of spruce plantations now at a stage where they would be susceptible to weevil damage. Management agencies are very concernedthat the weevil not be introduced to the Charlottesand will goto some lengthsto protect valuable spruce stands. Impacts of Terminal Weevil
What exactly does the weevil do? Why are we concerned? After all, we live with a variety of potentially damaging organisms and commonly accept certain levels of damage. When damage increases past some threshold level, we also commonly apply treatments to reduce thedamage. w h y can't we deal with terminal weevils in this fashion? The main issue isthat we have no options to cope with weevilsat the present time otherthan avoidance of planting spruce in identified high hazard areas. Avoidance cannot be considered asan integrated approach, especially when thetree species in question isas widely distributed andas valued as is spruce. Terminal weevilsare insidious damaging factors. While they do not trees kill outright, they can cause serious deformations which, while leaving trees on a site, compromise the intent of producing commercially viable stands, particularly for sawlogs. Further, weevils are not many of the defoliators such as western spruce budworm, Choristoneura "transitory" pests like occidentalis Freeman, and Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgviapseudotsugata (McDuMou~~). canWhat start of€ Rather, once weevils arrive on the scene, they stay and increase over time. with as a relatively minor1 or 2 per cent of stems affected can, within a short span of years, trees can be reincrease to annual levels of up to 30 per cent of stems affected. Many individual attacked several times. Couple this with the information that usually the tallest and best growing trees are infested preferentially, and'it can be seen that a plantation established to provide sawlogs at rotation age can become worthless, requiring additional efforts and expenditures to start again. Concerns
As stated above, spruce is not planted in some coastal areas due to weevil related hazard. Similarly, the impact of weevil is becoming a growing concern in extensive spruce plantations in are available to minimize the interior ofthe province. At present, few, if any, practical options weevil damage in susceptible stands.An integrated approachis necessary to allow the continued use of spruce for reforestation and to protect those stands already established, but prone to continued damage from weevil attack. The range of control options available is substantially smaller than the range of research few ways: opportunities. Control, or management, has been attempted in the province inaonly 0 0
clipping and disposal of infested leaders; spraying of insecticides on an annual basis (carried out by the Canadian Forest Service in the 1970's to protect a very small number of trees); and, avoidance of planting spruce in identified high hazardrisk areas.
With the possible exceptionof avoidance, these efforts have met with limited success, at best, and lack a certain levelof coordination and elegance. Clipping proved extremely labour intensive and - the practice has been discontinued in the Vancouver Forest expensive with inconsistent results Region except under special circumstances. Spraying.again seemed to be impracticalto protect at expense of large plantations. Avoidance of planting spruce obviously works, but the encouraging lesser valued trees on prime spruce sites. Research efforts into the biology, impact, and management of terminal weevils has fairly long this insect also history in British Columbia and an even longer history in eastern Canada where Past and current research have looked at a wide causes damage, albeit on different tree species. range of issues relatingto weevil biology and management. Someof the topics have included: 0
0 0 0
hazard rating based on day-degree requirementsof the weevil for development; development of damage estimation methods and models suchas theSWAT (Spruce Weevil Attack) model developed at Pacific Forestry Centre; direct spray trials to protect leader growth; enhancement of biological control agents; silvicultural manipulationsto encourage deciduous overstory; and, the identification and propagation of resistant or tolerant genotypes.
Some fairly Iarge-scde trials havealso been put in ptace to Iook at the effectiveness of insecticide usage, useof biological agents, effectof overstory and shading, and the useof genetically improved stock. The resultsof some of these investigationswill be broughtforward during the rest of this symposium. While a successhl management system is likely predicated on studying the biology, population dynamics, genetics and impacts of the weevil and host themselves, it is important to consider that the overall objectiveis not to control the weevil. Ratherthe overall objectiveof all lines of will produce and maintain research should beto develop forest management practices that for spruce. productive spruce stands on those sites most suited Proposed management practicesmust balance the needto reduce the levelsof weevil-caused damage while encouraging the maximum growth potential of the site. For instance, the useof dense deciduous overstory may substantially reduce levels of weevil infestation, butat what cost? Wdl those same levels of overstory also significantly reduce the rate of leader growth on the crop trees - unduly extending the rotation period or allowing other tree species to out competethe intended crop trees? Or is there a balance that can be achieved whereby acceptable of levels weevil incidence occur and leader growth is not drastically reduced. Acceptable thresholds of damage versus growthmust be established. It must also be kept in mind that no single techniqueor practice is a panacea. For instance,the development of spruce resistance andor tolerant planting stock would be a substantial and important tool for spruce management. However, what are theplanting strategiesnecessary for this material- should these clones be planted in pure plantations? Mixed with "sacrifice" susceptible types? Mixed with other species? Again, development work on the implementation of
various options must go hand in hand with the development of the options themselves. General planting and stand tending practices that incorporate both overstory shading and genetically improved stock will have to be developed. We would prefer a range of options for dealing with spruce weevil including direct control (both biological and chemical), species manipulation, genetic enhancement, stand manipulation, and others. It is necessaryto develop an integrated research effort that is firmly rooted in the context of operational potentials. It is important to keep overall goalsin perspective and not curtail to fund new opportunities. "basic" on-going researchwork because of the perceived need While such issues as biology, population dynamics, overstory manipulation, and genetic selection of each other, eventually thesewill are important and must be studied somewhat in isolation have to be amalgamated. The overriding questions to be answered are: whatare the damage thresholds and what are themix of treatment, various planting regimes, silvicultural manipulations, and other tactics that will allow a plantation to reach free growing status?
AI1 possible options must be incorporated into a comprehensive management system. Researchers in the province are extremely talented; however, the overall resources for forest health research and specifically research on terminal weevilsin the province are limited. Therefore, a coordinated research program betweenall research agencies will be necessary to provide such a management system in a timely fashion. Conclusion
Spruce is highly a desirable and valuable species for reforestation both in coastal and interior areas. However, many areas where spruce is most suited are also those areas where the successful establishment of spruce plantations is at serious risk to dueactivity byPissodes strobi. Spruce is a highly prized commercial species for production of sawlogs. The value of spruce to the forest industry is high, and the uses to which it can be putare varied. Spruce is specifically adapted to many sites in coastal and interior areas. Removal of spruce as a commercial species for reforestation would mean the purposeful cultivation of species less suitable and productive over large areas. Growth would be less, wood quality may be less, and resultant value would be of less. This must be consideredin the light of decreasing productive forest land base, imposition alternate silvicultural systems, and a need to implement ecologically based forest management. The continued use of spruce, therefore, becomes increasingly important to allow us to: 1. regenerate the most suitable speciesto a particular site; 2. maintain sustainable yield objectives; 3. maintain the value of the forest products to the province; and, 4. to ensure thatan important, valuable, and majestic tree species continuesto play a substantial role in forestry for the long term.
To accomplish this,the currentand potential impacts of terminal weevils must be accounted for. There is a very real need for an array of tools and prescriptions which will allow to bespruce used where appropriate. At present, these tools are not available, or only in the developmental stages. The delivery of these tools must be encouraged,only but in an integrated manner. It is our hope that an integrated and directed research and development program regarding management of teminal weevils be established that incorporates the following: 1. studies in the most promising directions, 2. development of decision aids suchas impact models and hazard rating systems;
3. implementation of demonstration sites and operational trials; and, 4. eventual (hopefblly early) implementation of cost effective practices that can be incorporated
into ourmanagement systems. This symposium is intendedto examine a wide variety of aspects relating to terminal weevil. The final workshop is intended to at least begin the formation of a consistent strategy for development and implementation. I hope that both objectives are met. References
Heppner, D. G. and P. M. Wood. 1984. Vancouver Region Sitka Spruce Weevil Survey Results (1982-1983) with Recommendations for Planting Sitka Spruce.B. C. Ministry ofForests, Internal Report PM-V-5. 30pp. Ministry of Forests. 1992. Annual Report the of M i n i s t r y of Forests for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1991.
The white pine weevil in British Columbia: biology and damage
Rene 1. Alfaro Pacific Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5
Summary This paper summarizes the biology, epidemiology and damage caused by the white pine weevil, Pissodes sfrobi Peck, to spruce regeneration(Picea spp.) in British Columbia. The process of host selection, i.e.,the various steps by which P. sfrobi selects and acceptsits host for feeding, oviposition and larval maturation, is reviewed in detail with the purpose of identifying possible places where sources of genetic resistance could be identified.
Introduction The whitepine weevil, Pissodes sfrobi Peck, is a serious pest of reforestation and natural regeneration, causing severe damage to Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr., Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmannii Parry, White spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, and their hybrids, in British Columbia, BC. This weevil is widely distributed in North America, et a/. this volume), in the being found in most provinces of Canada (Humble states of Washington and Oregon as well as the eastern United States. The pine, Pinus hosts attacked in eastern North America include eastern White sfrobus L., Jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb., and Noway spruce, Pima abies (L.) Karst. The biology ofthe P. sfrobi is as follows (Silver1968). The adults overwinter in the duff, ussually near the tree from which they emerged in the previous fall. Early in the spring (late March, April), adultsfly or crawl to the terminal leader of host trees and commence feeding and mating. Oviposition begins soon after. Eggs arelaid at the tip of the leader, just underthe apical bud, in feeding punctures which are then covered with a fecal plug. After hatching, the larvae orient downwards and begin consuming the phloem.As their
galleries merge, the larvae form the characteristic "feeding ring", in which larvae move downwards in synchrony, consuming all phloem around the circumference of the leader. This causes the girdling and destruction of the leader. Pupation takes placein chambers excavated in the xylem and covered with wood fibers. New adults emerge from late July to September. After emergence, thesefall adults feed for a while, disperse, and when temperatures dropand photoperiod shortens, they go into hibernation in the duff. Depending on local climatic conditions, there are variations to this life north coast, or at higher elevations in cycle. In colder situations, such as the the BC interior and Rocky mountains, a proportion of the population may overwinter as pupae, as teneral adults and possibly as mature larvae. Another variation, known to occur in interior spruce, is the re-attack of trees a new leader attacked in the previous year and which have not yet developed (Cozens 1987). In this case, oviposition occursin sections of the main stem of the previous generation. If populations are under the emergence holes high, this prows of re-attack can continue for several years,resulting in topkilling of internodes, to stem diameters of several centimeters. After successfulattack the tree may take from oneto several yearsto resume height growth, depending on growing conditions. Fast growing trees,on good sites, are able to develop a new leaderin one year. In the process of recovery, branchesfrom the upermost whorl below the damaged terminal twoor years with compete for dominance and the tree remains for one multiple leaders. Most commonly only one leader will succeed, however, forks sometimes develop. Depending on the number of internodes destroyed and the growth characteristics of the tree a permanent stemdefect could form at the point of injury. Alfaro(1989a) and Alfaro and Omule (1990) give descriptions ofthe defects caused bythe white pine weevil. Alfaro (1989a) found that, of 441 attacks followedfor a period of 9 years at Nitinat Lk., 36% recovered completely anddid not developinto any significant stem defect. Out of the remainder, 9% developed into minor scarsand 45% into minor crooks. Only 7.3 and 2.7% of the defects were major crooksand forks.
Epidemiology Being a native insect, P. sfrobiis always present in spruce forests, however, in natural, undirsturbed stands it is a .rare insect. Biodiversitystudies in the virgin forests of Carmanah Creek, on South Western Vancouver Island,have yielded very few specimens ofP. sfrobi (N. Winchester, pers. comm., U. of Victoria, BC). The rarity of P. sfrobi in natural stands can be explained by the fact that in these conditions, spruce ussually regenerates underits own
shade. Taylor ef a/. (this volume) demonstrated that the weevilis negatively affected by shade. In eastern Canada, Wallace and Sullivan(1985) concluded that dense, shaded habitats are unfavourable for theweevil and suggested that adult weevils may require certain conditions of temperature and humidity for feeding and oviposition which are sub-optimal in the shade.
Also, spruce regeneration under shade grows slowly, producing short, etiolated leaders which contain less food for the weevils. Food supply (availability of upright leaders with thick phloem) plays an important natural regulatory role in the population of the white pine weevil. Often these stands contain mixed species which reduce the host density per hectare forlarvae. decreasing thenumber of oviposition sites and food supplythe The capacity of spruce to regenerate under its own shade (shade tolerance) with the is probably atrait that arosein spruce during its long association weevil. Co-evolution probably favoured adaptations in spruce which prevented the weevil from totally annihilating its host. In these natural stands the whitepine weevil q n be found mostlyin exposed regeneration occurring in stand edges or in openings, such as those createdby the fall of older trees. In natural conditions outbreaks developin response to catastrophic c ih create anditions for the events suchas fire or wind storms, wh development of large patches of open-grown spruce regeneration. The widespread adoption of clearcutting in the 60s and 70's and the planting of single-species stands, created optimum conditions for weevil development. Plantation of large areas with vigorous regeneration created an enormous food supply, planted in open stands where heat accumulation is more than appropriate for weevil development (McMullen 1976). Under these conditions population explosions or outbreaks developed. The epidemiology of the white pine weevil on single-species Sitka spruce Omule (1990) and plantations in coastal BC was described by Alfaro and coincides with the description ofMitchell ef a/. (1990) for coastal Oregon. 5 years Outbreaks of thespruce weevil begin when plantations are about then the population grows exponentially old. First a few trees are attacked, to ratesof 3040% trees attackedper year (Fig. 1): The rapid increase in this initial stage is due to the large proportionof trees available for attackand to c ih further increase the fact that many attacks resultin multiple leaderswh oviposition sites and food supply. After thisperiod of invasion,the rate of attack diminishes and the percentage of trees attacked each year estabilizes at high levels, with annual fluctuations due to the variable effects of the mortality factors operating on the population (weather, natural enemies, larval crowding, and others).This stability phase may last10 to 20 years and is caused by equilibrium between the weevil population level and its food supply: the number of attackable leaders. In good sites, where vigorous
growth ensures arapid development of new leaders,the stability level is higher than on slow growing plantations. Gradually, this equilibrium givesway to a populationdecline phase, in which the rate of attack drops to about5% per year byplantation age 30 40 years. This level is considered endemic for the white pine weevil in coastal BC. The reasons for the decline are probably multiple. By this age, the plantation has passed its stage of mostrapid height growthand inter-tree competition increases.This brings about a gradualreduction in leader size of canopy closure, and food supply. It is also possible that, with the onset there may be changes in the stand microclimate which may have a negative impact on weevil survival.
Decline Equilibrium increase
40 Trees Attacked
(%/year) 20
10 15 20 25 30
35 40 45 50 55 60
Stand age (years)
Fig. 1.Typical course of a whitepine weevil outbreakon open-grown Sitka of rapid increase, a spruce in BC. The population passes through a stage phase of insect-host equilibrium and a decline phase.
In addition tofood supply, climate also plays regulatory a role in the population dynamics of the white pine weevil. For Sitka spruce, the highest hazard areas are the interior of Vancouver island and mainlandlocalities away fromthe ocean. The weevilis gradually less frequentin close proximity to thecoast where the cooling influence of the ocean prevents the accumulation of sufficient heatfor development. McMuElen (1 976) calculated that a minimum heat accumulation 888 of degreedays above 7.2C was necessary for completion of weevil development. Food supplyand climate gradient regulation indicate that outbreaks of the white pine weevil are pulse gradient, as defined by Berryman(1987). In these outbreaks populations do not spread from local epicenters to cover in sifu, in response to changesin the favourabiiity of new areas but increase the environment,in this case theavailability of vigorous leaders. Pulses
originate by sudden environmental changes which increase the number of available oviposition sites andfood supply for the larvae, such asplantation of single-species stands, the release of young trees from brush competition and fertilization. These outbreaks are limited by climate gradients. of Hylobius abiefis L., which breedsin tree Berryman (1987) cites outbreaks stumps, as being typical pulse gradient.In this case the key regulatory factor is the number of stumps available after logging.
Intra-stand dynamics Attacks bythe white pine weevil donot occur at randomin a plantation.The dynamics of attack and spreadwithin stands is determined bytwo characteristics of P. sfrobi : preference forthe most vigorous leaders (longest and thickest) and population aggregation.
In Sitka spruce, P. sfrobi has a definite preference for attacking the longest leaders (Silver 1968, Gara efal.1971, McLean 1989, Alfaro 1989b). This behaviour is of high fitness valuefor P. sfrobi. Oviposition on vigorous leaders ensures abundantfood supply and therefore, higherlarval survival. Calculations on the 9-year record presented by Alfaro (1989b) for a Sitka spruce stand near NitinatLake, on Vancouver Island, indicate that, over the 31% longer than those that remained entire period, attacked leaders were unattacked. Alfaro( I989b) developed equations to describe the increasing probability of attackwith increasing leader lenght and population level. This behaviour is also manifested in interior'spruce (Table 1). Table1. Lenght (cm)of interior spruce leaders attacked and not attacked by the white pine weevil in an interiorspruce plantation near Clearwater,BC.
erence Not Attacked Year
33 39
1991 1992
1989 25
attacked 27 30 20 15
22 30 20 40
Dispersal studies using mark and release techniques (Harman 1975, Mehary
et al., this volume) indicated that, within a plantation, P. strobi does not fly very far. After oneyear, most weevils remained close to the point of release. This induces population aggregation and the development of infestation foci in a stand. Most attacks occur within a short distance tree of a attacked in the previous year (Fig. 2).Alfaro and Ying(1990) and Alfaroef a/. (1 993)
compared the distribution of the numberof attacks per tree with predicted values from a Poisson distribution and concluded that attacks do not occur independently from each other but that attack on a tree increasesits chances of re-attack.
50 45
--t Nitinat
-IG. Timbers
35 Attack (%)
30 25 20 15
0 1.5
Distance from previous attack (m)
Fig. 2. Percentage of Sitka spruce trees attackedin a year versus distanceto the nearest tree attacked in the previousyear. Data fromtwo plantations with several years of observation: Nitinat Lake, on Vancouver Island and Green Timbers, near Surrey, BC.
Natural enemies Weevil populations are subjected to parasitism and predation by a complex of natural enemies (Alfaroet a/. 1985, Silver 1968) which include insects, arachnids, birds and mammals. Thedipteran predatorLonchaea corficis is an important predator ofP. &obi larvae and pupae (Alfaro and Borden 1980, Hulme 1989, 1990). These natural enemies may play a role in maintaining populations at the endemic levelin natural stands, however, they seemto be In an insufficient to bring about control under epidemic conditions. experiment where natural enemies where excluded from attacking the
weevils, Alfaro and Borden (unpublished), calculated that natural enemies were responsiblefor only a6% reduction in the population offall-emerging of adults emerging pertree weevils in the plantation studied. The number was more related to leader size. However, enhancement ofnatural of enemy a populations, in combination with other control techniques, could beuseful addition to an Integrated Pest Management system.
Host selection, larval development and sources of resistance to weevil attack Namkoong (this volume) stressed the need to base breeding programs for weevil resistance onmore than one (hopefully several) resistance we must focus ontwo mechanism. In searching for sources of resistance aspects of the weevil/host interaction: the process of host selection, whereby P. strobi, searches for the host, and accepts it for feeding and oviposition, 3). and the process of larval feeding and maturation (Fig. Invasion of a .new plantation requires that overwintered adults (spring), or host is newly emerged adults (fall), migratefind to suitable habitats where the found. These are open, unshaded sites with sufficient heat accumulation for completion of weevil development. Initial long-range dispersal is probably at random, aided by prevailingwind currents. Observations by the author, of fairly isolated stands which became infested, indicate thatP. strobi is of non-host species, or capable of migrating several kilometers. Interplanting planting spruce under a nurse crop (shading), are silvicultural interventions which aimat modifying the habitat to make it less suitable for weevil survival and development. These procedures operate at the stand rather than at the tree level andprovide only environmental resistance. Similarly to many other insects, it is likely that,within a plantation the to directional movement, in behaviour ofP. sfrobichanges from random response to cues emanating from the host. The weevil must locate the tree leader, initiate and sustain feeding and finally lay its eggs. Quickand accurate host selection is of high fitness value for the weevil which seeks to minimize predation and maximize food quality for survival its of progenie. Weevil genotypes with inadequate host-searching habilities or susceptible to resistance mechanisms in the tree,will be eliminated from the population.
P. strobi must differenciate the hosttree Within a plantation, a dispersing from other sympatric conifers and non-conifer trees. This process seemsto in to the host trees without landing be very precise as weevils appear to cue on other mixed non-host trees occurring on the site. Examination of tree beating records collected by the Forest insect and Disease Survey (FIDS) This indicate that P. strobi has rarely been reported on non-host trees.
Host selectionprocess and
resistance sources Stimuli
McMullen 1976
* v i s u a l :silhouette E-magnetic spectrum Chemical :smell, kairomones -Geotaxis and + phototaxis
Selection of host
landing on leader
Arrestance and biting
Acceptance and feeding
*Chemkal: feeding stimulants absence of repellents *Physkal: resin c a n a l size anddensity resinandbarlccha~*
*Chemical: oviposition stimulants, absence of repellents and juvenk hormone analogs
Oviposition I
Anderson 8 Fisher 1956,1960 VanderSar 8 Borden 1977
Harris et a/. 1990
Alfaro et a/. 1980 Tomlin 8 Borden Thisvo1. Plank 8 Gerhold 1965 Gara et 81. 1971
VanderSar 1978 Sahota ef a/. This ~01.
*Physical: resin canal size bark chaacterlstics
I I Lawal feeding &
*Chemlcai :arrestants, biting 8 feeding stimulants, absence of repellents *Thigmotactic: d l edensity
VanderSar 8 Borden 1977
Chemical: appropriate nutrition, presence of tanins and phenolics *Physicai: resin flow and resin Santamour 8 Zinkell977 characteristics See Figs 5 8 6
Figure 3. Process of host selectionin the white pine weeviland stimuli that trigger successor failure of each stage. Possible resistance mechanisms whc ih could be useful in breeding programs are indicatedby "*'. suggests the existence of visual or cheq$al primary attractantsw h c ih the and Borden (1977a) weevils use to find and settle on the host. VanderSar adult P. sfrobi are attracted to vertical or showed in laboratory bioassays that
near-vertical black silhouettes which resemble the leaders of Sitka spruce and postulated that vision could play arole in selection of the host tree. of However, it is unlikely that silhoutte alone could allow for differenciation the host from other conifers on the site with similar leader profiles. One in the aspect that has been overlookedso far is the study of color perception weevil and ofthe electromagnetic wavelength reflectance from the host trees. Many insects, most notably pollinators, are attracted to particular 1992). wavelengths emanating from their host plants (Chittka and Menzel Selection of the tip of the leader for oviposition seems to be in response to to the combined action of negative geotropism and positive phototaxis (VanderSar and Borden 1977b). Most insects posess magnificently developed chemical sensory capabilities. There is little doubt thatP. sfrobi also has well developed chemical sensors. Mehary et a/. (this volume) report attraction of females to traps baited with cut spruce twigs and attraction of males to females. AndersonFisher and (1956, 1960), Alfaro ef a/. (1980, 1981, 1984)and Alfaro and Borden(1982, 1985) demonstrated that feeding response in P. sfrobi could be altered by the presence of naturally occurring chemicals with repellent or deterrent activity. (1985)concluded that After extensive experimentation, Alfaro and Borden close-range acceptance or rejection of a tree as awas host determined by a complex mixture of volatile and non-volatile chemicals present in the tree (1985) proposed phloem and surface of needles and bark. Alfaro and Borden that susceptible trees would be those having an adequate amountand diversity of feeding stimulants and low amounts offeeding deterrents. Several host terpenes were synergists of feeding at low concentrations but acted as repellentsat higher concentrations (Fig.4).
O n addition to feeding detenency, chemicalresistance tooviposition could also occur. In choice experiments, VanderSar(I 978) concluded that oviposition response depended on chemical or physical cues present onlyin the host (Engelmann spruce) and absent in the non-host (western white pine). Sahota efa/. (this volume) hypothesized that resistant Sitka spruce could contain chemicals with juvenile hormone activity which could cause ovary atrophy in P. sfrobi.
The capacity of trees to produceresin to block insect galleries is a resistance work has been mechanism presentin most conifers. Fairly conclusive completed to demonstrate that theresin canal system of pinesis a major cause of resistance in pines to bark-infesting beetles. The resistance may be due to highresin flow (Nebeker et a/. 1992) or to the resin properties,
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 04
0.01 0.001
Log. Concentration (ug)
Figure 4. Feeding response (no. feeding punctures) of P. sfrobi to feeding diet treated and untreated with various concentrations the of monoterpene limonene, in choice bioassays. .
particularly its ability to remain fluid (van Buijtenenand Santamour Jr. 1972, Santamour andZinkel 1977, Bridgen et a/. 1979). However, this mechanism is highlyvariable. Resin production varies widely during the growing season with tree phenology, growth characteristics (includingsilvicultural treatments) and environmental factors suchas air temperature and soil water deficit (Blanche efa/. 1992, Matsonefa/. 1987). Tomlin and Borden (this volume) demonstrated that resistant Sitka spruce contained significantly higher density of phloem resin canals than susceptible trees. This observation andthe finding that P. sfrobiavoids puncturingresin canals duringfeeding and egg-laying (Stroh and Gerhold1965),suggests that the resin canal system of sprucesis an important defense mechanism against the white pine weevil. Observations made by the author in Sitka and white spruce indicate that certain trees can produce copious resin which can kill theeggs and inundate the galleriesof young larvaebefore feeding ring formation (Fig. 5) or of the maturelarvae .(Fig. 6). In the first two cases, only minor leader deformation results.In the last case, the leader is partially destroyed (Fig. 6). The resistance response consistedin the formation of a resin soaked necrotic tissue aroundthe feeding young larvae or below the
feeding ring. This reaction is very similar to the description of the resistance ef a/. 1985). response of pines to the southern pine beetle (Paine
Figure 5: Resistance responsein a Sitka spruce tree to early larval feeding by resin. All larvae by P. sfrobi. Galleries of the young larvae were inundated were killed. The tree produced callus tissue which healed the wounds created by larval feeding. The leader survived but sustained reduced growth and developeda slight curvature
Fig. 6. Resistance response in an interior spruce tree to late larval feeding by P. sfrobi. The resistance response consisted in the formation of a resinsoaked necrotic tissue below the feeding ring. The leader was partially destroyedmd the entire weevil brood killed.
Variation in the nutritional value of the host tissue for insect development is a resistance mechanismin many insect/host interactions. Insects reared on suboptimal hostfail to develop or are smaller and less fertile. Zou and Cates (1993) found that in western budworm, adefoliator of Douglas-fir, survival and growthwas significantly lower in diets containing excess amounts of the carbohydrate galactose.
Assessment of the impacts ofthe white pine weevil is a critical prerequisite to determining the levels of expenditures tobe commited for weevil management and research. Alfaro (1992) developed a stand simulator (Spruce Weevil Attack or SWAT) capableof assessing the effects of different levels of weevil damage on Sitka spruce plantation productivity. Recently, this model has been integratedinto the Tree and Stand Simulator BC Ministry of Forests (Mitchell 1975). TASS (TASS) model developed by the is a single-tree, distance-dependent model which calculatestree volume growth based on height and branch growth and inter-tree competition. The SWAT addition to TASS simulatesthe effects of userdefined scenarios of weevil attack on crown development. Attacked trees develop stem defects of various types, accordingto probabilities observedin field studies. Resultsof a run of the TASSBWATsystem are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Percentage volume reductions in Sitka spruceplantation after (% attawyear) and duration. simulated weevil attacks of varying intensity Losses werecalculated using the Tass and SWAT models and correspond to the merchantable volume (between stump and tree top) at 80, ageafter removal of major stem defects induced by weevils. The plantation was initiated with 1327 treesha, planted at 2.74 m spacing, on a site index 30 m at 6. (base 50 years). THe weevils invaded the plantations age
Attack %/year 0
5 10
15 20 25 30 35 40
Duration of weevil attack (years) 10 15 20 25 30 0.0 0.0 .oo 0.0 0.0 0.0
2.6 4.2 5.8 8.1 10.9 12.3 10.9 10.6 11.5 11.1
3.8 7.8 11.7 13.5 14.6 18.0 16.6 16.0 18.7 16.2
5.0 10.3 14.1 16.1 20.0 24.8 22.6 20.6 24.9 22.5
6.0 13.1 16.8 21.3 24.6 28.9 29.3 25.8 30.7 27.7
7.2 14.6 19.5 23.8 27.9 32.6 32.8 28.8 33.4 31.5
7.9 15.7 19.7 25.6 31.3 35.3 35.4 32.2 36.4 34.6
40 0.0
8.5 16.6 20.6 27.2 32.4 37.2 37.9 36;O 39.3 36.8
9.0 17.0 21.6 28.2 33.9 38.5 39.6 37.6 40.8 38.6
References ALFARO, R.I. 1989a. Stem defects in Sitka spruce inducedby Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck.), pp 177-1 85in Alfaro R.I. and S. Glover (Eds.), Insects affecting reforestation: Biology and damage. Proceedings of a IUFRO symposium held on July 3-9, 1988, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, under the auspices of the XVIII international Congress of Entomology, Forestry Canada, Victoria, BC. ALFARO, R.I. 1989b. Probabilityof damage to Sitka spruce by the Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes sfrobi (Peck). J. Ent. SOC. BC. 86:48-54. ALFARO, R.I. 1992. Forecasting spruce weevildamage. Pages 10-16, in Ebata, T. editor, Proceedings of a Spruce weevil Symposium,held in Terrace, BC, March 12th, 1992. BC. Min. Forests, Prince Rupert Region. Special report. 42 pp. ALFARO, R.I.; YING, CHENG C.. 1990. Levels of Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes sfrobi (Peck), damage among Sitka spruce provenances and families near Sayward, British Columbia. Can. Ent. 122: 607-615. ALFARO, R.I.; HULME, M.; YING. C. 1993. Variation in attack by Sitka .spruceweevil, Pissodes sfrobi (Peck.), within a resistant provenance of Sitka spruce. J. Entomol. SOC. Brit. Columbia. 90: 24-30. ALFARO, R.I.; BORDEN, J.H. 1980. Predation byLonchaea corfics (Diptera: Lonchaeidae)on the white pine weevil,Pissodes sfrobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Can. Ent..112: 1259-1 270. ALFARO, R.I.; BORDEN, J.H. 1982. Host selection bythe white pine weevil, Pissodes sfrobi (Peck.): feeding bioassays using host and nonhost plants. Can. J. For. Res. 12: 64-70. ALFARO, R.I.; BORDEN, J.H. 1985. Factors determiningthe feeding of the white pine weevil on its coastal British Columbia host, Sitka spruce. Proc. Ent. SOC. Ont.116(suppl.): 63-66. ALFARO, R.I.; OMULE, S.A.Y. 1990. The effects of spacingon Sitka spruce weevil damage to Sitka spruce. Can.J. For. Res. 20: 179-18. . ALFARO, R.I.; PIERCE JR, H.D.; BORDEN, J.H.; OEHLSCHLAGER, A.E. 1980. Roleof volatile and nonvolatile components of Sitka spruce bark as feeding stimulants for Pissodes strobi Peck (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Can. J. Zool. 58: 626-632. ALFARO, R.I.; PIERCE JR, H.D.; BORDEN, J.H.; OEHLSCHLAGER, A.E.1981. Insect feeding and oviposition deterrents from western redcedar foliage. J. Chem. Ecol. 7: 3948. ALFARO, R.I.; BORDEN, J.H.; HARRIS, L.J.; NIJHOLT, W.W.; MCMULLEN, L.H. 1984. Pine oil, a feeding deterrent forthe white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Can. Ent.I16: 41-44.
ANDERSON, J.M; FISHER, K.C. . 1956. Repellency and hostspecificity in the white pine weevil (Pissodes sfrobi).Physiol. 2001.29: 31 4-324. ANDERSON, J.M; FISHER, K.C. 1960. The response ofthe white pine weevil to naturally occurring repellents. Can. J. Zool. 38: 547-564. BERRYMAN, A.A. 1987. The theory and classification of outbreaks. Pp. 3-27, in Barbosa, P. and J. Schultz. (Eds.) Insect outbreaks. Academic Press, Inc. 578 pp. BLANCHE, C.A.; LORI0 JR.,P.L.;SOMMERS,R.A.;HODGES,J.D.; NEBEKER, T.E.. 1992. Seasonal cambial growth and development of loblolly pine: xylem formation, inner bark chemistry, resin ducts and resin flow. For. Ecol. and Manag.49:151-165. BRIDGEN, M.R.; HANOVER, J.W.; WILKINSON, R.C. 1979. Oleoresin characteristics of Eastern white pine seed sources and relationship to weevil resistance. Forest Sci.25: 175-1 83. CHITTKA, L.; MENZEL, R. 1992. The evolutionary adaptation offlower colours andthe insect pollinator's color vision.J. Comp. Physiol. 171:171-181. COZENS, R.D. 1987. Second broods ofPissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in previously attacked leaders of interior spruce.J. Entomol. BC. 8 4 : 46-49. GARA, R.I.; CARLSON, R.L.; HRUTFIORD, B.F. 1971. lnfluece of some physical and host factorson the behaviour ofthe Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes sitchensis, in southwestern Washington.Ann. ent. SOC.Am. 6 4 : 467-471, HARMAN, D.M. 1975. Movement of individually marked white pine weevil, Pissodes stmbi. Environ. Entomol. 4: 120-124. HARRIS, L.J.; ALFARO, R.I.; BORDEN, J.H. 1990. Role of needles in close-range host selectionby.thewhite pine weevilon Sitka spruce.J. Entomol. SOC. BC.87:22-25. HULME, M.A. 1989. Laboratory assessment of predation by Lonchaea corficis (Diptera: Lonchaeidae)on Pissodes sfrobi(Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Environ. Entomol.18: 101 1-1 01 4. HULME, M.A. 1990. Field assessment of predationby Lonchaea corficis (Diptera: Lonchaeidae)on Pissodes sfrobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Pima sifchensis. Environ. Entomol. 19: 54-58. MATSON, P.A.; HAIN, F.P.; MAWBY, W. 1987. Indices of tree susceptibility to bark beetles vary with silvicultural treatment in a loblolly pine plantation. For. Ecol. and Manag. 22: 107-1 18. MCLEAN, J.A. 1989. Effect ofred alder overstoryon the occurrenceof Pissodes strobi (Peck) during the establishment of a Sitka spruce plot. pp 167-1 76,in Alfaro R.I. and S. Glover (Eds.), Insectsaffecting reforestation: Biology anddamage. Proceedings of a IUFRO symposium held on July3-9, 1988, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada under the auspices of theX v l l l International Congress of Entomology, Forestry Canada, Victoria, BC.
MCMULLEN, L.H. 1976. Spiuce weevil damage. Ecological basis and hazard rating for Vancouver Island. Environ. Canada. For. Serv. Rep. BC-X-141. MITCHELL, K.J. 1975. Dynamics and simulated yieldof Douglas-fir. For. Sci. Monograph. 1 7 . 3 9 ~ ~ . MITCHELL, R.G.; WRIGHT, K.H.; JOHNSON, N.E. 1990. Damage by the , Sitka spruce weevil (Pissodes sfrob0 and growth patterns for 10 spruce species and hybrids over 26 yearsin the Pacific Northwest. USDA, For. Serv. Pac. Northwest Res. Sta. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-434.12~~. NEBEKER, T.E.; HODGES, J.D.; BLANCHE, C.A.; HONEA, C.R.; TISDALE, of pine R.A. 1992. Variationin the constitutive defensive system loblolly in relation to bark beetleattack. For. Sci. 38: 457-466. PAINE,T.D.;STEPHEN, F.M.; WALLIS, G.W.; YOUNG, J.F.. 1985. Seasonal variationin host tree defense to the southern pine beetle. Arkansas Farm Research34:.1-5. SANTAMOUR, F.S.; ZINKEL, D.F. 1977. Resin acids, resin crystallization and weeviling in Balkan x eastern white pine hybrids. Pages 164-1 75 in Proc. 25th Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference SILVER, G.T. 1968. Studies on the Sitka spruce weevil,Pissodes sifchensis, in British Columbia. Can Ent. 100: 93-1IO. STROH, R.C.; GERHOLD; H.D. 1965. Eastern white pine characteristics related to weevil feeding. Silvae Genetica. 14: 160-1 69. VAN BUIJTENEN, J.P.; SANTAMOUR JR, F.S. 1972. Resin crystallization related to weevil resistance in white pine(Pinus sfrobus). Can. Ent. 104: 21 5-21 9. VANDERSAR, T. J.D. 1978. Resistance of western white pine to feeding and oviposition by Pissodes sfrobi Peck in western Canada. J. Chem. Ecol. 4: 641-647. VANDERSAR, T.J.D. ; BORDEN, J.H. 1977a. Aspects of host selection behaviour of Pissodes strobiPeck. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as revealed in laboratory feeding bioassays.Can. J. Zool. 55: .405-414. VANDERSAR, T.J.D. ; BORDEN, J.H. 1977b. Role of geotaxis and phototaxis in the feeding and oviposition behaviour of overwintered Pissodes sfrobi. Environ. Entomol. 6: 743-749. WALLACE, D.R.; SULLIVAN, C.R. 1985. The white pine weevil,Pissodes sfrobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): a review emphasizing behaviour and development in relation to physical factors. Proc. Entomol. SOC. Ont. IG(Suppl.): 39-62. ZOU, JIPING; CATES, REX G. . 1994. Role of Douglas-fir (Pseudofsuga rnenziesii) carbohydrates in resistance to budworm (Chorisfoneura occidentalis). J. Chem. Ecol. 20: 395-403
D.L. Spittlehouse, B.G. Sieben and S.P. Taylor Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, Victoria, B.C. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Silviculture Section, Ministry of Forests, Prince George, British Columbia
Summary Growing degree day-data for climate stations of the Environment Canada network are used to assess hazard for spruce weevil development. The procedure is based on McMulien's finding that 785 growing degrees above 7.2OC was required for the development of weevils from the interior of British Columbia. Growing degree totals for May to September (heat sums) were determined from the 1951-80 normals. The British Columbia Ministry of Forests' Biogeoclimatic Ecological Classification system and elevational gradients of heat sums were used to assign hazard t o areas of vegetation. Allowance was made for inter-annual variations (coefficient of variation 10%) in heat sums, and for exposed spruce leaders averaging 1 OC or more above air temperature. The predictions compared well with ground survey data in the Robson Valley Forest District, British Columbia. It appears that recent climatic warming in the region has resulted in infestations occurring at higher elevations than would be expected based on long-term climatic data. The Sub-Boreal Spruce and Interior Cedar-Hemlock zones of the forest district are considered susceptible to infestations of greater than 5%. The Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir zone ispredicted to have a low risk to infestation. Introduction The spruce weevil is a serious pest of white (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and Engelmann (Picea engelmanii Pary) spruce plantations in the Prince George Forest Region (Taylor et a/. 1991). The weevil lays its eggs in the terminal leader from
the previous year and the larvae mine downwards consuming the phloem and killing the terminal (Stevenson 1967). Lateral branches below the attacked leader turn upwards to become the new leader resulting in the formation of .stem defects such as crooks and forks which reduce wood quality (Alfaro 1989). Growth loss
also occurs since the laterals typically take two years t o assume dominance. Identification of potentialareas of hazard can reduce management costs through targeting infestation surveys and application of control treatments. Probably the major environmental factor affecting the weevil's life cycleis summer heat. McMullen (1976a) found that 785 growing degrees above a developmental threshold temperature of 7.2OC are required between oviposition and adult emergence from the leader in the interior of British Columbia (B.C.). McMullen (1976b) used climate station data to assess infestation hazard in coastal B.C. Applying this technique in many areas of difficult since the climate station network is sparse and the terrain mountainous. However, the recently completed vegetation classification of B.C.'s forests (Meidinger and Pojar 1991) links vegetation zones and subzones to macroclimate. A subzone is an area where macroclimatic conditions ti.e., the temperature and precipitation regimes) are assumed relatively uniform. Aerial and ground surveys of the vegetation are used t o delineate the subzones, not climatic data. All Environment Canada climate stations in B.C. have been cross referenced to the biogeoclimatic subzones (Reynolds and Meidinger 1993' 1. This is aiding the development of a hazard assessment procedure for the Prince George Forest Region and its application to the whole province (Sieben 1994). In this paper we present a preliminary assessment of the procedure by comparing the climatically derived hazards with infestation data from the Robson Valley Forest District of the Prince George Forest Region. From this we infer the potential hazard for subzones in the whole Region. Methods
Calculation of heat sums McMullen (1976a) found that oviposition required temperatures greater than 14OC and had an optimum between 20 and 26OC. After the eggs were laid, 785 growing degrees above 7.2OC were required for the emergence of adults from the leader in the interior of B.C. He found that fluctuating daytime temperatures, rather than a constant daytime temperatures, did not significantly change the threshold value. Daytime temperatures suitable for oviposition do not usually occur until late April or early May in the central and northern interior of B.C., and less than 5% of the annual total of growingdegrees above 7.2OC usually occur in April. Daily average temperatures for the latter part of September onward are generally below 7.2OC. Consequently, the May-September period was chosen as the accumulation period. The 30-year-average values (normals) were used as the baseline for determining hazard.
lReynolds, G.; Meidinger, D.V. 1993. Climatic data summaries for the Biogeoclimaticzones of British '49 p. Columbia, Ver. 3. Unpubl. Rep.,Res. Br., B.C. Min. Forests, Victoria, B.C.
The growing degree data used (Anon 1984) are from the 1951-80 normals for the B.C. climate stations in the Environment Canada network. Environment Canada calculates the daily growing degrees using [(Tmax+Tmin)/Zl-Tb, where Tmax and Tmin are the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures (OC) at 1.5 m in the shade and Tb is the base temperature. If a value less than zero is obtained, it is set to zero before summing each day in the month. The normals are values for each month averaged over a 30-year period. Stations with a shorter record are adjusted based on comparisons with long-term stations. A few stations not in the normals were used by comparing them with stations in the normal record and adjusting as necessary. May to September growing degrees totals above 7.2OC (heat sums) were calculated by linear interpolation of the tabulated values (Anon 1984) for base temperatures of 5 and 10°C. This saved considerable time and cost compared to calculation and normalization from daily data, and gave values within 3% of the value obtained by using daily temperature data. Ninety-two stations were available for the 21 subzones that occur in the Prince George Region, though only 39 stations are in the Region. Three subzones do not have a representative climate station and 7 have only 1 station. Subzones that did not have a climate station were assessed using elevational gradients of heat sums in the adjacent area. The mid elevation of the subzone was chosen as a reference point. Subzones with a large elevation range were split into upper and lower bands if they encompassed t w o hazard ranges. Daily data from selected stations were used to assess year-to-year variations in heat sums.
Determination of hazard ranges Broad class ranges were developed to account for a number of climatic reasons. There may be substantial variation in the quality of the climate data since most of the data are collected by volunteer observers. Stations may also be subject to specific site condition, such as frost pockets, making them atypical of the general climatic regime. The data were screened for obvious inconsistencies. Site factors such as south slopes possibly being warmer than north slopes within a subzone are not addressable at the broad scale of mapping considered here. The subzone/station cross-reference (Reynolds and Meidinger 19931) was also reviewed for possible mis-classification. Heat sums vary from year-to-year (Figure l ) , with a coefficient of variation of 10%. Adult weevils live for more than one year (McMullen et a/. 1987). Thus, we assume that a large population can be maintained as long as no more than two consecutive years have less than 785". This occurs for stations with an average heat sum greater than 820".
Heat S u m > 7.2"C 'loo 1000
' 1955 1950
1980 1975 1970
Figure 1. Typical annual variation (solid line) in May to September growing degrees above 7.2OC (heat sum) and 30-year average heat sum (dashed) for 1951-1 980 in the Prince George Forest Region.
Table 1. Preliminary heat sum hazard ranges
range 1 : >820° - there is sufficient heatindependent oftheeffectsof shading or tree height on leader temperature, and of annual variations. range 2: 750-820° - unshaded leaders, and shaded leaders in some years, will have sufficient heat. range 3: 660-749O - unshaded leaders are likely to have sufficient heat in most years. Shaded leaders cannot have sufficient heat.
range 4: 1250 > 1200
>510 > 550 1050-1 2505 10-660 > 1050 660- 1000 1050-1200 550-660 > 1050 660- 1000 > 900 780-900 > 1050 670-800
infestation No. plantations Low High
1 0 5 2
9 1 3s
I$ 3
11 No data # No data #
Heat Sum > 7.2"C 1000
Elevation (m) Figure 2. Influence of elevation on the 1951-1980 average heat sums for stations in and near the Robson Valley Forest District. BA is Barkerville, CL is Cariboo Lodge, RP is Red Pass Junction, MR is Mount Robson Ranch, MN is McBride North, MC is McBride 4SE, VA is Valemount, BR is Blue River and MD is Mica Dam. Figure 3 shows the location of all stations, except BA, BR and MD. The regression line is Heat Sums = 1484 - (0.78[-cO.O4]*elevation),R2=0.986, n = 9,std. err. = f 23O, and the elevation is in metres.
Discussion The Robson District ground surveys generally agree with the hazard ranking from climate data. The warmer subzones show greater infestations. Figure 2 indicates that infestations should be low above 1050 m. The survey data in Table 2 show that there are infestations of greater than 5% up to 1250 m. This discrepancy at the higher elevations of the ICH subzones might relate to site factors. However, a more likely explanation is a large variation in climate from normal during the survey period that is not accounted for in determining the hazard ranges. At the Prince George Airport (220 km northwest of the Robson District), the April to September period in 1987 to 1992 was, respectively, 1.2,0.4, 1.2,I .3,1.2, and 1.2OC above the normal temperature. This is the longest sustained period of above normal temperatures in the station's 50 year record. Consequently, growing degrees averaged 20% above normal. Such a warming is likely to be over a large area of the interior of B.C., and corresponds to a general increase in air temperature in Canada (Gullett and Skinner 1992)and globally (Karl e? a/.
Figure 3. Susceptible subzones, climate stations, and areas of known weevil infestation in the Robson Valley Forest District and Mount Robson Park. The dotted line bounds the susceptible subzones (SBSand ICH). Outside this are the ESSF subzones and the Alpine Tundra zone. We will be determining the degree of warming in the Robson District and calculating the heat sums (Sieben 1994). We can approximate the effect of a 1.2OC warming by determining the elevation where the lower limit for unshaded leaders (heat sum of 660O) would occur for a 6OC base temperature (i.e., 7.2-1.2OC). The heat sums for 6OC were calculated as for 7.2OC and regressed against elevation as in Figure 2. The equation gives an elevation threshold of about 1220 m for a heat sum o f 660O.
The comparison of climatic hazard with infestation surveys needs to be done for other areas of the Prince George Region. The extent and size of the warming trend and the sensitivity of the hazard zones to climate change will also be assessed lS.ieben 19941,. In the me.antime.,.we can cons.w-vatiuely estimate l b e susceptible and non-susceptible areas in the Prince George Region. The latter.are the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir, Sub-Boreal Pine-Spruce and Spruce-WillowBirch zones. The former are+""the Boreal White and Black Spruce, Sub-Boreal Spruce and Interior Cedar-Hemlock zones. The infestation surveys (Table 2) indicated that about 25% of the ICH plantations surveyed are not infested. These stands are either near the upper limit of the ICH ( 1250 m), or are from the southern part of the district and have considerable species diversity. Silvicultural treatments; such as overshading to reduce heat, may reduce hazard in subzones with a heat sum of'greater than 750°, and eliminate it in cooler subzones. A reversal of the present warming trend in summer air temperature will also reduce the area of hazard. The vegetation classification of the province along with digital elevation data are in a geographic information system. The climate stations have elevation, latitude and longitude data associated with the climate data and are easily added to such a system. Consequently, our approach to hazard mapping could be used in a geographic information system. It may also be suitable for assessing other pests and diseases that have climatic limitations to their range. In conclusion, the hazard mapping system is feasible for a broad scale analysis of risk. However, it does need further comparisons with ground surveys and should be used in conjunction with such surveys in making silvicultural decisions. Interannual variations in summer weather need to be considered in forest management activities to address the threat of the spruce weevil. Acknowledgements
Funding for this work is provided by the Canada - British Columbia Forest Resource Development Agreement' and the B.C. Ministry of Forests. The University of British Columbia also provided support for B.G. Sieben. References
ALFARO, R.I. 1989. Stem defects in Sitka spruce induced by the spruce weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck). Pages 175-185 in R.I. Alfaro and S.G. Glover, editors. Insects Affecting Reforestation: Biology and Damage, Proc. 18th. Internat. Congress Entomology, 3-9July 1988, Vancouver, Forestry Canada, Pacific For. Victoria, Centre, B.C. i
ANON 1984. Canadian Climate Normals Volume 4 Degree Days 1951-1 980. Can. Climate Prog.;A'fmospheric-Erivironmmt Service, Envirm, Canada, Downsview, ON. GULLET, D.S.;SKINNER,W.R. 1992. The State of Canada's climate: Temperative change in Canada 1895-1 991. State of the Environment Report No. 92-2, Environment Canada, Downsview, ON 36p. KARL, T.R. et a/. (plus 9 others). 1993. Asymmetric trends of daily maximum and minimum temperature. Bull. Am. Meteor. SOC. 74:1007-1023. MCMULLEN, L.H. 1976a. Effect of temperature on oviposition and brood .. strobi. Can. Ent. 108: 1 167-1 172. development of Pissodes ..
MCMULLEN, L.H:) 1976b. Spruce weevil damage; Ecological basis and hazard rating for Vancouver Island. Rep. BC-X-141, Can. Forestry Serv., Pacific For. Res. Centre, Victoria, B.C., 7 p. MCMULLEN,L.H.;THOMPSON,A.J.;QUENET,R.V. 1987. Sitka spruce weevil (Pissodes strob/? population dynamics and control: A simulation model based on field relationships. info. Rep. BC-X-288, Can. Forestry Serv., Pacific For. Centre, Victoria, B.C., 20 p. MEIDINGER,D.M.;POJAR,J. (editors) 1991. Ecosystems of British Columbia. Special Rep. Ser. 6, B.C. Min. Forests, Victoria, B.C., 330 p. SIEBEN, B.G. 1994. . Climatically 'based hazard rating sysxem for spruce weevil, Pissodes stmbi, in the Prince George Forest Region under present and climate change conditions. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. (in preparation). SPITTLEHOUSE,D.L.; ADAMS, R.S.; SIEBEN,B.G. 1994. Measuring and modelling spruce leader temperatures. (this publication). STEVENSON, R.E.1967. Notes on the biology of the Engelmann spruce weevil Pissodes engelmanni (Curculioidae: Coleoptera) and its parasites and predators. Can. Ent. 99:201-213. SULLIVAN, C.R. ,1959. Effect of light and temperature on the behaviour of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck. Can. Ent. 91 :213-232. TAYLOR, S.; ALFARO, R.I.; LEWIS,K. 1991. Factors effecting the incidence of white pine weevil damage to white spruce in the Prince George Region of British Columbia. J. Entomol. SOC. Brit. Columbia 88:3-7.
D.L. Spittlehouse, R.S.Adams and B. Sieben Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, Victoria, B.C. Research Branch, Ministry of Forests, Vernon, B.C. B.C. University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Summary Techniques for assessing the hazard of spruce leader weevil infestation have been developed. These techniques use air temperature data from regional climate stations to estimate heat accumulation sums for weevil development. It is known that leaderswill In order to determine howto correct air warm above air temperature on sunny days. temperatures from regional stations, measurements of leader temperature were made in conjunction with detailed measurements of microclimate. Spruce leaders were found 1 'C to be 3 to 5 "Cwarmer thanair temperature on sunny days and approximately cooler at night. On cloudy days the leaders were close to air temperature. An energy balance modelof spruce leaders was formulated which adequately simulated the trends in leader temperature as a function of weather conditions. Research is continuing to improve the model.
Introduction Infestations of spruce plantationsin British Columbia, Canada,by the spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi (Peck)) can resultin significant reductionsin growth and timber quality (Stevenson 1967; Tayloret a/. 1991). The weevil lays eggsin the tree leader during the spring andthe larvae kill the leader during their development over the summer. It is thought that insufficient summer heat is a major limitation thetospread of theweevil. et a/. This knowledge has been used to develop a hazard rating system (Spittlehouse 1994) based on climate station air temperatures. Sullivan (1959) showed that leaders depart from ambient air temperature suggesting that these data dofully notrepresent the temperature experienced bythe developing larvae.The objective ofthis study was to use measurementsof the microclimateof real and artificial leaders and a mechanistic modelof leader energy balance to assess possible adjustments to the climate station dataused in hazard assesement.
Spruce Leader Energy Balance The model uses short and longwave radiation, air temperature, wind speed and leader physical characteristics to calculate the diurnal trend of leader temperature. A similar analysis for an emerging maize plant is presented in (Cellier d.1993). The leader is treated as a semi-infinite vertical cylinder of uniform temperature with needles protruding fromit. Only the stemof the leader is consideredin the energy balance calculations. The loss of energy dueto transpiration fromthe leaves is not modelled and it is assumed that evaporation the by bark is negligible.The needles are treated as a source of shade.
the leader is: The energy. balance of
where K* andL* the are net solar and longwave radiation, respectively,(W m-*), H is the sensible heatloss (W m-z), and Q is the rate of heat storagein the leader (W rn-2). Sensible heat transferis calculated from
where TL is leader temperature( X ) , Ta is the free stream air temperature("C) at the height of theleader, and hHis the heat transfer coefficient(W m-*K-1) calculated using Hilpert's relationship (Gates,1980): hH = (Wd) 0.62 V
where d(m)is the diameter ofthe stem, u, (ms-1) is the free stream wind velocity, isk the thermal conductivity of air (W m-zK-l), and v (m2s-1) is the kinematic viscosityof dry air. k and v are slightly temperature dependent. Hilpert'srelationship is for a bare cylinder and itis known thatthe presence of needleswill affect the heat transfer from the stem by modifyingthe windspeed and level of turbulence at the surface ofthe shoot. Experiments are currently being conducted using heated model shoots with needles attached to improve estimates of heat transfer coefficients. Since the current leader temperature is unknown, the rate of heat storage between times ti-1 and ti is obtained from
where D? is (TL,i Ta i), D5-q is determined in the previous time step, DTa is (Ta i Ta i-l),hQ is Cd/Dt, (Wrn-*K-l), C is the heat capacity ofthe stem (J m-3K-l), anb Dt is (he time step(s).
Direct and diffuse solar radiation must be treated separately in determining K*. The direct irradiance depends on the anglethe of solar beam to the leader, whereas diffuse radiation canbe assumed to be isotropic. A correction is made for shadows cast by the needles, but the radiation they reflectto thestem and multiple reflectionsare neglected. The solar radiation absorbed by the leader (KL) is
(Kine = &ir + &if + &,sur). where a~is the albedo of the leader, and incident solar The direct solar irradiance (Qir) is
In (5) Kb is beam solar radiation(W m-z), An is the relative verticai projected area of and the needles, N is the mean angle of the needies measured fromthe horizontal 6 is the solar altitude from the horizontal (') given by (O),
8 = arcsin((sin 8 sin 6) + cos 6 cos 6 cos (15(ts 12)))
where 8 is the latitude 6 is the solar declination for a particular dayof the year (DOY) given by 0.403 sin(O.O172(DOY 81)), and ts is solar time (0 to 24 h). The term l/(z tan(8)) is the projection factor for a semi-infinite cylinder (Monteith and Unsworth 1990). ( O ) ,
The incidentdiffuseradiation(&if)is
( O )
is the diffuse radiation from the sky, Siso is a view factor for isotropic
radiation ( imensionless) varying from0 (no blockage) to 1. Siso is about 0.4 for a where needle angle of 70'. The incidentradiation reflected from the surroundings (&,sur) is also isotropic andis
where hefl is the radiation reflectedfrom the surroundings. The0.5 in (6) and (7) is the view factor for a vertical cylinder in a semi-infinite medium. it also occurs in the longwave radiation balance. The solar radiation absorbed by the leader is
Longwave radiation receivedby the leader (Linc) comes fromthe sky (Lsky), from the surroundings (Lsur) and from the needles (Ln), i.e.
Lsky is measured andthe other longwave termsare calculated as a functionof the ( E , dimensionless) using L = E 0 (T + 273.2)4, object's temperature and emissivity where 0 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant(5.67 x 10-8, W m-2K-4). Ln is calculated assuming the needles are at air temperature. The leader temperature is anunknown, but as it is within 10°C of Ta it can be approximatedas
to hH (W m-2K-1) given where hRis a coefficientof radiative heat transfer analogous by
Substituting the above equations into (1) and rearranging for the temperature difference between the leader and the air at time i, (DTi) gives
Methods Three intensive (June,July and August 1992) andone long-term experiment (April 1992 to October 1993) were conducted in forest clearcuts onreal and artificial leaders. Fine wire thermocouples wereused to measurethe temperature of leaders, under the bark, at N, E, S, and W directions, 1.4 m above the ground. Solarradiation on the horizontal, air temperature, humidity, and wind speed were measured in all experiments. Net, sky and surface longwave, diffuse, and reflected radiation,and wind direction were measured in the intensive experiments. These experiments also had leaders continuously shaded, or without transpiration, and a black, nylon model without needles. Sensors were monitored every10 s using a data logger and summarized as5 or 30 minute averages. Leader diameter, average needle angle and needle vertical projected area were determined. Reported leader temperatures are an average of the 4 cardinal directions. Results On sunny daysthe temperatures of exposed leaders were upto 5°C above air temperature. A typical diurnal trend fortwo clear days is shown in Figure 1. Typically, the temperatures at the four cardinal positions were very similar at night. The leader 1"Ccooler thanair temperature. At dawn were almost isothermal and approximately the leaders warmedrapidly and were several degreesC warmer thanair temperature within 30 minutes of sunrise. The northern and eastern sensors were warmestin the 36
afternoon; the southern sensor was usually warmest in the middle ofthe day. On the second day shownin Figure 1, windspeed increasedin the afternoon; the leader was cooler andthere was less difference between the sensors at the cardinal positions. of the four Experiments showed that leader temperature calculated from the mean . cardinal positions sensorswas very similar to that measured bya sensor in the centre of the leader. The shaded leader was at or about 0.5'C below air temperature. The leader withno transpiration was at the same temperatureas the transpiring leader, indicating that the latent heat flux from transpiring needles does not significantly affect leader temperature. The blackmodel was 2 to 4°C warmer than the leaders during the day, but was at the same temperature at night.
-2 I 4
- Windspeed
O '0
Time (PST) Figure 1 Diurnal trendsin leader temperature on two clear days.The upper panel shows the temperatures measured beneath the bark at the four cardinal positions (solid = N, dotted = Dlchained = S, and broken = W). The lower panel shows windspeed measured at a height of two meters. The diurnal trendin the solar radiation load is the major factor controlling leader temperature. Solar irradiance on the leader peaks relatively earlyin the morning, as the decrease in the projection ontoa vertical surface compensates for the increase in 2). solar intensity during the late morning and early afternoon (Figure
Radiation 1000I
- Solar Radiation at Leader 200.
W/m2 2030
Figure 2: Measured shortwave irradianceon a horizontal surfaceon a horizontal for surface and irradiance for a vertical cylinder calculated from the measurements, 23 25 June, 1993. The solid line shows solar irradiance, the dotted line shows reflected solar irradiance, the dotted line shows the diffuse solar irradiance. The chained line in the upper panel showsthe incident longwave irradiance fora vertical cylinder ((Lsky + Lsur)/2).
Daily mean temperatures reflect daily weather conditions. On sunny days, mean temperatures average about2°C above air temperature. The daily mean temperature difference (DT) of a 0.01 m diameter leader was relatedto daily mean wind speed U, ms-1) and the ratio (daily total solar radiation/maximum possible) (F). For the period May to Sept. 1992, DT= 2.30 F + 0.33 U - O.l, 0.3"C, & R2 = 0.798,n = 140. Table Ipresents the characteristicsof the nylon model and leader used in the temperature simulations. The former is usedto test the model withoutthe effect of needles on the radiation balance and wind flow. The air temperature and windspeed data are presentedin Figure 3,
Table 1: Values of parameters and coefficients used in simulations. Model refers to the nylon model of the leader without needles. The simulations were forto23 25 June 1992 at 54'02'N 122'40'W. Units Leader Model Term
0 2 x 106 0.01 0.026
0.3 3.5 x 106 0.007 0.026 70 0 0.4 900 S 900 1.55 X 10-5 1.55 x 10-5 m*s-1 0.05 0.25 5.67 x 10-8 5.67 x 10-8 0.97 0.97 "
Air Temperature I
Time (PST) Figure 3: Air temperature and windspeed measured at the height of themodel and - 25 June. instrumented ieader for the period 23 39
Trends in modelled and measured temperatures forthe nylon model and leader are shown in Figures 4 and 5. ..
Model-Air 12 1
"C 0
1 230
1230 430
Time (PST) Figure 4: Measured and modelled temperature differences between the nylon cylinder and air temperature(Tmodel- Ta). The solid and broken lines show modelled and measured cylinder temperatures respectively. The time period is the same as shownin Figures 1 and 2. f
At night there are only small differences between the predicted values andmeasured values for both the leader and nylon model (Figures3 and 4). During the day the predicted values tendto follow the trendsin measured values. However, the-model fails to predictthe large decrease in (TL Ta) observed during the middle portion of the day. This decrease in temperature difference was also observed in another leader. In the nylon model, predictions of (Tmodel- Ta) were lower than measured.
Discussion Although trends in temperature differenceare well predicted there are discrepancies. The leader was cooler than predicted by the model during the middle of the day, suggesting that the model overestimatesthe radiation absorbedby the leader and/or overestimates rH,the latter is unlikely as this would resultin overprediction of temperature difference for the nylon model. Figure 3 shows the opposite. At present, the most difficult assumptions to test are those regarding the effect ofthe needles on heat transfer and absortion of radiation.Errors probably also occurin the calculation of the longwave irradiances from net-radiation and surface temperature measurements. 40
Leader-Air 8
"C4 2
0 -2 I
430 2030 1230 430 2030
Time (PST) Figure 5: Measured and.modelledtemperature differences betweenthe instrumented leader andair temperature (TL- Ta). The solid and broken lines show modelled and measured leader temperatures respectively. The time period is the same as shownin Figures 2 - 4. The surface belowthe leaders consists of low herbaceous vegetation, exposed mineral soil and other youngtrees of similar height. Even with accuarate measurements of the temperature of the various surfaces,it is difficult to accurately calculate the upward longwave irradianceat the leader. of leaders with needles attached are being Experiments using heated models performed to determineif heat transfer coefficients differ from those calculated by Hilpert's equation and how needles shade the stem at various solar elevations.
The results indicate that climate station data need tobe modified for use in weevil hazard assessment. Furthermore, forest management activities that are aimed at clearing vegetation that shades trees may increasethe likelihood of weevil infestations by increasing leader temperature. Surveys of plantations indicate that shading decreases weevil attack. This may be partially due to the cooler thermal environment of shaded leaders.
Acknowledgments Funding for this work is provided bythe Canada - British ColumbiaForest Resource Development Agreement and the B.C. Ministry of Forests. The University of British Columbia also provided support forB. G. Sieben.
References CELLIER, P. F., RUGET, M., CHARTIER and R. BONHOMME, 1993. Estimating the temperature of a maize apex during early growth stages. Agric.For. Meteorol. 63:35-54. GATES, D.M., 1980. Biophysical Ecology. Springer-Verlag, New York. NY. MCMULLEN, L.H., 1976. Effect of temperature on oviposition and brood development of Pissodes strobi. Can. Ent. 108: 1 167-1 172. MONTEITH, J.L. and UNSWORTH, M.H. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics. 2nd. edition. Edward Arnold, London.
SPITTLEHOUSE, D L , SIEBEN, B., AND TAYLOR, S. 1994. Spruce weevil infestation hazard maps determ'ined with air temperature. This proceedings. STEVENSON, R.E., 1967. Notes on the biology of the Engelmann spruce weevil Pissodes engelmanni (Curculioidae: Coleoptera) and its parasites and predators. Can. Ent. 99:201-213. the behaviour of the white SULLIVAN, C.R., 1959. Effect of light and temperature on pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck. Can. Ent. 91:213-232. TAYLOR, S., ALFARO, R.I. and LEWIS, K. 1991. Factors effecting the incidence of white pine weevil damageto white spruce in the Prince George Regionof British Columbia. J. Entomol. SOC.Brit. Columbia 88:3-7.
Host Selection Behavior ofPissodes strobi and Implications to Pest Management T. Meharyl, R.I. Gara2 and Judith Greenleaf2 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 981 95
Summary Field studies carried out on the Olympic Peninsula showed that white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi) females responded to cut Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) terminals in the spring. Barrier traps baited with mated females consistently caught more weevils than traps baited with either males, unmated females or unbaited controls. Significantly more males than females were caught in traps baited with mated females (PcO.05); females showed no significant preference among the four treatments. In late summer and early autumn, significantly more emergent females than males dispersed from brood stems (PI 0. spruce (Picea spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Regional differences are apparent in the distribution of collections between the two host genera. Hosts
The Forestinsect and Disease Survey data includes 6 461 records of white pine weevil attacking pines and spruce in forest stands across Canada (Table 1) since 1948. In eastern Canada, collections from pine predominate, while in the west the majority of collections are from spruce. Pines are the primary hosts recorded for the weevil in the Maritimes (81.4% of the collections), Quebec(65.2%) and in Newfoundland Ontario (80.8%) regions, while species of spruce predominate (1OO%), Northwest (94.8%) and Pacific and Yukon(97.1 %) regions. Seven species of each host genus have been recorded as breeding hosts P. of strobi in forest stands (Table I). The pine hosts include four native species, eastern whitepine (Pinus strobus L.), jack pine (P. banksiana Lamb.), lodgepole pine (P. contorta Dougl. var. lafifolia Engelm.), and red pine (P. resinosa Ait.), (P. nigra Am.), Mugho pine(P. and three exotic pine species, Austrian pine
Figure 2, The distribution of FlDS collection records of white pine weevil on spruce, 1948-1 992. Symbolsas in Fig. 1.
Figure 3. The distribution of FlDS collection records of white pine weevilon pine, 1948-1992. Symbols as in Fig. 1.
TABLE 1. White pine weevil damage collectionsin forested stands on pine and spruce hosts (in percent)in each FIDS region.
Number of collections Native hostsa Eastern white pine Jack pine Red pine pine Lodgepole spruce Black spruce White Engelmann spruce spruce Sitka spruce Red
Exotic hosts Scots pine Austrian pine Muhgo pine
Norway spruce spruce Colorado
0.0 0.0 0.0
64.5 9.3 1.8 0.2
38.8 16.6 3.1
34.3 36.6 3.0
0.3 2.4
100.0 3.6 0.0 7.6 5.2
9.7 78.3 4.5
0.7 37.3 24.8 32.3
7.2 -
0.2 0.3
6.0 0.2 0.4
nr nr
nr nr
0.9 0.2
nr nr nr
6.3 4.3 0.4 0.5 0.4
nr nr
a Regional percentages exclude hosts identified to genus only, thus total percentage for each regionmay not sum to 100%. An ' - ' indicates thatthe native host does not or occur in the FlDS region; 'nr' indicates that no damage records noted, species may may not be present in exotic plantations; 't' indicates damage recordsfor the species are e 0.1%. mugo Turra) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris L.) . The spruce hosts includefive native species, black spruce(Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.),Engelmann spruce (P. engelmannii Party), red spruce(P. rubens Sarg.), Sitka spruce (P.sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) and white spruce(P. glauca (Moench) Voss), and two exotic species, Colorado spruce(P, pungens Engelm.), and Norway spruce (P, abies (L.) Karst).
The distributionof the accumulated FlDS records of P. strobi on eachof the native coniferous host species attacked in British Columbia are presentedin Figure 4 to assist cooperatorsin identifying new distribution or host recordsin the province. Cooperators are encouragedto submit collectionsof white pine
Figure 4. The distribution of white pine weevil collections on native conifers in British Columbia:a, Sitka spruce; b, Engelmann spruce; c, white spruce; d, black spruce; ande, lodgepole pine.
weevil from localities or hosts which are not noted on these distribution maps to the Forest Insect and Disease Survey regional office.
Discussion Since 1948, the Forest Insect and Disease Survey has compiled a national database of more than 450000 survey collections containing more than 1.4 million host associated and geographically defined records of insect and disease occurrences in the forests of Canada. The records are useful as a readily accessible sourceof geographic and biological data of distributions of Canadian forest pests. The distribution maps in this paper summarize the known range and hostsof P. sfrobibased on historicalFlDS collection records. These maps of existing distribution and host information for are intended as a summary researchers andforesters managing the white pine weevil problem. Nine native and five exotic species of spruce and pine have been recorded as hosts of P. strobi across Canada. Because FlDS surveys are conductedto provide annual overview assessments of the pest conditionsin economic forest stands, survey collections are biased towards the economically important species of each region. Thus, the proportion of each host species attackedin a region does not represent the absolute host preferences ofthe white pine weevil within that region. However, the data do demonstrate trends in the host species attacked acrossthe country. With the exception of the single coniferous damage record on black sprucein Newfoundland which biases the proportional occurence for that province, white pine weevil damage in forest stands occurs almost exclusively on sprucein western Canada (British Columbia andNW region). Five percent or fewerof the damage records from the two western regions occur on pine hosts. In the east (Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes regions) the white pine weevil damage is recorded predominately from species of pine andonly 20-35% of the damage records are associated with spruce hosts. The mapped northern distribution limits of the white pine weevil (Fig. 1) are within the Boreal forest region as denoted by Rowe (1972).All of the collection in British localities for P. sfrobi, except for the two most northerly collections Columbia, are found between the 1000 and 1250 growing degree-day isoclines (degree-days above50 C) (Energy, Mines and Resources Canada 1981).The two exceptions from British Columbia (Fig. 4a), each of which consisted of a single attacked white spruce leader, are found betweenthe 750 and 1 000 degree day isoclines. Isolated records of P. sfrobj, such as thosein northern British Columbia, indicatethe potential for damage by the weevil in more northerly immature stands once they reach susceptible age. Limited informationis available on the frequency and severityof white pine weevil attack in British Columbia. The incidence and intensityof P. strobiattack for the province was summarized by Wood.and Van Sickle (1983) for the period if a from 1967 to1 982. Surveys are currently being undertaken to determine
relationship exists between biogeoclimatic subzones and damage intensity.In cooperation withthe British Columbia Ministryof Forests, the Pacific and Yukon FlDS unit has undertaken a survey ofthe distribution, damage and host species of P. strobi within the biogeoclimatic subzonesof the Prince George forest region. The data fromthis survey will be usedto develop a riswhazard rating for white pine weevilin the various subzones. The recent northern distribution records for white pine weevil in the Prince Rupert and Prince George forest regions, andthe scarcity of records on some host species, indicates that the distribution limits and host range of the pest may be incompletely known in British Columbia.
Acknowledgments We thank the staff of the Forest Insect and Disease Survey regional units across Canada for permission to access their historical collection records. The assistance of Steve D'Eon ofthe FIDS Forest Pest Management Group, Petawawa National Forestry Institute,in extracting the survey data from INFOBASE and in producingthe national maps is gratefully acknowledged. Host distribution maps for British Columbia were produced by Dennis Clarke of the Pacific and Yukon regionFlDS unit.
Literature Cited ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES CANADA 1981. Canada - Growing degree days, Map4.3 in The national atlasof Canada, 5th Edition. Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa. MCNAMARA, J. 1991. Family Curculionidae. pp. 329-359 in Y. BOUSQUET, Ed. Checklist of the beetlesof Canada and Alaska. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Publication' No. 1861/E. 430 pp. O'BRIEN, C.W.; WIBMER, G.J. 1982. Annotated checklist of the weevils (Curculionidae sensu lato) of North America, Central America,and the West lndies (Coleoptera: Curcuiionoidea). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute (Gainesville) No. 34. 382 pp. ROWE, J.S. 1972. Forest regions of Canada. Dept. of Environment, Canadian Forestry Service Pub. No. 1300. 172 pp. WOOD, C.S.; VAN SICKLE, G.A. 1983. Forest insect and disease conditions British Columbia& Yukon 1982. Can. For. Serv. Pac. For. Res. Cent. Inf. Rep. BC-X-239,31 p. SMITH, S.G.; SUDGEN, B.A. 1969. Host trees and breeding sites of native North American Pissodes bark weevils, with anote on synonymy. Ann. Entomol. SOC.Am. 62: 146-148.