Class -7. Syllabus 2012-13. English Language: 1st Unit Assessment- July 2012.
A graded English Grammar and Composition Book 7. Lesson 1. The Sentence.
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Class -7 Syllabus 2012-13 English Language: 1st Unit Assessment- July 2012 A graded English Grammar and Composition Book 7 Lesson 1. The Sentence. Lesson 2. Nouns. Lesson 4. Adjectives. Vocabulary: Lesson 19. Antonyms. Lesson 21. Making Nouns from Verbs. Gems English Reader Work Book 7: Grammar Study. Chapter 2 Harold: Our hornbill. Chapter 3 Adventures around the world. Chapter 5 A grain as big as a hen’s egg. Essays - Unseen Letters –writing – Formal/Informal (Unseen) Comprehension – Unseen passages. G.K. Pages:7, 15, 62 (Quiz 1 & 2) 1st Term Exams: September 2012. A Graded English Grammar and Composition Book 7. Lesson 3 Articles. Lesson 5 Pronouns. Lesson 6 Verbs.. Lesson 7 Modal Auxiliaries. Vocabulary. Lesson. 22 Making adjectives from Nouns.. Lesson.23. Homophones. Gems English Reader Work Book 7:Grammar Study. Chapter 6 Saving my friend Ellen. Chapter 8 Tempest Chapter 9 Colours of nature. Revision Test Paper I Essays – Unseen. Letter – Writing – Formal/Informal (Unseen) Comprehension – Unseen passage. G.K. Papers 16, 23, 63 (Quiz 3 & 4) 2nd Unit Assessment: December 2012. A Graded English Grammar and Composition (7) Lesson. 10. Expressing the future.. Lesson. 11. Active Voice and Passive Voice. Lesson. 12. Subject –Verb agreement.
Lesson. 13. Adverbs. Vocabulary: Lesson. 20. Antonyms.. Lesson.25. Nation and Nationalities. Gems English Reader Work Book (7):Grammar Study Lesson 11. Packing for the journey. Lesson 13. On being Sarah. Lesson 15. Sally. Essays – Unseen. Letter-writing – Formal/Informal (Unseen) Comprehension- Unseen passage. G.K. Papers: 24, 25, 66 (Quiz 9 & 10) 2nd Term Exams: March 2013. A Graded English Grammar and Composition Book 7. Lesson 9. Tenses. Lesson 15. Joining Sentences. Lesson 16 Prepositions. Lesson 17. Direct and Indirect speech. Vocabulary: Lesson 24.One word for a group of words. Lesson 26.Buildings and Places. Gems English Reader Work Book 7:Grammar Study Lesson 17 The homecoming 1 Lesson 18 The homecoming 2 Lesson 22 Yes, We can. Revision Test Paper 2 Essays - Unseen. Letter Writing –Forma/Informal (Unseen) Comprehension – Unseen passages. G.K. Pages 35,41,67 (Quiz 11 & 12) English Literature: 1st Unit Assessment: July 2012 Gems English Reader Book 7. Lesson 2 : Harold : Our hornbill. Lesson 3 : Adventures around the world. Lesson 5 : A grain as big as a hen’s egg. Poem Lesson 7.Song of Radha, the Milkmaid. Gems English Reader Work Book 7:Word Study. Lesson 2. Harold :Our hornbill. Lesson 3. Adventures around the world. Lesson 5. A grain as big as a hen’s egg. David Copperfield. Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7. 1st Term Exams: September 2012. Gems English Reader Book 7. Lesson 6. Saving my friend Ellen.
[email protected] Lesson 8. The tempest. Lesson 9. Colours of nature.. Poem: Lesson. 10. The solitary reaper. Gems English Reader Work Book 7. Word Study. Lesson 6 Saving my friend Ellen. Lesson 8 The Tempest. Lesson 9. Colours of nature. David Copperfield: Chapters:L 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.Sixteen Tales from Shakespeare The Taming of the Shrew. 2nd Unit Assessment: December 2012. Gems English Reader Book 7. Lesson.11. Packing for the journey.. Lesson.13. On being Sarah. Lesson.15. Sally. Poems: Lesson 21. Friends and flatterers Gems English Reader Work Book 7: Word Study. Lesson 11 . Packing for the journey. Lesson 13. On being Sarah. Lesson 15. Sally. David Copperfield. Lesson. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 2nd Term Exams. March 2013. Gems English Reader Book 7. Lesson 17. The homecoming I. Lesson 18. The comecomming II Lesson 22. Yes, We can! Poem: Lesson 23: The Oak. Gems English Reader Work Book 7. Word Study. Lesson. 17. The homecoming I Lesson. 18. The homecoming II. Lesson 22. Yes, We can!. David Copperfield. Lesson.23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Sixteen Tales from Shakespeare. As you like it. Project Topics: English Language 1st Unit Assessment: Formal/Informal letters. 1st Term Exams: Essays. 2nd Unit Assessment: Comprehension. 2nd Term Exam: Vocabulary. Conserned Teachers will give some topics to facilitate students to make a project of their choice.
English Literature 1st Unit Assessment: Poems from Gems English Reader Lessons: 1, 12, 14, 16 1st Term Exam: Life History/Character Sketch of great authors and poets. 2nd Unit Assessment: Story Writing. 2nd Term Exam: Word Meanings from lessons in the Reader. Concerned teachers will give some topics to facilitate students to make a project of their choice. Geography: Chapters for the first unit assessment. Locating places on the Earth. Motions of the Earth. Project Topics- Detailed description of the continents of the world. Chapters for the first terminal exams. North America- Location, area, and physical features.. North America-Climate, Natural vegetation and wild life. North America- Natural resource utilization. North America- People, Transport, communication and trade. Case Studies; North America. The four realms of the Earth. Project topics-Lumbering in Canada. 2nd unit assessment: Weathering. Natural vegetation and wild life of South America. Project work- Types of weathering. 2nd term exams: South America- Location, area, political and physical features. South America- Climate, natural vegetation and wildlife. South America-Natural resource utilization. South America-people, transport, communication and trade. Case Study –South America. Antartica. Project work – Indian expeditions to Antartica. History/Civics: 1st Unit Exam: History: Chapter 1 – The Advent of Christianity. Chapter 2 – Islam and its Impact.
[email protected] Civics: Ch.1 – The Central Legislative-The Union Parliament. 1st Term Exams: History: Ch.3. Turkish Invasion and the Delhi Sultanate. Ch.4. Cultural,Religious Development.. Ch.5. South India. The Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdom. Civics: Ch.2 – State Legislature.. Ch.3 – Union Executive.. Ch.4 – State Executive. . 2nd Unit Exams:. Ch. 6. – Political unification under the Mughals.. Ch. 7 - Social and Cultural Developments under the Mughals.. Civics: Ch. 5 - Judiciary – Our Courts. 2nd Term Exams: Ch.8 – Religious Developments.The Bhakti and Suf Movements.i. Ch.9.-Renaissance. Civics: Ch.6-Fundamental Rights and Duties. Ch.7-Directive Principles of State Policy. Ch.8 –Basic Ideas of our Constitution and citizenship. History/Civics (Project Work) 1st Unit Assessment Life of Jesus Christ 2nd Term Exam South India Temples. Vijayanaga Kingdom. Bahmani Kingdom. 2nd Unit Assessment Mughal Rulers. 2nd Term Exam Fundamental Rights and Duties. Or Bhakti and Sufi Movement. Chemistry: 1st Unit Assessment: Choose any one topic. Ch. 1 – States of Matter. Ch. 2 – Elements of Compounds. 1st Unit Assessment Project Work 1. Change of State of Matter.
2. Explain the method used to separate a soluble salt from a liquid by the process of Evaporation & distillation. 3. Elements-Symbols- Formulas 4. Difference between solid, liquid and gases and Experiment to show intermolecular spaces between the molecules of liquid. 1st Term Exams: Ch. 3 – Chemical behaviour of Atoms.. Ch. 4 – Chemical Reactions. 1st Term Project Work Choose any one topic. 1. Atoms (Atomic particles, structure of atom, Atomic number, Atomic mass, electronic configuration) 2. Chemical bonds. 3. Types of chemical reactions. 4. Chemical Equations(Writing a chemical equation, Balancing a chemical equation) 2nd Unit Assessment Ch.5.Air and its Constituents. Ch.8. Water. 2nd Unit Assessment Project Work. Choose any one topic. 1. Oxygen –laboratory preparation –TestUses. 2. Carbondioxide- laboratory preperationTest-Uses. 3. Purification of Natural Water (Sedimentation, Filteration, Chlorination) 4. Water- Source- Essential for lifeGermination- Water cycle. 2nd Term Exams Ch. 6. Chemistry in your life. Ch. 7. Acid, Bases and Salts. 2nd Term Project Work. Choose any one topic. 1. Some useful Compounds(NaCl, HCl,CaCO3 & CuSO4) 2. Man Made Materials. 3. Acid and Bases (Defination, Properties & Reactions) 4. Salts –(Properties and Classification)
Biology: 1st Unit Test.
[email protected] Ch. 1 – Basic Biology. Project topics –(choose any one topic) a) Animal Cell. b) Plant Cell. c) Plant tissue. d) Animal tissue. 1st Term Exams Ch 2 – Organization in living beings. Ch.3 – Movement in plants and animals. Ch.7 – Life under a microscope. Project topics – (Choose any one topic). a) Locomotion in Invertebrates. b) Locomotion in Vertebrates. c) Algae and their types. d) Viruses and the diseases caused by it. 2nd Unit Test Ch. 4 – Nutrition in Animals and Plants. Project topics,(Choose any one topic) a) Types of nutrients. b) Nutrition in plants. c) Deficiency diseases caused by certain Vitamins and minerals. d) Human dentition. Final Exams: Ch. 5 – Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation. Ch. 6.- Respiration &Excretion in Animals & Plants. Project topics(Choose any one topic) a) Digestive System. b) Respiratory organs of some animals. c) Respiratory System in Humans. d) Excretion in Humans. Computer: 1st Unit Assessment: 1. Ch.1. Computer Hardware. 2. Ch.2. Number System. 3. Ch.3. The Virus. 4. Project Work(Complete structure of computer with (CPU,I/O devices) 1st Term Exams: Ch.4. Working with window. Ch.5. Charts in powerpoint. Ch.6. Preparing slide show. Applying additional feature –Ch.7. Project work -(Type of charts & chart component) 2nd Unit Assessment. 1. creating a worksheet (Ch.8)
2. Editing a worksheet (Ch.9) 3. Printing a worksheet (Ch.10) 4. Project work –(working and printing of a worksheet) 2nd Term Exams: 1.Ch.13. Surfing Net and E-mail. 2. Java booka) Introduction to Java & BluaJ. b) Programming in BlueJ 3. Project work- (Navigation in newwork & how to do E-mailing) Mathematics: 1st Unit Assessment: 1. Set Concepts: Ex. 33(a), (b). 2. Subsets Universal Set. Ex.34(a),b(1-5) only 3. Venn Diagram.Ex.35(a),(1 to 6 only) Ex.35(b).(1 to 6 only) 4. Fundamental Concepts.Ex.13(a),b,C(1-4),d. 5. Lines and Angles.Ex.23(a),b(1-5) c(1-4) 1st Term Exams: 1. Number System. 2. Power & Roots. Ex.2(a), b, c(1-3) 3. H.C.M. Ex.3(a),(b) 4. Fractions Ex.4(a),(1-4),4(b),4(c) (1-4) 5. Decimal Fractions Ex.5(a),b, c(1-6) 6. Unitary Method. Ex.6(a)(1-10),b,c. 7. Speed, Distance, Time. Ex.7(a),b(1-5). 8. Products. Ex.14(a)(1-3),b(1&2) 9. Triangles Ex.24(a),b(1-6) c(1-6) 2nd Assessment 1. Profit, Loss & Discount. Ex.10(a),b, c(1-5) 2. Simple Interest. Ex.11(1-10) 3. Average Ex.12(1-5) 4. Problems Based on Simple equations.Ex.18(a),b(1-5) 5. Volume & Surface Area. Ex.31(1-10) 2nd Term Exam 1. Ratio & Proportions.Ex.8(a), b. 2. Percent & percentage. Ex.9(a),b (1-5) 3. Simplifications.Ex.15(a) (1-10),b (6to 15) 4. Formula.Ex.17(a),(b),c(1-5) 5. Factorization. Ex.19(a),b,c,d. 6. Polygons. Ex.27(a) 7. Menstruations, perimeter & Area. Ex.30(a) (1-8) 30(b) (1&2) 8. Statistics. Collection & Tabulation of Data. Ex.32(a), b.
[email protected] Project FIRST UNIT TEST (Any one to choose) Illustrate with 2 examples (1) Umair a two sets (2) Intersection of two sets Compliment Difference of two sets Q.2.Write 5 example each to illustrate the algebraic expression with (1) Addition (2) Subtraction (3) Multiplication (4) Division First term (Any one) (1) Find the square root of natural no. 1000,121,144,169,196,225,256,400,625,90 0 by prime factor method. (2) Illustrate the different kinds of fraction with example. (3) Give 3 examples to show that like terms are compatible for Addition and Subtraction. 2nd UNIT TEST (Any one) (1)Write about the commercial aspects of, mathematics based on profit, loss and discount (at least 3 e.g. :) (2) Illustrate with examples Volume and surface area of a cube, cuboid. 2nd TERM (Any one) (1) Based on fundamental formula (a+b)2 and (a-b)2 Expand (3a+1/a)2, (2a+3b)2, (2a3b)2,(a-1/a)2. (2) Illustrate with example find out the area and perimeter of a rectangle and square (2 e.g.) Physics: 1st Unit Test. 1.Ch.1. Measurement. Project Topics (Any one)
1. Mass and Weight. 2. Density. 3. Numerical problems on density and relative density. 1st Term Exams 1.Ch.2. Force and Motion. 2.Ch.3. Sound. Project topics (Any one) 1. Types of motion. 2. Simple pendulum. 3. Musical instruments. 4. Noise Pollution. 2nd Unit Test. 1. Ch.4. Heat and its effects. 2. Ch.5. Transfer of Heat. Project Topics(Any one) 1. Thermometer. 2. Effects of expansion due to heat. 3. Thermos Flask. 4. Convection of Heat and its applications. Final Exams: 1. Ch.6. Light and Shadows. 2. Ch.7. Reflection of light. 3. Ch.8. Electricity. Project (Any one topic) 1. Pinhole Camera.(Model) 2. Periscope/Kaleidoscope (Model) 3. Lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. 4. Image formed by a Concave mirror. Hindi.
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