Class L.K.G. Holiday Home work. English:- Write and Learn A to L one page daily
. Do match the picture any five (5 Times). Math's:- Learn and write counting 1 to ...
Class L.K.G. Holiday Home work English:- Write and Learn A to L one page daily. Do match the picture any five (5 Times). Math’s:- Learn and write counting 1 to 15 one page daily. G.K. :- Learn G.K questions- 1.What is your name? 2. What is your father name? 3. What is your mother name? 4. In which class do you read? 5. What is your School name? 6. What is your school Principal name? 7. What is your School Director name? 8. What is your school Vice- Principal name? 9. What is your Class teacher name? Hindi :- Likhit and mokhik from “a to ri(rishi)”, Identification of likhit and mokhik from “a to ri(rishi)”, match the pictures, fill in the blanks (a to ri(rishi)) and dictation of “a to ri(rishi)”.
Class UKG Holidays’ Home work ENGLISH:- Write and read capital cursive A to Z and small cursive a to z.(daily one page) 2.What comes after and write the missing letter (5 times) 3.Look the Picture and write the first cursive letter. (5times). Math’s- Read and write counting 1to 150 and Reverse counting 20 to 1(10 times) 2.What comes after, before and between 1to 50(5 times) 3. Fill the missing numbers 1to 50 and tables of 0 and 1(5 times). E.V.S.Learn spellings of lesson no.- 1 My body, L-2 Function of My Body Parts, L-3 Food, L-4 other food (any 5) HindiWrite “a to gy”, words from 2, 3, 4 varn, write word by identifying their pictures, match the pictures, write the names by combining the words, complete the words by seeing the picture.
Class 1st Holiday Home work Maths :- Write and learn Numbers name 1 to 50. Write and learn table 2 to 7. Do page no.- 29, 42, 73, and 94. E.V.S:- Write and learn lesson My Self, Body parts Sense organs, Parts in house, Animals name. Word meaning of lesson no.- 4. English:- Write and learn Number, Gender, My Self, days and months name, Activity book- .Do page no.- 42, 47, 52, 76,73,55,68. Drawing:-Draw and colour a Kite, Sun, ball and Ice cream. G.K.:Learn page no.- 5, 6,9, 15, 26, 29,37,32,43,. Computer: - Learn lesson no.-1, 2, 3 full exercises. Hindi (B):- Learn lesson no.-.2, 3, 4 with full exercise. Hindi (G):- Write and learn names of day, vachan balo, ling badlo, counting from 1 to 10, mera parichye, names of color and fruits
Class 2nd Holiday Home work English: -
Write word meanings, singular plural, opposite words, change the gender of Lesson 1 to 4. Essay -My school, the cow, Sick leave application. Math’s:Write tables from 1 to 12, ordinal numbers 1 to 20, counting 101 to 1000 and sums at page no. -29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 39, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 58, 59. E.V.S:Write word meaning and questions/answers of Lesson 1 to 8 and fill in the blanks of Lesson no.- 9, 10. G.K. : Write all questions/answers from lesson 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Computer: Write and learn full exercises of Lesson 1, 2, 3. Conversation: - Write and learn all questions and answers from notebook. Drawing: Draw and colour National Flag, an ice-cream, ball, apple, kite. Hindi(B) :- Revise and learn word meanings ,questions and answers ,fill in the blanks of lesson no-1 to 7 Hindi(G) :- Learn essay on- my country, national bird peacock, the cow, sick leave application , vilom shabd, ling badlo, vachan badlo, what do you mean by bhasha and sangya.
Class 3rd Holidays’ Homework E.V.S:-
Write and learn questions and answers of lesson no.- 4 to 7 , word meaning of lesson no.-5 to 8, fill in the blanks of lesson no -1, 2, 3, 7, write the names of aquatic birds of lesson no -5, short answer type questions of lesson no.-3, 5, 6 recognize the picture and write the names of L-4,5 Math’s:Practise lesson no.-1, practise -1, L-2, practice 2, 3, 4, mental math’s, lesson no.-3, practise -5, 6, 7, mental math’s and tables from 6 to 15 English [B]:- Questions and answers of L-1,3,4, word meaning of L-2,4 fill up of L-1,3 match the words of L-2,3, . English [G]:- Change the gender, numbers, write an application of urgent piece of work, write an essay of my mother, my best friend, write what is sentence. G.K :Write an learn L-1,2,5,7,10 and 13. Drawing:Draw and colour - a flag, kite, mango, apple, house ,box, brinjal. Computer:- Write and learn full exercise of L-1 to 3. Conversation:- Write and learn the questions and answers of the notebook. Hindi:-
Class 4th Holidays Home work Computer:- Write and learn full exercise of lesson no.-1, 2, 3. English (B):- Write and learn questions and answers of lesson no.-1, 3, 5.Choose the correct answers of lesson no.-2, 4, 5. Word meaning of lesson no.-1, 3, 4. Fill in the blanks of lesson no.-1, 2, 3. English (G):-Learn - Change the gender, number, sentence, noun, an application for full fee concession, sick leave, and urgent leave. Essay- My best friend, the cow, my chair. Math’s:Chapter -1 Let us recall, Practise -1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Mental math’s. Chapter -2 Let us recall, Practise -1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chapter -3 Let us recall, Practise -1, 2 and Table from 6 to 15. E.V.S.:Write and learn Lesson no.-1 to 8 (Multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, questions /answers). Drawing:- Draw and colour a house, brinjal, flag, monkey, flower, cup. G.K :Write and learn lesson no.-3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13. Hindi (B):- Learn fill in the blanks, word meanings, true/false, kisne kisse kha of lesson no.-1 to 4. Hindi (G):- What do you mean by bhasha and sangya?, write 10 paryawachi shabd, 10 vilom shabd, application for urgent work and fees concession, essay on my school, national bird peacock, and counting from 1 to 10.
Class 5th Holidays homework Maths – Chapter -1 (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5 ) , Chapter -2 (2.1 to 2.9 ) , Chapter -3 3.1,3.2,3.3 ) ,Chapter-5 ,Chapter -6 and 12 to 16 . English – (B) – Full exercise of L-1 to L -10 . English – (G ) – Write and learn - Essay - my best friend , my chair ,my school ,application for sick leave ,urgent piece of work , change the number ,change the gender ,opposite words ,sentences ,nouns . E.V.S. – L-I to L-9 (Full exercise 1). Computers – Write and learn L-1, 2, 3 full exercise. G. K. – L -5, 6, 9, 13, 15. Conversation – Write 10 questions /answers. Drawing – House , camera , apple , grapes ,bringal , beat ,kite , fish , duck and flower . Hindi – (B) – Write and learn questions/answers, word /meaning and fill in the blanks of L-1 to L-10. Hindi –(G )- Bhasha aur vyakaran , varn vichar , synonyms , 10 opposite words two times ,what is gender and its kinds ,application for fee – concession ,essays – the cow , computers .
Class 6th (A + B) Holidays Homework History-, 2 of lesson no.-1,, 4, 5 of lesson no.-2, Q. no.-1, 4, 6 of lesson no.-3, fill the political map with neighboring countries. Science:- Q. no.-2, 3, 4 of lesson no.-1, Q. no.-2, 3, 5 lesson no.-2, Q. no.-3, 4, 5 of lesson no.-3, Q. no.-1, 3, 6 of lesson no.-4 Q. no.-1, 2, 4, 7, 8 of lesson no.-5, Q. no.-1, 3, 4, of lesson no.6. Computer:- Read lesson no.-4, 5, 6 and find and write the full exercise in book. Drawing:- Draw angle no.- 3, 4, 6, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, and Draw an sparrow, butterfly, parrot, snake, ball, flower, scenery, duck. Sanskrit- Word meaning, translation, and full exercise of lesson no.-1 to 5 Sanskrit (G):- Write and learn Shabd – Ram, Balak, Chhatar, Dhatu – Path,Gam, - Sankhyavachak, avaya shabad. Math’s:- Unit-1 Exercise 1.1 Q. no.-1, 3.Exercise 1.2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12. Exercise 1.3 Q. no.- 1, 2, and Roman Numbers. Unit-2 Exercise 2.1 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8. Exercise 2.2 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4. Exercise 2.3, 4. Unit-3 Exercise 3.1 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4. Exercise 3.2., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8, 9, 10, 12. Exercise 3.3 Q. no.- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Exercise 3.4 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Exercise 3.5 Q. no.-1, 2, 6, 9. Exercise 3.6 Q. no.-1. Exercise 3.7 Q. no.-1, 3, 5, 7 with examples. Unit-4 Exercise 4.1 Q. no.-1, 4, 5. Exercise 4.2 Q. no.-1, 2. Exercise 4.3 Q. no.-1, 2. Exercise 4.4 Q. no.-1, 2. Exercise 4.5 Q. no.-1, 2. Exercise 4.6 Q. no.-1, 3 Unit-5 All important definition with examples and figures Unit-6 Exercise 6.1 Q. no.-3, 4, 6, 7, 8. Exercise 6.2 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Exercise 6.3 Q. no.-1, 2, 3, 4. English (G) :- Essay – My school, My best friend, The post man. Application – Full fee concession, sick leave. Story- Greedy dog, The fox and The Grapes. Number (15), Gender (15), Three forms of verbs (15) Hindi:- Write and learn questions answers of lesson no.-1 to 9 Hindi(G):- Write and learn Gender, opposite words, one word substitute, noun, bhasha, grammar, lipi, varan. Essay- Diwali, My Himachal. Application sick leave and School leaving certificate. S.St.(English):- (Geography) Q. no.-a, b, d of lesson no.-1. Q. no.-d, b, of lesson no.- 2. Q. no.-b, e, of lesson no.- 3. Q. no.-c, d of Lesson no.-4 (History):- Q. no.- 2, 4, 5 of lesson no.-1. Q. no.-3, 5 of lesson no.-2. (Civics):- Q. no.-1, 2, 3 of lesson no.-1. Q. no.-2, 3 of lesson no.-2.
Class 7th (A + B) Holidays Home work English- Learn Question and Answers ofL-1,2,3 and 4(Book). Book (II) L- 1,2,3, and 4.Grammar- Write and Learn essay – A football Match , My Village,A Morning Walk . Application – School Leaving Certificate,remission of fine.Story-The Fox and the Grapes.Number/ Genders ,Antonyms,Degree of Comparison. Maths- Do Chapter-1-Units-1.1,1.2 and 1.3. Chapter -2-Units-2.1 ,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,and 2.7.Chapter-3-Units-3.1and 3.2.Chapter-4Units-4.1,4.2,and4.3.Chapter-5-Units-5.1,5.2,and 5.3. S.S.T.-Learn and Write the following Question and Answers of L-1,4 and 5.Geography-L-1-(I),(II),(V),(VII).L-2-(IV),(V),(Vi).L-3(II),(III),(IV).L-4-(I),(IV),(V).Civics-L-1 All Question-Answers,L-2-All Question-Answers.match the columnI Geography-L-1,2,3,4 , HistoryL-2 Fill ups History –L-1 Drawing- Angle no. 2,3,5,7,9,11,12,14,15,18,19,23,24,29,30 Painting – Duck,Parrot,Chalk-box,Scenery Science- Write and Learn questions and answers of L- 1 to 8 , Fillups , T/F , MCQ’s and match the following of L – 1 to 8 Sanskrit- write and Learn Word/Meanings, Translation and exercise of L – 1 to 5 Grammar – Write and Learn Shabd – Ram,Balak,Muni,Chhatar,Lata ,Dhatu – Path,Gam, Bhu, Stha, Drish - Sankhyavachak, Avaya shabad, Sandhi , Sandhi-vichhed, Prataya. Hindi- Write and Learn Q/Ans,sarlarth,word -meanings of L- 1 to 9 Grammar – Gender name, sandhi, sanghya , sarvnaam EssaysStudent’s life or Deepawali Letter – Marriage of elder brother and School leaving certificate Computer – Write and Learn L- 4,5,6 and full exercises of L – 4,5 and MCQ’s of L -6 in book
Class- 8th A Holidays Homework of Maths –Do Unit-1 Exercise-1.1, 1.2.Unit-2 Exercise-2.1, 2.3. Unit-4 Exercise-4.1, 4.2, 4.3. Unit-5 Exercise 5.1, 5.2. Unit-6 Exercise 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 English – Write and learn – Essay – A Scene at the bus stand, Morning walk, my village, a picnic party Application- School leaving certificate, Remission of fine – Letter to father to sending money Story- Bad company, the fox and the crow – Number-Gender- Degree of comparison (1 to 15) Computer- Write and Learn Q/Ans of L- 1 to 3 Science –Write question/answer of L-1to7& learn question/answer,fill ups,true /false, M.C.Q. and Match the Column of L-1to7 Drawing- Angle No. 2,3,5,6,7,11,12,14,15,16,18,19,20 Painting – Duck, Deer, Parrot, Flower vase , Table lamp , Scenery S.St.(Hindi)- Write and Learn any 9 Q/Ans from syllabus and fill neighboring countries in map book Sanskrit (Book) Write and Learn Word meanings, translation and full exercise of Lesson 1 to 5 (Grammar) Write and Learn Shabad – Ram, Balak, Chhatra, Muni, Lata (25) - Dhatu – Path, Gam, Bhu, Satha, Drish, Pa- Avaya shabad , Sankhya vachak , Sandhi , Sandhi viched, Upsarg st Hindi- 1 Book – Write and Learn – questions answers and word meanings of lesson 1 ,2,3,4,7,8,9 nd 2 Book - Write and Learn Q.No. 1 and 2(Bharat ek khoj) (Grammar) – Write and Learn( Essay) – Student life , My Himachal, Importance of games in education, Deepawali , My favorite game Hockey , Advantages and disadvantages of T.V. (Application) -For Scholarship , Sick leave, Urgent piece of work, School leaving certificate , Character certificate , Remission of fine (Story) – Where there is a will there is a way , Greedy fox ,Honest woodcutter, Greed is curse , Secret of success- Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Gender, Number, Synonyms , Idioms, Opposite words .
Class- 8th B Holidays Homework 1 Maths – Unit-1 Ex. 1.1 -Q.No. 1, 2,3,4,6,7,8,9. Ex 1.2 – Q.No. 1 to 7. Unit-2 Ex 2.1 – Q.No. 1 to 12. Ex.2.3 Q.No.1 to 10. Ex-2.5 Q.No.1 to 10. Ex.2.6 Q.No. 1 to 7. Unit-3 Ex 3.1 Q.No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Ex 3.2 Q.No. 1 to 6. Ex 3.3 Q.No. 1 to 8, 12 Unit-4 Ex 4.1 Q.No. 1 to 4. Ex 4.2 Q.No. 1 and 2. Ex 4.3 Q.No. 1 to 4. Ex. 4.4 Q.No. 1 to 4. Unit- 5 Ex 5.1 Q.No. 1 to 5. Ex 5.2 Q.No.1 to 5 Ex 5.3 Q.No. 1 to 5. Unit-6 Ex 6.1 Q.No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 Ex 6.2 Q.No. 1, 2. Ex. 6.3 Q.No. 1 to 9 2 English – Write and learn – Essay – A Scene at the bus stand, Morning walk, my village, a picnic party Application- School leaving certificate, Remission of fine – Letter to father to sending money Story- Bad company, the fox and the crow – Number-Gender- Degree of comparison (1 to 15) 3 Computer- Write and Learn full exercise of L- 1 to 3 4 Science – Write and learn – L-1 Q.No. – 1, 5,6,7,9. L-2 Q.No. -4, 6, 9. L-3 Q.No.3, 5,7,10, 12, 14. L-4 Q.No.-5, 6, 7 . L-5 Q.No. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 L- 6 Q.No. 1, 5, 6, 8, 10,12 5 Drawing- Angle No. 2,3,5,6,7,11,12,14,15,16,18,19,20 Painting – Duck, Deer, Parrot, Flower vase , Table lamp , Scenery 6 S.St.(Hindi)- Write and Learn any 9 Q/Ans from syllabus and fill neighboring countries in map book (English)- Write and Learn Q/Ans (Geography) – L-1 Q.No. 2,3,4 – L -2 Q.No. 3,4,5 - L-3 Q.No. 2,5 (Civics) – L-1 Q.No.1,2 - L-2 Q.No.1,2 (History) – L-1 Q.No.2,3,4 - L-2 Q.No.1,2,4,7,8 - L-3 Q.No.1,2,3,6 7 Sanskrit (Book) Write and Learn Word meanings, translation and full exercise of Lesson 1 to 5 (Grammar) Write and Learn Shabad – Ram, Balak, Chhatra, Muni, Lata (25) - Dhatu – Path, Gam, Bhu, Satha, Drish, Pa- Avaya shabad , Sankhya vachak , Sandhi , Sandhi viched, Upsarg st 8 Hindi- 1 Book – Write and Learn - Q/Ans and word meanings of lesson 1 , 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 nd 2 Book - Write and Learn Q.No. 1 and 2(Bharat ek khoj) (Grammar) – Write and Learn (Essay) – Student life, My Himachal, Importance of games in education, Deepawali , My favorite game Hockey , Advantages and disadvantages of T.V. (Application) -For Scholarship, Sick leave, Urgent piece of work, School leaving certificate, Character certificate, Remission of fine (Story) – Where there is a will there is a way , Greedy fox ,Honest woodcutter, Greed is curse , Secret of success- Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Gender, Number, Synonyms, Idioms, Opposite words.
Class-9 [A] Holiday Home Work S.K.T-; Full Grammar Write and Learn Comp-; Lesson=1, 2, 3 Write and Learn Drawing -;Angle .60,64,67,68,70,71,72,75,77,79,80,82,84,85,88,90,91,92 [Painting]-;Himachal Pradesh Drama Corner and Center design, Page No-214 Math-; Write and Revise Exercise -1 to6 S.St -;Geography L=1= Q .No [1,4] L=2=Q No=2,4,6 L=3=Q.NO 1,4,5,6,7 L=4=Q No,2,6,7 Civics L=1Q.NO 1,2 L=2=Q No 1,2 Economics =1,2,3,4,5 st English -.L-1 to 4 of book -1 Question/ Answers. L-1 of book -2 Question/ Answers. Application and letter 1 to 25. Essay – Himachal Pradesh, My aim in life, Morning walks, Deepawali, Foot ball match, A scene at the bus stand, Translation – [Past, Present, Future] Active voice, Passive voice in Present and past indefinite tense Hindi-L -1to9, Question/ Answers, word meaning vowel consonant Noun pronoun and its kind , adjective, synonimousns40, Gender, Number, One word substitute40, Essay Student’s Life, My Himachal Pradesh, Importance of Games in life, Miracle of science, my aim in life, Pollution, Deepawali, My favorite leader, application to Improve in insanitary condition in town, carelessness of postman, Full fee concession, school leaving certificate, character Certificate, congratulation on brother’s birthday, letter to younger brother to avoid company, Letter for scholarship th nd th Science: Write and learn L 1st to 2 of Chemistry - Write and learn L 8 Biology -Write and learn L 5 , 6th
Class-9th [B] Holiday Home Work S.K.T-: Full Grammar Write and learn Comp-: Lesson=1, 2, 3 Write and Learn Drawing -:Angle .60,64,67,68,70,71,72,75,77,79,80,82,84,85,88,90,91,92 [Painting]-:Himachal Pradesh Drama Corner and center design, Page No-214 Math-: Write and Revise Exercise -1 to 6 1st English -.L-1 to 4 of book - Question/ Answers. L-1 of book -2 Question/ Answers. Application and letter 1 to 25. Essay –Himachal Pradesh, My aim in life, Morning walk, Deepawali, Foot ball match, A scene at the bus stand ,Translation –[Past ,Present ,Future ] Active voice ,Passive voice in Present and past indefinite tense Hindi: L -1to9, Question/ Answers, word meaning vowel consonant Noun pronoun and its kind ,adjective ,synonimousns40, Gender ,Number, One word substitute40, Essay Student’s Life, My Himachal Pradesh , importance of Games in life, Miracle of science, My aim in life, Pollution, Deepawali, My favorite leader, application to improve in insanitary condition in town, carelessness of postman, Full fee concession, school leaving certificate, character certificate, congratulation on brother’s birthday, letter to younger brother to avoid company, Letter for scholarship rd th Social Science: (Geography) Write and learn L 1st to 3 (History) Write and learn L 1st to 4 (Civics) Write and learn L st th 1 to 5 nd th th th Science: Write and learn L 1st to 2 of Chemistry - Write and learn L 8 Biology -Write and learn L 5 , 6
Class 10th A Holidays Homework Math’s- Unit 1st Exercise 1.1 Q. No. 1, 2. Exercise 1.2 Q. No.3, 4, 6. Exercise 1.3 Q. No. 1, 2, 3. Unit 2nd Exercise 2.2 Q. No. rd
1,2, Exercise 2.3 Q. No. 1, 2, 3 Unit-3 Exercise 3.2 Q. No. 2,3,4&7,Exercise 3.3 Q. No. 1, 2, 3. Exercise 3.4 Q. No. th 1, 2, Exercise 3.5 Q. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, Exercise 3.6 Q. No. 1, 2, Unit-4 Exercise 4.2 Q. All Questions. Exercise 4.3 Q. No. th 1 to 11. Exercise 4.4 Q. No. 1 to 5,Unit -5 ,Exercise 5.1 Question No. 2, 3, 4, Exercise 5.2Question No. 1 to th 18, Exercise 5.3 Question No. 1 to 14, Unit -6 Exercise 6.1 Questions No. 1 to 3 & Thales Thermos. Computer:- Make E-mail Id and learn full syllabus lesson 1-3. Social Studies:-Write and learn lesson 1 to 5 of History, Lesson 3 of civics, Lesson 1 to 3 of Geography & Learn full syllabus of History, Geography & Civics. Sanskrit:-Write and learn full grammar and lesson 1 to 5. English:-Paragraphs. A Picnic, Advantages of early rising, An Election Seen, the Teacher I like most, A Hockey Match, A Cricket Match, A Visit to a Hill Station English (G) :-Write a letter to your father asking him to send some money for buying books. Write a letter to your father how you are getting at school about your study and Complaint against the Post man of your area. Applications: School leaving certificate, full fee concession & Learn full syllabus. Hindi:-Write & Learn Question/Answer of lesson 1 to 4 (Kestiz), Write & Learn Question/Answer of lesson 1 to 3(Kritika) Grammar, Essay: - Problems of Pollution (2) Student Life (3) My Himachal (4) Diwali (5) Miracles of Science (6) Dowry System (7) Use Of Computer (8) Problems of Unemployment, Letters:- (1) Write a letter to Chairman (NAC) to complained about the insanitary condition of the town.(2) Write a letter to Postmaster Complaining against Postman of your area. (3) Synonymies word 1 to 40. Science:- Write and learn lesson 1-3 of Chemistry, Lesson 10 of Physics, Lesson 6,7 of Biology.
Class 10th (B) Holidays Work Math’s- Unit 1 Exercise 1.1 Q.No. 1, 2. Exercise 1.2 Q.No. 3, 4, 6. Exercise 1.3 Q. No. 1, 2, 3. Unit 2 Exercise 2.2 Q. No. 1, 2, Exercise 2.3 Q. No. 1,2,3. Unit-3 Exercise 3.2 Q.No. 2, 3, 4 & 7. Exercise 3.3 Q. No. 1, 2, 3. Exercise 3.4 Q.No. 1, 2. Exercise 3.5 Q. No., 1, 2, 3, 4, Exercise 3.6 Q. No. 1,2, th Unit-4 Exercise 4.2 Q. All Questions, Exercise 4.3 Q. No. 1 to 11. Exercise 4.4 Q. No. 1 to 5,Unit -5 ,Exercise 5.1 Q. No. 2, 3, 4. Exercise th 5.2 Q. No.1to 18. Exercise 5.3 Q. No. 1 to 14. Unit -6 Exercise 6.1 Questions No. 1 to 3 & Thales Thermos. Computer:- Make E-mail Id and learn full syllabus lesson 1-3.
Social Studies:-Write and learn lesson 1 to 5 of History, Lesson 3 of civics, Lesson 1 to 3 of Geography & Learn full syllabus of History, Geography & Civics. Sanskrit:-Write and learn full grammar and learn lesson 1 to 5. English:-Paragraphs. A Picnic, Advantages of early rising, An Election Seen, The Teacher I like most, A Hockey Match, A Cricket Match, A Visit to a Hill Station. Write a letter to your father asking him to send some money for buying books, Write a letter to your father how you are getting at school about your study. Complaint against the Post man of your area. Applications: School leaving certificate, full fee concession & Learn full syllabus. Hindi:- Write & Learn Question/Answer of lesson 1 to 4 (Kestiz), Write & Learn Question/Answer of lesson 1 to 3(Kritika) Grammar ,Essay :- Problems of Pollution, student life, my himachal, Diwali, miracles of science, dowry system (7) Use Of Computer (8) Problems of Unemployment Write a letter to Chairman (NAC) to complained about the insanitary condition of the town.(2) Write a letter to Postmaster Complaining against Postman of your area. Synonymies word 1 to 40. Science:- Write and learn lesson 1-3 of Chemistry, lesson 10 of Physics, lesson 6,7 of Biology.