CLASS II fnal 11-3-12 - Rukmini Devi Public School

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Mar 11, 2012 ... RU Aff. to C.B.S.E., Ministry of H.R.D., Govt. of India. BRITISH ..... Subject : E.V.S Syllabus: 2013-2014 Class : II. Prescribed Books : I Care-My ...
2017 - 2018


* Recognized by Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT, Delhi * Permanently Affiliated & Accredited to CBSE, MHRD, Govt. of India * Affiliation No. 2730165

Under the aegis of Seth Pokhar Mal Educational Society

Pitampura, Delhi - 110034

Tel : 27314235, 27313693, 64666462 Fax : 27311473

Website :

Email : [email protected]

Our Vision : Excellence in Education Our Mission : To strive for the strong foundation of young learners in the age group of 3+ to 17 years which will facilitate them to become active participants in life long learning and earning by integrating both national and international dimensions in the curriculum supported by the state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our Philosophy : “You are a Child of immortality. Your roots go deep to eternity, Your reach is unto infinity." “ A child is not a vessel to be filled but a lamp to be lighted."

Mission Statement (2017 - 2022) “The school will develop a well-knit system to contribute towards Digital India Programme by digitalizing 40% of its processes by 2018 and 60% by 2022 consequently reducing the paper usage and promoting environmental sustainability. The school will contribute toward the clean India mission by organizing frequent cleanliness drives, spreading awareness about hygiene through street plays and other mass awareness programmes."


Page No.

1. Introduction and Evaluation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2. Cycle Test Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3. English…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................


4. Mathematics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....……………


5. Hindi….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10 - 12

6. Environmental Science…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............…

13 - 16

7. General Knowledge, Games & Value Education…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17 - 18

8. Art & Craft …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....…

19 - 20

9. Intra Class Activities ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…

21 -23

10. Year Planner…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


11. List of Holidays ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....…


RUKMINI DEVI PUBLIC SCHOOL Class : II Session : 2017-18 Note : Apart from the syllabi, this booklet contains a tentative programme of activities and functions along with the school almanac. (A)

General Information The holistic development of the child involves both the scholastic and the co-scholastic areas of pupil's growth. Thus, we try to inculcate the habits of regular study, discipline, sense of responsibility, co-operation, community service and civic consciousness in our children. In order to meet our target of preparing young Rukminians to face the future challenges with confidence, the school believes in preparing and evaluating the students qualitatively in scholastic and co-scholastic areas.

(B) I.

Evaluation There will be continuous and comprehensive evaluation which will spread over the year. The student will be evaluated and awarded grades subject wise as per the under mentioned aspects.


It would be summarized in the month of September (First week), December (First week) and March (Third week). Accordingly, the report would be sent to the parents for their information.




Reading Skills Writing Skills Speaking Skills Listening Skills


Concept ; Activity ; Tables ; Mental Ability


Reading Skills Writing Skills Speaking Skills Listening Skills

: : : :

: : : :

Pronunciation ; Fluency ; Comprehension Creative Writing ; Handwriting ; Grammar ; Spellings ; Vocabulary Conversation ; Recitation Comprehension

Pronunciation ; Fluency ; Comprehension Creative Writing ; Handwriting ; Grammar ; Spellings ; Vocabulary Conversation ; Recitation Comprehension


Environmental Science (E.V.S.)

Environmental Sensitivity ; Activity /Project ; Group Discussion

Co-curricular Activities

Games : Enthusiasm ; Discipline ; Team Spirit ; Talent Art & Craft : Interest ; Creativity ; Skill Music & Dance : Interest ; Rhythm ; Melody

Personality Development

Personal & Social Traits : Courteousness ; Confidence ; Care of belongings ; Neatness ; Regularity & Punctuality ; Initiative ; Sharing and Caring ; Respect for Other's property; Self Control


Height (cms) ; Weight (kg)

The grading would be done according to the following five point scale for indicating the achievements in all subjects and their different aspects stated in the above table except Health.

Grade Remarks







Very Good





III. CYCLE TEST: There will be 7 monthly cycle test for each subject of 25 marks each throughout the year as prescribed in the syllabus. In case there happens to be a holiday on a particular test date, the test would be held on the next working day. These tests are taken to provide the students an exposure to written evaluation in Scholastic subjects – English, Mathematics, Hindi & E.V.S corresponding to the writing skills. • No retest is permissible in any case. The absent and students on medical leave will be awarded grade on the basis of the classroom performance only. • Late admission and students on long duration medical leave will be awarded grade on the basis of their performance during the course of their presence only.


Cycle Test Schedule

Syllabus: 2017-2018

Class : II

Cycle I (25)

II (25)

III (25)

IV (25)

V (25)

VI (25)

VII (25)



































Subject : English Prescribed Books :


CT – 1 25 03.04.17 to 09.07.17

CGB : Ch 1 Ch 4 Ch 6 Ch 15 Ch 17 Ch 19 Ch 21

CB & WB: Ch 1 Ch 6 Test Date: 10.07.17 Ch 9

25 10.07.17 to 08.08.17 Working days: 21 Test Date: 09.08.17



Working days: 32

CT – 2

Class : II

Syllabus: 2017-18 1. Active Teach New Images – A comprehensive course in English 2 (Course Book - C.B) : Pearson 2. Active Teach New Images- A comprehensive course in English 2 (Work Book - W.B) : Pearson 3. Cornerstone Grammar and Composition Skills 2 (Corner Stone Grammar Book - C.G.B) : Pearson

: : : : : : :


Activities: * Composition- Write few lines on your favourite person apart from your family. Speak them in the class and share your * Motivate your child to thoughts. write a letter for any family * Comprehension: Payal's Family Tree member and take him/her (CGB, Pg. 25) to a post office to observe * Sibling Love (ATH: Activity 3, Ch 2- My what happens there and Family, My Home: Pg. 34, Try these too how? (Ref. CB Pg. 49, – 1) Activity 1) * Aditi's Family (CGB, Pg. 10) * Matching Fun (CGB, Pg. 58) ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 7, 46, 73)

Vowels and Consonants Nouns: Common and Proper Nouns: Male and Female Verbs Ruhi and Roshan Has/ Have/ Had Some-ly Words

: Annual Haircut Day : The Letter : Can We Have Some Cake, Please?

Activities: * Composition: Tree- My Unspoken Friend / A Treasure called Trees * Make your child * Comprehension: The Tiger (CGB, Pg. experience the process of 69) growing a caterpillar into * Quality Time ( ATH: Activity 4, Ch 2- My a butterflies from the Family, My Home: Pg. 35, Try these too following video link - 1) * The Squirrel (CGB, Pg. 11) QQOpw * Animal Homes, (CGB, Pg. 46,47) * Animal sounds (CGB, Pg. 81) ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 13, 81, 111)

CGB : Ch 2 Ch 3

: The Sentence : Capital Letters, Full Stops and Question Marks Ch 5 : One and Many Ch 14 : A/An/The

CB & WB: Ch 2 : The Little Plant Ch 10 : A Pair of Wings Ch 14 : The Story of Trees


CT – 3 25 09.08.17 to 03.09.17 Working days: 17

Activities: * Composition: My Daily Routine (Ref. CB * Discuss the activity-2 of Pg. 120-121) CB given on Pg-57 and * Comprehension: Letter Writing (CGB, take your child's help in Pg. 102) packing bag while going for an outing/trip. ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 53, 117)

CGB : Ch 18 : It Happened Before Ch 23 : And/ Or/ But CB & WB: Ch 7 : The Seasons Ch 15 : Good Health Song

Test Date: 04.09.17 CT-4 25 04.09.17 to 08.10.17 Working days: 20

CGB : Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 13 Ch 22

: : : :

Activities: * Composition: My Dream Home * Comprehension: David's Adventure (CGB, Pg. 41) * My Dream House (ATH: Activity 12, Ch 2- My Family, My Home: Pg. 46, Try these too- 2) ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 29, 97, 98)

Pronouns More on Pronouns Near and Far Prepositions

CB & WB: Ch 4 : Both Afraid Ch 12 : The Old Woman's Animals

Test Date: 09.10.17

* Share information about the people/ agencies that work together to make a house and share information about Mother Teresa and other famous personality who have contributed in the upliftment of the under privileges.

CT- 5 25 09.10.17 to 19.11.17 Working days: 27 Test Date: 20.11.17

Activities: * Composition: Water - Blue Lifeline * Motivate your child to * Comprehension: The Fox and the Turtle use water judiciously. (CGB, Pg. 85) Check various methods * My House and My Neighbourhood by which you can keep (CGB, Pg. 28) watch sources clean. ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 87, 104, 105)

CGB : Ch 7 : Miss Daisy's Desk Ch 24 : Asking Questions Ch 25 : Question Words CB & WB: Ch 11 : The Duck Ch 13 : Two Little Kittens


CT-6 25 20.11.17 to 17.12.17 Working days: 20

Activities: * Composition: Memories of visit to Airforce Museum * Comprehension: A Special Day (CGB, * Watch documentaries on Pg. 68) `Seven wonders of the * Our Dwelling (ATH: Activity-13, Ch 2World' with your child and My Family, My Home: Pg. 47, Try these try to find out more about too – 2) them to share in the class. * Rohit's Neighbourhood (CGB, Pg. 48) ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 39, 60)

CGB : Ch 16 : Am/ Is/ Are/ Was/ Were Ch 20 : What Is Happening? CB & WB: Ch 5 Ch 8

: Pinocchio : Wind Song

Test Date: 18.12.17 CT-7 25 18.12.17 to 18.02.18 Working days: 32

Activities: * Composition: I want to be a … * Comprehension: Poem Fun (CGB, Pg. 9) * People Who Help Us (CGB, Pg. 16)

CGB : Ch 10 : Adjectives Ch 11 : Comparisons Ch 12 : More About Adjectives CB & WB: Ch 3

: The Two Sculptors

ASL: Listening Power & Talk Time (CB, Pg. 21)

Test Date: 19.02.18

Revision Unit 19.02.18 to 12.03.18

Note: 1. 2.

CGB: • Polite Words • Time • Sports People • Opposites • The Three Little Lambs • More Polite Words • Spellings CB: Formative Assessment (1-4)

: : : : : : :

Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg. Pg.

37 70 82 92 93 100 104

ATH: Alternatives to Homework by CBSE Active Teach module of Pearson in English and applicable Digital Resources will be used as a teaching aid regularly.


* Help your child in completing activity `From Trash to Art' on CB's Pg. 25.

Subject : Mathematics Prescribed Book : TEST/EXAM M.M.

CT – 1 25

Syllabus: 2017-18

Class : II

Active Teach Universal Mathematics – Pearson (2) DETAILS OF CHAPTERS TO BE COVERED

CB : Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 8

03.04.17 to 16.07.17

: 2- Digit Numbers : 3- Digit Numbers : Fractions


Activities: * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 11) * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 30) * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 124)


* Explore internet (youtube) for activities related to fractions. * Give practice of tables.

* Formative Assessment – 1 (Questions related to 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers) Table : 6

Working days: 37

* Revision of 2 to 5

Test Date: 17.07.17

CT – 2 25 17.07.17 to 15.08.17 Working days: 20

CB :

Ch 3 : Addition of 2 and 3 Digit Numbers * Formative Assessment – 1 (Questions related to Addition) Table : 7

Activities: * *

* Revision of 2 to 6

Test Date: 16.08.17


Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 48) Addition on Abacus

* Ask your child to add up any two numbers orally. * Encourage your child to add up the numbers of any vehicle while moving on road. * Give regular practice of tables.

CT – 3 25 16.08.17 to 10.09.17 Working days: 17

CB : Ch 4

: Subtraction of 2 and 3 Digit Numbers * Formative Assessment – 2 (Questions related to Subtraction)

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 66) * Making Subtraction facts through Number Cards.

Table : 8 * Revision of 2 to 7

* Guide him/ her to make subtraction fact for the given number. * Explore different activities on subtraction (youtube) and let him /her enjoy them.

Test Date: 11.09.17 CT – 4

CB : Ch 5 : Multiplication Ch 11 : Money

25 11.09.17 to 15.10.17 Working days: 22

* Formative Assessment – 2 (Questions related to Multiplication) * Formative Assessment – 4 (Questions related to Money) Table : 9 * Revision of 2 to 8

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 91) * Maths Lab Activity (Pg. 161) * Understanding Multiplication addition using ganit mala. * Making a shopping corner in showing transactions.

Test Date: 16.10.17

* Help your child to arrange the given beads/rajma beans in groups of 2s, 3s, 5s and 6s to understand multiplication as as repeated repeated addition. * Help your child to class and explore internet for viewing and collecting print out of international money

CT- 5 25 16.10.17

CB : Ch 6: Introduction to Division * Formative Assessment – 2 (Questions related to Division)

to 26.11.17 Working days: 27

Tables : 10 and 11 * Revision of 2 to 9

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity- 1 (Pg. 103)

Summative Assessment - 1

Test Date: 27.11.17


* Ask your child to distribute cookies /toffees equally among family members.


CB : Ch 7 : Geometrical Shapes Ch 12 : Data Handling

25 27.11.17 to 21.01.18 Working days: 29 Test Date: 22.01.18


Formative Assessment – 3 (Questions related to Shapes and Fractions) Summative Assessment – 2 (Questions related to Data Handling) Table : 12 * Revision of 2 to 11

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity- 1 (Pg. 118) * Maths Lab Activity- 1 (Pg. 167)

* Show the patterns in window grill, curtains, saree, dupatta, etc. to observe sequencing * Explore internet (youtube) for activities related to shapes * Help him/her to observe the different shapes of things around in house. * Take your child to a near park and make him/ her observe equal grouping in petals of different flowers.

CT-7 25 22.01.18

CB : Ch 9 : Measurement * Formative Assessment – 3 (Questions related to Measurement)

to 22.02.18 Working days: 22

Tables : Revision of 2 to 12

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity- 1 (Pg. 138)

Summative Assessment - 2

* Take your child to market to observe the different ways of measuring /weighing things and discuss with him/her.

Test Date: 23.02.18

Revision Unit 23.02.18 to 12.03.18


CB : Ch 10 : Time * Formative Assessment – 4 (Questions related to Time) * Regular practice of basic operations of Maths will be given.

Activities: * Maths Lab Activity- 1 (Pg. 151)

Tables : Revision of 2 to 12 Summative Assessment - 2

1. ATH: Alternatives to Homework by CBSE 2. Applicable Digital Resources will be used as a teaching aid regularly.


* Motivate your child to read and tell time using a clock/ watch and discuss the importance of time. * Give regular practice of sums of basic four operations of mathematics and dodging tables.

Subject : fgUnh izLrkfor iqLrdsa % TEST/EXAM M.M. CT -1

Class : II

Syllabus: 2017-18

1- fjef>e &2

2- fjef>e vH;kl iqfLrdk & 2 ¼ljLorh gkml izk- fy-½





25 03.04.17 to

% ikB&5 nksLr dh enn ikB&7 esjh fdrkc ikB&11 Vslw jktk chp ckt+kj ¼dfork½ ikB&15 ,Ddh & nksDdh


* fo|ky;

fØ;kdyki% * dgkuh iwjh djks & ,d vkSj dgkuh ¼i`% 33½ * vkvks [ksysa vaR;k{kkjh ¼i`% 45½

vH;kl iqfLrdk % iqujko`fÙk] ikB 5] 7]11 o 15 O;kdj.k % laKk] fØ;k] foijhr “kCn] vuqLokj & vuqukfld Test Date: 24.07.17 Working days: 42


24.07.17 to 20.08.17 Working days: 18

esa yxus okys iqLrd&esys ls Nk=ksa ds fy, iqLrds [kjhnsa vkSj mUgs i